From Mark Osborne comes the first-ever animated feature film adaptation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's iconic masterpiece, The Little Prince. At the heart of it all is The Little Girl, who's being prepared by her mother for the very grown-up world in which they live - only to be interrupted by her eccentric, kind-hearted neighbor, The Aviator. The Aviator introduces his new friend to an extraordinary world where anything is possible. A world that he himself was initiated into long ago by The Little Prince. It's here that The Little Girl's magical and emotional journey into her own imagination - and into the universe of The Little Prince - begins. And it's where The Little Girl rediscovers her childhood and learns that ultimately, it's human connections that matter most, and that what's truly essential can only be seen with the heart. - IMDb
Мир невозможен без фантазии и приключений. По крайней мере в это верит добродушный старик авиатор, по соседству с которым недавно поселилась одна очень педантичная мама со своей прилежной дочкой. Жизнь девочки подчинена строгому учебному плану, в котором время на друзей предусмотрено только следующим летом. Однако этот тщательно выстроенный план трещит по швам, когда в жизнь девочки врывается странный сосед с его невероятными рассказами о Маленьком Принце и далеких звездах. Осталось только починить самолет, и в путь! Так начинается большое путешествие девочки — полное опасностей, волшебства, юмора и настоящей дружбы.
Ha'nasikh ha'katan | Israel |
Hoàng Tử Bé | Vietnam |
A Kis herceg | Hungary |
De Kleine prins | Netherlands |
Der Kleine Prinz | Austria |
Der Kleine Prinz | Switzerland |
Der Kleine Prinz | West Germany |
Küçük Prens | Turkey |
Den lille prins | Denmark |
Lille prinsen | Finland |
Den lille prinsen | Finland |
Den lille prinsen | Norway |
Den lille prinsen | Sweden |
The Little Prince | Thailand |
The Little Prince | USA |
The Little Prince | |
The Little Prince | United Arab Emirates |
The Little Prince | Australia |
The Little Prince | Canada |
The Little Prince | United Kingdom |
The Little Prince | Hong Kong |
The Little Prince | India |
The Little Prince | Philippines |
The Little Prince | Singapore |
Mali princ | Croatia |
Mali princ | Slovenia |
Malý princ | Czechoslovakia |
Malý princ | Slovakia |
Mazais Princis | Latvia |
Mažasis princas | Lithuania |
Mały Książę | Poland |
Micul print | Romania |
O Pequeno Príncipe | Brazil |
O Principezinho | Portugal |
Le petit prince | Canada |
Le petit prince | Switzerland |
Le petit prince | France |
El Petit Príncep | Spain |
Il piccolo principe | Italy |
Pikku prinssi | Finland |
El Principito | Argentina |
El Principito | Chile |
El Principito | Colombia |
El Principito | Spain |
El Principito | Mexico |
El Principito | Peru |
El Principito | Uruguay |
Väike prints | Estonia |
Ο μικρός πρίγκηπας | Greece |
Маленький принц | Russia |
Маленький принц | Ukraine |
Малкият принц | Bulgaria |
リトルプリンス 星の王子さまと私 | Japan |
小王子 | Taiwan |
Mackenzie Foy [14] | The Little Girl (voice) |
1. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 2 068 223 624 |
2. Jurassic World (2015) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 1 670 400 637 |
3. Furious Seven (2015) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 1 515 047 671 |
4. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 1 402 805 868 |
5. Minions (2015) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 1 159 398 397 |
... | |
50. The Little Prince (2015) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 97 571 250 |