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Bright Star

Bright Star (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2009 May, 15
United Kingdom
119 minutes
Biography / Drama / Romance
$ 8 500 000
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 14 350 945

Video (1)

Photos (1)

It's 1818 in Hampstead Village on the outskirts of London. Poet Charles Brown lives in one half of a house, the Dilkes family who live in the other half. Through their association with the Dilkes, the fatherless Brawne family know Mr. Brown. The Brawne's eldest daughter, Fanny Brawne, and Mr. Brown don't like each other. She thinks he's arrogant and rude, and he feels that she is pretentious, knowing only how to sew (admittedly well as she makes all her own fashionable clothes), flirt and give opinions on subjects about which she knows nothing. Insecure struggling poet John Keats comes to live with his friend, Mr. Brown. Miss Brawne and Mr. Keats have a mutual attraction to each other, a relationship which however is slow to develop in part since Mr. Brown does whatever he can to keep the two apart. But other obstacles face the couple, including their eventual overwhelming passion for each other clouding their view of what the other does, Mr. Keats' struggling career which offers him little in the way of monetary security (which will lead to Mrs. Brawne not giving consent for them to marry), and health issues which had earlier taken the life of Mr. Keats' brother, Tom. - IMDb

Фильм рассказывает историю английского поэта Джона Китса, скончавшегося в 25-летнем возрасте от чахотки. Последние три года своей жизни Джон понимал, что постепенно угасает, и именно в это время началась его романтическая связь с девушкой Фэнни Браун.

El Amor de mi vida Mexico
Bright Star Greece
Bright Star India
Bright Star Italy
Bright Star Netherlands
Bright Star Philippines
Bright Star Singapore
Bright Star USA
Bright Star South Africa
Bright Star United Arab Emirates
Bright Star Australia
Bright Star Canada
Bright Star West Germany
Bright Star Egypt
Bright Star Spain
Bright Star France
Bright Star United Kingdom
Bright Star - Estrela Cintilante Portugal
Bright Star: Meine Liebe. Ewig. West Germany
Brilho de uma paixão (cable TV title) Brazil
Fényes csillag Hungary
Jaśniejsza od gwiazd Poland
Mon amour Canada
Ngôi Sao Sáng Vietnam
O Brilho de uma Paixão Brazil
Parlak yıldız Turkey
Särav täht Estonia
Spožā zvaigzne Latvia
Steaua Straucitoare Romania
Švytinti žvaigždė Lithuania
Yön kirkas tähti Finland
Яркая звезда Russia
ブライト・スター いちばん美しい恋の詩(うた) Japan
明亮的星 China
璀璨情詩 Taiwan

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4. 2012 (2009)
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149. Bright Star (2009)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 14 350 945
