Ten years of Marianne and Johan's relationship are presented. We first meet them ten years into their marriage. He is a college professor, she a divorce lawyer. They say that they are happily married - unlike their friends Katarina and Peter who openly fight, especially when under the influence of alcohol - but there is a certain detached aloofness in the way they treat each other. In the next ten years, as they contemplate or embark upon divorce and/or known extramarital affairs, they come to differing understandings at each phase of their relationship of what they truly mean to each other. Regardless of if it's love or hate - between which there is a fine line - they also come to certain understandings of how they can best relate to each other, whether that be as husband and wife, friends, lovers or none of the above. - IMDb
Bir Evlilikten Manzaralar | Turkey |
Cenas da Vida Conjugal | Portugal |
Cenas de um Casamento | Brazil |
Escenas de la vida conyugal | Argentina |
Escenas de un matrimonio | Mexico |
Jelenetek egy házasságból | Hungary |
Kohtauksia eräästä avioliitosta | Finland |
Prizori iz bracnog zivota | Serbia |
Scene da un matrimonio | Italy |
Scener fra et ekteskap | Norway |
Scener fra et ægteskab | Denmark |
Scener Ur Ett Äktenskap | South Africa |
Scener ur ett äktenskap | Canada |
Scener ur ett äktenskap | Ecuador |
Scener ur ett äktenskap | Sweden |
Scènes de la vie conjugale | France |
Scenes from a Marriage | Australia |
Scenes from a Marriage | Canada |
Scenes from a Marriage | United Kingdom |
Scenes from a Marriage | USA |
Scenes from a Marriage | |
Scenes uit een huwelijk (informal literal title) | Netherlands |
Scènes uit een huwelijksleven | Belgium |
Scenos iš vedybinio gyvenimo | Lithuania |
Sceny z manzelskeho zivota | Czechoslovakia |
Sceny z życia małżeńskiego | Poland |
Secretos de un matrimonio | Spain |
Secretos de un matrimonio (DVD box title) | Mexico |
Skines apo ena gamo (transliterated title) | Greece |
Szenen einer Ehe | West Germany |
Szenen einer Ehe | West Germany |
Vedybinio gyvenimo scenos | Lithuania |
Сцени з подружнього життя (new title) | Ukraine |
Сцени от един семеен живот | Bulgaria |
Сцены из супружеской жизни | Russia |
Сцены из супружеской жизни | Soviet Union |
ある結婚の風景 | Japan |
婚姻場景 | Taiwan |
婚姻生活 | China |
Rossana Mariano [12] | Eva, 12 år (TV Episode: Oskuld och panik) (1973) |
1. The Exorcist (1973) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 441 306 145 |
2. Papillon (1973) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 53 267 000 |
3. Amarcord (1973) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 192 193 |
4. El Espíritu de la colmena (1973) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 131 811 |
5. Don't Look Now (1973) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 108 000 |
... | |
9. Scener ur ett äktenskap (1973) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 10 146 |