Adventures in the Creep Zone |
Adventures in the Creep Zone |
Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (subtitle) |
Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (subtitle) |
Avaruustaistelija |
Finland |
Caçador do Espaço: Aventura na Zona Proibida |
Brazil |
Caçadores no Espaço |
Portugal |
Il cacciatore dello spazio |
Italy |
Cazador del espacio, aventuras en la zona prohibida |
Mexico |
Cazador del espacio: Aventuras en la zona prohibida |
Argentina |
Cazador del espacio: Aventuras en la zona prohibida |
Spain |
Cazadores del espacio, aventuras en la zona prohibida |
Mexico |
Cazadores del espacio: Aventuras en la zona prohibida (video box title) |
Argentina |
Le guerrier de l'espace : Aventures en zone interdite |
France |
Le guerrier de l'espace |
Canada |
Le guerrier de l'espace (short title) |
France |
Kosmiczne łowy |
Poland |
Kosmiczny łowca |
Poland |
O Caçador do Espaço |
Brazil |
O kynigos tou diastimatos |
Greece |
O kynigos tou diastimatos: Peripeteies stin apagorevmeni zoni (transliterated title) |
Greece |
Road Gangs |
Romjegeren |
Norway |
Rumjægeren - eventyr i den forbudte zone |
Denmark |
Space Hunter (informal short title) |
Spacehunter (DVD box title) |
Spacehunter - Jäger im All |
West Germany |
Spacehunter - Jäger im All |
West Germany |
Spacehunter - Seikkailuja kielletyllä vyöhykkeellä |
Finland |
Spacehunter - Uppdrag i den förbjudna zonen |
Sweden |
Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone |
Australia |
Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone |
Canada |
Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone |
Ecuador |
Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone |
United Kingdom |
Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone |
India |
Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone |
Spacehunter: Aventuras na Zona Proibida |
Brazil |
Űrvadász |
Hungary |
Vânătorul spaţial: aventuri în zona interzisă |
Romania |
Ο κυνηγός του διαστήματος: Περιπέτειες στην απαγορευμένη ζώνη |
Greece |
Космически ловец |
Bulgaria |
Космический охотник: Приключения в запретной зоне |
Russia |
Космический охотник: Приключения в запретной зоне |
Soviet Union |
スペースハンター |
Japan |