Abo Hava ba To |
Iran |
Anak ng Panahon (literal title) |
Philippines |
Child of Weather (informal literal English title) |
Les enfants du temps |
France |
Les enfants du Temps |
Canada |
Ilmojen lapset |
Finland |
Mākoņu pavēlniece |
Latvia |
Nalssiui ai (transliterated title) |
South Korea |
O Tempo com Você |
Brazil |
O Tempo Contigo |
Portugal |
Oru mergaite |
Lithuania |
Ruedu Fan Chan Mi Thoe |
Thailand |
Tabiat farzandi |
Uzbekistan |
El Temps amb tu |
Spain |
Tenki no ko (transliterated title) |
Japan |
Tianqi zhi zi (transliterated title) |
China |
Tianqi zhi zi (transliterated title) |
Hong Kong |
Tianqi zhi zi (transliterated title) |
Singapore |
El Tiempo contigo (Weathering with You) |
Spain |
El Tiempo contigo |
Argentina |
El Tiempo contigo |
Spain |
El Tiempo contigo |
Spain |
El Tiempo contigo |
Mexico |
El Tiempo contigo |
Peru |
Tinhei zi zi (transliterated title) |
Hong Kong |
Tumhaare Saath Apakshay (new title) |
India |
Weather Child (informal literal English title) |
Weather's Child (informal literal English title) |
Weathering with You |
Israel |
Weathering with You |
India |
Weathering with You |
Malaysia |
Weathering with You |
Netherlands |
Weathering with You |
Norway |
Weathering with You |
New Zealand |
Weathering with You |
Philippines |
Weathering with You |
Sweden |
Weathering with You |
Weathering with You |
Weathering with You |
Australia |
Weathering with You |
Canada |
Weathering with You |
Denmark |
Weathering with You |
Egypt |
Weathering with you |
Finland |
Weathering with You |
Spain |
Weathering with You |
United Kingdom |
Weathering with You |
Indonesia |
Weathering with You |
Ireland |
Weathering with You - Das Mädchen, das die Sonne berührte |
West Germany |
Weathering With You - Das Mädchen, das die Sonne berührte |
Austria |
Weathering with You - La ragazza del tempo |
Italy |
Đứa Con Của Thời Tiết |
Vietnam |
Дзіця надвор'я |
Belarus |
Дитя погоди |
Ukraine |
Дитя погоды |
Russia |
天气之子 |
China |
天気の子 |
Japan |
天氣之子 |
Hong Kong |
天氣之子 |
Taiwan |