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Cook F**k Kill

Cook F**k Kill (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2019 November, 23
Czech Republic
116 minutes
Comedy / Drama
Production Company:
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 1 688

Jaroslav K. seems to be a good son, father, and a decent husband. In reality, he is pathologically jealous of his beautiful wife Blanka, and his biggest nightmare is that she and their three kids might leave him one day. Jaroslav K. and his family do not shy away from violence and cheating, which eventually results in a tragedy. This drama about one strange family, scheming, and Jaroslav's efforts to have his way utilizes computer games aesthetics. - IMDb

Ярослав — красивый и, казалось бы, добродушный сын, отец и порядочный муж. Но на самом деле он патологически ревнив и очень боится, что его жена Бьянка уйдет от него, забрав с собой троих детей. Ярослав и другие члены семьи без колебаний применяют насилие и террор против других, что в конечном итоге приводит к семейной трагедии.

Cook F**k Kill Czechoslovakia
Cook F**k Kill West Germany
Cook F**k Kill United Kingdom
Cook F**k Kill USA
Cook F**k Kill  
Cozinhar F*der Matar Brazil
Záby bez jazyka (new title)  
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Children's Cast:

Michaela Hollá Ranita

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436. Cook F**k Kill (2019)
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$ 1 688
