Bambi 2 |
Norway |
Bambi 2 |
Sweden |
Bambi 2 |
Turkey |
Bambi 2 |
Brazil |
Bambi 2 |
Estonia |
Bambi 2 |
Spain |
Bambi 2 |
Finland |
Bambi 2 |
France |
Bambi 2 |
Greece |
Bambi 2 |
Croatia |
Bambi 2 |
Israel |
Bambi 2 - Bambi e il grande principe della foresta |
Italy |
Bambi 2 - Der Herr der Wälder |
West Germany |
Bambi 2 - El gran príncipe del bosque |
Argentina |
Bambi 2 - El gran príncipe del bosque |
Peru |
Bambi 2 - O Grande Príncipe da Floresta |
Portugal |
Bambi 2 : Le Grand Prince de la Forêt |
Canada |
Bambi 2 : Le Prince de la forêt |
France |
Bambi 2: Bambi és az erdő hercege |
Hungary |
Bambi 2: El Gran Príncipe del Bosque |
Chile |
Bambi 2: El Gran Príncipe del Bosque |
Mexico |
Bambi 2: El Gran Príncipe del Bosque |
Uruguay |
Bambi 2: El Gran Príncipe del Bosque |
Venezuela |
Bambi 2: El príncipe del bosque |
Spain |
Bambi 2: en de prins van het bos (dubbed version) |
Netherlands |
Bambi 2: Marele Prinț al Pădurii |
Romania |
Bambi 2: O pringipas tou dasous (transliterated title) |
Greece |
Bambi 2: The Great Prince of the Forest |
Australia |
Bambi 2: The Great Prince of the Forest |
United Kingdom |
Bambi 2: The Great Prince of the Forest (reissue title) |
Bambi and the Great Prince |
Bambi and the Great Prince of the Forest |
Bambi II |
Banbi 2: The Great Prince of the Forest |
Japan |
Chú Nai Bambi 2 |
Vietnam |
Μπάμπι 2: Ο πρίγκιπας του δάσους |
Greece |
Бамби 2 |
Bulgaria |
Бембі 2 |
Ukraine |
Бэмби 2 |
Russia |
バンビ2 森のプリンス |
Japan |
小鹿斑比2 |
Taiwan |