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Eastern Promises

Eastern Promises (United Kingdom)
Promesas peligrosas (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2007 September, 8
United Kingdom
100 minutes
Crime / Thriller
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 56 107 312


Video (1)

In London, the Russian pregnant teenager Tatiana arrives bleeding in a hospital, and the doctors save her baby only. The Russian descendant midwife Anna Khitrova finds Tatiana's diary written in Russian language in her belongings and decided to find her family to deliver the baby, she brings the diary home and ask her uncle Stepan to translate the document. Stepan refuses, but Anna finds a card of a restaurant owned by the Russian Semyon inside the diary and she visits the old man trying to find a lead to contact Tatiana's family. When she mentions the existence of the diary, Semyon immediately offers to translate the document. However, Stepan translates part of the diary and Anna discovers that Semyon and his sick son Kirill had raped Tatiana when she was fourteen years old and forced her to work as prostitute in a brothel of their own. Further, Semyon is the dangerous boss of the Russian mafia "Vory v Zakone", jeopardizing the safety of Anna and her family. Meanwhile, Semyon's driver Nikolai Luzhin gets close to Kirill and Semyon, climbing positions in the criminal organization, but he helps Anna, her family and the baby. - IMDb

Накануне Рождества в Лондоне при родах умирает молодая русская женщина. На руках акушерки Анны остается младенец и дневник, который она нашла в вещах девушки. Анна ужасается ее истории жизни и начинает собственное расследование, которое ведет прямо в логово русской мафии. Так она знакомится с Николаем, который помогает ей разобраться в этой запутанной истории. Анна и не догадывается, что ее новый знакомый - жестокий и таинственный киллер, который принадлежит одной из русских группировок Лондона, а факты, описанные в дневнике, компрометируют его босса…

Austrumu solījumi Latvia
Eastern Promises Canada
Eastern Promises Denmark
Eastern Promises Egypt
Eastern Promises United Kingdom
Eastern Promises Hong Kong
Eastern Promises Indonesia
Eastern Promises India
Eastern Promises India
Eastern Promises Netherlands
Eastern Promises Philippines
Eastern Promises Sweden
Eastern Promises Singapore
Eastern Promises Thailand
Eastern Promises USA
Eastern Promises South Africa
Eastern Promises Australia
Eastern Promises - Gyilkos ígéretek Hungary
Epikindynes yposheseis (transliterated title) Greece
Hang Quỷ Đông Âu Vietnam
Îsutan puromisu Japan
Lorzii crimei Romania
Lubadused idast Estonia
Prísľuby z Východu Slovakia
Promesas del este Argentina
Promesas del este Chile
Promesas del este Spain
Promesas peligrosas Ecuador
Promesas peligrosas Mexico
Promesas peligrosas Peru
Promesas peligrosas USA
Promeses de l'est Spain
La promessa dell'assassino Italy
Promessas Perigosas Portugal
Les promesses de l'ombre France
Les promesses de l'ombre Belgium
Les promesses de l'ombre Canada
Ruska obećanja Croatia
Rytietiški pažadai Lithuania
Şark Vaatleri Turkey
Senhores do Crime Brazil
Simanim shel Kavod Israel
Smrtne obljube Slovenia
Tödliche Versprechen - Eastern Promises West Germany
Východní přísliby Czechoslovakia
Wschodnie obietnice Poland
Επικίνδυνες υποσχέσεις Greece
Заклетва Serbia
Източни обещания Bulgaria
Порок на експорт Ukraine
Порок на экспорт Russia
إيسترن بروميسيز (transliterated title) United Arab Emirates
イースタン・プロミス Japan
东方的承诺 China
黑幕謎情 Taiwan
이스턴 프라미스 South Korea

Children's Cast:

Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse [16] Tatiana

The most successful movies. Year: 2007

1. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 960 996 492
2. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 938 580 405
3. Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 890 871 626
4. Transformers (2007)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 709 709 780
5. I Am Legend (2007)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 585 349 010
72. Eastern Promises (2007)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 56 107 312
