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Shakespeare in Love

Shakespeare in Love (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1998 December, 3
123 minutes
Comedy / Drama / Romance
$ 25 000 000
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 289 317 794


Video (1)

Will Shakespeare is a known but struggling poet, playwright and actor who not only has sold his next play to both Philip Henslow and Richard Burbidge but now faces a far more difficult problem: he is bereft of ideas and has yet to begin writing. He is in search of his muse, the woman who will inspire him but all attempts fail him until he meets the beautiful Viola de Lesseps. She loves the theatre and would like nothing more than to take to the stage but is forbidden from doing so as only men can be actors. She is also a great admirer of Shakespeare's works. Dressing as a man and going by the name of Thomas Kent, she auditions and is ideal for a part in his next play. Shakespeare soon sees through her disguise and they begin a love affair, one they know cannot end happily for them as he is already married and she has been promised to the dour Lord Wessex. As the company rehearses his new play, Will and Viola's love is transferred to the written page leading to the masterpiece that is Romeo and Juliet. - IMDb

Armunud Shakespeare Estonia
Âşık Shakespeare Turkey
Erotevmenos Shakespeare (transliterated title) Greece
Įsimylėjęs Šekspyras Lithuania
A Paixão de Shakespeare Portugal
Rakastunut Shakespeare Finland
Shakespeare Apaixonado Brazil
Shakespeare apasionado Argentina
Shakespeare apasionado Mexico
Shakespeare apasionado Peru
Shakespeare et Juliette Canada
Shakespeare in Love United Kingdom
Shakespeare in Love Hong Kong
Shakespeare in Love Israel
Shakespeare in Love India
Shakespeare in Love India
Shakespeare in Love Italy
Shakespeare in Love South Korea
Shakespeare in Love Netherlands
Shakespeare in Love Philippines
Shakespeare in Love Sweden
Shakespeare in Love United Arab Emirates
Shakespeare in Love Singapore
Shakespeare in Love Thailand
Shakespeare in Love USA
Shakespeare in Love South Africa
Shakespeare in Love Australia
Shakespeare in Love Canada
Shakespeare in love Spain
Shakespeare in Love West Germany
Shakespeare in Love Denmark
Shakespeare in Love Ecuador
Shakespeare in Love Egypt
Shakespeare in Love France
Shakespeare in Love (Shakespeare enamorado) Spain
Shakespeare in Love - Viel Aufregung um die Liebe! West Germany
Shakespeare îndrăgostit Romania
Shakespeare Đang Yêu Vietnam
Shekspear-e ashegh Iran
Szerelmes Shakespeare Hungary
Zakochany Szekspir Poland
Zaljubljeni Shakespeare Croatia
Zaljubljeni Shakespeare Slovenia
Zamilovaný Shakespeare Czechoslovakia
Zamilovaný Shakespeare Slovakia
Ερωτευμένος Σαίξπηρ Greece
Влюбеният Шекспир Bulgaria
Влюбленный Шекспир Russia
Заљубљени Шекспир Serbia
Закоханий Шекспір Ukraine
शेक्सपियर इन लव (transliterated title) India
恋におちたシェイクスピア Japan
莎翁情史 China
莎翁情史 Taiwan

Children's Cast:

Joe Roberts [14] John Webster

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8. Shakespeare in Love (1998)
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$ 289 317 794
