The film revolves around Park Hee-bong, a man in his late 60s. He runs a small snack bar on the banks of the Han River and lives with his two sons, one daughter, and one granddaughter. The Parks seem to lead a quite ordinary and peaceful life, but maybe they are a bit poorer than the average Seoulite. Hee-bong's elder son Gang-du is an immature and incompetent man in his 40s, whose wife left home long ago. Nam-il is the youngest son, an unemployed grumbler, and daughter Nam-joo is an archery medalist and member of the national team. One day, an unidentified monster suddenly appears from the depths of the Han River and spreads panic and death, and Gang-du's daughter Hyun-seo is carried off by the monster and disappears. All of the family members are in a great agony because they lost someone very dear to them. But when they find out she is still alive, they resolve to save her. - IMDb
Прямо посреди Сеула, в реке Хан завелся огромный монстр. Растревоженная зеваками, зверюга выбралась на берег и устроила форменную вакханалию. Одной из жертв чудища стала девочка Хен Со, которую растяпа-отец не сумел спасти из лап монстра. Правительство изолировало реку, а всех вступавших в контакт с чудовищем поместила в карантин, как носителей разрушительного вируса. И в этот момент на телефон главного героя поступает звонок от Хен Со – оказывается, она еще жива: зверь оставил ее среди трупов, намереваясь съесть позднее.
Domaćin | Croatia |
A Gazdatest | Hungary |
Guemuru - hangan no kaibutsu | Japan |
Gwoemul | Ecuador |
Gwoemul | India |
Gwoemul | South Korea |
Gwoemul | Netherlands |
Gwoemul | Philippines |
Gwoemul | Singapore |
The Host - A Criatura | Portugal |
The Host 3D (3-D version) | |
The Host | United Kingdom |
The Host | Indonesia |
The Host | Israel |
The Host | India |
The Host | Italy |
The Host | Norway |
The Host | Peru |
The Host | Sweden |
The Host | Thailand |
The Host | USA |
The Host | Argentina |
The Host (informal English title) | Korea |
The Host | |
The Host | South Africa |
The Host | Australia |
The Host | Canada |
The Host | Finland |
The Host | West Germany |
The Host | Denmark |
The Host | Egypt |
The Host | Spain |
The Host | France |
The Host: Potwór | Poland |
L'hoste | Spain |
L'hôte | Canada |
El Huésped | Mexico |
Mizban | Iran |
Monster (literal title) | |
Monstrul | Romania |
O Hospedeiro | Brazil |
Quái Vật Sông Hàn | Vietnam |
Salaisuus pinnan alta | Finland |
Šeimininkas | Lithuania |
Yaratık | Turkey |
Ο επισκέπτης | Greece |
Ο ξενιστής | Greece |
Вторгнення динозавра | Ukraine |
Вторжение динозавра | Russia |
Домаћин | Serbia |
Хозяин | Russia |
المضيف المرعب | United Arab Emirates |
समुन्द्री शिकारी | India |
グエムル 漢江の怪物 | Japan |
汉江怪物 | China |
韓流怪嚇 | Hong Kong |
駭人怪物 | Taiwan |
Ah-sung Ko [13] | Park Hyun-seo | |
Jae-eung Lee [15] | Se-jin |
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 1 066 179 725 |
2. The Da Vinci Code (2006) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 758 239 851 |
3. Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 667 036 530 |
4. Casino Royale (2006) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 616 501 619 |
5. Night at the Museum (2006) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 574 480 841 |
... | |
48. Gwoemul (2006) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 89 433 436 |