This is the story of a young hero boy on Christmas Eve who boards on a powerful magical train that's headed to the North Pole and Santa Claus's home. What unfolds is an an adventure which follows a doubting boy, who takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole; during this ride, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery which shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe. - IMDb
По одноименной детской книге Криса Ван Оллсбурга. В канун Рождества около дома, где живет восьмилетний мальчик, останавливается таинственный Полярный экспресс, который отправляется на Северный полюс, к Санта Клаусу. Попасть в его страну может только тот, кто верит в чудеса. Маленький герой встречается с добрым волшебником и его помощниками, эльфами, ответственными за то, чтобы дети получали рождественские подарки.
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 20% | 1 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 0% | 0 |
7 | 20% | 1 |
6 | 20% | 1 |
5 | 20% | 1 |
4 | 20% | 1 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 0% | 0 |
5 |
Boréal Express | Canada |
Ekspres polarny | Poland |
El Expreso polar | Argentina |
El Expreso polar | Chile |
El Expreso polar | Ecuador |
El Expreso polar | Peru |
El Expreso polar | USA |
El Expreso polar | Venezuela |
El Expreso polar | |
El Expreso Polar | Mexico |
Expresul polar | Romania |
Kutup Ekspresi | Turkey |
Napapiirin pikajuna | Finland |
O Expresso Polar | Brazil |
Polaarekspress | Estonia |
Polar Express | Spain |
Polar Express | Indonesia |
Polar Express | Italy |
Polar Express | Portugal |
Polar express | Spain |
Polar express | Croatia |
The Polar Express | India |
The Polar Express | Netherlands |
The Polar Express | Philippines |
The Polar Express | Singapore |
The Polar Express | Thailand |
The Polar Express | USA |
The Polar Express | South Africa |
The Polar Express | United Arab Emirates |
The Polar Express | Australia |
The Polar Express | Canada |
The Polar Express | Egypt |
The Polar Express | United Kingdom |
The Polar Express | Hong Kong |
The Polar Express | Israel |
The Polar Express | India |
The Polar Express: An IMAX 3D Experience (IMAX version) | USA |
Polar Expressz | Hungary |
Polar-ekspressen | Denmark |
Polārais ekspresis | Latvia |
Polarekspressen | Norway |
Der Polarexpress | Austria |
Der Polarexpress | West Germany |
Polarexpressen | Finland |
Polarexpressen | Sweden |
Polární expres | Czechoslovakia |
Polarni vlak | Slovenia |
Polárny expres | Slovakia |
Le pôle express | Belgium |
Le pôle Express | France |
Qütb ekspressi | Azerbaijan |
Qutbli ekspress | Uzbekistan |
Shimoliy ekspress | Uzbekistan |
Svajoniu traukinys | Lithuania |
Tàu Tốc Hành Bắc Cực | Vietnam |
To poliko express (transliterated title) | Greece |
TPEx (short title) | USA |
Το πολικό express (alternative spelling) | Greece |
Το πολικό εξπρές | Greece |
Поларни експрес | Serbia |
Полярен експрес | Bulgaria |
Полярлық экспресс | Kazakhstan |
Полярний Експрес | Ukraine |
Полярный экспресс | Kazakhstan |
Полярный экспресс | Russia |
ポーラー・エクスプレス | Japan |
北極特快車 | Taiwan |
极地特快 | China |
폴라 익스프레스 | South Korea |
Josh Hutcherson [12] | Hero Boy | |
Jimmy Bennett [8] | Lonely Boy (voice) | |
Chantel Valdivieso [10] | Hero Girl | |
Daryl Sabara [12] | Hero Boy (voice) | |
Ashly Holloway | Sister Sarah | |
Connor Matheus [11] | Toothless Boy | |
Dante Pastula [7] | Little Boy | |
Dylan Cash [9] | Boy (voice, uncredited) | |
Evan Sabara [12] | Young Boy | |
Hayden McFarland [12] | Lonely Boy | |
Isabella Peregrina [7] | Sister Sarah (voice) | |
Jimmy 'Jax' Pinchak [8] | Know-It-All | |
Patrick Stogner [11] | ||
Cody Klop [11] | Additional voices |
1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 796 093 802 |
2. Spider-Man 2 (2004) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 783 766 341 |
3. The Incredibles (2004) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 631 606 713 |
4. The Passion of the Christ (2004) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 610 061 517 |
5. The Day After Tomorrow (2004) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 552 639 571 |
... | |
12. The Polar Express (2004) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 313 500 433 |