This is the story of a young resourceful heroine woman named Lisa Reisert who hates to fly, but the terror that awaits her on the night flight to Miami has nothing to do with a fear of flying! Upon boarding the plane, Lisa is trapped on a red-eye flight with a creepy villainous handsome and charming man by the name of Jackson Rippner, who's playing middle-man in the plot to assassinate a Homeland Security official. He's got her father pinned down by a would-be killer, using that advantage to coerce Lisa into phoning the luxury resort where she works and arranging to move the target into a pre-set position. - IMDb
Лиза Рейзерт ненавидит летать, но кошмар, который ожидает ее во время ночного рейса в Майами не имеет ничего общего с боязнью полетов. Спустя пару минут после взлета, очаровательный сосед Лизы, Джексон, открывает ей страшную правду своего присутствия на борту: он – участник заговора с целью убить богатого и могущественного бизнесмена, а Лиза – главный ключ к успешной реализации плана. Если она откажется сотрудничать, то наемник, ожидающий звонка от Джексона, убьет ее отца...
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 50% | 1 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 50% | 1 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 0% | 0 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 0% | 0 |
2 |
Don't Airport | USA |
Éjszakai járat | Hungary |
Gece uçuşu | Turkey |
Mắt Đỏ | Vietnam |
Naktinis reisas | Lithuania |
Nakts reiss | Latvia |
Night Flight | South Korea |
Nocni let | Slovenia |
Noćni let | Croatia |
Noční let | Czechoslovakia |
Nočný let | Slovakia |
Nyhterini ptisi (transliterated title) | Greece |
Red Eye | India |
Red Eye | Italy |
Red Eye | Netherlands |
Red Eye | Philippines |
Red Eye | Poland |
Red Eye | Portugal |
Red Eye | Sweden |
Red Eye | Singapore |
Red Eye | Thailand |
Red Eye | USA |
Red Eye | Australia |
Red Eye | South Africa |
Red Eye | Canada |
Red Eye | West Germany |
Red Eye | Egypt |
Red Eye | United Kingdom |
Red Eye | Hong Kong |
Red Eye | Israel |
Red Eye | India |
Red Eye - Nachtflug in den Tod | West Germany |
Red Eye : Sous haute pression | France |
Sous haute pression | Belgium |
Vol nocturn | Spain |
Vol sous haute pression | Canada |
Voo Noturno | Brazil |
Vuelo nocturno | Argentina |
Vuelo nocturno | Ecuador |
Vuelo nocturno | Spain |
Vuelo nocturno | Mexico |
Vuelo nocturno | Uruguay |
Yölento | Finland |
Zbor de noapte | Romania |
Νυχτερινή πτήση | Greece |
Нічний політ | Ukraine |
Нічний рейс | Ukraine |
Ноћни лет | Serbia |
Ночной рейс | Russia |
Нощен полет | Bulgaria |
الرحلة الليلية | United Arab Emirates |
パニック・フライト | Japan |
赤眼玄機 | Taiwan |
Brittany Oaks [11] | Rebecca | |
Adam Gobble [7] | Keefe's Son |
1. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 896 420 762 |
2. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 850 035 635 |
3. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 745 013 115 |
4. War of the Worlds (2005) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 591 745 532 |
5. King Kong (2005) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 550 517 357 |
... | |
38. Red Eye (2005) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 95 577 774 |