Buffalo newsman Evan Baxter is elected to Congress with the slogan, "Change the world." He lucks into a huge house in a new Virginia suburb. His Capitol office is also fantastic, but there's a catch: he's tapped by the powerful Congressman Long to co-sponsor a bill to allow development in national parks. In steps God, who appears to a disbelieving Evan and gently commands him to build an ark. Tools and wood arrive in Evan's yard, animal pairs follow, his beard and hair grow wildly, nomad's clothes and a staff appear. Long grows impatient, Evan starts building, his family leaves him, reporters gather, and drought grips D.C. Still, Evan believes. But will he change the world? - IMDb
Эван Бакстер, которого всемогущий Брюс заставил лепетать всякую чушь во время прямого эфира новостей, уходит с работы на телевидении, ведь он дослужился до должности конгрессмена! Эван переехал в Вашингтон, полный решимости отдать всего себя служению стране, однако Господь выбирает именно Эвана для своего очередного плана: новоиспеченному конгрессмену и Божьему избраннику придется построить ковчег – да побольше знаменитого Ноева ковчега!
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 0% | 0 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 50% | 2 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 25% | 1 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 25% | 1 |
4 |
Aman Tanrım 2 | Turkey |
Bozský Evan | Czechoslovakia |
Bruce Almighty 2 | USA |
Bruce: The Second Coming | USA |
Du almægtige, Evan | Denmark |
Evan Allmächtig | West Germany |
Evan Almighty | Philippines |
Evan Almighty | Singapore |
Evan Almighty | Thailand |
Evan Almighty | USA |
Evan Almighty | South Africa |
Evan Almighty | Australia |
Evan Almighty | Canada |
Evan Almighty | United Kingdom |
Evan Almighty | Indonesia |
Evan Almighty | Israel |
Evan Almighty | India |
Evan Almighty | India |
Evan Almighty | Netherlands |
Evan Atotputernicul | Romania |
Evan den Allmektige | Norway |
Evan den allsmäktige | Sweden |
Evan le tout-puissant | Canada |
Evan taivaanlahja | Finland |
Evan Toàn Năng | Vietnam |
Evan tout-puissant | France |
Evan Všemohúci | Slovakia |
Evan Wszechmogący | Poland |
Evan, a minden6ó | Hungary |
Evan, o Todo-Poderoso | Portugal |
Kõikvõimas Evan | Estonia |
Noe gia mia vdomada (transliterated title) | Greece |
The Passion of the Ark (original script title) | USA |
Regreso del todopoderoso | Argentina |
Regreso del todopoderoso | Mexico |
Regreso del Todopoderoso | Colombia |
Sigo como Dios | Spain |
Svemogući Evan | Croatia |
Svemogući Evan | Serbia |
Un'impresa da Dio | Italy |
Visvarenais Evans | Latvia |
A Volta do Todo Poderoso | Brazil |
Vsemogocni Evan | Slovenia |
Yvanas visagalis | Lithuania |
Νώε για μια βδομάδα | Greece |
Всемогъщият Евън | Bulgaria |
Еван Всемогутній | Ukraine |
Эван Всемогущий | Kazakhstan |
Эван Всемогущий | Russia |
エバン・オールマイティ | Japan |
王牌天神續集 | Taiwan |
Jimmy Bennett [11] | Ryan Baxter | |
Graham Phillips [14] | Jordan Baxter | |
Devon Tucker [10] | Boy in Restaurant |
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 960 996 492 |
2. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 938 580 405 |
3. Spider-Man 3 (2007) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 890 871 626 |
4. Transformers (2007) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 709 709 780 |
5. I Am Legend (2007) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 585 349 010 |
... | |
21. Evan Almighty (2007) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 173 418 781 |