United Kingdom
Set in 1944, as Hitler’s Final Solution becomes policy throughout Europe, Fateless is the semi-autobiographical tale of a 14 year-old Jewish boy from Budapest, who finds himself swept up by cataclysmic events beyond his comprehension. A perfectly normal metropolitan teen who has never felt particularly connected to his religion, he is suddenly separated from his family as part of the rushed and random deportation of his city’s large Jewish population. Brought to a concentration camp, his existence becomes a surreal adventure in adversity and adaptation, and he is never quite sure if he is the victim of his captors, or of an absurd destiny that metes out salvation and suffering arbitrarily. When he returns home after the liberation, he missed the sense of community he experienced in the camps, feeling alienated from both his Christian neighbors who turned a blind eye to his fate, and the Jewish family friends who avoided deportation and who now want to put the war behind them.
Пятнадцатилетний подросток из благополучной еврейской семьи оказывается в гитлеровском концлагере. Как вынести этот кошмар, как остаться человеком в аду? И самое главное - как жить потом?
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 50% | 1 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 50% | 1 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 0% | 0 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 0% | 0 |
2 |
Campos de esperanza | Mexico |
Clovek bez osudu | Czechoslovakia |
Enas anthropos dihos pepromeno (transliterated title) | Greece |
Être sans destin | France |
Fără destin | Romania |
Fateless | Australia |
Fateless | Canada |
Fateless (Berlin film festival title) | West Germany |
Fateless | United Kingdom |
Fateless | Ireland |
Fateless | India |
Fateless | USA |
Fateless | |
Fateless - Roman eines Schicksallosen | West Germany |
Kadersizlik | Turkey |
Không Số Phận | Vietnam |
Kohtalottomuus | Finland |
Lelo goral | Israel |
Likimo atstumtas | Lithuania |
Mannen utan öde | Sweden |
Marcas da Guerra | Brazil |
Sem Destino | Brazil |
Sem Destino | Portugal |
Sense destí | Spain |
Senza destino | Italy |
Senza destino - Fateless | Italy |
Sin destino | Spain |
Sin destino - Una mirada de esperanza | Argentina |
De Skæbneløse | Denmark |
Sorstalanság | Hungary |
Uten skjebne | Norway |
Los utracony | Poland |
Ένας άνθρωπος δίχως πεπρωμένο | Greece |
Без судьбы | Russia |
Чoвек без съдба | Bulgaria |
非關命運 | Taiwan |
Marcell Nagy [13] | Köves Gyuri | |
Gáspár Mesés [12] | Annamária fiatalabb testvére |
1. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 896 420 762 |
2. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 850 035 635 |
3. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 745 013 115 |
4. War of the Worlds (2005) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 591 745 532 |
5. King Kong (2005) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 550 517 357 |
... | |
192. Sorstalanság (2005) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 2 512 009 |