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Rudo y Cursi

Rough and Corny (USA: informal English title)
Rudo & Cursi (Australia)
Rudo y Cursi (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2008 December, 19
106 minutes
Comedy / Drama / Sport
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 11 169 232

Mexican half brothers Beto and Tato - who will eventually be appropriately nicknamed Rudo (rough) and Cursi (corny), respectively - have a typical love/hate relationship with each other. They both work on a banana plantation and live with their extended family consisting of their mother, abusive stepfather, sister Nadia, and Beto's wife Toña and their children. The family are rural peasant class and are barely making ends meet. The brother's fortunes change when into their lives comes Batuta, a soccer scout. Despite their advancing ages, both Beto and Tato are naturally gifted at soccer, Beto as a goaltender and Tato as a striker. Playing professionally has always been Beto's dream, although Tato has other professional thoughts on his mind. Batuta eventually recruits both for different teams in Mexico City. Beto and Tato's fortunes rise and fall, the falls based on those things which hold more passion for the brothers. For Tato, he loves fast women, specifically television spokes-model Maya, but he loves singing even more. He would give up his soccer career for one in Mexican country singing, if only he was any good at it. For Beto, his passion is gambling. Although Beto is up front and straightforward about most things in life, he would lie and cheat to hide his gambling problem and debts. They just have to keep these alternate passions in check to make their soccer lives lucrative ones. - IMDb

Согласитесь, нигде так не любят футбол, как в Мексике. Два брата — простые деревенские мексиканские парни — страстные игроки местной команды. Тато — дерзкий форвард, а Бето — беспроигрышный вратарь. Однажды на деревенский футбольный матч приезжает агент столичной команды, который разыскивает по стране талантливых игроков. Он в восторге от игры братьев, но в сборную он может взять лишь одного из них. Но кого? Все решает серия пенальти, в которых побеждает Тато. Он едет в Мехико, где делает стремительную спортивную карьеру и вскоре становится национальным героем. Но его брат Бето тоже едет в столицу, полную красивых женщин, азартных заведений и наркотиков. Он устраивается в команду, которая вечно соперничает с клубом, где играет его родной брат. Однажды на решающем матче, от которого зависела судьба команд и героев, братья встретились лицом к лицу… С каким счетом закончится эта игра?

Kick It - Zwei wie Feuer und Wasser West Germany
Passzolj, tesó! Hungary
Rápido y cursi Peru
Rough and Corny (informal English title) USA
Rough and Vulgar (literal English title) Mexico
Rudo & Cursi Australia
Rudo & Cursi Greece
Rudo & Cursi - Banaanipotku Finland
Rudo & Cursi - Bollar och bananer Sweden
Rudo and Cursi Japan
Rudo e Cursi Brazil
Rudo e Cursi Portugal
Rudo e Cursi: A Vida é Uma Viagem Brazil
Rudo et Cursi France
Rudo i Cursi Poland
Rudo kai Cursi (transliterated title) Greece
Rudo ve Cursi Turkey
Rudo y Cursi Ecuador
Rudo y Cursi United Kingdom
Rudo y Cursi Mexico
Šiurkštuolis ir vikruolis Lithuania
Toto Mexico
Рудо и Курси Russia
ルドandクルシ Japan

Children's Cast:

Alexandré Barceló [12] Fito

The most successful movies. Year: 2008

1. The Dark Knight (2008)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 1 004 934 033
2. Hancock (2008)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 624 386 771
3. Mamma Mia! (2008)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 609 896 805
4. Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (2008)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 603 900 354
5. Iron Man (2008)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 585 366 247
149. Rudo y Cursi (2008)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 11 169 232
