The movie follows a teenager named Stevie growing up in Los Angeles. He's struggling with his family, including his co-dependent single mom and his abusive older brother, and at school, where his richer friends seem to overlook him. When Stevie befriends a crew of skateboarders, he learns some tough lessons about class, race, and privilege. Waterston will play Stevie's mom, who's dealing with the growing distance between them. - IMDb
Калифорния, середина 90-х: компакт-диски еще не вытеснили аудио-кассеты, скейт-бордисты еще не засветились на MTV, а малыша Стиви все еще держат за ребенка и мама, и старший брат. Все меняется, когда Стиви принимают во взрослую тусовку скейтеров-отщепенцев, и чтобы доказать свою крутость, он совершает одно смешное безумие за другим. Мальчуган сам не замечает, как в череде прогулок, хип-хоп посиделок и вечеринок развлечения перестают быть невинными, а его детство неминуемо катится по направлению к отрочеству, как по склону Беверли Хиллс.
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 25% | 1 |
9 | 25% | 1 |
8 | 0% | 0 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 0% | 0 |
5 | 25% | 1 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 25% | 1 |
4 |
90'lar Ortası | Turkey |
90's | France |
Anos 90 | Brazil |
Anos 90 | Portugal |
Devadesátky | Czechoslovakia |
Deväťdesiate | Slovakia |
Devym kazkelinti | Lithuania |
Été '95 | Canada |
Giữa Thập Niên 90 | Vietnam |
A Gördeszkások | Hungary |
En los 90 | Argentina |
En los 90 | Colombia |
En los 90 | Ecuador |
En los 90 | Spain |
En los 90 | Mexico |
En los 90 | Peru |
En los 90 | Venezuela |
Mid90s | Indonesia |
Mid90s | Ireland |
Mid90s | Israel |
Mid90s | India |
Mid90s | India |
Mid90s | Italy |
Mid90s | Japan |
Mid90s | South Korea |
Mid90s | Netherlands |
Mid90s | Philippines |
Mid90s | United Arab Emirates |
Mid90s | Sweden |
Mid90s | Singapore |
Mid90s | Thailand |
Mid90s | USA |
Mid90s | South Africa |
Mid90s | Austria |
Mid90s | Australia |
mid90s | Norway |
Mid90s | Canada |
Mid90s | West Germany |
Mid90s | Denmark |
Mid90s | Egypt |
Mid90s | United Kingdom |
mid90s ミッドナインティーズ | Japan |
Najlepsze lata | Poland |
Sredinom 90-ih | Serbia |
Середина 1990-х | Ukraine |
Середина 90-х | Russia |
青春90 | Taiwan |
Sunny Suljic [13] | Stevie |
29 Dec 2019, 15:14
Jonah Hill gives us a great look into the youth culture of the 1990s without being a moral apostle or talking bad about the youth culture. To me this film looks like a bit a documentary featuring the youth’s life and the live of Stevie who is struggling about his social environment until he meets and befriends with some skater boys. This gives a turning point to Stevie’s live and opens up his eyes to new exciting things: forbidden skating in front of the courthouse, drugs, smoking, alcohol and not to forget his first sexual experience. That all will take place in Stevie’s live. But this quick live will end up into a disaster. A wonderful great film, highly recommended, especially if you are interested to the youth culture. And not to forget, this film has also a great soundtrack of the music from the 90’s from the ‘The Pixies’ to ‘Wu-Tang Clan’. Rating: 10/10 |
1. Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 2 048 359 754 |
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... | |
131. Mid90s (2018) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 9 303 022 |