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86427 films in database

Är de vuxna inte riktigt kloka? (1973)    Sweden
Ar y Ffin (2024)    United Kingdom
Ara! sono shûnkanyô (1930)    Japan
Ara! taryodanê (1930)    Japan
Ara, megobaro (1993)    Georgia
Arabela (1979)    Czechoslovakia
Arabela se vrací (1993)    Czechoslovakia
Arabella (2016)    USA
Arabella, mereröövli tütar (1983)    Soviet Union
Arabian Adventure (1979)    United Kingdom
Arabian Knights (1968)    USA
Arabian naitsu: Shinbaddo no bôken (1975)    Japan, West Germany
Arabian Nights (1942)    USA
Arabische Nächte (1979)    West Germany
Arachnophobia (1990)    USA
Arachveulebrivi gamopena (1968)    Soviet Union
Araguaia (2010)    Brazil
Arahant Summer (2008)    Thailand
Arakawa andâ za burijji: The Movie (2012)    Japan
Arakawa Under the Bridge (2010)    Japan
Aram, Aram (2015)    USA
Aramizda Kalsin (2013)    Turkey
Áramótaskaup (1966)   
Araqarisdiran (1987)    Soviet Union
Ararat (2002)    Canada, France
Arashi no hatashiji (1968)    Japan
Äratus (1989)    Soviet Union
Araw-araw, gabi-gabi (1995)    Philippines
Araya (1959)    Venezuela, France
Arbeitersaga (1988)    Austria, West Germany
Arbëria (2019)    Italy
Arbitrarody (2009)    USA
Árbol azul, El (1991)    Argentina
Árbol que sigue ahí, El (2019)    Spain
Arbor Day (1936)    USA
Arbre de Guernica, L' (1975)    France, Italy
Arbre de les cireres, L' (1998)    Spain
Arbre de Noël, L' (1969)    France, Italy
Arbre et l'oiseau, L' (2005)    France
Arbre mort, L' (1988)    France
Arc (2006)    USA
Arcade (1993)    USA
Arcade (2016)    Australia
Arcadia (2012)    USA
Arcadia (2020)    Canada
Archaeology Adventures (2017)    USA
Archangel (1990)    Canada
Archangel (2002)    USA
Archangel: Deadliest of the Species (2016)    USA
Archangel: From the Winter's End Chronicles (2014)    USA
Arche de Noé, L' (1947)    France
Archer (2020)    United Kingdom
Archer (1985)    Australia
Arches Beyond, The (1999)    USA
Archibald (1991)    Switzerland, France, Canada
Archie (1964)    USA
Archie Bunker's Place (1979)    USA
Archie: To Riverdale and Back Again (1990)    USA
Architect, The (2012)    Canada
Architect, The (2006)    USA
Architecture of Reassurance (2000)    USA
Archway 0173 (2016)    United Kingdom
Arcipelaghi (2001)    Italy, France
Arconada (2013)    Spain
Arctic Air (2012)    Canada
Ardadagebze (1962)    Soviet Union
Ardena (1997)    Italy
Ardilla roja, La (1993)    Spain
Are All Men Pedophiles? (2013)    Netherlands
Are Husbands Human? (1925)    USA
Are Husbands Necessary? (1925)    USA
Are These Our Children (1931)    USA
Are We Dead Yet (2019)    United Kingdom
Are We Done Yet? (2007)    Canada, USA
Are We Listening? (2012)    USA
Are We There Yet? (2005)    USA, Canada
Are We There Yet? (2010)    USA
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2019)    Canada
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1990)    Canada
Are You Afraid of the Dark?: More Tales from the Midnight Society (1994)    Canada
Are You Afraid of the Dark?: The Tale of the Phantom Manor (1994)    Canada
Are You Afraid of the Dark?: The Tale of the Silver Sight (2000)    Canada
Are You Being Served? (1972)    United Kingdom
Are You Joking? (2014)    USA
Are You My Friend? (2017)    USA
Are You Okay? (2018)    Australia
Are You Proud of Me? (2013)    United Kingdom
Are You Sleeping (2019)    USA
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. (2023)    USA
Are You There, Chelsea? (2012)    USA
Are You There? (2018)    USA
Are You Wild Like Me? (2018)    USA
Area Q. (2011)    USA, Brazil
Arena (1975)    United Kingdom
Arena (1989)    Soviet Union
Arena (1953)    USA
Arena (2022)    Colombia
Arena en los bolsillos (2006)    Spain
Arène (1993)    France
Arès (2016)    France
Æresgjesten (1919)    Norway
Arest (2019)    Romania
Aretz Hadasha (1994)    Israel
Areumdaun Sesang (2019)    South Korea
Areumdawoon sheejul (1998)    South Korea
Arfa dlya lubimoy (2008)    Ukraine
Argent de poche, L' (1976)    France
Argent des autres, L' (1978)    France
Argent, L' (1928)    France
Argentina (2015)    Russia
Argentynska lekcja (2011)    Poland
Argfilmen (1978)    Sweden
Argo (2012)    USA
Argon Quest, The (1992)    Canada
Argonautas y la moneda de oro, Los (2023)    Spain
Argonautes, Les (2013)    Canada
Argyle (2011)    USA
Århus by night (1989)    Denmark
Aria Appleton (2016)    USA
Aria prima (2019)    Italy
Arid (2015)    USA
Ariel (1992)    Russia, Ukraine
Ariel (2024)    USA, Canada, France
Ariel (1988)    Finland
Ariel (2018)    Sweden
Ariel (2014)    USA
Ariel: Mermaid Tales (2024)    USA, Canada, France
Ariels julaften (2015)    Norway
Arif V 216 (2018)    Turkey
Arifmetika podlosti (2011)    Ukraine
Arigatô-san (1936)    Japan
Aringkingking: Ang Bodyguard Kong Sexy (1996)    Philippines
Arisen (2015)    USA
Arisha, der Bär und der steinerne Ring (1992)    Germany
AristoCats, The (1970)    USA
Aristocrates, Les (1955)    France
Aristos, Les (2006)    France
Aritmiya (2017)    Russia
Arizona (2018)    USA
Arizona Bad Man (1935)    USA
Arizona Bound (1927)    USA
Arizona Days (1937)    USA
Arizona Kid, The (1939)    USA
Arizona Kid, The (1930)    USA
Arizona Mahoney (1936)    USA
Arizona Manhunt (1951)    USA
Arizona Raiders, The (1936)    USA
Arizona Streak, The (1926)    USA
Arizona Summer (2004)    USA
Arizona Sweepstakes (1926)    USA
Arizona Wildcat, The (1927)    USA
Arizona Wildcat, The (1939)    USA
Arje (2004)    Russia
Ark (2009)    USA
Ark II (1976)    USA
Arka Sokaklar (2006)    Turkey
Arkadasim Max (2013)    Turkey
Arkadaslar Iyidir (2016)    Turkey
Arkansas Traveler, The (1938)    USA
Arkitektene (2008)    Norway
Arlen Faber (2009)    USA
Arlésienne, L' (1930)    France
Arli$$ (1996)    USA
Arlie (2016)    USA
Arlington Road (1999)    USA
Arlo the Alligator Boy (2021)    USA
Arlo: The Burping Pig (2016)    USA
Arm Our Soldier (2018)    USA
Arma, l'ora, il movente, L' (1972)    Italy
Armadillo (2001)    United Kingdom, USA
Armageddon (1998)    USA
Armageddon Time (2022)    USA, Brazil
Arman & Elisa (2023)    Luxembourg
Armandino e il Madre (2010)    Italy
Armando Iannucci Shows, The (2001)    United Kingdom
Armans Geheimnis (2015)    Germany
Armas blancas (2021)    Mexico
Armata Brancaleone, L' (1966)    Italy, France, Spain
Armchair 30 (1973)    United Kingdom
Armchair Mystery Theatre (1960)    United Kingdom
Armchair Theatre (1956)    United Kingdom
Armchair Thriller (1978)    United Kingdom
Arme Sünderin (1923)    Germany
Armed and Dangerous (1986)    USA
Armed and Innocent (1994)    USA
Armed Response (2017)    USA
Armée du salut, L' (2013)    France, Morocco, Switzerland
Armenia, My Love... (2016)    USA
Armiño negro (1953)    Argentina
Arminuta, L' (2021)    Italy
Armistead Maupin's More Tales of the City (1998)    United Kingdom, Canada, USA
Armiya 'Tryasoguzki' (1964)    Soviet Union
Armiya Tryasoguzki snova v boyu (1967)    Soviet Union
Armoire, The (2009)    Canada
Armstrong and Miller Show, The (2007)    United Kingdom
Armstrong Circle Theatre (1950)    USA
Armut kennt viele Geschichten (2009)    Germany
Army of Frankensteins (2013)    USA
Army of God (2016)    USA
Army of Hearts, An (2017)    Canada, USA
Army of One (2016)    USA
Army of the Dead (2021)    USA
Army Wives (1944)    USA
Army Wives (1986)    Australia
Army Wives (2007)    USA
Arn (2010)    Sweden
Arn: Riket vid vägens slut (2008)    Denmark, Sweden, Finland, United Kingdom, Norway, Germany
Arn: Tempelriddaren (2007)    Sweden, United Kingdom, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Germany, Morocco
Arna's Children (2004)    Israel, Netherlands
Arne Dahl: De största vatten (2012)    Sweden
Arne Dahl: Efterskalv (2015)    Sweden
Arne Dahl: En midsommarnattsdröm (2015)    Sweden
Arne Dahl: Europa blues (2012)    Sweden
Arne Dahl: Himmelsöga (2015)    Sweden
Arne Dahl: Misterioso (2011)    Sweden
Arne Dahl: Upp till toppen av berget (2012)    Sweden
Arnelo Affair, The (1947)    USA
Arnie (1970)    USA
Arnies Welt (2005)    Germany
Arno: Les yeux de ma mere (1995)    France
Aron och Nora (1979)    Sweden
Around the Bay (2008)    USA
Around the Bend (1986)    USA
Around the Bend (2004)    USA
Around the Fire (1998)    USA
Around the World in 80 Days (1956)    USA
Around the World in 80 Days (2021)    France, Belgium
Around the World in 80 Days (2004)    USA, Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom
Around the World in 80 Treasures (2005)    United Kingdom
Arpón (2017)    Argentina, Venezuela, Spain
Arracheuse de temps, L' (2021)    Canada
Arranged (2007)    USA
Arrangement, The (1969)    USA
Arrangement, The (2017)    USA
Arrangiatevi (1959)    Italy
Arrastão (1967)    Brazil, France
Arrest and Trial (1963)    USA
Arrested Development (2003)    USA
Arresting Behavior (1992)    USA
Arresting Gena (1997)    USA
Arrêtez-moi (2013)    France
Arrêtez-moi là (2015)    France
¡Arriba Hazaña! (1978)    Spain
Arriva Brunello (1968)    Italy
Arrival (2013)    Australia
Arrival (2016)    USA
Arrival, The (2017)    USA
Arrivederci amore, ciao (2006)    Italy, France
Arrivée d'un train à La Ciotat, L' (1896)    France
Arroseur arrosé, L' (1895)    France
Arrow (2012)    USA
Arrow in the Dust (1954)    USA
Arrow of Light (2016)    USA
Arrowsmith (1931)    USA
Arrowsmith (1997)    Czech Republic
Arroz con leche (2008)    Venezuela
Arroz pegao (2009)    Spain
Arrugas (2011)    Spain
Arrullo de Otoño (2021)    Mexico
Arschbombe (2014)    Germany
Arsenal (2017)    USA
Arsène Lupin (2004)    France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom
Arsène Lupin contre Arsène Lupin (1962)    France, Italy
Arsène Lupin joue et perd (1980)    France, Italy, Switzerland, West Germany
Arson Gang Busters (1938)    USA
Art (délicat) de la séduction, L' (2001)    France
Art d'aimer, L' (1985)    Belgium
Art du crime, L' (2017)    France
Art for Teachers of Children (1995)    USA
Art Gallery (1939)    USA
Art of Cool, The (2007)    USA
Art of Escape, The (2015)    USA
Art of Falling in Love (2019)    Canada
Art of More, The (2015)    USA
Art of Racing in the Rain, The (2019)    USA
Art of Seduction, The (2006)    Canada
Art of Self-Defense, The (2019)    USA
Art of Sin (2018)    USA
Art of the Deal, The (2008)    USA
Art of War II: Betrayal, The (2008)    Canada
Artã (2014)    Romania
Arte (2020)    Japan
Arte de casarse, El (1966)    Spain
Arte de Roubar (2008)    Portugal, Brazil, Spain
Artefact (2019)    United Kingdom
Artek (1972)    Soviet Union
Artek (1936)    Soviet Union
Artek. Artek. Artek. (2010)    Ukraine
Artek: Bolshoe puteshestvie (2022)    Russia
Artek: Het ideale vakantiekamp (2002)    Netherlands
Artek: pionerskaya skazka (2005)    Russia
Artemis Falls (2015)    USA
Artemis Fowl (2020)    USA
Artemisia (2021)    Italy
Artful Dodger, The (2023)    Australia
Arthur (2016)    USA
Arthur (2011)    USA
Arthur (1996)    Canada, USA
Arthur (1998)    Belgium
Arthur (2011)    USA
Arthur & Claire (2017)    Germany, Austria, Netherlands
Arthur & Merlin (2015)    United Kingdom
Arthur 2: On the Rocks (1988)    USA
Arthur 3: la guerre des deux mondes (2010)    France
Arthur and the Haunted Tree House (2017)    Canada, USA
Arthur Askey Show, The (1961)    United Kingdom
Arthur Christmas (2011)    United Kingdom, USA
Arthur et la vengeance de Maltazard (2009)    France
Arthur et les Minimoys (2006)    France
Arthur Futuro (2019)    USA
Arthur Newman (2012)    USA
Arthur of the Britons (1972)    United Kingdom
Arthur Takes Over (1948)    USA
Arthur the King (2024)    USA, Canada
Arthur's Bompa (2011)    Belgium
Arthur's Gift (2019)    Canada
Arthur's Halloween (2004)    Canada
Arthur's Missing Pal (2006)    USA
Arthur's Perfect Christmas (2000)    USA, Canada
Arthur's Quest (1999)    USA
Arthur, malédiction (2022)    France
Arthur: It's Only Rock 'n' Roll (2002)    USA
Artichoke Season, The (2022)    Israel
Artifice Girl, The (2022)    USA
Artificial Enterprises (2015)    USA
Artik (2019)   
Artik & Asti: Angel (2018)    Russia
Artist (2019)    Ukraine
Artist s bolshoy dorogi (2024)    Russia
Artist's Curse, An (2024)    Australia
Artist's Wife, The (2019)    USA
Artista Obscura (2019)    USA
Artistka (2017)    Ukraine
Artists and Models (1955)    USA
Artists for Haiti: We Are the World 25 for Haiti (2010)    USA
Arts and Crafts (2016)    USA
Ártún (2014)    Iceland, Denmark
Artus, Merlin a Prchlici (1995)    Czech Republic
Arty Pants (2012)    USA
Aru otoko (2022)    Japan
Aruanã (1938)    Brazil
Aruanda (1960)    Brazil
Aruba (2006)    Canada
Aruitemo aruitemo (2008)    Japan
Arupusu no shôjo Haiji (1974)    Japan, West Germany
Aruslân senki (1991)    Japan
Arusl?n senki, Part 2 (1991)    Japan
Árvácska (1976)    Hungary
Árvák imája (1922)    Hungary
Arven (2003)    Denmark, Sweden, Norway, United Kingdom
Arvingen (1954)    Denmark
Arvingerne (2014)    Denmark
Arwin! (2007)    USA
Aryana (2012)    Philippines
Arzoo (1965)    India
Arzt vom Wörthersee, Der (2006)    Germany
Arzt von Stalingrad, Der (1958)    West Germany
Ärzte (1994)    Germany