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Osama (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2003 May, 20
83 minutes
$ 46 000
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 3 910 519


Video (1)

Photos (5)

The Taliban are ruling Afghanistan, they being a repressive regime especially for women, who, among other things, are not allowed to work. This situation is especially difficult for one family consisting solely of three women representing three successive generations. All the males in their family have died in various Afghani wars. The mother had been working as a nurse in a hospital, but regardless of she not being allowed to work, the Taliban has cut off funding to the hospital. The mother and grandmother make what they feel is the only decision they can to survive: they will have the preteen daughter masquerade as a boy so that she can get a job to support the family. The daughter, feeling powerless, agrees despite being scared as if the Taliban discover her masquerade, she is certain they will kill her. Partly as a symbolic measure, the daughter plants a lock of her now cut hair in a pot so that her lost femininity can flourish. The only people outside the family who know of the ruse are the milk vendor who employs the daughter - he who was a friend of her deceased father - and a local boy named Espandi who recognizes her despite her outward change in appearance. Espandi renames her Osama. The masquerade becomes more difficult when the Taliban recruit all the local boys to school, which includes military training. - IMDb

Когда в Афганистане к власти пришли талибы, женщинам запретили работать. Чтобы не умереть с голода, вдова переодевает свою 12-летнюю дочь в мальчика и устраивает под именем Усама в пекарню. Но девочку забирают в военизированный отряд при медресе. Невинная, казалось бы, уловка матери может стоить ребенку жизни.

Afghan Zero nen Japan
Gia mia thesi ston ilio (transliterated title) Greece
Osama Hungary
Osama India
Osama South Korea
Osama Mexico
Osama Turkey
Osama USA
Osama South Africa
Osama Afghanistan
Osama Argentina
Osama Canada
Osama West Germany
Osama Spain
Osama Finland
Osama France
Osama United Kingdom
Για μια θέση στον ήλιο Greece
Ο Οσάμα στη χώρα του φόβου Greece
Усама Russia
アフガン零年 Japan
少女奧薩瑪 Taiwan
掀起面紗的少女 Hong Kong

Children's Cast:

Marina Golbahari [14] Osama
Arif Herati [13] Espandi

The most successful movies. Year: 2003

1. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 1 120 424 614
2. Finding Nemo (2003)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 940 343 261
3. The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 741 847 937
4. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 654 264 015
5. Bruce Almighty (2003)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 484 592 874
133. Osama (2003)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 3 910 519
