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86427 films in database

Scalawag (1973)    Italy, Yugoslavia, USA
Scales (2014)    USA
Scales: Mermaids Are Real (2017)    USA
Scaling Walls (2013)    USA
Scamp, The (1957)    United Kingdom
Scamps (1982)    USA
Scamps & Goons (2015)    USA
Scandal (2012)    USA
Scandal (1929)    USA
Scandal at Scourie (1953)    USA
Scandal for Sale (1932)    USA
Scandal in a Small Town (1988)    USA
Scandal in Paris, A (1946)    USA
Scandal Made Me Famous (2016)    USA
Scandal Proof (1925)    USA
Scandal Sheet (1931)    USA
Scandal Sheet (1939)    USA
Scandal Street (1938)    USA
Scandali al mare (1961)    Italy
Scandalo (1976)    Italy
Scandalous Me: The Jacqueline Susann Story (1998)    Canada, USA
Scapegoat (2013)    USA
Scapegoat, The (2012)    United Kingdom
Scaphandre et le papillon, Le (2007)    France, USA
Scar (2007)    USA
Scar (2005)    USA
Scar Tissue (2013)    United Kingdom
Scar Tissue (2002)    Canada
Scaramouche (1952)    USA
Scaramouche (1923)    USA
Scarborough (2017)    USA
Scare Package (2019)    USA, USA
Scare Tactics (2003)    USA
Scarecrow (2009)    USA
Scarecrow & the Princess, The (2009)    USA
Scarecrow and Mrs. King (1983)    USA
Scarecrow at Midnight (2011)    USA
Scarecrow, The (1982)    New Zealand
Scarecrow, The (2000)    USA
Scared Shrekless (2010)    USA
Scared Stiff (1987)    USA
Scared Stiff (1945)    USA
Scared Sweet (2012)    USA
Scaredy Cats (2021)    USA
Scaremonger (2014)    USA
Scarf Jack (1981)    United Kingdom
Scarface (1983)    USA
Scariest Night of My Life (2017)    Canada
Scarlatine, La (1983)    France
Scarlet and Gold (1925)    USA
Scarlet and the Black, The (1983)    USA, United Kingdom, Italy
Scarlet Eagle, The (1954)    United Kingdom
Scarlet Heart (2011)    China
Scarlet Letter, The (1934)    USA
Scarlet Letter, The (1926)    USA
Scarlet Letter, The (1995)    USA
Scarlet Pimpernel, The (1982)    United Kingdom
Scarlet Pimpernel, The (1999)    United Kingdom
Scarlet River (1933)    USA
Scarlet Tunic, The (1998)    United Kingdom
Scarlett (2014)    USA
Scary City, The (2009)   
Scary City, The (2008)    USA
Scary Endings (2015)    USA
Scary Girl (2011)    USA
Scary Godmother: Halloween Spooktakular (2003)    Canada
Scary Godmother: The Revenge of Jimmy (2005)    Canada, USA
Scary Movie 3 (2003)    USA, Canada
Scary Movie 4 (2006)    USA
Scary Movie 5 (2013)    USA
Scary Stories (2018)    USA
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)    USA, Canada, Hong Kong
Scary Tales (2011)    USA
Scary Times (2013)    USA
Scattered Dreams (1993)    USA
Scattergood Baines (1941)    USA
Scattergood Meets Broadway (1941)    USA
Scattergood Pulls the Strings (1941)    USA
Scattergood Rides High (1942)    USA
Scavenger Hunt (2014)    USA
Scavenger Hunt (1979)    USA
Scéal (2013)    Ireland
Scénarios contre les discriminations (2008)    France
Scénarios sur la drogue (2000)    France
Scene (1968)    United Kingdom
Scene 1, Take 2 (2016)   
Scene of the Crime (1949)    USA
Scene of the Crime (1984)    USA
Scene Study (2016)    Canada
Scener ur ett äktenskap (1974)    Sweden
Scener ur ett äktenskap (1973)    Sweden
Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills (1989)    USA
Scenes of the Crime (2001)    Germany, USA
Scenic Route, The (2018)    USA
Scent of a Woman (1992)    USA
Scent of Rain & Lightning, The (2017)    USA
Scent of the Missing (2012)    USA
Scented with Love (2022)    Canada
Schabernack (1936)    Germany
Schachmatt (2005)    Germany
Schacko Klak (1989)    Luxembourg
Schade um das schöne Geld (2008)    Germany
Schadenfreude (2011)    USA
Schaduwjager (2018)    Netherlands
Schaefer Century Theatre, The (1952)    USA
Schäfer vom Trutzberg, Der (1959)    West Germany
Schafft die nie, Das (1994)    Germany
Schafkopf (2012)    Germany
Schakels (1920)    Netherlands
Schande (1999)    Germany
Schandfleck, Der (1999)    Austria, Germany
Schandmal - Der Tote im Berg (2011)    Germany
Scharlachrote Buchstabe, Der (1973)    West Germany, Spain
Schaste - eto... (2015)    Russia
Schaste - eto... 2 (2019)    Russia
Schaste Napolovinu (2018)    Russia
Schaste ne za gorami (2023)    Russia
Schaste po kontraktu (2010)    Russia
Schaste V Konverte (2020)    Russia
Schastlivaya smena (1936)    Soviet Union
Schastlivchik Pashka (2011)    Russia
Schastlivoe detstvo (1976)    Soviet Union
Schastlivoe detstvo (1953)    Soviet Union
Schastlivogo plavaniya (1949)    Soviet Union
Schastlivy vmeste (2006)    Russia
Schastlivyy bilet (2012)    Russia, Ukraine
Schastlivyy marshrut (2013)    Russia
Schastlivyy neudachnik (1993)    Russia
Schastlivyy reys (1949)    Soviet Union
Schastye est (2011)    Russia
Schastye menya naydyot (2021)    Russia
Schastye ty moyo (2005)    Russia
Schastye zanovo (1969)    Soviet Union
Schatjes! (1984)    Netherlands
Schatten der Zeit (2004)    Germany
Schatten Schelm (2016)    Australia
Schattenkind (2005)    USA
Schattenkinder (2007)    Germany
Schattenmoor (2019)    Germany
Schatz der weißen Falken, Der (2005)    Germany
Schatz im Niemandsland, Der (1987)    West Germany
Schatz im Silbersee, Der (1958)    West Germany
Schatz, nimm Du sie! (2017)    Germany
Schatzinsel, Die (1966)    France, West Germany
Schatzritter (2012)    Luxembourg, Germany
Schatztruhe, Die (1948)    Austria
Schau in meine Welt! (2012)    Germany
Schaumküsse (2009)    Germany
Schaurige Haus, Das (2020)    Austria
Schautag (2009)    Germany
Scheepsjongens van Bontekoe, De (2007)    Netherlands
Scheiding (2014)    Netherlands
Scheidung für Fortgeschrittene (2010)    Germany
Scheiterhaufen, Der (1945)    Germany
Schellebelle 1919 (2011)    Belgium
Schellen-Ursli (2015)    Switzerland
Schelme von Schelm, Die (1995)    France, Germany, Hungary
Schemer Presents! (1993)    Canada
Schemer Presents: The World According to Me (1994)    USA
Schemeren (2007)    Netherlands
Scherbentanz (2002)    Germany
Scherp (2019)    Netherlands
Scherzi a parte (1992)    Italy
Schiave bianche - Violenza in Amazzonia (1985)    Italy
Schick Deine Frau nicht nach Italien (1960)    West Germany
Schicksalsjahre (2011)    Germany
Schicksalstage in Bangkok (2009)    Germany
Schilf (2012)    Germany
Schimanski (1997)    Germany
Schimb valutar (2008)    Romania
Schimmelreiter, Die (2008)    Germany
Schindler's List (1993)    USA
Schippers van de Kameleon, De (2003)    Netherlands
Schizo (1976)    United Kingdom
Schlafes Bruder (1995)    Germany
Schlafkrankheit (2011)    Germany, France, Netherlands
Schlaflos in Oldenburg (2008)    Germany
Schlafsack für zwei (2005)    Germany
Schlager-Raketen (1960)    West Germany
Schlagerparade (1953)    West Germany
Schlagerparade 1960 (1960)    West Germany
Schlange, Herz und Pantherkopf (1987)    West Germany
Schlaraffenland (2009)    Germany
Schleudertrauma (2002)    Germany
Schlikkerfrauen, Die (2014)    Germany
Schlimmer geht immer (2016)    Germany
Schlingel (2016)    Israel
Schlittenfahrt (2003)    Germany
Schlitz Playhouse of Stars (1951)    USA
Schloss Einstein (1998)    Germany
Schloß Hubertus (1973)    West Germany
Schloß Vogelöd (1936)    Germany
Schloß Vogelöd (1921)    Germany
Schloß, Das (1997)    Germany, Austria
Schloßhotel Orth (1996)    Austria, Germany
Schloßpension Fürstenhorst (1965)    West Germany
Schlub Life (2013)    USA
Schluckauf, Der (1981)    West Germany
Schlunz - Die Serie, Der (2010)    Germany
Schluss mit lustig! (2001)    Germany
Schlußakkord (1936)    Germany
Schlüsselloch-Report (1973)    West Germany
Schmetterlinge (2004)    Germany
Schmetterlinge (1988)    West Germany
Schmetterlinge im Bauch (2006)    Germany
Schmidt - Chaos auf Rezept (2014)    Germany
Schmied von St. Bartholomae, Der (1955)    West Germany
Schnäbi (2006)    Switzerland
Schneck and Eck Crack the Case (2018)    USA
Schneckentempo (2005)    Germany
Schneegänger, Der (2020)    Germany
Schneekönigin, Die (1964)    West Germany
Schneekönigin, Die (2014)    Germany, Finland
Schneemann sucht Schneefrau (2002)    Germany
Schneeparadies, Das (2001)    Germany
Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot (1938)    Germany
Schneeweisschen und Rosenrot (1955)    West Germany
Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot (1979)    East Germany
Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot (2012)    Germany
Schneewittchen und das Geheimnis der Zwerge (1992)    Germany, Czechoslovakia
Schneider von Ulm, Der (1978)    West Germany
Schnell ermittelt (2009)    Austria
Schnitzel geht immer (2017)    Germany
Schock (1977)    Italy
Schody (2001)    Czech Republic
Schokoladenkönigin, Die (2005)    Germany
Schön ist die Liebe am Königssee (1961)    West Germany
Schöne Abenteuer, Das (1932)    Germany
Schöne Abenteuer, Das (1959)    West Germany
Schone handen (2015)    Netherlands
Schöne heile Welt (2018)    Germany
Schöne Lügen (2003)    Germany
Schöne und das Tier, Die (1983)    East Germany
Schönefeld Boulevard (2014)    Germany
Schöner Leben (2006)    Germany
Schöngrubers, Die (1972)    West Germany
Schönheit in uns - Der Fotograf Jock Sturges, Die (2009)    Germany
Schönste Geschenk meines Lebens, Das (2003)    Germany
Schönste Reise der Welt, Die (1965)    West Germany
Schönste Sommer meiner Kindheit, Der (2017)    Germany
Schönste Tag meines Lebens, Der (1957)    Austria
Schönste, Die (1957)    East Germany
School and Board (2012)    USA
School Bag, The (2016)    India
School Begins (1928)    USA
School Bus (2016)    India
School Bus Diaries (2016)    USA
School Dance (2014)    USA
School Days (1921)    USA
School Duel, The (2024)    USA
School for Seduction (2004)    United Kingdom
School for Vandals (1986)    United Kingdom
School Gyrls (2009)    USA
School in the Woods, The (2010)    USA
School Nights (2022)    USA
School of Comedy (2009)    United Kingdom
School of Duel: Learn Yu-Gi-Oh - Master Duelist (2004)    USA
School of Life (2005)    Canada, USA
School of Rock (2016)    USA
School of Rock, The (2003)    USA, Germany
School of Rock: Zombie Etiquette (2011)    USA
School of Shock (2017)    United Kingdom
School Play (2023)    Canada
School Play (2008)    USA
School Rumble (2004)    Japan
School Spirit (1985)    USA
School Spirits (2011)    USA
School Ties (1992)    USA
School Wars (1984)    Japan
School's In (2001)    USA
School's Out (1930)    USA
School, The (2003)    Canada
School, The (2018)    Australia
School, The (2003)    Canada
Schoolboy Father (1980)    USA
Schoolboy's Hero, A (1961)    United Kingdom
Schoolday Love (1922)    USA
Schooled (2019)    USA
Schoolgirl Chums (1982)    United Kingdom
Schoolhouse Scandal, A (1919)    USA
Schoon goed (1999)    Netherlands
Schooner, The (1983)    Ireland
Schoßgebete (2014)    Germany
Schpaaa (1998)    Norway
Schräge Vögel (1995)    Germany
Schrei - Eine ganz alltägliche Geschichte, Der (2010)    Germany
Schrei der Liebe, Der (1997)    Germany
Schrei der schwarzen Wölfe, Der (1972)    West Germany
Schrei des Shi-Kai, Der (1984)    West Germany
Schreibe mir - Postkarten nach Copacabana (2009)    Bolivia, Germany
Schreie der Vergessenen (2011)    Germany
Schritt für Schritt (1960)    East Germany
Schritt vom Wege, Der (1939)    Germany
Schrott - Die Atzenposse (2000)    Germany
Schub (2011)    Germany
Schuberts Frühlingstraum (1931)    Germany
Schuld (2015)    Germany
Schuld der Erben, Die (2012)    Germany
Schuld der Lavinia Morland, Die (1920)    Germany
Schuld und Unschuld (2007)    Germany
Schuldig (1989)    West Germany
Schuldig auf Verdacht (1996)    Germany
Schule (2000)    Germany
Schule am See, Die (1997)    Germany
Schule der Geläufigkeit (1963)    West Germany
Schule der magischen Tiere 2, Die (2022)    Germany
Schule der magischen Tiere, Die (2021)    Germany, Austria
Schüler Gerber, Der (1981)    Austria, West Germany
Schüler-Report (1971)    West Germany
Schuleule Paula, Die (1981)    East Germany
Schulgespenst, Das (1986)    East Germany
Schulmädchen (2002)    Germany
Schulmädchen (2002)    Germany
Schulmädchen vom Treffpunkt Zoo, Die (1979)    West Germany
Schulmädchen-Report 3. Teil - Was Eltern nicht mal ahnen (1972)    West Germany
Schulmädchen-Report 4. Teil - Was Eltern oft verzweifeln lässt (1972)    West Germany
Schulmädchen-Report 5. Teil - Was Eltern wirklich wissen sollten (1973)    West Germany
Schulmädchen-Report 6. Teil - Was Eltern gern vertuschen möchten (1973)    West Germany
Schulmädchen-Report: Was Eltern nicht für möglich halten (1970)    West Germany
Schulmeister Spitzbart (1989)    East Germany
Schulweg, Der (1987)    East Germany
Schüsse der Arche Noah, Die (1983)    East Germany
Schutzengel (2012)    Germany
Schwabenkinder (2003)    Germany
Schwarm (2016)    Germany, USA
Schwartz & Schwartz: Bestie von Malchow (2020)    Germany
Schwartz & Schwartz: Der Tod im Haus (2019)    Germany
Schwartz & Schwartz: Mein erster Mord (2018)    Germany
Schwarz greift ein (1994)    Germany
Schwarz-weiß-rote Himmelbett, Das (1962)    West Germany, France
Schwarzach 23 (2015)    Germany
Schwarze Blitz, Der (1958)    West Germany
Schwarze Bumerang, Der (1982)    France, Austria, Switzerland, West Germany
Schwarze Erde (1923)    Germany
Schwarze Mühle, Die (1975)    East Germany
Schwarze Seide (1958)    West Germany
Schwarze Walfisch, Der (1934)    Germany
Schwarzen Brüder, Die (2013)    Germany, Switzerland
Schwarzen Brüder, Die (1984)    Switzerland, West Germany
Schwarzer Peter (1957)    West Germany
Schwarzer Peter (1970)    West Germany
Schwarzfahrer (1993)    Germany
Schwarzfärber, Der (2015)    Switzerland
Schwarzwälder Kirsch (1958)    West Germany
Schwarzwaldklinik - Die nächste Generation, Die (2005)    Germany
Schwarzwaldklinik, Die (1985)    West Germany
Schweigeminute (2016)    Germany, Denmark
Schweigende Engel, Der (1954)    West Germany
Schweiger Dermatology Group: Acne (2018)    USA
Schwein, Das (2010)    Germany
Schwere Jungs (2006)    Germany
Schwester Agnes (1975)    East Germany
Schwester Veronica (1927)    Germany
Schwestern (2014)    Germany
Schwimmen (2018)    Germany
Schwur von Rabenhorst, Der (1987)    East Germany
Sci-fighters (1996)    Canada
Sci-Squad (1999)    Canada
Sciatu meo (breath of life) (2023)    Italy
Science Fair (2018)   
Science Fiction (2002)    Belgium, Netherlands, Germany
Science Fiction Theatre (1955)    USA
Science Fiction Volume One: The Osiris Child (2016)    Australia
Science Team (2014)    USA
Science with Me! Mr. Heisen-Bear and Fizzy Soda Science (2004)    USA, Ireland
Scissor Man (2015)    USA
Scissor Seven (2018)    China
Scissors (1991)    USA
Sciuscià (1946)    Italy
Scold's Bridle, The (1998)    United Kingdom
Scomparsa (2017)    Italy
Sconosciuta, La (2006)    Italy, France
Scoob! (2020)    USA, Canada
Scooby and Scrappy-Doo Puppy Hour, The (1982)    USA
Scooby-Doo (2002)    USA, Australia
Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (2004)    USA, Canada
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo (1979)    USA
Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School (1988)    USA
Scooby-Doo Mystery Inc. Personality Quiz, The (2009)    USA
Scooby-Doo Show, The (1978)    USA
Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated (2010)    USA
Scooby-Doo! Shaggy's Showdown (2017)    USA
Scooby-Doo! Stage Fright (2013)    USA
Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins (2009)    USA, Canada
Scooby-Doo: The Coolsville High Video Yearbook (2009)    USA
Scoop (2009)    United Kingdom
Scoop (1987)    United Kingdom
Scoop (2024)    United Kingdom
Scoop IV (1995)    Canada
Scoop! (2020)    Singapore
Scooped (2024)    USA
Scooter Kidz (2001)    USA
Scooter: Secret Agent (2005)    Australia
Scope of Practice (2014)    USA
Scoperta dell'alba, La (2012)    Italy
Scoperta, La (1969)    Italy
Scorched (2003)    USA
Scorched (2008)    Australia
Scorched Heat (1987)    Sweden
Scorn (2000)    Canada
Scorpion (2016)    USA
Scorpion (2014)    USA
Scorpion (2007)    France
Scorpion King, The (2002)    USA, Germany, Belgium
Scorpion Tales (1978)    United Kingdom
Scotch (2010)    USA
Scotland Yard Investigator (1945)    USA
Scott & Bailey (2011)    United Kingdom
Scott Bacula: Secret Agent Samurai Cop (2016)    USA
Scott Rocco: Joyride (2018)    USA
Scottish Mussel (2015)    United Kingdom
Scotty of the Scouts (1926)    USA
Scout & the Gumboot Kids (2015)    Canada
Scout Camp (2009)    USA
Scout toujours... (1985)    France
Scout Wars (2016)    USA
Scout's Honor (1980)    USA
Scout's Honor (2005)    USA
Scout's Safari (2002)    USA, South Africa
Scout, The (2013)    USA
Scouted (2012)    USA
Scouting Book for Boys, The (2009)    United Kingdom
Scouting for Boys (2007)    United Kingdom
Scouts d'al-Mahdi, Les (2011)    France, Lebanon
Scouts to the Rescue (1939)    USA
Scouts vs Aliens (2016)    Canada
Scramble (1970)    United Kingdom
Scrambled (2015)    USA
Scrapper, The (1922)    USA
Scrappin' Kid, The (1926)    USA
Scraps (2009)    United Kingdom
Scratch & Burn (2002)    USA
Scratching (2006)    United Kingdom
Scream (2013)    USA
Scream Dreams 5: Soul Hunters (2015)    USA
Scream Team, The (2002)    USA
Scream: The TV Series (2015)    USA
Screamers (1995)    Canada, USA, Japan
Screech Owls (2001)    Canada
Screen Directors Playhouse (1955)    USA
Screen Junkies Show, The (2011)    USA
Screen One (1985)    United Kingdom
Screen Test, The (2013)    USA
Screen Time (2017)    USA
Screen Two (1985)    United Kingdom
Screening Party (2008)    USA
Screenplay (1986)    United Kingdom
Screw The Boys (2019)    Canada
Screwball (2018)    USA
Screwball (2017)    USA
Scripture Cake: A Southern Cuisine Movie (2007)    USA
Scrooge (1951)    United Kingdom
Scrooge (1970)    United Kingdom
Scrooge Live (2020)    Netherlands
Scrooge: A Christmas Carol (2022)    United Kingdom, USA
Scrooged (1988)    USA
Scrubber (2012)    United Kingdom
Scrubs (2001)    USA
Scruffy (1938)    United Kingdom
Scuba Bob's Ocean Quest (2006)    USA
Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay! (1948)    USA
Scully (1984)    United Kingdom
Scum (1979)    United Kingdom
Scuola elementare (1955)    Italy
Scusi, lei conosce il sesso? (1968)    Italy
Scusi, lei è favorevole o contrario? (1966)    Italy
Scusi, si potrebbe evitare il servizio militare?... No! (1974)    Italy