Re dai yu (1995) Taiwan
Re, Il (2022) Italy
Re-Animated (2006) USA
Re-Enactor, The (2008) USA
Re-Kill (2015) USA
Re-Main (2021) Japan
Re: Possessed Homes (2019) Canada
Reach (2018) USA
Reach for Glory (1962) United Kingdom
Reach for the Moon (2000) United Kingdom
Reach Me (2014) USA
Reach, The (2011) USA
Reacher (2022) USA
Reaching for the Sun (1941) USA
Reaching from Heaven (1948) USA
Reaction (2018) USA
Read 'Em and Weep (2018) Australia
Read It and Weep (2006) USA
Read Me (2016) USA
Reader, The (2008) USA, Germany
Readin' and Writin' (1932) USA
Reading Lindsay Keegan's Diary (2017) United Kingdom
Reading Rainbow Video Field Trips (2012) USA
Reading Room, The (2005) USA
Reading Writing & Romance (2013) USA
Ready Jet Go! (2016) USA
Ready Jet Go! Back to Bortron 7 (2017) USA, Canada
Ready Jet Go! Space Camp (2023) USA
Ready or Not (2018) United Kingdom
Ready or Not (2014) USA
Ready or Not (1993) Canada
Ready or Not (2019) Canada, USA
Ready Player One (2018) USA
Ready Set Dance (2019) Australia
Ready to Rumble (2000) USA
Ready, Willing and Able (1937) USA
Ready? OK! (2008) USA
Ready? OK! (2008) USA
Ready? Sex? Wait! (2015) USA
Reagans, The (2003) USA, Canada
Real Adventures of Sherlock Jones and Proctor Watson, The (1987) USA
Real Baby: 1986 Commercial (1986) USA
Real Boy (2015) USA
Real Bros of Simi Valley, The (2017) USA
Real Chad Allen, The (1989) USA
Real Detective (2016) Canada
Real Ghost Busters, The (1986) USA
Real Housemonsters of Florida, The (2018) USA
Real Husbands of Hollywood (2013) USA
Real Jane Austen, The (2002) United Kingdom
Real Kids, Real Adventures (1997) Canada, USA
Real Life Superhero (2012) United Kingdom
Real Macaw, The (1998) Australia
Real Make Believe (2014) USA
Real Man, A (2012) USA
Real Mature (1991) USA
Real McCoy, The (1930) USA
Real McCoys, The (1957) USA
Real Men (2003) United Kingdom
Real Men (1987) USA
Real My Buddy, The (2010) USA
Real O'Neals, The (2016) USA
Real Pocong, The (2009) Indonesia
Real Rob (2015) USA
Real Rockin' Wheels: Santa Claus Songs (1995) USA
Real Steel (2011) USA, India
Real Step Kids of Orange County, The (2019) USA
Real Story (1998) USA
Real Story with Maria Elena Salinas, The (2017) USA
Real Strength (2016) Denmark
Real Time with Bill Maher (2003) USA
Real Wedding Crashers, The (2007) USA
Real West, The (2024) USA, Canada
Real Women II (1999) United Kingdom
Realest Real, The (2016) USA
Réalité (2014) France, Belgium, USA
Realiteit, De (2020) Netherlands
Reality (2012) Spain
Reality Bytes (2012) USA
Reality Check (1995) USA
Reality Check-HIV/AIDS (2009) USA
Reality Sucks (2009) USA
Realizatsiya (2019) Russia
Really Haunted Loud House, A (2023) USA
Really Important Person, A (1947) USA
Really Loud House, The (2022) USA
Really Me (2011) Canada
Realm (2016) USA
Realm of Souls (2013) USA
Realnaya Mistika (2015) Ukraine
Realnaya skazka (2011) Russia
Realnye patsany (2010) Russia
Realnyy papa (2008) Russia
Reap the Wild Wind (1942) USA
Reaper (2008) USA
Reaper (2015) USA
Reaper (2007) USA, Canada
Reaper Tales (2015) USA
Reaping, The (2007) USA
Reason to Live, A (1985) USA
Reasonable Doubt (2014) Germany, Canada, USA
Reasonable Doubts (1991) USA
Reasons to Live (2017) USA
Reawakening (2016) USA
Reazione a catena (1971) Italy
Reba (2001) USA
Rebecca (1940) USA
Rebecca Murga's the Letter (2013) USA
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1917) USA
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1938) USA
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1932) USA
Rebecka Martinsson (2017) Sweden, Germany
Rebel (2017) USA
Rebel in the Rye (2017) USA
Rebel in Town (1956) USA
Rebel Moon - Chapter Two: Curse of Forgiveness (2024) USA
Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire (2023) USA
Rebel Ridge (2024) USA
Rebel Without a Cause (1955) USA
Rebel, The (1959) USA
Rebelde (2011) Brazil
Rebelde (2004) Mexico
Rebelde Way (2008) Portugal
Rebelde Way (2002) Argentina
Rebeldía (1978) Spain
Rebelión de los pájaros, La (1982) Spain
Rebelle (2012) Canada
Rebelle, Le (1980) France
Rebelles, Les (1977) France
Rebellion (2016) Ireland
Rebels Without Causes (2014)
Rebirth (2006) Canada
ReBoot (1994) Canada
ReBoot: The Guardian Code (2018) Canada
Reborn (2020) USA
Reborn (2020) USA
Rebound (2005) USA
Rebound, The (2009) USA
Rebound: The Legend of Earl 'The Goat' Manigault (1996) USA
Rebounding (2012) USA
Rebuild (2012) USA
Rébus, Le (1985) France
Rebyachiy patrul (1984) Soviet Union
Rebyata s kanonerskogo (1960) Soviet Union
Rebyata s nashego dvora (1973) Soviet Union
Rebyonok (1967) Soviet Union
Rebyonok na million (2017) Ukraine
Recaptured Love (1930) USA
Recca no honoo (1997) Japan
Receipt: Lost & Found, The (2017) USA
Recep Ivedik (2008) Turkey
Recep Ivedik 2 (2009) Turkey
Recep Ivedik 3 (2010) Turkey
Recep Ivedik 4 (2014) Turkey
Recep Ivedik 5 (2017) Turkey
Recep Ivedik 6 (2019) Turkey
Reception, The (2012) USA
Recess (2010) USA
Recess (1997) USA
Recess (2011) USA
Recess Christmas: Miracle on Third Street (2001) USA
Recess: All Growed Down (2003) USA
Recess: School's Out (2001) USA
Recess: Taking the Fifth Grade (2003) USA
Recette de l'omelette aux oeufs, La (1995) France
Recharge (2013) USA
Rechazados (2018) Argentina
Recht op recht (1998) Belgium
Rechte der Kinder, Die (1997) Germany
Rechten der jeugd (1921) Netherlands
Recipe for Disaster (2003) USA
Recital (2016) Canada
Recital în gradina cu pitici (1987) Romania
Reckless (2013) Norway
Reckless (2013) USA
Reckless (2014) USA
Reckless (1935) USA
Reckless (1984) USA
Reckless Age (1944) USA
Reckless Buckaroo, The (1935) USA
Reckless Juliets (2016) USA
Reckless Kelly (1993) Australia
Reckless Living (1938) USA
Reckless Moment, The (1949) USA
Reckoning (2019) Australia, USA
Reckoning (2002) USA
Reckoning, The (1932) USA
Reckoning, The (2007) USA
Reclaim (2014) China, Malaysia, USA
Reclaim Wilderness (2022) USA
Reclaimed (2013) United Kingdom
Reclusion (2016) USA
Recluta con niño (1956) Spain
Recoil (1998) USA
Recoil (2011) Canada
Recollection (2010) USA
Recommendation for Mercy (1975) Canada
Recon (2017) USA
Recon (2016) USA
reConception (2014) USA
Reconciliados (2014) Mexico
Reconciliation (2009) USA
Reconstruction (2011) USA
Record Breaker (2012) USA
Recours en grâce (1960) France, Italy
Recovering (2019) USA
Recovery (2007) United Kingdom
Recovery Road (2016) USA
Récréation, La (1994) France
Récréations (1998) France
Recreo (2011) Spain
Recrue (2019) Canada
Recrue, La (2024) France
Rectify (2013) USA
Recuerdos de Alicia, Los (2005) Spain
Recuerdos de mamá (2002) Spain
Recycle Rex (1993) USA
Recycling Man, The (2020) Italy
Red (2020) United Kingdom
RED (2010) USA
Red & Blue Marbles (2011) USA
Red Alert 2.0 (2022) USA
Red All Over (2015) USA
Red Bag, The (1980) Thailand
Red Ball, The (2009) USA
Red Ball, The (2014) USA
Red Balloon (2020) Canada
Red Balloon (2010) United Kingdom
Red Balloon, The (2006) USA
Red Band Society (2014) USA
Red Band Society (Can), The (2022) Canada
Red Betsy (2003) USA
Red Blooded (2017) USA
Red Cap (2003) United Kingdom
Red Circles (2011) USA
Red Cloud: Deliverance (2012) Ecuador
Red Corvette, The (2011) USA
Red Cross: Onna tachi no akagami (2015) Japan
Red Cups Pt. 3 (2014) USA
Red Dance, The (1928) USA
Red Dawn (2012) USA
Red Dirt (2015) Australia
Red Dirt Rising (2010) USA
Red Dog: True Blue (2016) Australia
Red Dragon (2002) Germany, USA
Red Dust (2004) United Kingdom, South Africa
Red Dwarf (1988) United Kingdom
Red Eye (2005) USA
Red Faction: Origins (2011) USA
Red Fury, The (1984) USA
Red Garters (1954) USA
Red Green Show, The (1991) Canada
Red Hand Gang, The (1977) USA
Red Handed (2019) USA
Red Herring, The (1988) USA
Red Hollow (2017) Canada
Red Hood: The Fan Series (2018) USA
Red Hook Summer (2012) USA
Red Hot Hoofs (1926) USA
Red Hot Hottentotts (1920) USA
Red Hot Speed (1928) USA
Red Ink (2017) Australia
Red Kite (2017) Australia
Red Kite, The (2021) USA
Red Land (Rosso Istria) (2018) Italy
Red Light (1949) USA
Red Light Runners (2011) USA
Red Lights (2012) Spain, Canada
Red Line, The (2008) USA
Red Menace, The (1949) USA
Red Mill, The (1927) USA
Red Nightmare (1962) USA
Red Nightmare, The (2021) USA
Red Nose Day Actually (2017) United Kingdom
Red Notice (2021) USA
Red Oaks (2014) USA
Red One (2024) USA, Canada
Red Onion (2011) USA
Red Pearl (2015) USA
Red Pepper (1925) USA
Red Pill (2023) United Kingdom
Red Planet Mars (1952) USA
Red Pony, The (1949) USA
Red Pony, The (1973) USA
Red Race, The (2009) China
Red Riding Hood (2011) USA, Canada
Red Riding Hood (1987) USA, Israel
Red Riding Hood (2006) USA
Red Riding: In the Year of Our Lord 1974 (2009) United Kingdom
Red Riding: In the Year of Our Lord 1983 (2009) United Kingdom
Red Right Hand (2024) USA
Red River (1988) USA
Red River (1948) USA
Red River Range (1938) USA
Red Road (2009) USA
Red Road, The (2014) USA
Red Rock (2015) Ireland
Red Romeo: Like No Other (2012) USA
Red Rope, The (1937) USA
Red Rose (2022) United Kingdom
Red Rose (2013) USA, France
Red Roses and Petrol (2003) USA
Red Ryder (1951) USA
Red Serpent (2003) Russia, Germany
Red Shoe Diaries (1992) USA
Red Skelton Show, The (1951) Canada, USA
Red Sneakers (2008) USA
Red Sneakers, The (2002) USA, Canada
Red Sonja (1985) Netherlands, USA
Red Sonja: Queen of Plagues (2016) USA
Red Stallion, The (1947) USA
Red State (2011) USA
Red Summer (2012) United Kingdom, USA
Red Sundown (1956) USA
Red Team Go (2018) USA
Red Velvet (2008) USA
Red Virgin, The (2011) Canada, Spain
Red Wagon (1933) United Kingdom
Red Wednesday (2008) USA
Red White & Blue (2010) United Kingdom, USA
Red Widow (2013) USA
Red Winds (2013) USA
Red Zone (2014) USA
Red, Amber, Green (2018) United Kingdom
Red-Haired Alibi (1932) USA
Red: Werewolf Hunter (2010) USA, Canada
RedaKai (2011) Canada, France
Redakce (2004) Czech Republic
Redboy 13 (1997) USA
Redd barna (2003) Norway
Redeemer (2002) Canada, USA
Redeemer, The (????)
Redeemer: Son of Satan!, The (1978) USA
Redeeming Dave (2012) USA
Redeeming Sin, The (1929) USA
Rédemption (2013) Canada
Redemption (2013) USA
Redemption (2007) USA
Redemption (2009) USA
Redemption (2009) USA
Redemption (2007) USA
Redemption Maddie (2007) USA
Redemption of Henry Myers, The (2014) USA
Redemption of the Commons (2014) USA
Redemption of the Ghost (2002) USA
Redemption of the Heart (2015) USA
Redemption of the Heart (2015) USA
Redemption Road (2010) USA
Redención (2015) Venezuela
Redentor (2004) Brazil
Rederiet (1992) Sweden, Finland
Redesigning Your Life with Lainey Chase (2011) USA
Redgauntlet (1970) United Kingdom
Redhead (1934) USA
Redheads on Parade (1935) USA
Rediscovering Christmas (2019) USA
Redkaya ptitsa (2024) Russia
Redlight (2009) USA
Redneck Roots (2011) USA
Redondeo (2006) Spain
Redoutables, Les (2000) France
Redrum (2013) USA
Reds (1981) USA
Reducing (1931) USA
Reducing Stanley (1998) USA
Réduit (2022) Switzerland
Redux (2009) USA
Redux Riding Hood (1997) USA
Redwall (1999) France, Canada
Redwall: The Movie (2000) Canada
Redwoods (2009) USA
Reece: Man Down (2019) USA
Reed Between the Lines (2011) USA
Reef 2: High Tide, The (2012) South Korea, USA
Reef, The (1999) USA, Germany, Czech Republic
Reeker (2005) USA
Reel (2013) Sweden
Reel East Coast (2015) Canada
Reel Injun (2009) Canada
Reel Kids (2014) USA
Reel Life (2018) USA
Reel Midwest (2019) USA
Reel Women Seen (2017) Canada
Reeling (2007) USA
Reencuentro de Alicia, El (2008) Spain
Reese's Puffs Cereal: 2003 Commercial (2003) USA
Reetta ja Ronja (2009) Finland
Reetta Robinson (1986) Finland
Ref, The (1994) USA
Referent (2019) Ukraine
Reflecment (1997) Netherlands
Reflecting Skin, The (1990) United Kingdom, Canada
Reflection (2014) USA
Reflection (2004) Canada
Reflection (2017)
Reflection in the Eye of a Dead Fish, The (1998) Czech Republic, Switzerland
Reflections (2016) USA
Reflections (2014) USA
Reflections from the Heart of a Child (1996)
Reflections of Murder (1974) USA
Reflections on Hollywood (2017) United Kingdom
Reflector Boy - Banana Boat (2019) Australia
Reflex (2000) USA
Reform School Girls (1986) USA
Reformatory (1938) USA
Reformer and the Redhead, The (1950) USA
Refrigerantes e Canções de Amor (2016) Brazil, Portugal
Refrigerator, The (2014) USA
Refuge (2005) USA
Refuge (2023) Bulgaria, USA
Refuge, Le (1996) France
Refugee (2020) USA
Refugee (2016) United Kingdom
Refugees, The (2014) Spain
Refugiado (2014) Argentina, Colombia, France, Poland, Germany
Refugio, El (2022) Chile, Mexico, United Kingdom, USA
Refugio, El (2021) Spain
Reg'lar Fellers (1941) USA
Reg'lar Kids (1935) USA
Regal Shocker (1988) Philippines
Regalo de Silvia, El (2003) Chile, Spain
Regalo, El (2013) Spain
Regarde, elle a les yeux grand ouverts (1982) France
Regarde-moi (2007) France
Regarding Annabel (2020) United Kingdom
Regarding Henry (1991) USA
Regarding Us (2024) USA
Regarding: Beauregard (2009) USA
Regards d'enfance (1993) France
Régate, La (2009) Belgium, Luxembourg, France
Régates de San Francisco, Les (1960) France, Italy
Regbi (2021) Russia
Regels van Floor, De (2018) Netherlands
Regels van het vliegen, De (2004) Netherlands
Regenbogenengel (2008) Germany
ReGenesis (2004) Canada
Regentage (2002) Germany, Austria
Reghu Vamsam (1978) India
Régimódi történet (2006) Hungary
Regína (2001) Iceland, Canada, Norway, Germany
Regina (2020) Italy
Región salvaje, La (2016) Mexico, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Switzerland
Registered Nurse (1934) USA
Règle de l'homme, La (1994) France
Règne animal, Le (2023) France, Belgium
Regnspöken (2001) Sweden
Regreso a Casa (2012) Spain
Regreso de Lucas, El (2016) Argentina, Peru
Regreso, El (2014) Mexico
Regreso, El (2008) Mexico
Regret (2020) USA
Regret (2020) Canada
Regular Kids (2010) USA
Regular Scout, A (1926) USA
Reguly gry (2012) Poland
Rehab Cabin (2021) USA
Rehearsal (2015) Canada, USA, United Kingdom
Rehearsal, The (2022) USA
Reifezeit (1976) West Germany
Reiff für die Insel (2012) Germany
Reiff für die Insel - Katharina und der große Schatz (2015) Germany
Reiff für die Insel - Neubeginn (2011) Germany
Reigen - Ein Werdegang, Der (1920) Germany
Reign (2013) USA
Reign of Fire (2002) USA, United Kingdom, Ireland
Reign of Terror (1949) USA
Reign Over Me (2007) USA
Reikusaido mâdâ kêsu (2004) Japan
ReImagine (2021) Italy
Reina del cielo, La (1959) Mexico
Reina del Sur, La (2011) USA, Spain, Colombia, Mexico
Reina, La (2013) Argentina
Reinas sin corona (2023) Peru
Reinbou (2017) Dominican Republic
Reindeer Games (2000) USA
Reindeer Games (2022) USA
Reine blanche, La (1991) France
Reine et le cardinal, La (2009) France
Reine Formsache (2006) Germany
Reine Sylvie, La (2006) Belgium, France
Reines d'un jour (2001) France
Reines du ring, Les (2013) France
Reinhartstein (1980) France
Reino de Víctor, El (1989) Spain
Reinôryokusha Odagiri Kyôko no uso (2010) Japan
Reinventing Leonard (2013) Canada, Ecuador
Reise ins Ehebett (1966) East Germany
Reise nach Sundevit, Die (1966) East Germany
Reise nach Tilsit, Die (1939) Germany
Reise Zum Mond (2014) Germany
Reise, Die (1986) Switzerland, West Germany
Reisebekanntschaften (1936) Germany
Reisen til havet (1966) Norway
Reisen til julestjernen (2012) Norway
Reisen til julestjernen (1976) Norway
Reisender ohne Gepäck (1963) West Germany
Reiseziel Erfurt (1962) East Germany
Reiskoffer, De (2007) Netherlands
Reiterhof Wildenstein (2019) Germany
Reivers, The (1969) USA
Reject-Men (2017) USA
Rejects: Origins, The (2017) USA
Rejoice (2004) Poland
Rejseholdet (2000) Denmark, Sweden
Rejsen på ophavet (2004) Denmark
Reka (2002) Russia
Rekava (1956) Sri Lanka
Rekindled (2017) USA
Rekindled Heartache (2024) USA
Rekindling Christmas (2020) USA
Reknem si to prístí léto (1978) Czechoslovakia
Rekordbeobachter, Der (2012) Germany
Rekviem za kouzelnou flétnu (1968) Czechoslovakia
Rekvijem za teskasa (1974) Yugoslavia
Rel (2018) USA
Related (2005) USA
Relative Chaos (2006) USA
Relative Eternity (2011) USA
Relative Fear (1994) Canada
Relative Stranger, A (2011) USA
Relatives (1984) Australia
Relativitätstheorie der Liebe, Die (2011) Germany
Relativity Redux (2013) USA
Relatos para no dormir (2015) Peru
Released from Fear: A Restorative Justice Story (2015) United Kingdom
Relentless (1989) USA
Relentless 3 (1993) USA
Relentless: Mind of a Killer (1993) USA, Canada
Relevé (2018) USA
Reliant, The (2019) USA
Relic Hunter (1999) France, Germany, Canada, USA
Relish (2019) USA
Relitto, Il (1961) Italy, Cyprus
Rellik (2017) United Kingdom
Reluctant Astronaut, The (1967) USA
Reluctant Bride, The (1955) United Kingdom
Reluctant Debutante, The (1958) USA
Reluctant Dragon, The (1941) USA
Reluctant Dragon, The (1981) USA
Reluctant Dragon, The (1950) United Kingdom
Reluctant Dragon, The (1941) USA
Reluctant Landlord, The (2018) United Kingdom
Reluctant Nanny (2015) USA
Reluctant Redeemer, The (1954)
Rem (2014) USA
Rem (2012) Spain, Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
Remains, The (2016) USA
Remando al viento (1988) Spain
Remarkable (2017) Australia
Remarkable Andrew, The (1942) USA
Remarkable Life, A (2016) USA
Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker, The (1959) USA
Rembrandt (1999) France, Germany, Netherlands
Rembrandt de Verrières, Le (1981) France
Rembrandt: Fathers & Sons (1999) Canada, Czech Republic
Remedy (2011) USA
Remedy (2012) United Kingdom
Remedy (2014) Canada
Remember (2014) Italy
Remember (2012) USA
Remember (2015) Canada, Germany
Remember (2012) Canada
Remember Back, Remember When (2008) USA
Remember Me (2017) USA
Remember Me (1995) Canada, USA
Remember Me (2010) USA
Remember Mowlem's Method (1970) United Kingdom
Remember My Story: Removed Part 2 (2015) USA
Remember Sunday (2013) USA
Remember the Day (1941) USA
Remember the Titans (2000) USA
Remember Us (2024) United Kingdom
Remember WENN (1996) USA
Remember When (2020) USA
Remember When? (1925) USA
Remember? (1939) USA
Remembering Movies, The (2004) USA
Remembering Trauma (2016) USA
Remembrance (1996) USA
Rememory (2017) Canada, USA
Remen (1978) Czechoslovakia
Reménykedök (1971) Hungary
RemI (2016) France
Rémi sans famille (2018) France
Remington Steele (1982) USA
Reminiscence (2021) USA
Reminiscence (2016) United Kingdom
Réminiscences (2003) France
Remis (2009) Denmark
Remix the Movies (2013) USA
Remnant (2012) USA
Remnants (2016) USA
Remnants (2013) USA
Remnants of the Fallen (2019) USA
Remontons les Champs-Élysées (1938) France
Remoriam (2015) USA
Remote (1993) USA
Remote Control (1988) USA
Remous (2003) France
ReMoved (2013) USA
Remy & Boo (2020) Canada
Remy's Demons (2020) USA
Ren & Stimpy Show, The (1991) USA
Ren gui qing (1987) China
Ren zhi Chu (1951) Hong Kong
Ren'ai-shousetsu (2004) Japan
Renai ittôryû (1933) Japan
Renaissance (2006) France, United Kingdom, Luxembourg
Renaissance (2009) United Kingdom
Renaldo the Magician (2014) USA
Renard et l'enfant, Le (2007) France
Renard jaune, Le (2013) France
Renaud: Arrêter la clope (2006) France
Renaud: Morgane de toi (1983) France
Rencontre avec le dragon (2003) France, Luxembourg
Rencontres de Joëlle, Les (2001) France
Rencor (2002) Spain
Rendez-Vous (2015) Netherlands
Rendez-vous avec un ange (2010) France
Rendez-vous chez les Malawas (2019) France, Belgium
Rendez-vous en terre inconnue (2004) France
Rendezvous (1935) USA
Rendezvous (1957) United Kingdom, USA
Rendezvous 24 (1946) USA
Rendezvous with Annie (1946) USA
Rendition (2007) USA
Rends-moi la clé! (1981) France
Rends-moi mon nom (2000) France
René Lévesque (2006) Canada
René Simard Show, The (1977) Canada
Renegade (1987) Italy
Renegade (1992) USA
Renegade Nell (2024) United Kingdom
Renegade Trail (1939) USA
Renegade, The (1961) United Kingdom
| (2004) Canada
Renegades (1946) USA
Renegades (2017) France, Belgium, Germany, USA
Renegades (1930) USA
Renegades of the Sage (1949) USA
Renfield (2023) USA
Renfrew of the Royal Mounted (1937) USA
Rennschwein Rudi Rüssel (1995) Germany
Rennschwein Rudi Rüssel (2008) Germany
Rennschwein Rudi Rüssel 2 - Rudi rennt wieder! (2007) Germany
Reno (1930) USA
Reno (2007) USA
Reno 911! (2003) USA
Renoir (2012) France
Renseignements généraux (1989) France
Rent (2005) USA
Rent-a-Goalie (2006) Canada
Rent-a-Kid (1995) USA, Canada
Rent-an-Elf (2018) USA
Rentner haben niemals Zeit (1978) East Germany
Rentrée des classes (1956) France
Repentance (2013) USA
Repercussion (2017) USA, United Kingdom
Répertoire des villes disparues (2019) Canada
Répétition, La (2001) France, Canada
Repetitor (1987) Soviet Union
Repeynik (2022) Russia
Replacement, The (2017) USA
Replacements, The (2006) USA
Replacing Bradley (2004) Australia
Replacing Dad (1999) USA
Replay (2003) USA
Replay (2019) Denmark
Replay (2007) USA
Replica (2020) Canada
Replicant (2001) USA
Replicas (2018) United Kingdom, China, Puerto Rico, USA
Repo Men (2010) USA, Canada
Réponse de femmes: Notre corps, notre sexe (1975) France
Report Card (2018) USA
Reportagefilm om Dansk Røde Kors, En (1949) Denmark
Reported Missing (1937) USA
Repossessed (1990) USA
Repossessing Kaufman (2005) USA
Repressing Tansy (2004) USA
Repressions (2007) USA
Reprisal (2019) USA
Reprisal (2003) United Kingdom
Reprise (2006) Norway
Reptilicus (1961) Denmark, USA
Republic of Doyle (2010) Canada
Republic of Love, The (2003) Canada, United Kingdom
Republic of Sarah (2019) USA
Republic of Sarah, The (2021) USA
República Guarani (1981) Brazil
Republicans Don't Want to Be President (2011) USA
République des enfants, La (2011) France
Repulse (2021) Czech Republic
Reputasyon (2011) Philippines
Requiem (2001) France
Requiem (2001) Poland
Requiem (2018) United Kingdom
Requiem (1995) USA
Requiem (2021) United Kingdom
Requiem for a Gunfighter (1965) USA
Requiem for Mr. Cromwell (2016) USA
Requiem für einen Freund (2021) Germany
Requiem Mass (1985) USA, United Kingdom
Réquiem Para Inés (2013) Mexico
Réquiem por Granada (1991) Spain, West Germany, Italy
Requiem pro panenku (1992) Czechoslovakia
Requiem(s) (2001) France
Required Field (2016) USA
Requisition (2017) Australia
Resa dei conti, La (1966) Italy, Spain
Resan till Fjäderkungens Rike (2014) Sweden, Denmark
Resan till Orion (1986) Sweden
Rescapé, Le (2010) France
Rescapés, Les (2010) Canada
Rescue 77 (1999) USA
Rescue 8 (1958) USA
Rescue 911 (1989) USA
Rescue from Jungle (2014) China
Rescue Heroes (1999) Canada, China, USA
Rescue Heroes: The Movie (2003) Canada
Rescue Me (1992) USA
Rescue Me (2004) USA
Rescue Me (2008) USA
Rescue Squad, The (1963) United Kingdom
Rescue, The (1988) USA
Rescue, The (2020) China
Rescuers Down Under, The (1990) USA
Rescuers, The (1977) USA
Rescuers: Stories of Courage: Two Couples (1998) USA
Rescuers: Stories of Courage: Two Families (1998) USA
Rescuers: Stories of Courage: Two Women (1997) USA
Rescuing Madison (2014) USA
Resemblance (2019) USA
Reserva Especial (2001) Portugal
Reservation Road (2007) USA, Germany
Reservation Warparties (2004) USA
Reservations (2008) USA
Reservoir Pups (2016)
Reset (2021) USA
Reset (2014)
Residence (2025) Australia
Residencia, La (1969) Spain
Resident - gonin no kenshûi (2012) Japan
Resident Advisors (2015) USA
Resident Alien (2021) USA
Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004) Germany, France, United Kingdom, Canada, USA
Resident Evil: Extinction (2007) France, Australia, Germany, United Kingdom, USA
Resident Evil: Retribution (2012) Germany, Canada, USA, France
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016) France, Germany, Canada, Australia
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City (2021) Canada, Germany
Resident, The (2018) USA
Residente (2000) Spain
Residenz (2012) Canada
Residual (2012) USA
Resilience (2015) USA
Resilience (2016) USA
Resimdeki Sevgili (2016) Turkey
Resistance (2020) United Kingdom, France, Germany, USA
Resistance (2008) Australia
Resistance (2003) USA, Netherlands
Resisting Roots (2022) USA
Resistirei (2007) Argentina, Portugal
Resolution Pact, The (2010) USA
Resolve (2013) USA
Resolve (2019) Canada
Respect (2021) Canada, USA
Respectful Sketch Comedy (2018) USA
Respira: Transgenesis (2019) Argentina
Respiro (2002) Italy, France
Responsible Child (2019) United Kingdom
Respublika ShKID (1966) Soviet Union
Resquicio, El (2012) Colombia, Argentina
Ressha Sentai Tokkyûjâ (2014) Japan
Ressha Sentai Tokkyûjâ tai Kyôryûjâ Za Mûbî (2015) Japan
Rest in Peace (2016) USA, Italy
Rest of My Life, The (2010) Canada
Rest of Us, The (2019) Canada
Rest You Merry (1958) United Kingdom
Restart the Earth (2021) China
Restaurace U Prince (2005) Czech Republic
Reste (2022) Canada
Reste avec moi (2010) Canada
Resting Place, The (1992) Australia
Restive (2011) USA
Restless (2011) USA
Restless Breed, The (1957) USA
Restless Gun, The (1957) USA
Restless Ones, The (1965) USA
Restless Spirits (1999) Canada
Restless Years, The (1977) Australia
Restoration (1995) USA, United Kingdom
Restoration (2016) USA
Restoration, The (1910) USA
Restos de viento (2017) Mexico
Resultado final (1997) Spain
Resurgence, The (2018) Australia
Resurrecting the Champ (2007) USA
Resurrection (2014) USA
Resurrection (1980) USA
Resurrection (2019) France
Resurrection (1999) USA, Canada
Resurrection - The Last Chapter (2020) Italy
Resurrection Apprentice, The (2005) USA
Resurrection Slope (2013) USA
Resurrectionist, The (2017) Canada
Retablos de la Guadalupana (1967) Mexico
Retfærdighedens rytter (1989) Denmark
Reticent (2011) USA
Retina (2010) Ireland
Retirada (2022) Philippines
Retired at 35 (2011) USA
Reto a la vida (1988) Mexico
Retorno de Walpurgis, El (1973) Spain, Mexico
Retour à la vie (1949) France
Retour à Locmaria (2003) France
Retour aux sources (2003) France
Retour d'Arsène Lupin, Le (1989) France, Cuba, Switzerland, Italy, West Germany, Belgium, Poland, Bulgaria, Canada, Portugal, Yugoslavia
Retour de Casanova, Le (1992) France
Retour de Don Camillo, Le (1953) France, Italy
Retour de Martin Guerre, Le (1982) France
Retour, Le (1996) Canada
Retour, Le (2023) France
Retrato de familia (1995) Mexico
Retrato de Mulher (1993) Brazil
Retrato de una mentira (1990) Mexico
Retrato de una mujer casada (1982) Mexico
Retreat (2016) Canada
Retreat, The (2017) France
Retribution (2023) France, Germany, Spain, USA
Retribution (2013) USA
Retribution (2012) USA
Retrieval (2019) USA
Retrieval, The (2013) USA
Retrievers, The (2001) USA
Retroactive (1997) USA
Retrospect (2010) USA
Retsept lyubvi (2017) Ukraine
Retsepty semeynogo schastya (2020) Russia
Rettet die Weihnachtsgans (2006) Germany
Rettet Raffi! (2015) Germany
Rettungsflieger, Die (1997) Germany
Return (2011) USA
Return from Witch Mountain (1978) USA
Return of Brimsleys Walk, The (2012) USA
Return of Bug Eyed Bill, The (2015) USA
Return of Captain Kidd, The (2011) USA
Return of Casey Jones, The (1933) USA
Return of Chandu, The (1934) USA
Return of Count Yorga, The (1971) USA
Return of Dracula, The (1958) USA
Return of Eliot Ness, The (1991) USA
Return of Frank James, The (1940) USA
Return of Gilbert & Sullivan, The (1952) USA
Return of Hunter, The (1995) USA
Return of Jezebel James, The (2008) USA
Return of Jimmy Valentine, The (1936) USA
Return of Joe Rich, The (2011) USA
Return of Marcus Welby, M.D., The (1984) USA
Return of Mod Squad, The (1979) USA
Return of October, The (1948) USA
Return of Peter Grimm, The (1935) USA
Return of Peter Grimm, The (1926) USA
Return of Phileas Fogg, The (1957) USA
Return of Rin Tin Tin, The (1947) USA
Return of Rusty, The (1946) USA
Return of Sherlock Holmes, The (1986) United Kingdom
Return of the Antelope, The (1986) United Kingdom
Return of the Bad Men (1948) USA
Return of the Big Cat (1974) USA
Return of the Borrowers, The (1993) United Kingdom
Return of the Living Dead: Part II (1988) USA
Return of the Lost Heiress (2024) USA
Return of the Old Pull 'n Push, The (1961) United Kingdom
Return of the Psammead, The (1993) United Kingdom
Return of the Sandman (2009) USA
Return of the Texan (1952) USA
Return of the Vampire, The (1943) USA
Return of Tommy Tricker, The (1994) Canada
Return to Boggy Creek (1977) USA
Return to Christmas Creek (2018)
Return to Earth (1976) USA
Return to Faith (1950)
Return to Green Acres (1990) USA
Return to Halloweentown (2006) USA
Return to Innocence (2001) USA
Return to Lonesome Dove (1993) USA
Return to Never Land (2002) USA, Canada, Australia
Return to Nim's Island (2013) Australia
Return to Oz (1985) United Kingdom, USA
Return to Paradise (1953) USA
Return to Salem's Lot, A (1987) USA
Return to Sender (2008) USA
Return to Sleepaway Camp (2008) USA
Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt (2003) USA
Return to the Blue Lagoon (1991) USA
Return to the Hiding Place (2013) USA
Return to the Lost World (1992) Canada
Return to the Secret Garden (2000) USA
Return to Treasure Island (1954) USA
Return to Warbow (1958) USA
Return, The (2006) USA
Return, The (2020) Canada
Returned, The (2015) USA
Returning Andrew (2016) USA
Returning to Ananda (2013) USA
Returning, The (1983) USA
Reuben by Any Other Name, A (2010) USA
Reuber (2013) Germany
Reunion (1932) United Kingdom
Reunion (2005) USA
Reunion (2015) USA
Reunion (2019) Bulgaria
Reunion (1936) USA
Reunion (1994) USA
Reunion (2001) Canada
Reunion (2009) USA
Reunion in France (1942) USA
Reunion in Reno (1951) USA
Reunion in Rhythm (1937) USA
Reunion, The (2008) USA
Reunion, The (2017) USA
Reunion, The (2011) USA
Reunion, The (2012) Philippines
Reunion: Megumi Yokota's Wish (2006) Japan
Reunited (2015) USA
Reunited (2014) Germany
Reunited (1998) USA
Reunited (2010) USA
Reunited at Christmas (2018) USA
Reuniting the Rubins (2010) United Kingdom
Reusss (2022) France
Rev, The (2013) USA
Rev. (2010) United Kingdom
Revanche (1922) Austria
Revanche (2008) Austria
Revanche des Crevettes Pailletées, La (2022) France, Japan
Revansch (2019) Sweden
Rêve d'Esther, Le (1996) France
Rêve de Mars: Sauvage (2012) Spain
Reveal, The (2017) USA
Reveille with Beverly (1943) USA
Réveillon chez Bob (1984) France
Réveillon des bonnes, Le (2007) France
Revelação (2008) Brazil
Révélateur, Le (1968) France
Revelation (1924) USA
Revelation (2007) United Kingdom
Revelation (2001) United Kingdom
Revelation of Santa (2009) USA
Revelation Road: The Beginning of the End (2013) USA
Revelations (2005) USA
Revelations (2002) United Kingdom, New Zealand
Revelations (2014) USA, United Kingdom
Revenant Horse Sleeping Bag for Kids, The (2016) USA
Revenants, Les (2012) France
Revenge (2011) USA
Revenge (2000) Canada, USA
Revenge (2012) Spain
Revenge Files of Alistair Fury, The (2008) United Kingdom
Revenge in the House of Usher (1983) Spain, France
Revenge of the Bridesmaids (2010) USA
Revenge of the Dummy, The (2012) USA
Revenge of the Land (1999) Canada
Revenge of the Nerds (1984) USA
Revenge of the Nerds (1991) USA
Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise (1987) USA
Revenge of the Ninja (1983) USA
Revenge, Inc. (2013) USA
Revenger (2018) South Korea
Revengers, The (2008) USA
Revenue Men, The (1967) United Kingdom
Rêver en néon (2024) Canada
Reverb (2012) USA
Reverb (2020) USA
Reverence (2023) USA
Rêverie (2003) Belgium
Reverie (2018) USA
Reverie (2008) USA
Reverie (2017) United Kingdom
Reverse Angle (2009) Canada
Reversed Destiny (2016)
Reversing the Polarity: Memoirs of Time and Space (2004) United Kingdom
Rêveuse jeunesse (1994) France
Review (2014) USA
Revisited (1998) Canada
Revive (2013) Australia
Revivre (2009) France
Revlon Mirror Theater, The (1953) USA
Revol (2014) United Kingdom
Révolte des enfants, La (1992) France
Révolté, Le (1938) France
Révoltée, La (1948) France
Revolting Rhymes (2016) United Kingdom
Revolting Rhymes Part Two (2016) United Kingdom
Revolting World of Stanley Brown, The (2012) United Kingdom
Revolution (2012) USA
Revolution (1985) United Kingdom, Norway
Revolution #9 (2001) USA
Révolution Ecole: 1918 1939 (2016) France
Revolutionary Road (2008) USA, United Kingdom
Revolutionen i vandkanten (1971) Denmark
Revolve (2011) Canada
Revolver des Korporals, Der (1967) East Germany
Revolver et la rose, Le (1970) France
Revolver, The (2020) USA
Revs (2013) United Kingdom
Revue (2010) Portugal
Revy vue 75 (1975) Denmark
Reward Unlimited (1944) USA
Rewind (1998) Italy, France
Rewind (2023) Philippines
Rewind (2013) USA
Rewind (1997) USA
Rewind (2012) Germany
Rewizja osobista (1973) Poland
Rex (2017) Slovakia
Rex (2008) USA
Rex Gildo - Der letzte Tanz (2022) Germany
Rex Milligan (1956) United Kingdom
Rex: kyoryu monogatari (1993) Japan
Rey de la granja, El (2002) Spain
Rey de la vecindad, El (1985) Mexico
Rey de los gorilas, El (1977) Mexico
Rey del río, El (1995) Spain
Rey, El (2014) Spain
Reyes del palenque, Los (1979) Mexico
Reyes magos, Los (2003) France, Spain
Reyes y estrellas (2012) Spain
Reys 222 (1986) Soviet Union
Rezador, El (2022) Ecuador, Spain, Colombia
Rezerwat (2007) Poland