F is for Freedom (2014) USA
F Troop (1965) USA
F Word, The (2017) USA
F Word, The (2013) Ireland, Canada
F*ck de liefde (2019) Netherlands
F-Word, The (2022) USA
F-Zone, The (1997) USA
F.B.I., The (1965) USA
F.C. De Kampioenen (1990) Belgium
F.C. De Kampioenen 3: Kampioenen Forever (2017) Belgium
F.J. Holden, The (1977) Australia
F.L. Vek (1971) Czechoslovakia
F.R.E.D.I. (2018) USA
F.Y.D. (2015) USA
F/X2 (1991) USA
F/X: The Series (1996) USA, Canada
F13K A-Rod: Re2pect Parody (2014) USA
F2: Forensic Factor (2003) Canada
F5 (2009) USA
F5 Teraphobia (2018) USA
F9 (2021) USA
F: Ohhh, the Agony of Da-feet (2005) USA
Fabbrica dei volti noti, La (2011) Italy
Fabelmans, The (2022) USA, India
Fabian (1980) West Germany
Fabian of the Yard (1954) United Kingdom
Fabien Cosma (2001) France
Fabien de la Drôme (1983) France
Fabijan (2016) Croatia
Fabiola (1949) Italy, France
Fable of Forsaken, The (2015) United Kingdom
Fable, The (2019) Japan
Fables (2022) USA
Fables de La Fontaine, Les (1966) France
Fabric of Space, The (2015) USA
Fábrica de Anedotas (2002) Portugal
Fábrica de esferas (2008) Mexico
Fabrique, un conte de Noël, La (1979) France
Fabrixx (2000) Germany
Fabrizio De André: Principe libero (2018) Italy
Fábula de la Quarantamaula, La (2022) Spain
Fabuleuses (2019) Canada
Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le (2001) France, Germany
Fabulosos hermanos Abbozzi, Los (2011) Spain
Fabulous 30 (2014) Taiwan
Fabulous Baker Boys, The (1989) USA
Fabulous Dorseys, The (1947) USA
Fabulous Texan, The (1947) USA
Faça Humor, Não Faça Guerra (1970) Brazil
Facade (2015) Canada
Facade (2019) USA
Facade (2016) USA
Faccia a faccia (1967) Spain, Italy
Faccia da mascalzone (1956) Italy
Faccia da schiaffi (1971) Italy
Faccia di cuscino (2022) Italy
Faccio un salto all'Avana (2011) Italy
Face (2019) USA
Face (2010) USA
Face à face (2003) France, Morocco
Face at the Window, The (1912) USA
Face cachée de la lune, La (1987) France
Face in the Rain (1963) USA
Face in the Sky (1933) USA
Face in the Wall, The (2017) USA
Face of 4 (2017) USA
Face of a Fugitive (1959) USA
Face of an Angel, The (2014) United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, USA
Face of Evil (1996) USA
Face of the Enemy (1989) USA
Face to Face (2024) USA
Face to Face (2001) USA
Face's Music Party (2022) USA
Face/Off (1997) USA
Faceless (2006) USA
Faceless Man, The (2019) Australia
Faces (Helene) (2013) USA
Faces in the Fog (1944) USA
Faces of the Dead (2020) USA
Fachowiec (1983) Poland
Facing the Enemy (2001) USA
Facing the Music (1933) United Kingdom
Fack ju Göhte (2013) Germany
Fack ju Göhte 2 (2015) Germany
Fack ju Göhte 3 (2017) Germany
Façon de le dire, La (1999) France, Ireland
Factory 293 (2014) Australia
Factory, The (2012) USA, Canada, France
Factory, The (2012) USA
Facts of Life (2018) USA
Facts of Life Down Under, The (1987) USA
Facts of Life, The (1960) USA
Facts of Life, The (1979) USA
Facts: Retro Oceans (2012) Canada
Faculty, The (1996) USA
Faculty, The (1998) USA
Faded Memories (2008) USA
Fader min (1975) Denmark
Fades, The (2011) United Kingdom
Fading Fast (2009) Canada
Fading Gigolo (2013) USA
Faerie Tale Theatre (1982) USA
Faeries (1999) United Kingdom
Faeries of Blackheath Woods, The (2006) Ireland
Faery (2018) USA
Fågelfångarens Son (2019) Sweden
Fagin's Freshman (1939) USA
Fagnes 1986 (2024) Belgium
Fah larng fon (1978) Thailand
Fah talai jone (2000) Thailand
Fæhår og Harzen (1995) Denmark
Fahim (2019) France
Fahnder, Der (1984) West Germany
Fahndungsakte (1997) Germany
Fahrenheit 451 (1966) United Kingdom
Fahrrad, Das (1982) East Germany
Fahrrad, Das (1965) West Germany
Fahrt ins Grüne, Die (1933) Germany
Fahrt nach Bamsdorf, Die (1956) East Germany
Fai bei sogni (2016) Italy, France
Faida (1988) Italy
Fail Safe (2000) USA
Failure of Success, The (1913) USA
Failure to Launch (2006) USA
Failures, The (2003) USA
Fainaru fantajî sebun adobento chirudoren (2005) Japan
Faintheart (2008) United Kingdom
Fair and Muddy (1928) USA
Fair City (1989) Ireland
Fair Enough. (2007) USA
Fair Exchange (1962) USA
Fair Fight (2018) USA
Fair Game (2010) USA, United Arab Emirates
Fair Play (2014) Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany
Fair Play (2002) USA
Fair Warning (1937) USA
Fair Week (1924) USA
Fairest of the Mall (2014) USA
Fairies' Hallowe'en, The (1910) USA
Fairly Legal (2011) USA
Fairly Odd Christmas, A (2012) USA
Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner!, A (2011) USA, Canada
Fairly Odd Summer, A (2014) USA
Fairly OddParents, The (2001) USA
Fairly Oddparents: Fairly Odder, The (2022) USA
Fairy Princess, The (2009) USA
Fairy Tales, The (2010) USA
Fairy Wings (2011) USA
Fairy's Game, A (2018) USA
Fairytale (2013) USA
Fairytale (2012) United Kingdom
FairyTale: A True Story (1997) United Kingdom
Fairytales (2023) Mexico
Fais danser la poussière (2010) France, Canada
Fais de beaux rêves (2005) France
Fais le mort (2015) France
Fais pas ci, fais pas ça (2007) France
Fais-moi des vacances (2002) France
Fait d'hiver (1999) France, Belgium, Italy
Fait d'hiver (2001) Belgium
Faites comme chez vous (2005) France
Faites des gosses (2019) France
Faites le 15 (2004) France
Faites sauter la banque! (1964) France
Faites-moi confiance! (1954) France
Faith (1997) USA
Faith (1990) USA
Faith (2008) USA
Faith & Bullets (2005) USA
Faith and Dreams (2010) USA
Faith Connections (2013) India, France
Faith for Today (1972) USA
Faith Happens (2006) USA
Faith Like Potatoes (2006) South Africa
Faith of Joey Rail, The (2005) USA
Faith Under Fire (2018) USA
Faithful (1936) United Kingdom
Faithful in My Fashion (1946) USA
Faithful Wives (1926) USA
Faithful, The (2007) USA
Faithfully (2012) Philippines
Faithless (2024) Ireland
Faito (2005) Japan
Faits divers (2007) France
Fake (2015) USA
Fake It Til You Make It (2010) USA
Faked Out (2013) USA
Faker, De (2020) Netherlands
Fakers (2010) Canada
Fakes (2022) USA
Fakiiri (2006) Finland
Fakiren fra Bilbao (2004) Denmark
Fakt biografii (1975) Soviet Union
Faktor 8 - Der Tag ist gekommen (2009) Germany
Fala Sério, Mãe! (2017) Brazil
Fala zbrodni (2003) Poland
Fala-me de Amor (2006) Portugal
Falaise, La (1999) France
Falco (2013) France
Falco (2018) Mexico, Colombia, USA
Falco e la colomba, Il (1981) Italy
Falco: Naked (1996) Austria
Falcon and the Winter Soldier, The (2021) USA
Falcon Beach (2005) USA, Canada
Falcon Beach (2006) Canada
Falcon Crest (1981) USA
Falcon in Mexico, The (1944) USA
Falcon in San Francisco, The (1945) USA
Falcon Lake (2022) France, Canada
Falcon Rising (2014) USA
Falcon's Brother, The (1942) USA
Falcone (2000) USA
Falkehjerte (1999) Denmark, Norway, Germany, Italy, France
Falkland Man, The (2001) USA
Fall (2023) Netherlands
Fall (1997) USA
Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin, The (1976) United Kingdom
Fall Angelika, Der (1966) West Germany
Fall Bachmeier - Keine Zeit für Tränen, Der (1984) West Germany
Fall Barschel, Der (2015) Germany
Fall Brian O'Hara, Der (1978) East Germany
Fall Bruckner, Der (2014) Germany
Fall City (2018) USA
Fall der Gerti B., Der (2019) Austria
Fall Gehring, Der (2003) Germany
Fall Guy, The (1981) USA
Fall Into Darkness (1996) USA
Fall Into Me (2006) USA
Fall Into Winter (2023) USA
Fall Lucona, Der (1993) Germany
Fall Ö., Der (1991) Germany, Greece
Fall of Eve, The (1929) USA
Fall of the House of Usher, The (2023) USA
Fall Opa, Der (1972) West Germany
Fall Out of Kissing Twayla Mae Sullivan, The (2014) USA
Fall Rainer, Der (1942) Germany
Fall Time (1995) USA
Fall trailer, The (2019) USA
Fall von nebenan, Der (1970) West Germany
Fall, The (2008) USA
Fall, The (2006) USA, India
Falla vackert (2004) Sweden
Fallaste corazón (1970) Mexico
Fallaway (2016) USA
Fallen (2009) USA
Fallen (2006) USA, Canada
Fallen (1998) USA
Fallen (2004) United Kingdom
Fallen Angel (1981) USA
Fallen Angel (2003) USA
Fallen Angel (2007) United Kingdom
Fallen Angels (1997) Australia
Fallen Angels (1993) USA
Fallen Cards (2014) USA
Fallen Curtain, The (1999) United Kingdom
Fallen Idol, The (1948) United Kingdom
Fallen Redemption (2016) USA
Fallen Souls (2010) USA
Fallende Stern, Der (1950) West Germany
Fallers - Eine Schwarzwaldfamilie, Die (1994) Germany
Fallesmannin Arvo ja minä (1995) Finland
Fallet Ebba (2009) Sweden
Falling (2005) United Kingdom
Falling (2020) United Kingdom, Canada, USA
Falling Apples (2015) USA
Falling for the Manny (2023) USA
Falling for Vermont (2017) USA, Canada
Falling from Arms (2020) USA
Falling from Grace (1992) USA
Falling from the Sky: Flight 174 (1995) Canada, USA
Falling Guy, The (2011) USA
Falling in Love (1984) USA
Falling in Love at Christmas (2021) Canada
Falling Like This (2001) USA
Falling Skies (2011) USA, Canada
Falling Sparrows (2000) New Zealand
Falling Through the Cracks (2015) USA
Falling Water (2016) USA
Falling, The (2014) United Kingdom
Fallout (2024) USA
Fallout (1999) USA
Fallout, The (2021) USA
Falls the Shadow (2011) USA
Falls, The (2012) USA
Falosny princ (1985) Czechoslovakia, West Germany
Falsche Bewegung (1975) West Germany
Falsche Ehemann, Der (1931) Germany
Falsche Katze, Die (1973) Austria, West Germany
Falsche Liebe (1997) Germany
Falsche Spuren (1990) West Germany
False Alarm, A (1922) USA
False Arrest (1991) USA
False Hope (2007) USA
False Impressions (1932) USA
Falshivaya nota (2013) Russia
Falsify (2013) USA
Falsk som vatten (1985) Sweden
Fame (2009) USA
Fame (2020)
Fame (1930) USA
Fame (1982) USA
Fame Is the Spur (1947) United Kingdom
Fameless (2015) USA
Famiglia Benvenuti, La (1968) Italy
Famiglia Buonanotte, La (1989) Italy, Canada
Famiglia Passaguai fa fortuna, La (1952) Italy
Famiglia Passaguai, La (1951) Italy
Famiglia Ricordi, La (1995) Italy
Famiglia, La (1987) Italy, France
Famil'nyye tsennosti (2015) Russia
Familia (2005) Canada
Familia (2023) Mexico
Familia Gang (2014) Mexico
Familia Kft. (1991) Hungary
Família Mata, A (2011) Portugal
Familia Mata, La (2007) Spain
Familia P. Luche, La (2002) Mexico
Família Panda (2010) Portugal
Familia Por Vida (2016)
Familia provisional (1958) Spain
Familia rodante (2004) Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom
Família Ventura, A (2017) Portugal
Familia y... uno más, La (1965) Spain
Familia Zaragoza (1995) Philippines
Familiar Stranger, The (2001) USA
Familiars, The (2020) Australia
Familiata (2013) Bulgaria
Familie (1991) Belgium
Familie auf Bestellung (2004) Germany
Familie Braun (2016) Germany
Familie Bundschuh (2015) Germany
Familie Claus 2, De (2021) Belgium
Familie Claus 3, De (2022) Belgium, Netherlands
Familie Claus, De (2020) Belgium
Familie Dr. Kleist (2004) Germany
Familie Fröhlich - Schlimmer geht immer (2010) Germany
Familie für Fortgeschrittene (2011) Germany
Familie inklusive (2013) Germany
Familie is nich (2024) Germany
Familie Neumann (1984) East Germany
Familie Rechlin (1982) East Germany
Familie Schölermann (1954) Germany
Familie Slim, De (2017) Netherlands
Familie Sonnenfeld (2005) Germany
Familie Windscheidt - Der ganz normale Wahnsinn (2012) Germany
Familie XXL (2002) Germany
Familie! (2016) Germany
Familie, En (2010) Denmark
Familien - om bolig- og levevilkår i Bombay (1974) Denmark
Familien EDB'sen (1980) Denmark
Familien Fredagsslik (2017) Denmark
Familien Gregersen (2004) Denmark
Familien i fin form (1968) Denmark
Familien Jul (2014) Denmark
Familien Jul i nissernes land (2016) Denmark
Familien Jul og nissehotellet (2021) Denmark
Familien Krahne (1982) Denmark
Familienanwältin, Die (2006) Germany
Familiendetektivin, Die (2014) Germany
Familiengericht, Das (2002) Germany
Familienpackung (2009) Germany
Familienradgeber (2006) Germany
Familiens ære (2015) Denmark
Familienvater, Der (1964) West Germany
Familiesagaen De syv søstre (1996) Norway
Familjefar (2015) Sweden
Familjehemligheter (2001) Sweden, Norway
Familjen Rysberg (2015) Sweden
Famille Anodin, La (1956) France
Famille Bélier, La (2014) France, Belgium
Famille d'accueil (2001) France
Famille de coeur (1998) France
Famille décomposée (2010) France
Famille et turbulences (2014) France
Famille Fontaine, La (1992) France
Famille fou rire (1993) France
Famille Katz, La (2013) France
Famille médicament, La (2000) France
Famille Millevoies, La (2015) France
Famille nombreuse (1997) France
Famille Ramdam, La (1990) France
Famille Sapajou, La (1997) France
Famille Sapajou, La (1997) France
Famille Wolberg, La (2009) France, Belgium
Family (2018) USA
Family (1976) USA
Family (2022) United Kingdom
Family (2019) Belgium
Family Affair (2019) South Korea
Family Affair (2002) USA
Family Affair (1966) USA
Family Affair, A (1937) USA
Family Affair, A (2013) USA
Family Affairs (1997) United Kingdom
Family Affairs - Gier nach Glück (2002) Germany
Family Again, A (1988) USA
Family Album (2011) USA
Family Album (1994) USA
Family Album (1993) USA
Family Album, U.S.A (1991) USA
Family and Other Living Things, The (1978) USA
Family at War, A (1970) United Kingdom
Family Betrayal, A (2018) USA
Family BG (2017) Bulgaria
Family Biz (2009) Canada
Family Blessings (1998) Canada, USA
Family Business (2004) United Kingdom
Family Business (2018) USA
Family Camp (2022) USA
Family Comedy Hour (1987) USA
Family Dinner (2022) Austria
Family Dinner (2009) USA
Family Divided, A (1995) USA
Family Entrance, The (1925) USA
Family Express (1991) Switzerland, France, Italy
Family Fang, The (2015) USA
Family Feud (1943) USA
Family First (2010) Canada
Family First (2011) USA
Family for Christmas (2015) Canada, USA
Family for Joe, A (1990) USA
Family for Joe, A (1990) USA
Family for the Holidays, A (2017) USA
Family Fortune (2015)
Family Fun in Vancouver: The Tour Guys (2014) Canada
Family Game Night (2010) USA
Family Game Night (2013) USA
Family Group, The (1928) USA
Family Guy (1999) USA
Family Guy Presents Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story (2005) USA
Family Guy: Up Late with Stewie & Brian (2007) USA
Family Holiday, The (2007) USA
Family Holvak, The (1975) USA
Family Honeymoon (1948) USA
Family Honor, The (1920) USA
Family in Crisis: The Elian Gonzales Story, A (2000) USA
Family in Hiding (2006) Canada
Family Jewels, The (1965) USA
Family Justice (2012) USA
Family Karma (2007) USA
Family Lamp, The (2016) USA
Family Law (2021) Canada
Family Law (1999) USA
Family Law, The (2016) Australia
Family Life (1924) USA
Family Lost, A (2007) Canada, USA
Family Man (2008) USA
Family Man (1988) USA
Family Man, A (2016) Canada, USA
Family Man, The (1990) USA
Family Man, The (2010) Canada
Family Man, The (2000) USA
Family Matters (1989) USA
Family Medical Center (1988) USA
Family Money (1996) United Kingdom
Family Next Door, The (1939) USA
Family Night (????) Ireland
Family Nobody Wanted, The (1975) USA
Family of Cops (1995) Canada, USA
Family of Four (2009) USA
Family of Lies (2017) USA
Family of Spies (1990) USA
Family of Strangers (1993) Canada
Family of Too Many (2018) USA, Iran
Family Ornaments (2023) USA
Family Passions (1993) Germany, Canada
Family Picnic, The (1926) USA
Family Pictures (1993) USA, Canada
Family Pieces (2009) USA
Family Plan (1997) USA
Family Plan (2005) USA
Family Portrait (2013) United Kingdom
Family Portrait (2005) USA
Family Portrait in Black and White (2011) Ukraine, Canada
Family Portraits: A Trilogy of America (2003) USA
Family Practice (2008) USA
Family Practice Mysteries: Coming Home (2024)
Family Prayers (1993) USA
Family Problems (2013) USA
Family Property Backwoods Killing Spree (2009) USA
Family Remains (1993) USA
Family Reunion (2019) USA
Family Reunion (1981) USA
Family Reunion Christmas, A (2019) USA
Family Rock (1982) France
Family Rules (1999) USA
Family Secret, The (1924) USA
Family Secret, The (1951) USA
Family Secret, The (2012) USA
Family Show, Le (2014) France
Family Sins (1987) USA
Family Sins (2004) USA, Canada
Family Solicitor (1961) United Kingdom
Family Still Matters TV (2015) USA
Family Stone, The (2005) USA
Family Thanksgiving, A (2010) USA
Family Theatre (1949) USA
Family Ties (1982) USA
Family Ties (2021) USA
Family Ties Vacation (1985) USA
Family Time (2012) USA
Family Time (2013) USA
Family Tools (2013) USA
Family Torn Apart, A (1993) USA
Family Treasure (2012) USA
Family Tree (1999) USA
Family Tree (2020) United Kingdom
Family Tree (2013) USA, United Kingdom
Family Tree (2003) USA
Family Troubles (1943) USA
Family Values (1995) USA
Family Values (2015) USA
Family Wars (2015) Netherlands
Family Weekend (2013) USA
Family, The (2016) USA
Family, The (2013) USA, France
Family, The (2016) Denmark
Family: Ties of Blood (2006) India
Familya (2016) Turkey
Famosa (2020) Italy
Famous (2010) Denmark
Famous and Afraid (2019) USA
Famous and Fatal (2019) USA
Famous Detective Preservation of Health Woman (1997) Japan
Famous Ferguson Case, The (1932) USA
Famous Five, The (1995) United Kingdom, Canada, Germany
Famous Five, The (1978) United Kingdom
Famous In Ahmedabad (2015) India
Famous in Love (2017) USA
Famous in Michigan (2018) USA
Famous Jett Jackson, The (1998) Canada, USA
Famous Little Girls (2018) USA
Fan chan (2003) Thailand
Fan Fan (1918) USA
Fan Girl (2015) USA
Fan gun ba! A Xin (2011) Taiwan
Fan gun ba! Nan hai (2005) Taiwan
Fan of Amoory (2018) United Arab Emirates
Fan, Der (1982) West Germany
Fan, The (1996) USA
Fanaa (2006) India
Fanas du ciné, Les (1985) France
Fanatic (2015) United Kingdom
Fanboy (2021) USA
Fanboy Funhouse (2010) USA
Fanchon, the Cricket (1915) USA
Fancy Brains from Farm 6!!! (2011) Canada
Fancy Dancing (2002) United Kingdom, Canada
Fancy Nancy (2018) USA, Canada
Fancypants (2011) USA
Fandango Sisters, The (2012) USA
Fando y Lis (1968) Mexico
Fandorin. Azazel (2023) Russia
Fanelli Boys, The (1990) USA
Fanfan la Tulipe (2003) France
Fanfaren der Ehe (1953) West Germany
Fanfaren der Liebe (1951) West Germany
Fang des Lebens (2004) Germany
Fangar (2017) Iceland
Fängelse (1949) Sweden
Fangen på Dragsholm (1966) Denmark
Fangirls (2018) USA
Fangs (2021) Italy
Fangs of Justice (1926) USA
Fangs of the Wild (1939) USA
Fanny (1961) USA
Fanny (2014) France
Fanny Farveløs (1997) Denmark
Fanny Lye Deliver'd (2019) United Kingdom, Germany
Fanny och Alexander (1982) Sweden, France, West Germany
Fanny och Alexander (1983) Sweden, France, West Germany
Fanø (1939) Denmark
Fantaghirò (1991) Italy
Fantasia (1940) USA
Fantasia chez les ploucs (1971) France, Egypt, Italy
Fantasía... 3 (1966) Spain
FANtasies (2017) USA
Fantasma di Corleone, Il (2004) Italy
Fantasmi (2011) Italy
Fantasmi a Roma (1961) Italy
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) United Kingdom, USA
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) United Kingdom, USA
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022) United Kingdom, USA
Fantastic Escape, The (2005) USA
Fantastic Fear of Everything, A (2012) United Kingdom
Fantastic Four (2015) USA, Germany, United Kingdom
Fantastic Four (2005) USA, Germany
Fantastic Four, The (1994) Germany, USA
Fantastic Journey, The (1977) USA
Fantastic Max (1988) USA, United Kingdom
Fantastic Studios, Inc. (1949) USA
Fantastic World of D.C. Collins, The (1984) USA
Fantasticheskaya istoriya (1988) Soviet Union
Fantástico mundo de Juan Orol, El (2012) Mexico
Fantástico mundo de María Montiel, El (1978) Argentina
Fantastikids (2006) Philippines
Fantasy (2015) USA
Fantasy Football (2022) USA
Fantasy Island (1977) USA
Fantasy Island (2021) USA
Fantasy Life (2015) USA
Fantasy Patrol. The Chronicles (2019) Russia
Fantasyland (2008) USA
Fantazii Vesnukhina (1977) Soviet Union
Fantazyory (1965) Soviet Union
Fante-Anne (1920) Norway
Fantom (2012) Russia
Fantom (2021) Russia
Fantom Morrisvillu (1966) Czechoslovakia
Fantôme avec chauffeur (1996) France
Fantôme de la liberté, Le (1974) Italy, France
Fantôme de mon ex, Le (2007) France, Belgium
Fantôme du lac, Le (2007) France
Fantômes de Louba, Les (2001) France
Fantômes de Tanger (1998) France
Fantômes du chapelier, Les (1982) France
Fantômette (1993) France
Fantomforhold (2021) Denmark
Fantozzi 2000 - La clonazione (1999) Italy
Far (2012) Denmark
Far (2020) Denmark
Far Away Love (2016) China
Far from Heaven (2002) USA, France
Far from Home (1989) USA
Far from Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog (1995) USA
Far from Raven's Home (2021) USA
Far from the Tree (2017) USA
Får jag lov, magistern! (1947) Sweden
Far laver sovsen (1967) Denmark
Far Off Place, A (1993) USA
Far Pavilions, The (1984) United Kingdom, USA
Far Rock (2016) USA
Far til fire (1953) Denmark
Far til fire & vikingerne (2020) Denmark
Far til fire - i stor stil (2006) Denmark
Far til fire - Onkel Sofus vender tilbage (2014) Denmark
Far til fire - på hjemmebane (2008) Denmark
Far til fire - på japansk (2010) Denmark
Far til fire - tilbage til naturen (2011) Denmark
Far til fire gi'r aldrig op (2005) Denmark
Far til fire i byen (1956) Denmark
Far til fire i højt humør (1971) Denmark
Far til fire i sneen (1954) Denmark
Far til fire i solen (2018) Denmark, Spain
Far til fire med fuld musik (1961) Denmark
Far til fire og onkel Sofus (1957) Denmark
Far til fire og ulveungerne (1958) Denmark
Far til fire på Bornholm (1959) Denmark
Far til fire på landet (1955) Denmark
Far til fire på toppen (2017) Denmark, Norway
Far til fire's vilde ferie (2015) Denmark
Far til fire: Til søs (2012) Denmark
Far till staden (2001) Sweden
Far, A (2017) USA
Far, En (1988) Sweden
Far, mor og Blyp (1996) Denmark
Faraar (1975) India
Faranabrack Chronicles: A Tribute to Hal Roach (2014) USA
Faraon (1966) Poland
Fararishtay kifti rost (2002) Italy, France, Switzerland, Tajikistan
Faráruv konec (1969) Czechoslovakia
Farba tvojich oci (1982) Czechoslovakia
Farben der Liebe, Die (2004) Germany
Farbror Blås nya båt (1968) Sweden
Fardeau, Le (1988) France
Farewell (2016) USA
Farewell (2017) New Zealand
Farewell Darkness (2007) USA
Farewell Mr. Kringle (2010) USA
Farewell to Arms, A (1957) USA
Farewell to Fenway (2005) USA
Farewell to the King (1989) USA
Fargo (1996) USA, United Kingdom
Fargo (2014) USA
Faridullahs fridag (2013) Denmark, Afghanistan
Farinelli (1994) France, Italy, Belgium
Farishta (1984) India
Farkles, The (2011) USA
Farkli Boyut (2011) Turkey
Farligt venskab (1995) Denmark, Sweden
Farm Hands (1943) USA
Farm House (2008) USA
Farm, The (2001) Australia
Farm, The (2013) USA
Farmacia de guardia (1991) Spain
Farmed and Dangerous (2013) USA
Farmer Takes a Wife, The (1935) USA
Farmer Takes a Wife, The (1953) USA
Farmer's Daughter, The (2010) USA
Farmer's Daughter, The (1963) USA
Farmer's Daughter, The (1940) USA
Farmer's Daughter, The (1947) USA
Farmer, The (1931) USA
Faro (2013) Sweden, Finland
Faro de las orcas, El (2016) Spain, Argentina
Faro, El (1998) Argentina, Spain
Fars Drenge (2021) Denmark
Farscape (1999) Australia, USA
Fart Rudy (2013) USA
Fartblinda (2019) Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, United Kingdom
Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt (1969) Denmark
Faryad moorcheha (2006) Iran, France, India
Fasandræberne (2014) Denmark, Germany, Sweden
Fascination (1931) United Kingdom
Fashion Feline: The Movie (2016) USA
Fashion House (2006) USA
Fashion King (2012) South Korea
Fashionable Wife (1959) India
Fashionably Yours (2020) USA
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019) USA
Fast and Furious (1939) USA
Fast and Loose (1954) United Kingdom
Fast Color (2018) USA
Fast Companions (1932) USA
Fast Company (1924) USA
Fast Company (1929) USA
Fast Company (1953) USA
Fast Food (1989) USA
Fast Food High (2003) Canada, USA
Fast Food Nation (2006) United Kingdom, USA
Fast Freight (1929) USA
Fast Friends (1979) USA
Fast Girl (2008) USA
Fast Lane, The (1985) Australia
Fast Layne (2019) USA
Fast Learners (2006) United Kingdom
Fast perfekte Mann, Der (2013) Germany
Fast Show, The (1994) United Kingdom
Fast Talking (1984) Australia
Fast Times (1986) USA
Fast Track (2006) USA
Fast Track (1997) USA, Canada
Fast Track to Fame (2010) USA
Fast X (2023) USA
Faster (2010) USA
Faster Than the Speed of Light (2015) USA
Fastest Gun Alive, The (1956) USA
Fastlane (2002) USA
Fat Albert (2004) USA
Fat and the Canary (1927) USA
Fat Camp (2017) USA
Fat Friends (2000) United Kingdom
Fata Morgana (2002) Canada
Fatakra (2011) USA
Fatal Affair (1998) Canada
Fatal Attraction (2023) USA
Fatal Attraction (1987) USA
Fatal Attraction (2013)
Fatal Beauty (2019) USA
Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America (2006) New Zealand, USA
Fatal Defense (2017) USA
Fatal Encounters (2012) USA
Fatal Error (1999) Canada, USA
Fatal Exposure (1991) USA
Fatal Flaw (2008) USA
Fatal Friendship (1991) USA
Fatal Fury 1 (1992) Japan
Fatal Instinct (1993) USA
Fatal Lessons: The Good Teacher (2004) Canada, USA
Fatal Mallet, The (1914) USA
Fatal Memories (1992) USA, Canada
Fatal Trust (2006) Canada
Fatal Vision (1984) USA
Fatal Vows (2012) USA
Fatal Vows: The Alexandra O'Hara Story (1994) USA
Fatale (2020) USA
Fatale Mutterliebe (1995) Germany
Fatboy (2011) United Kingdom
Fate (2017) Sweden
Fate ignoranti, Le (2022) Italy
Fate of the Furious, The (2017) USA
Faten Amal Harby (2022) Egypt
Fatevi vivi, la polizia non interverrà (1974) Italy
Fathead (2023) USA
Father (2015) USA
Father and Scout (1994) USA
Father and Son (1915) USA
Father and Son (1929) USA
Father Can't Cope (2000) USA
Father Dowling Mysteries (1989) USA
Father Figure (2013) United Kingdom
Father Figure (2006) USA
Father Figure (1980) USA
Father Figures (2017) USA
Father Figurine (2019) USA, Canada
Father for Charlie, A (1995) USA
Father Goose (1964) USA
Father Hood (1993) USA
Father in Israel (2009) USA
Father Is a Bachelor (1950) USA
Father Is a Prince (1940) USA
Father is alive (2023) Russia
Father Knows Best (1954) USA
Father Knows Best Reunion, The (1977) USA
Father Knows Best: Home for Christmas (1977) USA
Father Makes Good (1950) USA
Father Murphy (1981) USA
Father of Invention (2010) USA
Father of the Bird (1997) USA
Father of the Bride (1961) USA
Father of the Bride (1950) USA
Father of the Bride (1991) USA
Father of the Bride Part II (1995) USA
Father of the Pride (2004) USA
Father Rupert Mayer (2014) Germany, USA
Father Stu (2022) South Korea, USA
Father Taken, A (2007) USA
Father Takes the Air (1951) USA
Father Time (2008) USA
Father Was a Fullback (1949) USA
Father Who Had No Sons, The (1955)
Father Xmas (2001) USA
Father's Choice, A (2000) USA
Father's Christmas (2014) France
Father's Day (2018) USA
Father's Day, A (2016) United Kingdom
Father's Homecoming, A (1988) USA
Father's Lion (1952) USA
Father's Little Dividend (1951) USA
Father's Love, A (2015) USA
Father's Promise (2013) USA
Father's Son (1941) USA
Father's Son (1931) USA
Father's Wild Game (1950) USA
Father, A (2012) USA
Father, The (2011) Australia
Father, The (2020) United Kingdom, France
Father, the child and the mother, The (2019) Italy
Fatherhood (2021) USA
Fatherhood (2004) USA
Fatherland (1994) USA
Fathers (2016) Thailand
Fathers and Daughters (2015) USA, Italy
Fathers and Families (1977) United Kingdom
Fathers and Sons (1971) United Kingdom
Fathers and Sons (2005) USA
Fathers and Sons (1986) USA
Fathers Are People (1951) USA
Fathers' Day (1997) USA
Fatiche di Ercole, Le (1958) Italy, Spain
Fatih (2012) Netherlands
Fatima (1997) Portugal, Italy
Fatima (2020) Portugal, USA
Fatman (2020) United Kingdom, Canada, USA
Fatos sokaklarin melegi (1971) Turkey
Fatos talihsiz yavru (1970) Turkey
Fatrick (2014) USA
Fatso (1980) USA
Fatti di gente perbene (1974) Italy, France
Fatty (2014) USA
Fatty Finn (1980) Australia
Faubourg 36 (2008) France, Germany, Czech Republic
Fauler Zauber (2016) Germany
Fault (2002) USA
Fault in Our Stars, The (2014) USA
Faunutland and the Lost Magic (2020) Sweden, United Kingdom, USA
Fausse maîtresse, La (1942) France
Fausse teinte (2004) France
Faust (1994) Germany
Faustão (1971) Brazil
Faustine et le bel été (1972) France
Fausto (1993) France
Faut-il? (2002) France
Faute à Fidel!, La (2006) Italy, France
Faute à Rousseau, La (2021) France
Fautes d'orthographe, Les (2004) France
Fauve (2018) Canada
Fauves (2017) Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France
Faux frère (1991) France
Faux tatouages, Les (2017) Canada
Faux-monnayeurs, Les (2010) France
Favela Rising (2005) USA
Faveur des moineaux, La (2013) Belgium
Favola crudele (1991) Italy
Favolacce (2020) Italy, Switzerland
Favoloso '18, Il (1965) Italy
Favor, El (2004) Argentina
Favor, The (1994) USA
Favor, The (2001) USA
Favor, The (2007) Mexico, USA
Favorite Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley, The (2001) USA
Favorite Son (2008) USA
Favorite, The (1989) USA, Switzerland
Favoritos (2024) Spain
Favoritos de Midas, Los (2020) Spain
Favourite Game, The (2003) Canada
Fawn (2010) United Kingdom
Fawn (2015) USA
Fawn Story (1975) USA
Fay Grim (2006) USA, Germany, France
Fazilet (1990) Turkey
FBI (2018) USA
FBI Story, The (1959) USA
FBI: Criminal Pursuit (2011) USA
FBI: International (2021) USA
FBI: Lost & Found (2020) USA
FBI: Most Wanted (2020) USA
FBI: Negotiator (2005) USA, Canada
FBI: The Untold Stories (1991) USA
FC Venus (2006) Germany
FCU: Fact Checkers Unit (2010) USA
Fe, esperanza y caridad (1974) Mexico
Fear (1996) USA
Fear Filter (2019) USA
Fear House (2008) USA
Fear in the Forest (2014) USA
Fear Inside, The (1992) USA
Fear Itself (2008) Canada, USA
Fear No Evil (1969) USA
Fear No More (1961) USA
Fear Not (2013) USA
Fear of 13, The (2015) United Kingdom
Fear of Poverty, The (1916) USA
Fear of Rain (2021) USA
Fear of the Dark (2003) Canada
Fear Street: 1978 (2021) USA
Fear Strikes Out (1957) USA
Fear the Walking Dead (2015) USA
Fear Thy Neighbor (2014) Canada, USA
Fear, The (2010) United Kingdom
Fear, The (1995) USA
Feardotcom (2002) United Kingdom, Germany, Luxembourg, USA, Canada
Fearing Mind, The (2000) Canada, USA
Fearleaders (2015) USA
Fearless (1993) USA
Fearless Fagan (1952) USA
Fearless Juan (2000) USA
Fearless Lover, The (1925) USA
Fears of Children (1951) USA
Fearsville 2 (2017) USA
Feast (2005) USA
Feast at Midnight, A (1994) United Kingdom
Feast of the Seven Fishes (2019) USA
Feast, The (2013) Romania
Feather Boy (2004) United Kingdom
Feather in Her Hat, A (1935) USA
Feathered Pests (1939) USA
Featherstone's Nest (1979) USA
Febrer (2004) Spain
February (2015) USA, Canada
Federal Man-Hunt (1938) USA
Federale, Il (1961) Italy, France
Federn im Wind (2004) Austria, Germany
Fedka (1937) Soviet Union
Fedka (2015) Russia
Fedkina pravda (1925) Soviet Union
Fedoneve: Lukacs (1977) Soviet Union, Hungary
Fedor's Journey Through Moscow at the Turn of the XXI Century (2015) Russia
Feed (2017) USA
Feed 'em and Weep (1938) USA
Feed the Beast (2016) USA
Feed the Dog (2024) Denmark
Feeding Mr. Baldwin (2013) USA
Feel Blue/Less Than I Do (2023) USA
Feel Good (2015) Thailand
Feel Sad for the Bunny (2015) Belgium
Feel the Beat (2020) USA
Feel This Fall (2021) USA
Feel, The (2017) USA
Feeling Minnesota (1996) USA
Feeling to Dive and Other Stories (2014) USA, Belgium
Feelings and Stuff (2008) Germany
Feeling_Lonely? (2007) Australia
Fées du logis, Les (2014) France
Feest van Tante Rita 2 - De Chocobom, Het (2024) Netherlands
Feest van Tante Rita, Het (2022) Netherlands
Feest voor Sinterklaas 2013, Een (2014) Netherlands
Feet (2015) USA
Feet First (1930) USA
Feet of Clay (1924) USA
Fehér isten (2014) Hungary, Germany, Sweden
Fehér tenyér (2006) Hungary
Fei cui hu li (1980) Taiwan
Fei dao you jian fei dao (2003) China, Taiwan
Fei lai de xian he (1982) China
Fei long wang zi po qun yao (1970) Taiwan, Japan
Fei lung gwoh gong (2020) Hong Kong
Fei tian dun di jin gang ren (1977) Taiwan
Fei zhou he shang (1991) Hong Kong
Feigling, Der (2005) Germany
Feind in meinem Leben, Der (2013) Germany
Fejezetek az Erények könyvéböl (2005) Hungary
Fekete pont (2024) Hungary
Félálom (1991) Hungary
Felices 140 (2015) Spain
Felicia (2008) USA
Felicia's Journey (1999) Canada, United Kingdom
Felicità (2020) France
Felicità - La stagione delle buone notizie (????) Italy
Felicità domestica, La (1966) Italy
Felicità non costa niente, La (2003) Italy, France, Switzerland
Felicitas (2009) Argentina
Félicité (1979) France
Felicity (1998) USA
Felicity: An American Girl Adventure (2005) USA
Felidae (1994) Germany
Felipa North of the Border (1971) USA
Felipe ha gli occhi azzurri (1991) Italy, France
Felipe ha gli occhi azzurri 2 (1993) Italy
Felix (2007) Germany
Felix (2013) South Africa
Felix - Ein Freund fürs Leben (1997) Germany
Felix - Ein Freund fürs Leben (1997) Germany
Felix aus dem Wunderland (1971) East Germany
Félix et le trésor de Morgäa (2021) Canada
Félix et Malou (2010) Canada
F?lix Leclerc (2005) Canada
Felix Unafraid (2014) USA
Felix und der Wolf (1988) East Germany
Feliz año, amor mío (1957) Mexico
Feliz Christmas, Merry Navidad (1999) Mexico
Feliz Navidad (2006) USA
Fellini - Satyricon (1969) Italy
Fellow Citizens (1920) USA
Fellow Romans (1921) USA
Fellowship (2005) USA
Felon (2008) USA
Felony Squad (1966) USA
Felsen, Der (2002) Germany
Fem døgn i august (1973) Norway
Fem gånger Storm (2000) Sweden
Fem mand og Rosa (1964) Denmark
Fem skott i senaten (1992) Finland
Female (1933) USA
Female Artillery (1973) USA
Female Brain, The (2017) USA
Female Fight Club (2016) USA
Female Perversions (1996) Germany, USA
Femi (2018) United Kingdom
Femida vidit (2021) Russia
Fëmijët e saj (1957) Albania
Femina (1991) Poland
Féminin pluriel, Le (1982) France
Feminino Plural (1976) Brazil
Feminist Rapper (2013) USA
Femme (2017) Netherlands
Femme à l'ombre, La (1992) France
Femme coquelicot, La (2005) France, Switzerland
Femme d'à côté, La (1981) France
Femme dans la chambre, La (2005) France
Femme de Gilles, La (2004) Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Italy, Switzerland
Femme de l'aviateur, La (1981) France
Femme de ma vie, La (1986) France, West Germany
Femme de mon frère, La (2019) Canada
Femme de mon mari, La (2000) France
Femme du cosmonaute, La (1997) France
Femme du pêcheur, La (1997) France
Femme du veuf, La (1998) France
Femme en bleu, La (1973) France, Italy
Femme enfant, La (1980) France, West Germany
Femme et le pantin, La (1929) France
Femme femme (2007) France
Femme flic, La (1980) France
Femme infidèle, La (1969) Italy, France
Femme invisible (d'après une histoire vraie), La (2009) France
Femme Nikita, La (1997) Canada
Femme piégée, La (1995) France
Femmer, En (2004) Denmark
Femmes (1983) Spain, France
Femmes de loi (2000) France
Femmes de personne (1984) France
Femmes du 6e étage, Les (2010) France
Femmes du square, Les (2022) France
Femmes et les enfants d'abord, Les (1995) France
Femmine contro maschi (2011) Italy
Femmine insaziabili (1969) Italy, West Germany
Femø 1971 (1974) Denmark
Fence (2018) Kosovo, Croatia, France
Fence, The (2005) United Kingdom
Fence, The (1994) USA
Fences (2009) Australia
Fences (2016) USA, Canada
Fencing Champion, The (2014) Denmark
Feng er ti ta cai (1981) Taiwan
Feng huang qin (1993) China
Feng huang wang zi (1989) Taiwan
Feng huo shao nian (1975) China
Feng kuang da lao qian (1980) Hong Kong
Feng kuang de dai jia (1988) China
Fènix 11·23 (2012) Spain
Fenomena (2015) Poland, USA
Fenris (2022) Norway
Feodosiyskaya skazka (2021) Russia
Feofaniya, risuyushchaya smert (1991) Russia
Feral (2016) USA
Feral 2 (2017) USA
Feral World, A (2020) USA
Ferðin (2002) Iceland
Ferdinand (2017) USA
Ferdinand von Schirach - Glauben (2021) Germany
Ferdinande, vrat se! (1984) Czechoslovakia
Ferdinando e Carolina (1999) Italy, France
Fergus McPhail (2004) Australia
Ferias de México (1959) Mexico
Ferie d'agosto (1996) Italy
Ferien (2007) Germany
Ferien (2016) Germany
Ferien auf Immenhof (1957) West Germany
Ferien mit Silvester (1992) Austria
Ferien und das alte Haus (1973) East Germany
Ferien vom Ich (1963) West Germany
Ferien vom Leben (2017) Germany
Ferienarzt, Der (2004) Germany
Feriengewitter (1989) East Germany
Ferienheim Bergkristall (1983) East Germany
Ferienkind, Das (1943) Germany
Ferkel Fritz (1998) Germany
Fermate il mondo... voglio scendere! (1970) Italy
Ferme du crocodile, La (1996) France
Fern Hill (2005) USA
Fern, the Red Deer (1977) United Kingdom
Fernes Land Pa-Isch (2000) Germany
Fernweh (2014) Netherlands
Féroce (2002) France
Feroz (1984) Spain
Ferrara Poems, The (1990) Australia
Ferrari (2003) Italy
Ferrari (2023) USA, United Kingdom, Italy, China
Ferrari Ki Sawaari (2012) India
Ferret Squad Needs Your Help!, The (2012) Canada
Ferret, The (1994) USA
Ferris Bueller (1990) USA
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) USA
Ferris Wheel (2019) Russia
Ferroviere, Il (1956) Italy
Ferry: De Serie (2023) Belgium, Netherlands
Fertig lustig (2000) Switzerland
Fesák Hubert (1985) Czechoslovakia
Fess Parker Show, The (1974) USA
Fest im Sattel (1988) West Germany
Festa de Lançamento TVI Ficção (2012) Portugal
Festa del ritorno, La (2023) Italy, France
Feste der Volksmusik (1994) Germany
Festin de la loba, El (1972) Mexico
Festival (1963) United Kingdom
Festival (1960) Canada
Festival de cine expresión en corto de Guanajuato (2005) Mexico
Festningen (2011) Norway
Festung (2011) Germany
Fetch (2011) USA
Fetching Cody (2005) Canada
Fête de famille (2006) Belgium, France, Switzerland
Fête de famille (2019) France, Belgium
Fête des mères, La (2018) France
Fête des pères, La (1995) France, Belgium
Fête des Pets (2013) USA
Fettknölen (2018) Sweden
Feu de paille, Le (1939) France
Feu sous la glace, Le (1998) France
Feud (2017) USA
Feud at Beaver Creek, The (1914) USA
Feud Maker, The (1938) USA
Feudin' Rhythm (1949) USA
Feuer in der Nacht (2004) Germany
Feuerrote Spielmobil - Felix und Bruder Tom, Das (1980) West Germany
Feuerrote Spielmobil, Das (1972) West Germany
Feuertreppe, Die (1962) West Germany
Feuerzeichen (1979) West Germany
Feuerzeug, Das (1959) East Germany
Feux (2013) France
Feux de la chandeleur, Les (1972) France, Italy
Feux de la Saint-Jean, Les (1996) France
Fever in the Blood, A (1961) USA
Fever Pitch (2005) USA, Germany
Fever Pitch (1985) USA
Fever Pitch (1997) United Kingdom
Fever Ray: When I Grow Up (2009) Sweden, Denmark
Fevral (2014) Russia
Few Best Men, A (2011) Australia, United Kingdom
Few Brains More, A (2012) USA
Few Days in Weasel Creek, A (1981) USA
Few Tales of Hard Times: Chapter 4 - The Name, A (2011) USA
Feya (2020) Russia
FF Moeve (2004) Netherlands
Fia og klovnene (2003) Norway
Fia's Fairies (2022) Ireland
Fiabe metropolitane (1997) Italy
Fiamma che non si spegne (1949) Italy
Fiamma, La (2020) Italy
Fiancées de l'empire, Les (1981) France
Fiasco (2024) France
Fica Comigo Esta Noite (2006) Brazil
Fickle or Fair (2013) USA
Fictional Love (2019) USA
Fiddler in the Darkness (2010) USA
Fidèle, Le (2017) Belgium, Netherlands, France
Fidelio, l'odyssée d'Alice (2014) France
Fido (2006) Canada
Fieber (2014) Austria, Luxembourg
Fieber: Ärzte für das Leben (1998) Germany
Fiebre (2022) Chile
Fiebre de amor (1985) Mexico
Fiel infantería, La (1960) Spain
Fiela se Kind (1988) South Africa
Field Agent Cupid (2011) USA
Field Day (2014) USA
Field Freak (2016) USA
Field Guide to Being a 12-Year-Old Girl, A (2017) Australia
Field Guide to Evil, The (2018) USA, Greece, India, New Zealand, Hungary, Austria, Turkey, Poland
Field Mouse, The (1941) USA
Field of Amapolas (2012) Colombia
Field of Dreams (1989) USA
Field of Honor, The (1917) USA
Field of Lost Shoes (2015) USA
Field of Vision (2011) USA
Field Study (2014) United Kingdom, Poland
Fielder's Choice (2005) USA
Fields of Mudan (2004) USA
Fields, The (2011) USA
Fien, Jip and Fien (2020) Belgium
Fiendish Things (2016) USA
Fiera delle vanità, La (1967) Italy
Fiera, La (1983) Mexico
Fieras contra fieras (1982) Mexico
Fierce Friend (2006) USA
Fierce People (2005) USA, Canada
Fiercest Heart, The (1961) USA
Fiesta (1996) Georgia
Fiesta (1995) France
Fiesta (1947) USA
Fiesta en la madriguera (2024) Mexico
Fiesta, La (2003) Spain
Fiete im Netz (1958) East Germany
Fièvres (2013) Morocco, France
FIFA's #FootballFriday: Commercial (2014) Netherlands
Fifi (2022) France
Fifteen and Pregnant (1998) USA
Fifteen Streets, The (1989) United Kingdom
Fifteen Wives (1934) USA
Fifth Avenue Models (1925) USA
Fifth Boy, The (1917) USA
Fifth Commandment, The (2008) USA
Fifth Dimension (2007) USA
Fifth Element, The (1997) France, United Kingdom, USA
Fifth of July, The (1982) USA
Fifties, The (1997) Canada, USA
Fifty Cent Smile, The (2014) USA
Fifty Cents (2009) USA
Fifty Shades Freed (2018) USA, China
Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) USA
Fig Leaf for Eve, A (1944) USA
Fig Tree, The (1987) Canada
Figa (2021) United Kingdom
Figaro qua, Figaro là (1950) Italy
Fight Against Slavery, The (1975) United Kingdom
Fight and Win (1924) USA
Fight for Jenny, A (1986) USA
Fight for Justice: The Nancy Conn Story (1995) USA
Fight for Life (1987) USA
Fight for Your Life (1977) USA
Fight It (2007) USA
Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist (2024) USA
Fight on a Swedish Beach!! (2016) Sweden
Fight to the Finish (2016) USA
Fight, The (1969) USA
Fighter Attack (1953) USA
Fighter, The (2010) USA
Fightin' Fools (1941) USA
Fightin' Redhead, The (1928) USA
Fighting Back (1982) Australia
Fighting Back (1948) USA
Fighting Boob, The (1926) USA
Fighting Chance (2014) USA, Mexico
Fighting Choice, A (1986) USA
Fighting Coward, The (1924) USA
Fighting Doctor, The (1926) USA
Fighting Fate (1921) USA
Fighting Father Dunne (1948) USA
Fighting Fathers (1927) USA
Fighting Fitzgeralds, The (2001) USA
Fighting Fluid (1925) USA
Fighting Fools (1949) USA
Fighting for Fame (1927) USA
Fighting for My Daughter (1995) USA, Canada
Fighting Guardsman, The (1946) USA
Fighting Mad (1976) USA
Fighting Old Age (2012) USA
Fighting Redhead, The (1949) USA
Fighting Season (2018) Australia
Fighting Temptations, The (2003) USA
Fighting the Flames (1925) USA
Fighting the Odds: The Marilyn Gambrell Story (2005) USA
Fighting Thoroughbreds (1939) USA
Fighting with My Family (2019) United Kingdom, USA
Fights to the Finish (1987) USA
Figlarna Telewizja i Wrozka z Kranu (1996) Poland
Figlia del diavolo, La (1952) France, Italy
Figlia di Frankenstein, La (1971) Italy
Figlia mia (2018) Italy, Germany, Switzerland
Figlio del circo, Il (1963) France, Italy
Figlio della luna, Il (2007) Italy
Figlio delle stelle (1979) Italy
Figlio mio, sono innocente! (1978) Italy
Figment (2015) Canada
Figment (2016) USA
Figurant (2023) Poland
Figures (2013) Belgium
Figurine (1997) Italy
Fiksiki protiv Krabotov (2019) Russia
FiksiKINO. Vselennaya priklyucheniy (2022) Russia
Filatov (2020) Russia
File Cabinet (1999) USA
File on Voronov (1955) United Kingdom
Filfak (2017) Russia
Filha do Mar (2001) Portugal
Filip (2015) Sweden
Filip z konopi (1983) Poland
Filipp Traum (1990) Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia
Filiz fliegt (2007) Germany
Fill de Caín (2013) Spain
Fille dans les bois, La (2021) France, Belgium
Fille de 15 ans, La (1989) France
Fille de l'air, La (1992) France
Fille de Madame Angot, La (1935) France
Fille du chef, La (2007) France, Switzerland
Fille du diable, La (1946) France
Fille du gardien de prison, La (2015) France
Fille du juge d'instruction, La (1911) France
Fille du puisatier, La (2011) France
Fille du RER, La (2009) France
Fille du roi, La (1994) France
Fille et l'amande, La (1996) France
Filles à papa, Les (2001) France
Filles à papas (1995) France
Filles au Moyen Âge, Les (2015) France
Filles d'à côté, Les (1993) France
Filles de Caleb, Les (1990) Canada
Filles de joie (2020) Belgium, France
Filles du maître de chai, Les (1997) France
Filles du régiment, Les (1978) France
Filles du samedi, Les (2011) France
Filles ne savent pas nager, Les (2000) France
Filles, personne s'en méfie, Les (2002) France
Fillim i vështirë (1986) Albania
Filling the Shoes (2015) France, Germany
Fillmore! (2002) USA
Film About My Father, A (2024) USA
Film de l'été, Le (2017) France, Belgium
Film dla kosmitów (2022) Poland
Film School Shorts (2013) USA
Film socialisme (2010) Switzerland, France
Film van Dylan Haegens, De (2018) Netherlands
Film von der Königin Luise - 1. Abteilung: Die Märtyrerin auf dem Königsthron, Der (1913) Germany
Film von der Königin Luise - 2. Abteilung: Aus Preußens schwerer Zeit, Der (1913) Germany
Filmavisen (1941) Norway
Filme do Desassossego (2010) Portugal
Filmed in Utah (2011) USA
Filmen om Skön (1949) Sweden
Filmens Datter (1916) Denmark
Filmens verden: Tempelriddernes skat III (2008) Denmark
Filmkameran (2002) Sweden
Fils (2011) France
Fils à Jo, Le (2011) France
Fils d'un autre, Le (1992) France
Fils de (2014) France
Fils de Jean, Le (2016) France, Canada
Fils de justicier (2007) France
Fils de Paul, Le (1995) France
Fils de personne (1982) France
Fils de personne (1998) France
Fils du cordonnier, Le (1994) France
Fils du Français, Le (1999) France
Fils du requin, Le (1993) Belgium, France, Luxembourg
Fils unique (2011) Belgium, France, Luxembourg
Fils, Le (2002) Belgium, France
Fils, Le (1973) Italy, France
Filth (2013) United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, USA
Filyo i Makenzen (1979) Bulgaria
Filyor (1988) Soviet Union
Fimpen (1974) Sweden
Fin (2018) USA
Fin de curso (2005) Spain, Portugal
Fin de l'été, La (2019) France
Fin de semana (1964) Spain
Fin du début, La (2014) France
Fin du règne animal, La (2003) France
Final 24 (2006) Canada
Final Appeal (1993) USA, Canada
Final Approach (2007) USA
Final Chapter: Walking Tall (1977) USA
Final Conflict, The (1981) United Kingdom, USA
Final Contract: Death on Delivery (2006) Germany
Final Curtain Part 19: The Night Chicago Die (2017) USA
Final Cut (1980) Australia, USA
Final Cut, The (2004) USA, Canada, Germany
Final Cut, The (1995) United Kingdom
Final del camino, El (2017) Spain
Final Descent (1997) USA
Final Destination (2000) USA, Canada
Final Destination 2 (2003) USA, Canada
Final Destination, The (2009) USA
Final Fight (1995) USA
Final Girl (2015) Canada, USA
Final Hour, The (1936) USA
Final Move (2006) USA
Final Patient, The (2005) USA
Final Rose, The (2022) USA
Final Run (1999) Canada, USA
Final Shot: The Hank Gathers Story (1992) USA
Final Song, The (2014) USA
Final Storm, The (2010) Canada, Germany
Final Vendetta (1996) USA
Final Verdict (1991) USA
Final Winter, The (2007) Australia
Final Witness (2012) USA
Finale, La (2018) France, Belgium
Finalmente Natale (2007) Italy
Financial Jitters (1934) USA
Finaste familjen (2016) Sweden
Finch (2021) United Kingdom, USA
Finché c'è guerra c'è speranza (1974) Italy
Fincho (1957) Nigeria
Find (2006) Canada
Find harbour for a day (2018) France
Find Me (2012) USA
Find the Girl (1920) USA
Find the Lady (1936) United Kingdom
Find your Aussie magic (2018) Australia
Find Your Escape (2012) USA
Finder (2013) Canada
Finder of Lost Loves (1984) USA
Finder, The (2012) USA
Finders Keepers (2014) USA
Finders Keepers (1966) United Kingdom
Finders Keepers (1951) USA
Finders Keepers (1991) Australia
Finding 'Ohana (2021) USA
Finding a Family (2011) USA
Finding Amanda (2008) USA
Finding Bliss (2009) USA
Finding Buck McHenry (2000) Canada, USA
Finding Carter (2014) USA
Finding Christmas (2013)
Finding Dory (2016) USA
Finding Eden (2017) USA
Finding Father Christmas (2016) Canada, USA
Finding Fish (2017) USA
Finding Forgiveness (2023) USA
Finding Forrester (2000) USA
Finding Grace (2020) USA
Finding Harmony (2014) USA
Finding Home (2003) USA
Finding Home (2019) USA
Finding Home: A Feature Film for National Adoption Day (2015) USA
Finding Hope (2011) USA
Finding Hope (2001) Australia
Finding Jenua (2011) USA
Finding John Christmas (2003) USA
Finding Kelly (2000) USA
Finding Lionel (2010) USA
Finding Love in Mountain View (2020) USA
Finding Lucas (2021) USA
Finding Marleen (2007) USA
Finding Me (2018) USA
Finding Mother (2017) Kyrgyzstan
Finding Mrs. Claus (2012) Canada
Finding My Sunshine (2017) USA
Finding Nemo (2003) USA
Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage (2007) USA
Finding Neverland (2004) USA, United Kingdom
Finding North (1998) USA
Finding Oblivion (2014) USA
Finding Richard (2014) United Kingdom
Finding Rin Tin Tin (2007) Bulgaria, USA
Finding Santa (2017) Canada
Finding Soul (2016) China
Finding Stuff Out (2012) Canada
Finding the Way Home (2019) USA
Finding the Way Home (1991) USA
Finding Vivian Maier (2013) USA
Finding, The (1987) United Kingdom
Fine (2012) Netherlands, Canada
Fine Art of Love: Mine Ha-Ha, The (2005) Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Italy
Fine équipe, La (1997) France
Fine Things (1990) USA
Finesse (2009) USA
Finest, The (2018) USA
Finestra di fronte, La (2003) Italy, Turkey, Portugal, United Kingdom
Finestra sul Luna Park, La (1957) Italy, France
Finger Babies (2010) USA
Finger Man (1955) USA
Fingerbang (2019) Canada
Fingerprints (2006) USA
Fingers (2011) USA
Finian's Rainbow (1968) USA
Finir au soleil (2025) France
Finishing Line, The (1977) United Kingdom
Finishing the Game: The Search for a New Bruce Lee (2007) USA
Finist. Pervyy bogatyr (2025) Russia
Finlandia-katsaus (1943) Finland
Finley the Fire Engine (2007) USA
Finn (2013) Netherlands
Finn and Hattie (1931) USA
Finn on the Fly (2008) Canada
Finn's Girl (2007) Canada
Finn'sk fjernsyn (1999) Denmark
Finnbastu (1984) Sweden
Finnemans (2010) Netherlands
Finnland Helsinki (2012) Switzerland
Fino all'inferno (2018) Italy
Finsta (2021) United Kingdom
Finstere Tal, Das (2014) Austria, Germany
Finsteres Glück (2016) Switzerland
Finsternis und ihr Eigentum, Die (1922) Germany
Fiona's Story (2008) United Kingdom
Fiore delle mille e una notte, Il (1974) Italy, France
Fiori di zucca (1989) Italy
Fiori sopra l'inferno: I casi di Teresa Battaglia (2023) Italy
Fiorile (1993) Italy, France, Germany
Fiorina la vacca (1972) Italy
Fir Crazy (2013) Canada
Fire (1995) Australia
Fire and Steel (1927) USA
Fire Ants (2020) United Kingdom
Fire Boys (2004) Japan
Fire Brigade, The (1926) USA
Fire Country (2022) USA
Fire Down Below (1997) USA
Fire Fighters (1922) USA
Fire from Below (2009) USA
Fire in a Dovecot, A (2010) USA
Fire in the Dark (1991) USA
Fire in the Stone, The (1984) Australia
Fire Next Time, The (1993) USA
Fire on the Mountain (1981) USA
Fire Twister (2015) USA, Canada
Fire with Fire (1986) USA
Fire! (1977) USA
Fire! (2009) Switzerland, Germany
Firebird, The (2013) USA
Firebrands of Arizona (1944) USA
Firebreather (2010) USA
Firebuds (2022) USA
Firecreek (1968) USA
Fired Up (1997) USA
Fired Up! (2009) USA
Firefall: An Epic Family Adventure (2012) USA
Firefighter (1986) USA
Firefighters, The (1975) United Kingdom
Fireflies in the Garden (2008) USA
Fireflies: Parth Aur Jugnu (2023) India
Firefly (2002) USA
Firefly (2021) Russia
Firefly Catcher, The (2014) USA
Firefly Girls, The (2016) USA
Firefly Lane (2021) USA
Firehouse Dog (2007) USA, Canada
Firehouse Tales (2005) USA
Firelight (1997) United Kingdom, USA
Firelight (2012) USA
Fireline (2024) USA
Fireman Save My Child (1954) USA
Fireman, Save My Child (1927) USA
Fireman, Save My Child (1932) USA
Fires (2021) Australia
Fireside Chat with Esther (2014) USA
Fireside Poems (2018) USA
Fireside Theatre (1949) USA
Firestarter (1984) USA
Firestarter (2022) USA
Firestarter 2: Rekindled (2002) USA
Firestarter: Alternate Ending (2022)
Firestarter: Deleted and Extended Scenes (2022)
Firestorm: Last Stand at Yellowstone (2006) USA, Canada
Firewall (2006) USA, Australia
Fireworks (2016) USA
Fireworks (1997) USA
Firkee (2018) India
Firm, The (2012) Canada, USA
Firm, The (2009) United Kingdom
Firma Hesselbach, Die (1960) West Germany
First and Last (1989) United Kingdom
First Auto, The (1927) USA
First Baby, The (1936) USA
First Bass (2008) USA
First Born, The (1921) USA
First Child on the Moon (2001) Netherlands
First Christmas (2018) USA
First Christmas, The (2005) USA
First Churchills, The (1969) United Kingdom
First Class (1984) United Kingdom
First Comes Courage (1943) USA
First Day (2005) USA
First Day (2020) Australia
First Day (2011) USA
First Day (2010) USA
First Day (2017) Australia
First Day of My Life, The (2005) Canada
First Day of School (2008) USA
First Days (2001) USA
First Degree (1995) Canada, United Kingdom
First Dog (2010) USA
First Edition (2010) USA
First Family, The (2012) USA
First Gentleman, The (1999) USA
First Hope, The (2013) USA
First Kid (1996) USA
First Kill (2017) USA
First Kill (2014) USA
First Kill, The (2012) USA
First Kiss (2018) Netherlands
First Kiss (2018) USA
First Kiss (2005) USA
First Knight (1995) USA
First Lady (1937) USA
First Lady, The (1968) United Kingdom
First Lady, The (2022) USA
First Light (2018) Canada
First Love (1939) USA
First Love (2016) China
First Love (2015) USA
First Love, Last Rites (1997) USA
First Man (2018) USA
First Match (2018) USA
First Men in the Moon, The (2010) United Kingdom
First Miss, The (2005) USA
First Mission (2010) Argentina, Netherlands
First Monday (2002) USA
First Movie, The (2009) United Kingdom, Canada
First Nations (2009) USA
First of May, The (1999) USA
First Offender (1987) Canada
First Omen, The (2024) USA, Italy, Serbia, Canada
First Period (2008) USA
First Person (2019) Canada
First Position (2011) USA
First Prize (2014) USA
First Purge, The (2018) USA
First Reformed (2017) USA, United Kingdom, Australia
First Round Down (2016) Canada
First Round-Up, The (1934) USA
First Season, The (2012) USA
First Seven Years, The (1998) USA
First Seven Years, The (1930) USA
First Snow (2006) Germany, USA
First Snow of Winter, The (1998) United Kingdom
First Steps (1985) USA
First Strike (2009) USA
First Sunday (2008) USA
First Supper, The (2015) USA
First Target (2000) Canada, USA
First They Killed My Father (2017) Cambodia, USA
First Three Lives of Stuart Hornsley, The (2004) USA
First Time (2010) Philippines
First time with the bus (2020) Colombia
First Time, The (1952) USA
First Time, The (2012) USA
First Traveling Saleslady, The (1956) USA
First Vampire: Don't Fall for the Devil's Illusions, The (2004) USA
First Vision, The (1976) USA
First Wave (1998) Canada
First Wives Club (2019) USA
First Wives Club, The (1996) USA
First Years (2001) USA
First, The (2018) USA
Firstborn (1984) USA
Firtina (2006) Turkey
Fischerin, Die (2014) Germany
Fish (2000) United Kingdom
Fish (1977) USA
Fish & Chips (2012) Australia
FISH BOY (2023) Canada
Fish Burglars (2004) USA
Fish Called Wanda, A (1988) USA, United Kingdom
Fish Friend (2013) USA
Fish Hawk (1979) Canada
Fish Head (2019) USA
Fish Hooks (2010) USA
Fish Hooky (1933) USA
Fish in the Family, A (1953) United Kingdom
Fish Lips (2010) Australia
Fish Out of Water (1999) Canada, USA
Fish Out of Water, A (2016) Australia
Fish Out of Water, A (2001) United Kingdom
Fish Tank (2009) Netherlands, United Kingdom
Fisher (2023) Russia
Fisher Family, The (1952) USA
Fisher Family, The (2014) USA
Fisherman's Friends (2019) United Kingdom
Fisherman's Wharf (1939) USA
Fisherman, The (1931) USA
Fishes 'N Loaves (2015) USA
Fishes 'n Loaves: Heaven Sent (2016) USA
Fishies, The (2011) USA
Fishin' for Chickens (2014) USA
Fishing for Love (2021) Canada
Fishing Poles (2023) United Kingdom
Fishing Trip, The (1998) Canada
Fishing with George (1994) USA
Fishtale (2003) Ireland
Fishtales (2007) United Kingdom, Greece
Fishtales (1998) Canada
Fishy Tales (1937) USA
Fisica dell'acqua, La (2009) Italy
Física o química (2008) Spain
Fiskerne (1977) Denmark
Fissa (2016) Netherlands
Fist Fight (2017) USA
Fist of the North Star (1995) USA
Fistful of Candy, A (2016) United Kingdom
Fiston (2014) France
Fit Arcade Gone Wild (2014) USA
Fitil (1962) Soviet Union, Russia
Fitnes (2018) Russia
Fits, The (2015) USA
Fitty Smallz: Hamburger Fries & Shake (2014) USA
Fitz and Slade (2013) USA
Fitz, The (2000) United Kingdom
Fitzcarraldo (1982) West Germany, Peru
Fitzpatricks, The (1977) USA
Fitzwilly (1967) USA
Fiul muntilor (1981) Romania
Fiume del grande caimano, Il (1979) Italy
Five (2011) USA
Five (2021) USA
Five Broken Cameras (2011) Palestine, Israel, France, Netherlands
Five Came Back (1939) USA
Five Children and It (2004) France, United Kingdom, USA
Five Children and It (1991) United Kingdom
Five Clues to Fortune (1957) United Kingdom
Five Days (2007) United Kingdom
Five Days: Revised Final Episode (2007) United Kingdom
Five Desperate Hours (1997) Canada, USA
Five Dollars (2010) USA
Five Easy Pieces (1970) USA
Five Feet High and Rising (2000) USA
Five Finger Discount (1977) USA
Five Finger Exercise (1962) USA
Five Fingers (1959) USA
Five Guineas a Week (1956) United Kingdom
Five Have a Mystery to Solve (1964) United Kingdom
Five Heartbeats, The (1991) USA
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew (1939) USA
Five Little Peppers at Home (1940) USA
Five Little Peppers in Trouble (1940) USA
Five Mile Creek (1983) Australia
Five Miles Out (2009) United Kingdom
Five Minutes to Doom (1953)
Five Minutes to Live (1961) USA
Five More Minutes (2021) Canada, USA
Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) USA
Five O'Clock Club (1963) United Kingdom
Five of a Kind (1938) USA
Five on a Treasure Island (1957) United Kingdom
Five Pennies, The (1959) USA
Five People You Meet in Heaven, The (2004) USA
Five Points (2018) USA
Five Rose Sisters, The (1911) USA
Five Senses, The (1999) Canada
Five Smooth Stones (2010) USA
Five Times Dizzy (1986) Australia
Five Year Plan (2020) Canada
Five(ish) Doctors Reboot, The (2013) United Kingdom
Five, The (2010) USA
Five-Cent Curve, The (2005) USA
Five-Minute Films (1975) United Kingdom
Five-Year Engagement, The (2012) USA, Japan
Fiver Live (2008) United Kingdom
Fix and Foxi (2000) Germany, Spain, Australia, South Korea, Taiwan
Fix It Boys, The (2017) USA
Fix You (2016) Germany
Fix, A (2008) USA
Fixed (2017) USA
Fixer Dugan (1939) USA
Fixer Upper Mysteries (2017) USA
Fixer, The (1968) United Kingdom
Fixer, The (1929) USA
Fixer, The (1998) USA
Fixeur (2016) Romania, France
Fizika v zabavakh (1993) Russia
Fizruk (2013) Russia
Fizz (2015) Canada
Fjernsyn for voksne (2004) Denmark
Fjernsyn for voksne: Den grimme ælling (2005) Denmark
Fjords: All In, The (2015) Norway
Fjortis (2001) Norway
Flådens friske fyre (1965) Denmark
Flag (1987) France, Canada
Flag Day (2021) USA, United Kingdom, Canada
Flag of His Country, The (1910) USA
Flag of Humanity, The (1940) USA
Flagi na bashnyakh (1958) Soviet Union
Flags of Our Fathers (2006) USA
Flags on the Field (2015) USA
Flaked (2016) USA
Flakes (2007) USA
Flám (1966) Czechoslovakia
Flame and the Arrow, The (1950) USA
Flame and the Beggar Boy (2000) United Kingdom
Flame in the Wind, A (1964) USA
Flame of Life, The (1923) USA
Flame Trees of Thika, The (1981) United Kingdom
Flames and Fortune (1911) USA
Flames of Desire (1924) USA
Flames: The Movie (1997) Philippines
Flaming Fathers (1927) USA
Flaming Forest, The (1926) USA
Flaming Hearts (1922) USA
Flaming Love (1925) USA
Flamingo Kid, The (1989) USA
Flamingo Rising, The (2001) USA
Flamme, La (1936) France
Flammen im Paradies (1997) Switzerland, France, Germany
Flannel Pajamas (2006) USA
Flannerys, The (2003) USA
Flapper Wives (1924) USA
Flaqueza del bolchevique, La (2003) Spain
Flarden van Thomas (2013) Netherlands
Flare: The Hunt (2012) USA
Flaschendreh (2002) Germany
Flash (1997) USA
Flash (1956) United Kingdom
Flash Forward (1995) Canada, USA
Flash Gordon (2007) USA, Canada
Flash of Genius (2008) Canada, USA
Flash the Sheepdog (1966) United Kingdom
Flash, The (1990) USA
Flash, The (2014) USA
Flash, The (2023) USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand
Flashback - Mörderische Ferien (2000) Germany
Flashbacks of a Fool (2008) United Kingdom
Flashes (2014) USA
Flashforward (2009) USA
Flashlight (2016) USA
Flashpoint (2002) USA
Flashpoint (2008) Canada
Flaskepost fra P (2016) Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Norway
Flaskepost fra Stillehavet (2014) Norway
Flat Chat (2001) Australia
Flat, De (1994) Netherlands
Flatliners (1990) USA
Flatliners (2017) USA, Canada
Flattery (1925) USA
Flavia, corazón de tiza (1992) Argentina
Flavor of Love (2006) USA
Flawed (2012) Netherlands
Flawless (2019) USA
Flawless (1999) USA
Flaxton Boys, The (1969) United Kingdom
Flea Off Pepe, A (1956) United Kingdom
Fleetwood (2006) USA
Flemming (2009) Germany
Flemming og Kvik (1960) Denmark
Flemming på kostskole (1961) Denmark
Flesh (2011) USA
Flesh 'n' Blood (1991) USA
Flesh and Blood (1980) United Kingdom
Flesh and Blood and Bone (2016) USA
Flesh and Bone (1993) USA
Flesh and Bone (2015) USA
Flesh and Fury (1952) USA
Flesh and the Devil (1926) USA
Flesh Eaters: A Love Story (2012) USA
Flesh for Frankenstein (1973) USA, Italy, France
Flesh of my Flesh (2015) USA
Flesh+Blood (1985) Netherlands, Spain
Flesher (2019) USA
Fleshing Out (2017) USA
Fleur (2015) USA
Fleur de Fée (2006) France
Fleur de l'âge, La (1947) France
Fleur de l'âge, La (2012) France
Fleur de Lampaul - Jeunes Marins Reporterts (1996) France
Fleurs bleues, Les (2014) France
Fleurs de l'âge, Les (2010) Canada
Fleurs de Maureen, Les (2002) Belgium, France
Fleurs de sang (2002) Spain, France, Switzerland
Fleurs de sel (1999) France, Belgium
Fleurs fanées, Les (1979) France
Fleurs sauvages, Les (1982) Canada
Flexe Gasten (2020) Netherlands
Flexe Meiden (2021) Netherlands
Flic ou voyou (1979) France
Flicka på halsen, En (1982) Sweden
Flickan (2009) Sweden
Flickan i regnet (1955) Sweden
Flickan som lekte med elden (2009) Sweden, Denmark, Germany
Flickan som slutade ljuga (2004) Sweden
Flickan, mamman och demonerna (2016) Sweden
Flicker Fever (1935) USA
Flickers (1980) United Kingdom
Flickers (2017) USA
Flics (2008) France
Flics de choc (1983) France
Flid, fedt og snyd (1981) Denmark
Fliegen lernen (2012) Germany
Fliegende Fische müssen ins Meer (2011) Switzerland, Germany
Fliegende Klassenzimmer, Das (2003) Germany
Fliegende Klassenzimmer, Das (1973) West Germany
Fliegende Klassenzimmer, Das (2023) Germany
Fliegende Klassenzimmer, Das (1954) West Germany
Fliegende Schatten (1916) Germany
Flight (2012) USA
Flight (1958) USA
Flight 29 Down (2005) USA
Flight 29 Down: The Hotel Tango (2007) USA
Flight 93 (2006) Canada, USA
Flight Attendant, The (2020) USA
Flight Before Christmas, The (2015) USA
Flight from Destiny (1941) USA
Flight from Justice (1993) France, Canada, USA
Flight from Shadow (2013) USA
Flight Lieutenant (1942) USA
Flight Nurse (1953) USA
Flight of Fancy (2000) USA
Flight of the Butterflies (2012) United Kingdom, Mexico, Canada
Flight of the Conchords (2007) USA
Flight of the Dodo (2018) Canada
Flight of the Doves (1971) United Kingdom
Flight of the Navigator (1986) USA
Flightplan (2005) USA
Flikken (1999) Belgium
Flikken Maastricht (2007) Netherlands
Flikken Rotterdam (2016) Netherlands
Flikker (2018) USA
Flint (2017) USA
Flintstone Kids' Just Say No Special, The (1988) USA
Flintstone Kids, The (1986) USA
Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas, The (2000) USA
Flintstones, The (1994) USA
Flip the Script Kids Reality Special (2010) USA
Flip Turn (2022) USA
Flipante Noa! (2018) Spain
Flipped (2020) USA
Flipped (2010) USA
Flipper (1964) USA
Flipper (1995) USA, Australia
Flipper (1996) USA
Flipper (1963) USA
Flipper's New Adventure (1964) USA
Flirt (2014) USA
Flirt, The (1914) USA
Flirtation (1934) USA
Flirtation Walk (1934) USA
Flirting (1991) Australia
Flirting in the Park (1933) USA
Flirting with Danger (1934) USA
Flirting with Forty (2008) USA
Flirty Four-Flushers (1926) USA
Flirty Sleepwalker, The (1932) USA
Flivver Vacation, A (1926) USA
Flo (1980) USA
Float (2023) USA
Floating Away (1998) USA
Floating Away (2015) Canada
Floating Light (2017) Canada
Flockens, The (1990) USA
Flodder (1986) Netherlands
Fløjtespilleren (1953) Denmark
Flokken (2013) Denmark
Flood (2019) Canada
Flood Tide (1913) USA
Flood Tide (1958) USA
Flood! (1976) USA
Flood, The (2020) Australia
Flood, The (1963) United Kingdom
Flood: A River's Rampage (1998) USA
Floodhouse (2004) Australia
Floodlights (2022) United Kingdom
Floodplain (2013) Canada
Floods of Fear (1958) United Kingdom
Floogals (2016) USA
Floor Below, The (1919) USA
Floor Faber (2009) Netherlands
Floor Is Lava, The (2019) Ukraine
Flopsee and Buttercup (2019) USA, United Kingdom
Floquet de Neu (2011) Spain
Flor Contemplacion Story, The (1995) Philippines
Flor de fango (2011) Mexico
Flor de santidad (1973) Spain
Flor do Buriti, A (2023) Portugal, Brazil
Flor do Caribe (2013) Brazil
Flor do Mar (2008) Portugal
Flora & Ulysses (2021) USA
Florbela (2012) Portugal
Flordelis: Basta Uma Palavra Para Mudar (2009) Brazil
Florenc 13:30 (1957) Czechoslovakia
Florence & Evelyn (2014)
Florence by Mills by Millie Bobby Brown (2019) USA
Florencio Diño Public Enemy No. 1 of Caloocan (1989) Philippines
Florentine (1997) Israel
Flores negras (2009) Spain, Germany, Austria
Florian (1940) USA
Florian (1938) Poland
Florian - Liebe aus ganzem Herzen (1999) Germany
Floribella (2006) Portugal
Floricienta (2004) Argentina
Floricienta (2006) Colombia
Florida Georgia Line: Dirt (2014) USA
Florida Girls (2019) USA
Florida Project, The (2017) USA
Florida, La (1993) Canada
Floride (2015) France
Florido pensil, El (2002) Spain
Floris (2004) Netherlands
Floris & Pip (2015) Netherlands
Florodora Girl, The (1930) USA
Flossie (1974) Sweden
Flossin (2001) USA
Flou (2012) Luxembourg
Floundering (1994) USA
Flourish, The (2019) USA
Flow (2018) USA
Flow, The (1997) Canada
Flower & Garnet (2002) Canada
Flower Drum Song (1961) USA
Flower Girl (2009) USA
Flower Girl (2014) Canada
Flower Girl, The (2009) USA
Flower Girl, The (1924) USA
Flower in the Desert, A (1914) USA
Flower in the Pocket (2007) Malaysia
Flower of Gloster, The (1967) United Kingdom
Flower of Night (1925) USA
Flowers for Algernon (2000) Canada, USA
Flowers for My Girlfriend (2012) Australia
Flowers in the Attic (1987) USA
Flowers in the Snow-FTP (2015) USA
Floys of Neighborly Lane, The (1998) USA
Flubbery Red (2014) USA
Fluch der Begierden (2000) Germany
Fluch der Schönheit (1915) Germany
Fluch der schwarzen Schwestern, Der (1973) Sweden, Switzerland, West Germany
Fluch des Falken (2011) Germany
Fluch des schwarzen Schwans, Der (2003) Germany
Fluch von Selmen, Der (2010) Germany
Fluch, Der (1988) Austria, West Germany
Flucht nach Ägypten, Die (1969) West Germany
Flucht ohne Ausweg (1967) West Germany
Flucht, Die (2007) Germany
Fluefangeren (2016) Norway
Fluffer, The (2001) USA
Fluffie wordt een sterretje (2017) Netherlands
Fluffy Movie: Unity Through Laughter, The (2014) USA
Fluffy Shop, The (2016) USA
Flügel und Fesseln (1984) West Germany, France
Flügelfisch (2001) Germany
Flugten til Sverige (2021) Denmark
Fluke (1995) USA
Flukt (2012) Norway
Flukten over grensen (2020) Norway
Flunky's Upset (2017) USA
Fluorescent Sky, A (2022) United Kingdom
Fluppy Dogs (1986) USA
Flushed (2015) Australia
Fluss des Lebens (2013) Germany
Flußfahrt mit Huhn (1984) West Germany
Fluteman (1982) Australia
Flutter (2013) USA
Flutter (2014) USA
Fluttering Hearts (1927) USA
Fly (2016) USA
Fly Away (2011) USA
Fly Away Home (1996) USA
Fly Boy (1999) Germany, USA
Fly II, The (1989) USA
Fly Like a Girl (2019) USA
Fly Like Mercury (2008) USA
Fly Me to the Moon (2008) Belgium, USA
Fly My Kite (1931) USA
Fly Right (2018) USA
Fly Room, The (2014) France, USA
Fly, The (1958) USA
Flyboys, The (2008) USA
Flyer, The (2005) South Africa
Flyin' Ryan (2003) USA
Flying (1998) New Zealand
Flying (1986) Canada, Hong Kong
Flying Blind (1941) USA
Flying Doctor, The (1959) Australia, United Kingdom
Flying Doctors, The (1985) Australia
Flying Doctors, The (1986) Australia
Flying Down to Rio (1933) USA
Flying Eye, The (1955) United Kingdom
Flying Fists (1937) USA
Flying G-Men (1939) USA
Flying High (1931) USA
Flying High (1978) USA
Flying High (1978) USA
Flying Horseman, The (1926) USA
Flying Into the Wind (1983) United Kingdom
Flying Irishman, The (1939) USA
Flying Leathernecks (1951) USA
Flying Lessons (2010) USA
Flying Lotus Feat. Kendrick Lamar: Never Catch Me (2014) USA
Flying Machine, The (2011) United Kingdom, Poland, China, India, Norway
Flying Nun, The (1967) USA
Flying Sorcerer, The (1973) United Kingdom
Flying Swan, The (1965) United Kingdom
Flying U Ranch, The (1927) USA
Flying Virus (2001) USA, Brazil
Flying with Music (1942) USA
Flynn? (2016) Netherlands
Flyvere i natten (2014) Denmark
Flywheel (2003) USA
FML (2013) USA
Focus (2001) USA
Focus (2001) USA
Focus op de maatschappij (2003) Netherlands
Fodbolddrengen (2000) Denmark
Födelsedag (2009) Poland, Sweden
Födelsedagar och andra katastrofer (2000) Sweden
Foeksia de miniheks (2010) Netherlands
Fog, The (1980) USA
Fog, The (2005) USA
Fogbrook Thing, The (1986) Australia
Foglyok (2019) Hungary
Fogo Sobre Terra (1974) Brazil
Foiled (2020) USA
Foire aux cancres (Chronique d'une année scolaire), La (1963) France
Fokusnik (2010) Russia
Földiek (2017) Hungary
Folge deinem Herzen (2006) Germany
Folge Mir (2010) Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia
Folie suisse (1987) Canada, Switzerland
Folies bourgeoises (1976) France, Italy, West Germany
Folies Offenbach, Les (1977) France
Folio (1955) Canada
Folk (2022) Canada
Folkets värn och välfärd (1940) Sweden
Fólkið í blokkinni (2013) Iceland
Folklorist, The (2012) USA
Folks! (1992) USA
Folle à tuer (1975) France, Italy
Folle de moi (1996) France
Folle histoire d'amour de Simon Eskenazy, La (2009) France
Folle histoire de Max et Léon, La (2016) France, Belgium
Follie d'estate (1963) Italy
Follow Me (1977) United Kingdom
Follow Me (2017) USA
Follow Me (2009) USA
Follow Me (2015) Canada
Follow Me, Boys! (1966) USA
Follow Teacher (1928) USA
Follow That Bird (1985) USA, Canada
Follow That Blonde (1946) USA
Follow That Dog (1974) United Kingdom
Follow That Dream (1962) USA
Follow the Leader (1931) USA
Follow the Prophet (2009) USA
Follow the River (1995) USA
Follow the Stars Home (2001) USA
Follow the Sun (1951) USA
Follow the Swallow (1930) USA
Follow Thru (1930) USA
Follow You Follow Me (1979) United Kingdom
Follow Your Heart (1936) USA
Follow Your Leader (1914) United Kingdom
Followers (2017) USA
Following Chase (2011) USA
Following Phil (2018) USA
Following Sean (2005) USA
Following Seas (2016) USA
Following Yonder Star (2024) USA
Following, The (2013) USA
Follyfoot (1971) United Kingdom
Foma Gordeev (1959) Soviet Union
Fond de l'air est frais, Le (2004) France
Føniks (2018) Norway
Fontana di moru', La (2008) Italy
Fontána pre Zuzanu (1986) Czechoslovakia
Fontane Effi Briest (1974) West Germany
Fontanel (2011) Netherlands
Fonte des neiges, La (2009) France
Fonziegänget (1982) Sweden
Foo ji ching (1981) Hong Kong
Food (2015) USA
Food Guide to Love, The (2013) Spain, Ireland, France
Food Hacks for Kids (2015) USA
Food of the Gods, The (1976) USA, Canada
Foofur (1986) USA
Fool Killer, The (1965) Mexico, USA
Fool's Advice, A (1932) USA
Fool's Day (2013) USA
Fool's Gold (2018) USA
Fool's Gold (2006) Canada
Fool's Paradise (2012) USA
Fool's Paradise (1921) USA
Fool, The (2005) Canada
Foolhardy (2014) USA
Fooling Casper (1928) USA
Foolish Bunny, The (1938) USA
Foolish Heart (1999) Canada
Foolish Husbands (1929) USA
Foolish Matrons, The (1921) USA
Foolish Virgin, The (1924) USA
Fools Die Fast (1995) Canada
Fools First (1922) USA
Fools for Luck (1928) USA
Fools of Fortune (1990) United Kingdom
Foot (2021) United Kingdom
Foot Path (1953) India
Football (2001) United Kingdom
Football Pitch, The (2000) Switzerland, United Kingdom
Football Romeo (1938) USA
Footlight Glamour (1943) USA
Footlight Parade (1933) USA
Footlights Theater (1952) USA
Footloose (2011) USA
Footprints in the Snow (2005) United Kingdom
Footsteps (2013) South Korea
Footsteps in the Dark (1941) USA
For a Dark Skin Girl (2015) USA
For All - O Trampolim da Vitória (1997) Brazil
For All Mankind (2019) USA
For All the Marbles (2006) Canada
For All Time (2000) USA
For Beauty's Sake (1941) USA
For Better or for Worse (2000) Canada
For Better or for Worse: A Christmas Angel (1992) Canada
For Better or for Worse: A Valentine from the Heart (1993) Canada
For Better or for Worse: The Babe Magnet (1994) Canada
For Better or for Worse: The Good-for-Nothing (1993) Canada
For Better or for Worse: The Last Camping Trip (1992) Canada
For Better or Worse (1995) USA
For Better or Worse (2011) USA
For børnenes skyld (1948) Denmark
For Closure (2012) USA
For Every Child (1953) USA
For Every Good Invention (2021) USA
Før frosten (2018) Denmark
For Grace (2019) USA
For Gracie (2012) USA
For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada (2012) Mexico
For Health and Happiness (1941) USA
For Heaven's Sake (1950) USA
For Heaven's Sake (2008) USA
For Heaven's Sake (1926) USA
For Hire (1991) USA
For Hope (1996) USA, Canada
For intérieur (2004) France
For Jenny with Love (1989) USA
For Justice (2015) USA
For Keeps? (1988) USA
For Love and Glory (1993) USA
For Love of Olivia (2001) Canada, USA
For Love of the Game (1999) USA
For Love's Sake (2013) USA, United Kingdom
For Lovers Only (2011) USA
For Mature Audiences Only (2002) USA
For Me and My Gal (1942) USA
For Members Only (1960) United Kingdom
For Menneskeheten (2012) USA, Norway
For Min Brors Skyld (2014) Denmark
For My 17-year-old Self (2017) China
For My Daughter's Honor (1996) USA
For My Father (2002) Canada
For Our Sins (2015) USA, United Arab Emirates
For Parents Only (1991) USA
For Pete's Sake! (1934) USA
For Rent: Haunted (1922) USA
For Richer or Poorer (1997) USA
For Rosa (2020) USA
For Roy (2022) Canada
For Sale by Owner (2006) USA
For Sarah's love (2015) France
For Such Is the Kingdom of Heaven (1913) United Kingdom
For the Birds (2010) USA
For the Birds (2018) USA
For the Boys (2020) USA
For the Boys (1991) USA
For the Children (1946) United Kingdom
For the Future: The Irvine Fertility Scandal (1996) USA
For the Greater Good (1991) United Kingdom
For the Love of a Child (2006) Canada, USA
For the Love of a Dog (2008) USA
For the Love of Aaron (1994) USA
For the Love of Ada (1972) United Kingdom
For the Love of Benji (1977) USA
For the Love of God (2014) USA
For the Love of Mike (1960) USA
For the Love of Rusty (1947) USA
For the Love of Ruth (2015) USA
For the Love of Willadean (1964) USA
For the Love of Zeus (2015) USA
For the People (2018) USA
For the People (2002) USA
For the Queen (1911) USA
For the Record (1976) Canada
For Their Own Good (1993) USA
For Them That Trespass (1949) United Kingdom
For Those in Peril (2013) United Kingdom
For Tors skyld (1982) Norway
For Your Love (1998) USA
For Your Love Only (1976)
For(r)est in the Des(s)ert (2006) Spain
Foragers (2021) Canada
Föräldramötet (2003) Sweden
Forasters (2008) Spain
Forbandelsen (2011) Denmark
Forbannelsen (2022) Norway
Forbidden (1932) USA
Forbidden (2003) Australia
Forbidden Company (1932) USA
Forbidden Door, The (2017) United Kingdom
Forbidden Fruits (2006) USA
Forbidden Room, The (1919) USA
Forbidden Thing, The (1920) USA
Forbidden Woman, The (1927) USA
Forbidden World (1982) USA
Forbrydelsen (2007) Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany
Forbrydelsens element (1984) Denmark
Forbrydelser (2004) Denmark
Força-Tarefa (2009) Brazil
Force 10 from Navarone (1978) United Kingdom, USA
Force for Good, A (2015) USA
Force of Evil (1948) USA
Force, The (1994) USA, Germany
Forcer Baby (2015) USA
Forces of Nature (1999) USA
Ford Star Jubilee (1955) USA
Ford Television Theatre, The (1952) USA
Ford Theatre Hour, The (1948) USA
Ford v Ferrari (2019) USA, France
Ford: The Man and the Machine (1987) Canada
Före stormen (2000) Sweden
Foreclosed (2013) USA
Foreclosure (2014) USA
Foreign Correspondent (1940) USA
Foreign Exchange (2009) USA
Foreign Exchange (2004) Australia, Ireland
Foreign Legion, The (1928) USA
Foreigner (2016) USA
Foreigner, The (2017) United Kingdom, China, USA
Foreldrar (2007) Iceland
Forelle, Die (1976) East Germany
Forellenhof, Der (1965) West Germany
Forelskelse, En (2008) Denmark
Forensic Files (1996) USA
Foreseeable (2015) USA
Forest Ranger, The (1956) USA
Forest Rangers, The (1963) Canada
Forest Rangers, The (1942) USA
Forest Rose, The (1912) USA
Forest Warrior (1996) USA
Forest, The (2016) USA
Forest, The (2003) Australia
Forest, The (1982) USA
Forest, The (2016) Thailand
Forêt de mon père, La (2019) Belgium, France, Switzerland
Forever (2018) USA
Forever (2013) USA, Portugal
Forever (2014) USA
Forever (2007) USA
Forever 16 (2013) Canada
Forever Amber (1947) USA
Forever and Beyond (1983) USA, Japan
Forever Boys (2016) USA
Forever Choice, The (2021) USA
Forever Elle (2018) Australia
Forever Found (2023) USA
Forever Four (2019) USA
Forever Green (1989) United Kingdom
Forever Hold Your Peach (2009) USA
Forever Knight (1992) Canada, West Germany
Forever My Girl (2018) USA
Forever My Love (2004) Philippines
Forever Strong (2008) USA
Forever Young (1992) USA
Forever Young, Forever Free (1975) South Africa
Forever Yours (1945) USA
Foreverlands, The (2016) USA
Forfeit of Grace (2010) USA
Forgás (2006) Hungary
Forged (2010) USA
Forger, The (2014) USA
Forget Me Not (2018) Switzerland, USA
Forget Me Not (2010) Hong Kong
Forget Me Not (2009) USA
Forget Paris (1995) USA
Forgetting the Girl (2012) USA
Forgive Us Our Debts (1991) USA
Forgive Us Our Transgressions (2009) USA
Forgive Us Our Trespasses (2022) USA
Forgiven (2007) United Kingdom
Forgiven, The (2016) USA
Forgiveness (2008) USA
Forgiveness of Blood, The (2011) USA, Albania, Denmark, Italy
Forgotten (1933) USA
Forgotten - Le Motel feat. Martha Da'ro & Miss Angel (2019) Belgium
Forgotten Babies (1933) USA
Forgotten in Still Frame (2016) USA
Forgotten Kingdom, The (2013) USA, South Africa, Lesotho
Forgotten Man, The (1971) USA
Forgotten Ones, The (2006) Canada
Forgotten Pills (2010) USA
Forgotten Woman, The (1939) USA
Forgotten Women (1949) USA
Forgotten, The (2009) USA
Forgotten, The (2004) USA
Forgotten: A Day of the Dead Story (2017) USA
Fork in the Road, A (2007) USA
Fork You (2013) USA
Formentera (2012) Germany
Formentera Lady (2018) Spain
Fórmula del doctor Funes, La (2015) Mexico
Formula schastya (2012) Russia
Formula, The (1980) West Germany, USA
Fornaretto di Venezia, Il (1963) Italy, France
Förnuftig fritid (1946) Sweden
Förortsungar (2006) Sweden
Forposternes Liv og Virke (1939) Denmark
Forradalom után (1990) Hungary
Forrest Gump (1994) USA
Fors-mazhor (2017) Russia
Forsake Me Not (2012) USA
Forsaken, The (1913) United Kingdom
Forsaken, The (2017) Norway
Första kärleken (1992) Sweden
Första klass (1978) Sweden
Første Gang (2017) Denmark
Førsteklassingene (2008) Norway
Forsthaus Falkenau (1989) West Germany, Austria
Förstklassigt (2006) Sweden, Norway
Forsvar (2003) Denmark
Forsvunden (2006) Denmark
Forsvundet til Halloween (2021) Denmark
Forsyte Saga: To Let, The (2002) United Kingdom
Fort Apache (2013) USA
Fort Apache (2013) Spain
Fort Apache the Bronx (1981) USA
Fort Bliss (2014) Turkey, USA
Fort Dobbs (1958) USA
Fort McCoy (2011) USA
Fort Saganne (1984) France
Fort Ti (1953) USA
Fort Worth (1951) USA
Fort, The (2011) USA
Forte tête (1942) France
Forteresse suspendue, La (2001) Canada
Forteresse, La (1947) Canada
Fortieth Door, The (1924) USA
Fortitude (2015) United Kingdom
Fortress (1985) Australia
Fortsættelse følger (1977) Denmark
Fortsetzung folgt - Die Dokumentation (2003) Germany
Fortuna (2000) Russia
Fortuna (1981) Soviet Union
Fortuna (2020) Italy
Fortuna, La (2021) Spain
Fortunat (1960) France, Italy
Fortunata (2017) Italy
Fortunata y Jacinta (1980) Spain, France
Fortunate Life, A (1985) Australia
Fortunate Pilgrim, The (1988) Italy, USA
Fortunato (2007) Chile
Fortunato Salas: Kilabot ng Pampanga (1984) Philippines
Fortune Arterial: Akai yakusoku (2010) Japan
Fortune Cookie, The (1966) USA
Fortune de Gaspard, La (1993) France
Fortune Defies Death (2018) USA
Fortune favors the brave (2016) Germany
Fortune Lane (1947) United Kingdom
Fortune Teller, The (2016) Canada
Fortune Theory, The (2013) USA
Forty Little Mothers (1940) USA
Forty Shades of Blue (2005) USA
Forty-Five & Five (2011) Canada
Forty: Smile (2016) USA
Förväntningarnas tid (1985) Sweden
Fosse/Verdon (2019) USA
Foster (2011) United Kingdom
Foster Babies (2007) USA
Foster Boy (2019) USA
Foster Child (2007) Philippines
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (2004) USA
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: Destination Imagination (2008) USA
Fosters, The (2013) USA
Fot i graven, En (2001) Sweden
Fotima va Zuxra (2005) Uzbekistan
Foto moey devushki (2008) Ukraine, Russia
Foto na nedobruyu pamyat (2016) Russia
Foto Novelas: In the Mirror (1997) USA
Foto Novelas: Mangas (1997) USA
Fotograf (2008) Russia
Fotograf oder Das Auge Gottes, Der (1992) Germany
Fotografii na stene (1978) Soviet Union
Fotografiya na pamyat (1985) Soviet Union
Fotógrafo de Mauthausen, El (2018) Spain
Fou comme François (1979) France
Fou comme François (1979) France
Fou d'amour (1943) France
Fou de foot (1992) France
Fou de la tour, Le (1996) France
Foudre (2007) France
Foudre (2022) Switzerland
Foul Gesture (2006) Israel
Foul Play (1981) USA
Found (2012) USA
Found (2011) USA
Found in Time (2012) USA
Foundation (2021) USA
Foundation, The (1977) United Kingdom
Fountains of Wayne: Stacy's Mom (2003) USA
Four Brothers (2005) USA
Four Christmases (2008) Germany, USA
Four Corners (1998) USA
Four Course Meal, A (2005) USA
Four Days (1999) Canada
Four Days (2017)
Four Diamonds, The (1995) USA
Four Eyes (2018) USA
Four Faces West (1948) USA
Four Feathers, The (1929) USA
Four Feathers, The (2002) United Kingdom, USA
Four Feathers, The (1978) United Kingdom
Four Fingers of the Dragon (2003) USA
Four for a Boy (2013) United Kingdom
Four Friends (2016) USA
Four Frightened People (1934) USA
Four Girls in Town (1957) USA
Four Girls in White (1939) USA
Four in the Morning (2016) Canada
Four Just Men, The (1959) United Kingdom
Four Kids and It (2020) United Kingdom
Four Kings (2006) USA
Four Little Shaolin Kongfu Stars (2009) China
Four Parts (1934) USA
Four Rooms (1995) USA
Four Seasons of Rosie Carr, The (1964) United Kingdom
Four Sided Triangle (1953) United Kingdom
Four Single Fathers (2009) Italy, USA
Four Sons (1928) USA
Four Souls of Coyote (2023) Hungary
Four Star Playhouse (1952) USA
Four Star Revue (1950) USA
Four Warriors, The (2015) United Kingdom
Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) United Kingdom
Four Weddings and a Funeral (2019) USA
Four Wheel Brakes (1929) USA
Four Winds Island (1961) United Kingdom
Four Wives (1939) USA
Fourberies de Scapin, Les (1981) France
Foureyes (2013) USA
Fourmi (2019) France, Belgium
Fourmi amoureuse, La (2002) France
Fourteen (2006) USA
Fourteen Hours (1951) USA
Fourth Alarm, The (1926) USA
Fourth and Orchard (2012) USA
Fourth Angel, The (2001) United Kingdom, Canada
Fourth Door, The (2015) USA
Fourth Horseman, The (1932) USA
Fourth Kind, The (2009) USA, United Kingdom
Fourth Musketeer, The (1923) USA
Fourth Question, The (2015) USA
Fourth Wise Man, The (1985) USA
Fourth Wish, The (1976) Australia
Fourth Wish, The (1974) Australia
Fous de Bassan, Les (1987) Canada, France
Foutje moet kunnen (1994) Netherlands
Fowl Play (1928) USA
Fox and the Hound 2, The (2006) USA
Fox and the Hound, The (1981) USA
Fox Grønland (2001) Norway
Fox Hunt, The (1931) USA
Fox Movietone Follies of 1929 (1929) USA
Fox's New Year's Eve with Steve Harvey: Live from Times Square (2018) USA
Foxcatcher (2014) USA
Foxes (1980) USA
Foxes of Harrow, The (1947) USA
Foxes of Hydesville, The (2023) USA
Foxglove (2015) Ireland
Foxter & Max (2019) Ukraine
Foxtrot (1976) United Kingdom, Mexico
Foyle's War (2002) United Kingdom
Fra lek til hærverk (1958) Norway
Fra mørke til lys (1928) Denmark
Fra mus til menn (2016) Norway
Fracaso escolar (2012) Spain
FracKtured (2015) USA
Fracture (2010) France
Fracture (2010) France
Fracture du myocarde, La (1990) France
Fractured (2015) USA
Fractured (2019) USA
Fråga om liv och död, En (2006) Sweden
Fraggle Rock (1983) Canada, United Kingdom, USA
Fragile (2014) Australia
Fragile (2009) Canada
Fragile (2010) United Kingdom
Fragile (2009) USA
Fragile Dream, A (2011) United Kingdom
Fragile House (2011) USA
Fragile Seeds (2021) Canada
Fragile(s) (2007) France
Fragile: Byôrii Kishi Keiichirô no Shoken (2016) Japan
Frágiles (2012) Spain
Frágiles (2005) Spain, United Kingdom
Fragilidad de los cuerpos, La (2017) Argentina
Fragments (2012) USA
Fragments (2022) Canada
Fragole (2016) Italy
Fraidy Cat, The (1924) USA
Frailty (2001) USA, Germany
Frajeri a frajerky (1979) Czechoslovakia
Frak dlya shalopaya (1979) Soviet Union
Frakk, a macskák réme (1972) Hungary
Frække Frida og de frygtløse spioner (1994) Denmark
Fraktura (1983) Albania
Frame of Mind (2013) USA
Frame-Up, The (1937) USA
Framed (2002) USA, Canada
Framed (2017) Spain
Framed (2009) United Kingdom
Framed by a Kid: LOLLIPOP MASSACRE (2013) Estonia
Framed: The Adventures of Zion Man (2016) USA
Framing Youth (1937) USA
Främmande land (2010) Sweden
Fran (1985) Australia
Från glada laxars land (1939) Sweden
Française (2008) France, Morocco
Française et l'amour, La (1960) Italy, France
France/tour/detour/deux/enfants (1977) France
Francesca (2014) USA
Francesca e Nunziata (2001) Italy
Francesco (2002) Italy
Francesco und der Papst (2011) Germany
Francis and Juniper (1952) United Kingdom
Francis Magalona: Kaleidoscope World (1995) Philippines
Francis, Les (2014) France
Francisca (2002) Mexico
Francisco - El Padre Jorge (2015) Spain, Argentina, Italy
Francisco el matemático (1999) Colombia
Francisco el Matemático (1999) Colombia
François en série (2006) Canada
François Kléber (1995) France
François le célibataire et ses amis formidables (2004) France
François le Champi (1976) France
François Malgorn, séminariste ou celui qui n'était pas appelé (1972) France
Françoise Dolto, le désir de vivre (2008) France, Belgium
Franek (2014) Poland
Frangin d'Amérique, Le (2005) France
Frank (2010) USA
Frank (2007) USA
Frank and Kass (2015) USA
Frank Comes Home (2014) USA
Frank McKlusky, C.I. (2002) USA
Frank Sinatra Show, The (1950) USA
Frank Sinatra Show, The (1957) USA
Frank Stubbs Promotes (1993) United Kingdom
Frank the Entertainer in a Basement Affair (2010) USA
Frank the Rat (2009) USA
Frank TV (2007) USA
Frank van Etten - Jou Loslaten Dat Kan Ik Niet (2017) Netherlands
Frank's First Love (2005) USA
Frank's Place (1987) USA
Franka: zhena Khama (1990) Soviet Union
Frankenstein (1994) USA, Japan
Frankenstein (1992) United Kingdom
Frankenstein (1984) United Kingdom, USA
Frankenstein (1931) USA
Frankenstein (2015) USA, Germany
Frankenstein & the Werewolf Reborn! (2005) USA
Frankenstein and Me (1996) Canada
Frankenstein Chronicles, The (2015) United Kingdom
Frankenstein Created Woman (1967) United Kingdom
Frankenstein General Hospital (1988) USA
Frankenstein's Army (2013) Netherlands, USA, Czech Republic
Frankenweenie (2012) USA
Frankenweenie (1984) USA
Frankie (1959) Philippines
Frankie (2013) United Kingdom
Frankie (2007) Ireland
Frankie (2006) USA
Frankie (2016) USA
Frankie & Alice (2010) Canada
Frankie & Hazel (2000) Germany, USA
Frankie D (2007) USA
Frankie D. (1996) USA
Frankie Drake Mysteries (2017) Canada
Frankie Starlight (1995) France, United Kingdom, Ireland, USA
Frankincense & Myrrh (2012) USA
Franklin (1997) France, Canada, USA
Franklin (2017) USA
Franklin & Bash (2011) USA
Franklin and Friends (2011) Canada
Franklin and the Green Knight: The Movie (2000) Canada
Franklin Charter (2005) USA
Franklin et le trésor du lac (2006) Canada, France
Franklin's Magic Christmas (2001) Canada
Franklyn (2008) France, United Kingdom
Franksgiving (2014) USA
Franky Five Star (2023) Finland, Germany
Franny's Feet (2003) Canada
Franswa Sharl (2009) Australia
Frantiska aneb O zelených svících a Cerné Matce Bozí (1998) Czech Republic
Frantsuz (1988) Soviet Union
Frantsuz (2004) Russia
Frantsuzskiy master (2022) Russia
Franz (2004) Germany
Franz + Polina (2006) Russia
Französisch für Anfänger (2006) Germany, France
Frappes interdites (2005) France
Frasier (1993) USA
Fratelli (2006) Italy
Fratelli Caputo (2020) Italy
Fratelli unici (2014) Italy
Frater (2024) France
Fraternity Boys (1999) USA
Frau am Ende der Straße, Die (2006) Germany
Frau am Scheidewege, Die (1938) Germany, Hungary
Frau des Heimkehrers, Die (2006) Germany
Frau des Polizisten, Die (2013) Germany
Frau des Schläfers, Die (2010) Germany
Frau Holle (2008) Germany
Frau Holle (1954) West Germany
Frau im Meer, Die (2022) Germany
Frau im Mond. (1929) Germany
Frau Irene Besser (1961) West Germany
Frau Temme sucht das Glück (2017) Germany
Frau und der Fremde, Die (1985) East Germany
Frau vom Checkpoint Charlie, Die (2007) Germany
Frau Wirtins tolle Töchterlein (1973) Italy, West Germany
Frau, die sich traut, Die (2013) Germany
Frau2 sucht HappyEnd (2001) Germany, Switzerland
Fraudeur, Le (1937) France
Frauen (2015) Germany
Frauen am Abgrund (1929) Germany
Frauen für Zellenblock 9 (1978) Switzerland
Frauen, die Geschichte machten (2013) Germany
Frauen, die Prosecco trinken (2001) Germany
Frauenarzt Dr. Bertram (1957) West Germany
Frauenherzen (2014) Germany
Frauenliebe - Frauenleid (1937) Germany
Frauenparadies, Das (1936) Austria
Frauensee (1958) Austria
Frauentausch (2003) Germany
Fräulein Raffke (1923) Germany
Frayed (2008) USA
Frayed (2007) USA
Freak (2017) Sweden
Freak (2009) United Kingdom
Freak (2018) USA
Freak Family (2015) Taiwan
Freak Out (2014) USA
Freak Weather (1999) USA
Freakazoid! (1995) USA
Freakdog (2008) United Kingdom
Freaked (1993) USA
Freaks (2018) Canada, USA
Freaks and Geeks (1999) USA
Freaks of Nature (2015) USA
Freaks: You're One of Us (2020) Germany
Freakshow (2007) USA
Freaky (2003) New Zealand
Freaky Ali (2016) India
Freaky Faron (2006) USA
Freaky Friday (2003) USA
Freaky Friday (1995) USA
Freaky Friday (2018) USA
Freaky Friday (1976) USA
Freaky Stories (1997) Canada
FreakyLinks (2000) USA
Freccia azzurra, La (1996) Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg
Freche Mädchen (2008) Germany
Freche Mädchen 2 (2010) Germany
Freckled Rascal, The (1929) USA
Freckles (1935) USA
Frecuencia .04 (2004) Argentina
Fred 2: Night of the Living Fred (2011) USA
Fred Channel: The Substitute, The (2015) USA
Fred Claus (2007) USA
Fred et son orchestre (2001) France
Fred Flintstone and Friends (1977) USA
Fred Meyer: You'll Find it at Freddy's (1989) USA
Fred til lands (2019) Denmark
Fred Waring Show, The (1949) USA
Fred-dy (2001) Canada
Freddie (2005) USA
Freddy Got Fingered (2001) USA
Freddy unter fremden Sternen (1959) West Germany
Freddy vs. Jason (2003) Canada, USA
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991) USA
Freddy's Nightmares (1988) USA
Freddy's Return: A Nightmare Reborn (2009) USA
Freddy, die Gitarre und das Meer (1959) West Germany
Freddy/Eddy (2016) Germany
Frederik IX (2019) Denmark
Frederikke (2008) Denmark
Fredo, der Held (2006) Germany
Fredy a Zlatovláska (2008) Czech Republic
Free Agents (2009) United Kingdom
Free Agents (2011) USA, United Kingdom
Free and Easy (1930) USA
Free Birds (2013) USA
Free Chips Forever! (2009) Ireland
Free Eats (1932) USA
Free Enterprise (1998) USA
Free Money (1998) Canada
Free Parking (2006) USA
Free Radical, A (2008) USA
Free Rein (2017) USA
Free Rent (1936) USA
Free Ride (2006) USA
Free Ride (2013) USA
Free Samples (2012) USA
Free Spirit (1989) USA
Free State of Jones (2016) USA
Free Style (2008) Canada, USA, Germany
Free Table, The (????) Canada
Free Time of About Us (2017) USA
Free Wheeling (1932) USA
Free Willy (1994) USA, Canada
Free Willy (1993) USA, Mexico
Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home (1995) France, USA
Free Willy 3: The Rescue (1997) USA
Free Willy: Escape from Pirate's Cove (2010) USA
Freedom (2000) USA
Freedom (2015) USA
Freedom Gate (2015) USA
Freedom of Silence (2017) Belgium
Freedom Park (2004) USA
Freedom Song (2000) USA
Freedom Writers (2007) Germany, USA
Freedomland (2006) USA
Freeheld (2015) USA, United Kingdom, France
Freelancers (2012) USA
Freestyle! (1978) USA
Freeze (2014) Netherlands
Freezer Burn: The Invasion of Laxdale (2008) Canada
Frei (2014) Germany
Freibadsinfonie (2017) Germany
Freie Fahrt ins Glück (2007) Germany
Freies Volk (1925) Germany
Freifall (2012) Germany
Freiheit (2017) Germany, Slovakia
Freiheit für die Liebe (1969) West Germany
Freilaufende Männer (2011) Germany
Freischwimmer (2020) Austria
Freistatt (2015) Germany
Fremde Frauen küsst man nicht (2001) Germany
Fremde Freundin (1999) Germany
Fremde Kinder (1993) Germany
Fremde Tochter (2017) Germany
Fremde und das Dorf, Die (2014) Austria
Fremde, Die (2010) Germany
Fremdgehen (2010) Germany
Fremmed, En (2014) Norway
French Atlantic Affair, The (1979) USA
French Connection, The (1971) USA
French Cricket (2014) United Kingdom
French Guy, The (2005) Canada
French Line, The (1953) USA
French Mistress, A (1960) United Kingdom
Frenchman's Creek (1998) United Kingdom
Frendz (2011) USA
Frenemies (2013) USA
Frenemies (2012) USA
Frenemy (2015) USA
Frenzy (1972) United Kingdom
Freonový duch (1991) Czechoslovakia
Frequency (2000) USA
Frequency (2016) USA
Frère André, Le (1987) Canada
Frère et soeur (2014) France
Frère Irlandais, Le (1999) France, Belgium, Ireland
Frères des bois (2023) France
Frères Sisters, Les (2018) France, Spain, Romania, Belgium, USA
Fresh (1994) USA, France
Fresh Air Romance, A (1912) USA
Fresh Beat Band of Spies (2015) USA
Fresh Beat Band, The (2009) USA
Fresh Fish (1939) USA
Fresh Kills (2023) USA
Fresh Off the Boat (2015) USA
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, The (1990) USA
Fresh Souls (2014) USA
Fresh Start, A (1910) USA
Freshman, The (1990) USA
Fresno (1986) USA
Freudlose Gasse, Die (1925) Germany
Freunde (2001) Germany
Freunde fürs Leben (1992) Germany
Freundin meiner Mutter, Die (2019) Germany
Freundinnen fürs Leben (2006) Germany
Freundschaft mit Herz (1995) Germany
Fri mand, En (1996) Denmark
Fri os fra det onde (2009) Denmark, Sweden, Norway
Fric-frac en dentelles (1957) France
Frida (1989) Norway
Frida - med hjertet i hånden (1991) Norway
Frida og det urolige hjertet (1992) Norway
Frida og Tora (1976) Norway
Friday (1995) USA
Friday After Next (2002) USA
Friday Afternoon (2018) USA
Friday Foster (1975) USA
Friday Island (1962) Canada
Friday Night (1963) United Kingdom
Friday Night Dinner (2011) United Kingdom
Friday Night Lights (2006) USA
Friday Night Slimetime (2005) USA
Friday the 13th (1987) Canada
Friday the 13th (1980) USA
Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981) USA
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986) USA
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988) USA
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989) Canada, USA
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985) USA
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984) USA
Friday the Thirteenth (1913) USA
Fride på Skipet (2010) Norway
Fridge (2020) United Kingdom
Fridolin (1987) East Germany
Fried Chicken (2017) USA
Fried Green Tomatoes (1991) USA
Frieden (2020) Switzerland
Friedliche Weihnachten (2022) Germany
Friedliche Zeiten (2008) Germany
Friedrich - Ein deutscher König (2012) Germany
Friedrich und der verzauberte Einbrecher (1997) Germany
Friedrich und Friederike (1988) West Germany
Friend (2018) USA
Friend of the Family, A (2022) USA
Friend or Foe (1982) United Kingdom
Friend Request (2016) Germany
Friend Request (2014) USA
Friend to Die For, A (1994) USA
Friend's Betrayal, A (1996) USA
Friend, A (2017) USA
Friend, The (2019) USA
Friendly Persuasion (1975) USA
Friendly Persuasion (1956) USA
Friends (1994) USA
Friends (2012) USA
Friends (1971) United Kingdom
Friends (1979) USA
Friends & Crocodiles (2005) United Kingdom
Friends 'Til the End (1997) USA
Friends and Heroes (2007) United Kingdom, Canada
Friends for Life (2008) USA
Friends for Life (2008) USA
Friends from College (2017) USA
Friends of the People (2014) USA
Friends Till the End (2011) USA
Friends with Benefits (2011) USA
Friends with Benefits (2011) USA
Friends with Better Lives (2014) USA
Friends with Money (2006) USA
Friends: New Girl in Town (2012) Denmark, Thailand
Friendship in Vienna, A (1988) USA
Friendship! (2010) Germany, USA
Friendship's Field (1995) USA
Friendships, Secrets and Lies (1979) USA
Friendzy Friday (2021) USA
Frienemies (2011) USA
Fries with That (1999) Canada
Fright (1971) United Kingdom
Fright Show (1985) USA
Frighteners, The (1996) New Zealand, USA
Frigid (2012) USA
Frihed - det bedste guld (1961) Denmark
Friheden (2018) Denmark
Frihet forutsetter at noen er fri (2011) Norway
Frihetens pris (1990) Norway
Frihetsligan (1994) Sweden
Frilek (2012) Norway
Friluftsskulptur i Oslo (1953) Norway
Fringe (2008) USA, Canada
Fringe Dwellers, The (1986) Australia
Fringe Elements (2018) Czech Republic
Frío sol de invierno (2004) Spain
Fripiat, Les (1987) Belgium
Frisch, fromm, fröhlich, frei (1970) West Germany
Frischer Wind aus Kanada (1935) Germany
Frisco Jenny (1932) USA
Frisée aux lardons, La (1979) France
Friseuse und der Millionär, Die (1998) Germany
Frisson des collines (2011) Canada
Frit fald (2011) Denmark
Fritt vilt (2006) Norway
Fritt vilt II (2008) Norway
Fritz Lang (2016) Germany
Fro Yo a Go Go (2015) USA
Frode og alle de andre rødder (2008) Denmark
Frodya (2013) Russia
Frog (2015) USA
Frog (1987) USA
Frog and Wombat (1998) USA
Frog Catcher (2019)
Frog Dreaming (1985) Australia
Frog Kingdom (2013) USA, China
Frog Prince, The (1988) USA, Israel
Frog Prince, The (2011) USA
Frog-g-g! (2004) USA
Frogs! (1992) United Kingdom, USA
Fröhliche Wanderer, Der (1955) West Germany
Froid comme l'été (2002) France
Frøken April (1963) Denmark
Fröken Frimans krig (2013) Sweden
Fröken Julie (1951) Sweden
Frøken Nitouche (1963) Denmark
Frolic 'N Mae (2017) USA
Frolic, The (2007) USA
From (2022) USA
From 1994 (2013) USA
From A to B (2014) United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia
From Black (2023) USA
From Darkness (2011) USA, Canada
From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series (2014) USA
From Hand to Mouth (1919) USA
From Hell (2001) USA
From Indonesia with Love (2012) USA
From Justin to Kelly (2003) USA
From Khovrino (2020) Russia
From Noon Till Three (1976) USA
From Now (2020) USA
From Other Worlds (2004) USA
From Scratch (2022) USA
From South Central to Malibu (2011) USA
From the Ashes (2004) USA
From the Basement with Laughs (2016) Australia
From the Chest (2008) USA
From the Earth to the Moon (1998) USA
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (1995) USA
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (1973) USA
From the Other Room (2016) USA
From the Rough (2013) USA
From the Shadows (2009) USA
From the Sky (2009) USA
From the Snoring (2016) USA
From the Top (2019) USA
From These Roots (1958) USA
From This Day Forward (1946) USA
From Time to Time (2009) United Kingdom
From Under the Bed (2015) USA
From Where I Sit (2000) USA
Fromme Helene, Die (1965) West Germany
Front (2014) Russia
Front (2007) USA
Front of the Class (2008) USA
Front Page Bible (1959)
Front Page Detective (1951) USA
Front Porch (2014) USA
Front Room, The (2024) USA
Front Row Center (1955) USA
Front Seat Chronicles (2012) USA
Front v tylu vraga (1982) Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia
Fronteiras (2003) Portugal
Fronteiras do Inferno (1959) Brazil
Frontier (1987) Australia
Frontier (1955) USA
Frontier Badmen (1943) USA
Frontier Circus (1961) USA
Frontier Days (1934) USA
Frontier Doctor (1956) USA
Frontier Drums (1961) United Kingdom
Frontier Gambler (1956) USA
Frontier Woman (1956) USA
Frontier, The (2012) USA
Frontiers of Faith (1951) USA
Frontiersmen, The (1938) USA
Frontline (1983) USA
Fronttheater (1942) Germany
Froot Loops (2015) USA
Froschkönig (1988) East Germany
Froschkönig, Der (2008) Germany
Frost (2008) USA
Frost (1997) Germany
Frost in May (1982) United Kingdom
Frost/Nixon (2008) USA, United Kingdom, France
Frosty Man and the BMX Kid (2010) New Zealand
Frosty Returns (1992) USA
Frosty the Regular Adult Man (2015) USA
Frozen (2013) USA
Frozen Ground, The (2013) USA
Frozen II (2019) USA
Frozen Impact (2003) USA
Frozen in Love (2018) USA
Frozen in Time (2014) USA
Frozen on Broadway: First Look (2014) USA
Frozen River (1929) USA
Frozen World (2011) China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan
Frühjahrsparade (1934) Hungary, Austria, Germany
Frühling (2011) Germany
Frühling hoch zwei (2017) Germany
Frühlingshymne (2002) Germany
Frühlingskinder (2013) Germany
Frühlingslied (1954) West Germany, Italy
Frühlingsmelodie (1945) Germany
Frühlingssinfonie (1983) West Germany
Frühreifen, Die (1957) West Germany
Frühreifen-Report (1973) West Germany
Frühstück im Bett (1983) East Germany
Fruit défendu (2016) France
Fruit défendu, Le (1952) France
Fruits sauvages, Les (1954) France
Fruitvale Station (2013) USA
Frutinha (2023) Brazil
Fry-Up (2017) United Kingdom
Frygtelig lykkelig (2008) Denmark
FSM (2015) Canada
FTS Kids News (2011) USA
FTS Kids Radio Show (2013) USA
Fu fu de zheng (2024) China
Fu gui fu yun (1948) Hong Kong
Fu gui ji xiang (1991) Hong Kong
Fu zhi guo (1953) Hong Kong
Fu zi (2006) Hong Kong
Fuan no tane (2013) Japan
Fubenna Benriya (2015) Japan
Fuchi ni tatsu (2016) Japan, France
Fuchzhou (1993) Ukraine
Fuck You, Mistletoe (2013) USA
Fucking Åmål (1998) Sweden, Denmark
Fucking tøs (2013) Denmark
Fudge (1995) USA
Fudge-a-mania (1995) USA
Fuel (2009) USA
Fuente Álamo, la caricia del tiempo (2002) Spain
Fuera de carta (2008) Spain
Fuera de juego (1991) Spain
Fuera de lugar (2008) Spain
Fuera del cuerpo (2004) Spain
Fuerte y Poderosa (2015) Spain
Fuerza del destino, La (2011) Mexico
Fuete (1987) Soviet Union
Fuga (2012) Spain
Fuga (2018) Poland, Czech Republic, Sweden
Fuga dalla Morte (2023) Italy
Fuga dalla morte (2013)
Fuga de cerebros (2009) Spain
Fuga de cerebros 2 (2011) Spain
Fuga degli innocenti, La (2004) Italy
Fuga per la libertà - L'aviatore (2008) Italy
Fuga, La (2012) Spain
Fuggitiva, La (2021) Italy
Fughe e approdi (2010) Italy
Fugitifs, Les (1986) France
Fugitivas (2000) Spain
Fugitive Family (1980) USA
Fugitive Lovers (1934) USA
Fugitive Pieces (2007) Canada, Greece
Fugitive, The (1963) USA
Fugitive, The (1993) USA
Fugitive, The (1963) USA
Fugitive, The (2000) USA
Fugitives, The (2005) United Kingdom
Fugle (2018) Denmark
Fuglejagten (2012) Denmark
Fuglekongen (1987) Norway
Fuglekrigen i Kanøfleskoven (1990) Denmark
Fuglene over sundet (2016) Denmark
Fugly (2007) USA
Fugly! (2014) USA
Fugue (2008) USA
Fugue de Bébé, La (1911) France
Fugue en Ré (1998) France
Fugues (2000) France
Führer Ex (2002) Germany, Italy
Führerschein, Der (1979) West Germany
Fuik, De (2008) Netherlands
Fuja se for capaz (2021) Brazil
Fuk sau (2009) Hong Kong, France
Fûke, De (2000) Netherlands
Fukeiki jidai (1930) Japan
Fukigen na jiin (2005) Japan
Fukuie keibuho no aisatsu (2014) Japan
Fukuzawa Yukichi (1991) Japan
Fulaninha (1986) Brazil
Fulgidusen (2020) Germany
Full Armour (2019) United Kingdom
Full Circle (1977) Canada, United Kingdom
Full Circle: YOMYOMF (2016) USA
Full Clip (2006) USA
Full Disclosure (2017) Australia
Full Grown Men (2006) USA
Full House (1987) USA
Full House (2009) Philippines
Full House (1952) USA
Full House (1983) USA
Full House (2015) Switzerland
Full House (1972) United Kingdom
Full Monty, The (1997) United Kingdom, USA
Full Moon (2014) Philippines
Full moon travelling (1989) Japan
Full o' Pep (1922) USA
Full Out (2015) Canada, USA
Full pakke! (2012) Norway
Full utrykning (1971) Norway
Full-Court Miracle (2003) USA
Full-Dress (2019) USA
Fuller Brush Girl, The (1950) USA
Fuller Brush Man, The (1948) USA
Fuller House (2016) USA
Fumer fait tousser (2022) France
Fun in Acapulco (1963) USA
Fun in Balloon Land (1965) USA
Fun Mom Dinner (2017) USA
Fun Room, The (2010) USA
Fun Size (2012) USA
Fun Size Horror: Volume One (2015) USA
Fun Song Factory (1998) United Kingdom
Fun to Grow On (2010) USA
Fun with Dick and Jane (1977) USA
Fun with Dick and Jane (2005) USA
Fun World (2012) USA
Fundamentally Cynical (2019) USA
Fundamentals of Caring, The (2016) USA
Funérailles (1996) Belgium
Funeral Kings (2012) USA
Funeral Procession of Peter (2014) Japan
Fünf Freunde (2012) Germany
Fünf Freunde 2 (2013) Germany
Fünf Freunde 3 (2014) Germany
Fünf Freunde 4 (2015) Germany
Fünf Freunde und das Tal der Dinosaurier (2018) Germany
Fünf Jahre danach (1979) East Germany
Fünfte Kolonne, Die (1963) West Germany
Fung bou (2013) Hong Kong, China
Fung sun bong (2001) Hong Kong
Fung wan: Hung ba tin ha (1998) Hong Kong
Fungus the Bogeyman (2004) United Kingdom, Canada
Funhouse, The (1981) USA
FunikiJam Show Holiday Specials, The (2020) USA
Funkhousers, The (2002) USA
Funkstreife Gottes, Die (1968) Austria, West Germany
Funky Monkey (2004) USA, Germany
Funniest Commercials of the Year: 2011 (2011) USA
Funny About Love (1990) USA
Funny as Hell (2011) Canada
Funny Boy (2020) Canada, USA, India, Sri Lanka
Funny Bunch, The (2013) USA
Funny Business (2017) USA
Funny Days (2012) USA
Funny Face (1927) USA
Funny Face (1971) USA
Funny Games (1997) Austria
Funny Games (2007) USA, France, United Kingdom, Austria, Germany, Italy
Funny Girl (1968) USA
Funny How Things Happen (2011) USA
Funny in Farsi (2010) USA
Funny Man (2016) USA
Funny Married Stuff (2016) USA
Funny or Die Presents... (2010) USA
Funny or Die Presents: Donald Trump's the Art of the Deal: The Movie (2016) USA
Funny or Die's Billy on the Street (2011) USA
Funny or Die: Glowing Up Fast (2018)
Funny People (2009) USA
Funtime (2018) USA
Fuocoammare (2016) Italy, France
Fuori Dalla Citta' (2022) Italy
Fuori scena (1986) Italy
Für 'n Groschen Brause (1983) West Germany
Für alle Fälle Stefanie (1995) Germany
Für Emma und ewig (2017) Germany
Für immer Afrika (2007) Germany
Für immer daheim (2011) Germany
Für immer Edelweiß (2004) Germany
Für immer ein Mörder - Der Fall Ritter (2014) Germany
Für immer Frühling (2011) Germany
Für immer im Herzen (2004) Germany
Für immer und immer (1997) Germany
Für immer verloren (2003) Germany
Für meine Kinder tu' ich alles (2009) Germany
Für meine Tochter (2018) Germany
Für Miriam (2009) Germany
Für Umme - Die Serie (2017) Germany
Fur-Ever Family (2019) USA
Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus (2006) USA
Furby Island (2005) USA
Furcht und Elend des Dritten Reiches (1981) East Germany
Fürchte dich nicht (2007) Germany
Fürdés (1975) Hungary
Furê furê jinsei! (2001) Japan
Furia del ring, La (1961) Mexico
Furia nera (1975) Italy
Furies Inside Me, The (2015) USA
Furies, The (1930) USA
Furîjia (2007) Japan
Fûrin kazan (2007) Japan
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) Australia, USA
Furious Flycycle, The (1980) USA
Furious Seven (2015) Japan, USA
Furk (2016) USA
Furlough (2018) USA
Furnace (2007) USA
Furomu Episôdo Obu Sutingâ Uchû Sentai Kyûrenjâ Hai Sukûru Wôzu (2017) Japan
Furore: Il vento della speranza (2014) Italy
Furry Vengeance (2010) USA, United Arab Emirates
Furst Born (2016) USA
Fürstenkind und Bauernjunge (1974) East Germany
Further Adventures of Spin and Marty (1956) USA
Further Adventures of SuperTed, The (1989) USA, United Kingdom
Further Adventures of the Musketeers, The (1967) United Kingdom
Further Adventures of the Wilderness Family, The (1978) USA
Further Instructions (2015) USA
Furtseva. Legenda o Ekaterine (2011) Russia
Furueru shita (1980) Japan
Fururi (2005) Japan
Furusato gaeri (2011) Japan
Furusato musume no tabidachi (2011) Japan
Furusato no haika (1938) Japan
Fury (2014) USA, China, United Kingdom
Fury (1973) Italy, United Kingdom
Fury (1955) USA
Fury Within, The (1998) USA, Australia
Furze World Wonders (2017) Canada
Fusée, La (2013) Canada
Fusion, The (2019) USA
Fußballtrainer Wulff (1972) West Germany
Fußfesselmörder, Der (2003) Germany
Futari dake no hashi (1958) Japan
Futari no hitomi (1952) Japan
Futatsume no mado (2014) France, Japan, Spain
Futbol (2010) USA
Futboleros (2006) Mexico
Futbolilits (2011) Philippines
Futbolín, El (2018) Spain
Futbolísimos, Los (2018) Spain
Fûten Rôjin nikki (1962) Japan
Futro (2007) Poland, Germany
Futtocks End (1970) United Kingdom
Future Cop (1976) USA
Future Fear (1997) Canada, USA
Future Hunters (1988) Philippines, USA
Future Is Wild, The (2007) Canada
Future Kids (2019) USA
Future Man (2017) USA
Future of America (2011) USA
Future Perfect, The (2014) Canada
Future Relic 03 (2015) USA
Future Self (2013) USA
Future Shock (2015) USA
Future to Hold, A (2014) USA
Future Weather (2012) USA
Future Where No One Remembers You, A (2019) United Kingdom
Future World (2018) USA
Future, The (2011) Germany, USA, France
Future-Worm! (2015) USA
Future: Mask Off (2017) USA
Futurestates (2010) USA
Futuro que viene, El (2017) Argentina
Fuzai enkai: Shibô kiji no onna (2008) Japan
Fuzz (1972) USA
Fuzzy Giners (2012) USA
Fyra nyanser av brunt (2004) Sweden
Fyrkantig himmel, En (2009) Sweden