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86427 films in database

A (not so) Silent Night (2020)    Italy
À 10 minutes de la plage (2010)    France, Belgium
À 14 ans (2015)    France
Å åpne, å se (2012)    Norway
A Ay (1988)    Turkey
A Barba-Azul (1974)    Brazil
A Beachcombers Christmas (2004)    Canada
A Bear Named Winnie (2004)    Canada
A Beautiful Tragedy (2008)    Norway
A Bedouin Dream (2024)    Ireland
À Beira do Caminho (2012)    Brazil
A Better Place (2018)    Canada
A Better Tomorrow (2013)    Japan
A Billion Colour Story (2016)    India
A Birthday Story (2018)    Canada
A Black Lady Sketch Show (2019)   
A Blue Ridge Mountain Christmas (2019)    Canada
A Bout De Bras (2018)   
A Boy and Sungreen (2018)    South Korea
A Boy's Own Story (1998)    Canada
A Bramble House Christmas (2017)    Canada
À bras le corps (2005)    France
A Brush of Red (2009)    Canada
A Bunch of Munsch (1991)    Canada
A Cara do Pai (2016)    Brazil
A caro prezzo (1999)    Italy
A casa tutti bene (2018)    Italy
A casa tutti bene - La serie (2021)    Italy
À cause d'elle (1993)    France
À ce soir (2004)    France
A Certain Kind of Silence (2019)    Czech Republic, Netherlands, Latvia
À chacun son enfer (1977)    France, West Germany
A Chance for Christmas (2021)    Canada
A Christmas Horror Story (2015)    Canada
A Christmas Letter (2021)    Canada
A Christmas Tail (2014)    Canada
A Christmas Village (2018)    Canada
A Christmas Wish (2021)    Canada
A Classic Horror Story (2021)    Italy
À cloche pied (1996)    France
A Clown's Gift (2004)    Canada
A Cookie Cutter Christmas (2014)    Canada
A Corner (2015)    Taiwan
À cran (2003)    France
À cran, deux ans après (2004)    Belgium, France
A Cry in the Night (1992)    Canada, France
A csempészkirály (1919)    Hungary
A Csodagyerek (1920)    Hungary
A Dama da Zona (1979)    Brazil
A Dangerous Fortune (2016)    Germany
A Dark Tale (2024)    Italy
A Date for Mad Mary (2016)    Ireland
A Daughter's Journey (2018)    Canada
A Daughter's Nightmare (2014)    Canada
A Daughter's Revenge (2018)    Canada
A Day in a Life (2000)    Canada
A Day in LA (2014)   
A Decision (2014)    Canada
À découvert (1996)    France
À demain (1992)    France
À Deriva (2009)    Brazil
A Diarista (2004)    Brazil
A dicsekvö varga (1979)    Hungary
A dios momo (2005)    Uruguay
A Divisão (2019)    Brazil
À dix minutes de nulle part (2011)    France, Belgium
À dix minutes des naturistes (2012)    France
A Domestic Dilemma (2009)    Canada
A Dona do Pedaço (2019)    Brazil
A Dream in Hanoi (2009)    Vietnam
A Dublin Story (2003)    Ireland
A Equação do Amor (2012)    Brazil
A Fallen Fruit (2020)    Cambodia
A Family Christmas Gift (2019)   
A Family Way (2011)    Canada
A Fantasztikus nagynéni (1986)    Hungary
A Farewell to Fools (2013)    Romania, Germany, Belgium
A fari spenti nella notte (2012)    Italy
A Favorita (2008)    Brazil
A Feeling Called Glory (2000)    Canada
A fény ösvényei (2005)    Hungary
A Ferret Called Mickey (2003)    Ireland
A fior di pelle (2021)    Italy
A Firehouse Christmas (2016)    Canada
A Fish Story (2013)    Canada
A Flush with Danger (2022)    Canada
À fond (2016)    France,  Republic of Macedonia
A fost prietenul meu (1963)    Romania
A Funeral for Mr. Smithee (2002)    Netherlands
A Further Glimpse of Joey (1966)    Canada
A Garota da Moto (2016)    Brazil
A Gentleman (2017)    India
A Gift to Last (1978)    Canada
A Girl Like You (2016)    Italy
A Gold Star Kid (2017)    France
A golpes (2005)    Spain
A Good Meal (2016)    Canada
A Good Story (2019)    Canada
A Good Tree (1984)    Canada
A Grande Viagem (2017)    Brazil
A Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday: A Short Film with a Long Name (2014)    Canada
A ház emlékei (2002)    Hungary
A Heartland Christmas (2010)    Canada
A hecc (1989)    Hungary
A hetedik kör (2009)    Hungary
A hetedik szoba (1996)    Italy, Hungary
A História de Ester (2010)    Brazil
A História de Rosa (2005)    Brazil
A História Delas (2023)    Brazil
A History of Radness (2015)   
A House of Cards (2020)    Austria
A House of Mad Souls (2003)    Thailand
A hto tam idze? (2020)    Belarus
A Husband's Confession (2015)    Canada
A Ilha dos Sonhos (2016)    Brazil
A k nam tsirk priekhal (1978)    Soviet Union
A Killer Among Us (2012)    Canada
A király meztelen (1979)    Hungary
A kis bice-bóca (1964)    Hungary
A kis lord (1918)    Hungary
A kisfiú meg az oroszlánok (1979)    Hungary
A Kiss (2018)    Netherlands
A Klondike Christmas (1990)    Canada
Á köldum klaka (1995)    USA, Japan, Iceland, Denmark, Germany
A kõmajmok háza (2014)    Hungary
A krepost byla nepristupnaya (1938)    Soviet Union
À l'abri des regards indiscrets (2002)    France
À l'amiable (2014)    France
À l'arrière (2005)    France
A l'Ecole des bambous (2011)    France, Nepal
À l'ombre (2006)    Canada
À la belle étoile (2023)    France
À la maison pour Noël (2011)    France, Belgium
À la place du coeur (1998)    France
À la recherche du paradis perdu (1993)    France
À la recherche du temps perdu (2011)    France
À la vie, à l'amour (1991)    France
A las once en casa (1998)    Spain
A Legacy of Whining (2016)    Canada
A legényanya (1989)    Hungary
A legnagyobb szemtelenség! (1974)    Hungary
A Lenda do Monte Pascoal (2015)    Brazil
A levelek (2017)    Hungary
A Life Interrupted (2007)    Canada
A Life: Itoshiki Hito (2017)    Japan
A Little Christmas (2011)    Hungary
A Little Day (2013)    South Korea
A Little Journey (2015)   
A Little Taste (2019)    Spain
A Little Vacation (2022)    Canada
A locsolókocsi (1974)    Hungary
A Long Story (2013)    Netherlands, Romania
A Long Way From Home (2014)    Canada
A Long Way to Happiness (2020)    Ukraine
A Love You (2015)    France
A Lua Me Disse (2005)    Brazil
À ma soeur! (2001)    France, Italy
A magzat (1994)    Hungary, Poland
À mains nues (2005)    France
A Majestic Christmas (2018)    Canada
A Man Fell (2024)    Italy
A Married Couple (1969)    Canada
A martfüi rém (2016)    Hungary
À Medida que Fomos Recuperando a Mãe (2024)    Portugal
A Memento of Life (2018)    Canada
A Menina do Lado (1987)    Brazil
A Menina e o Estuprador (1983)    Brazil
A Menina e o Mar (2022)    Brazil
A Menina Índigo (2016)    Brazil
A Menina-Espantalho (2008)    Brazil
À mère et marées (2008)    Canada
A Mézga család különös kalandjai (1970)    Hungary
À mi-chemin (2011)    France
À mi-chemin du ciel (1931)    USA
A Midsummer Night's Dream (2005)    France, Spain
A Million Dollar Child (2017)    Ukraine
A Miracle on Christmas Lake (2016)    Canada
À mon âge je me cache encore pour fumer (2016)    France, Greece, Algeria
À mort l'arbitre! (1984)    France
À mort le bikini! (2023)    Canada
A Morte Comanda o Cangaço (1960)    Brazil
A Mother on the Edge (2019)    Canada
A Muralha (1968)    Brazil
A Muzzarell (2024)    Italy
A nagy füzet (2013)    Hungary, Germany, Austria, France
A Nanny's Revenge (2012)    Canada
A Nanny's Secret (2009)    Canada
A Natureza das Coisas Invisíveis (2025)    Brazil, Chile
A Nena Azul (2018)    Spain
A Nest of Singing Birds (1987)    Canada
A New Kind of Wilderness (2024)    Norway
A New Stage (2018)    Canada
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Freddy's rache (1990)   
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: Party des schreckens (1990)   
À nos amours (1983)    France
À nous de jouer (1981)    France
À nous deux (1979)    France, Canada
À nous deux la vie (1998)    France
À nous la rue (1987)    Burkina Faso
À nous la vie! (2003)    France
À nous les garçons (1985)    France
A Oitava Cor do Arco-íris (2004)    Brazil
A Origem dos Bebês Segundo Kiki Cavalcanti (1995)    Brazil
A Painter's Reverie (2016)    Canada
À pas de loup (2011)    Belgium, France
A Patota (1972)    Brazil
A Pedra Fundamental (2015)    Brazil
A Peek Inside (2004)    Canada
À peine (2009)    Belgium
A pénzcsináló (1964)    Hungary
A People Uncounted (2011)    Canada
A Pequena Órfã (1968)    Brazil
A Pequena Travessa (2002)    Brazil
A Perfect Day (2015)    Spain
A Perfect Enemy (2020)    Spain, Germany, France
A Peste da Janice (2007)    Brazil
A Pickle (2008)    Canada
A piedi nudi (2023)    Italy
A Playful Love (2022)    Canada
A Po De Bin Lang (2017)    China
A pobezim az na kraj sveta (1979)    Czechoslovakia
A pogány madonna (1981)    Hungary
A Princesa e o Vagabundo (2010)    Brazil
A Princesa Xuxa e os Trapalhões (1989)    Brazil
A Prisão (1980)    Brazil
A Promise (2002)    Canada
A Promise (2013)    France, Belgium
A Pure Place (2021)    Germany, Greece
A que no me dejas (2015)    Mexico
À qui la faute (2015)    France
À quoi ça sert de voter écolo? (2004)    France
A rajzoló (2014)    Hungary
A Rare Grand Alignment (2023)    Finland
A répa (2016)    Hungary
A risky revenge (2019)    Netherlands
A Risky Undertaking (2014)    Ireland
A rózsa énekei (2003)    Hungary, Italy
A Russell Peters Christmas Special (2011)    Canada
A S Det'Mi - Shestero (2005)    Russia
À s'en cramer la rétine (2023)    Switzerland
A Season for Family (2023)    Canada
A Season to Wither (2008)    Canada
A Season Without Hockey (2006)    Canada
A Separation by Violence (2013)    Canada
A Series of Firsts (2013)    Belgium
A sharik letit (1987)    Soviet Union
A Shine of Rainbows (2009)    Canada, Ireland
A Slave of Satan (1913)    France
A Snake Marked (2019)    Canada
Å snu seg mot solen (2012)    Norway
A Soldier and a Boy (2011)    Israel
A Soldier's Song (1997)    Ireland
A Sombra do Pai (2018)    Brazil
A Sombra Interior (2018)    Brazil
A sor (2004)    Hungary
A Stone's Throw (2006)    Canada
A Story About Henry Ford (1955)   
A Storybook Christmas (2019)    Canada
A Stranger Here Myself (2005)    Canada
A Stranger with My Kids (2017)    Canada
A Summer Fling (2004)    Canada
A Summer Romance (2019)    Canada
A Suprema Felicidade (2010)    Brazil
A szánkó (1955)    Hungary
A szeleburdi család (1981)    Hungary
A színésznö (1920)    Hungary
A Tale of the Bonesetter (2015)    Canada
A Tale of Two Brothers (2015)    Netherlands
A Taste of Shakespeare (1995)    Canada
A Teachable Moment (2016)    Canada
A Tenkes kapitánya (1964)    Hungary
A teraz sa rozhodni (1980)    Czechoslovakia
A Terra Prometida (2016)    Brazil
À tes côtés (2021)    France
A tettes ismeretlen (1958)    Hungary
A Thin Dry Roar (2006)    Canada
A todo tren 2: Ahora son ellas (2022)    Spain
¡A todo tren! Destino Asturias (2021)    Spain
À ton image (2004)    France
À Tona d'Água (2024)    Portugal, France
¡¡¡A tope!!! (1984)    Spain
A tort ou à raison (2009)    Belgium, France
A torto e a ragione (1978)    Italy
A Trace of Danger (2010)    Canada
À travers les murs (2019)    Canada
A través del ocaso (2009)    Spain
A Triste Figura (2018)    Brazil
À trois c'est mieux (2004)    France
A Turma do Didi (1998)    Brazil
A Turma do Pererê (1998)    Brazil
A Tüz (1918)    Hungary
A Twist of Christmas (2018)    Canada
A Two Way Street (2020)    Canada
A u nas byla tishina... (1978)    Soviet Union
A Última Reunião Dançante (2012)    Brazil
A varázsló (1969)    Hungary
A varázsló álma (1987)    Hungary
À Venise, une nuit (1937)    France
¡A ver si llego! (2009)    Spain
A Very Cool Christmas (2004)    Canada
A Very Corgi Christmas (2019)    Canada
A Very Country Christmas (2017)    Canada
A Very Larry Christmas (2013)    Canada
A Vida da Gente (2011)    Brazil
A Vida Secreta dos Casais (2017)    Brazil
A világ legkisebb alapítványa (1997)    Hungary
A világ legrosszabb gyereke (1987)    Hungary
A Village Romeo and Juliet (1992)    Czechoslovakia
A Violent School Revolution (1975)    Japan
A Visita (2009)    Brazil
A visszhang titka (1973)    Hungary
Å vokte fjellet (2012)    Norway,  Republic of Macedonia
A vos caisses! (2010)    France
A Voz do Silêncio (2018)    Brazil, Argentina
A Walk Through Life 360° (2020)    Bulgaria
A Wife's Nightmare (2014)    Canada
A Wind at My Back Christmas (2001)    Canada
A Woman for the Ages (1952)   
A Woman Hunted (2003)    Canada
A Word, The (2016)    United Kingdom
A World Record Christmas (2023)    Canada
A Wrinkle in Time (2003)    Canada
A ya lyublyu zhenatogo (2008)    Russia
A Year of Hope (2017)    Denmark, Netherlands, Philippines
A Yong (1975)    China
A zivot jde dál (1935)    Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia
A zöld torony (1985)    Hungary
A zori zdes tikhie... (2015)    Russia
A&C New York (2017)    USA
A'dam - E.V.A. (2011)    Netherlands
A'Mare (2008)    United Kingdom
A, B, C... Manhattan (1997)    USA
A-Haunting We Will Go (1942)    USA
A-i-deul... (2011)    South Korea
A-N-D-R-E-A (2020)    USA
A-Team, The (1983)    USA
A-woord, Het (2020)    Netherlands
A. B. Zone: An Anti-Bullying Film for Kids (2011)    USA
A.A.A. Achille (2003)    Italy
A.B.S (2012)    USA
A.C.O.D. (2013)    USA
A.G.A. (2003)    Turkey
A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)    USA, United Kingdom
A.J. Wentworth, BA (1982)    United Kingdom
A.J.'s Time Travelers (1995)    USA
A.K.A Nadia (2015)    United Kingdom, Israel
A.K.A. (2006)    USA
a.k.a. Pablo (1984)    USA
A.L.F. (1987)    USA
A.L.Zh.I.R. (2018)    Russia
A.N.I. 1240 (2003)    USA
A.N.T. Farm (2011)    USA
A.P. Bio (2018)    USA
A.R.C.H.I.E. 2 (2018)    Canada
A.S. (1995)    Germany
A.S.K. (2013)    Turkey
A.W.O.L (2006)    USA
A.W.O.L. (2002)    Canada
A/S/L: Age Sex Location (2008)    USA
AA BB KK (2018)    India
Aa Gale Lag Jaa (1973)    India
Aa Intlo (2009)    India
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (1994)    USA
Aabra Ka Daabra (2004)    India
Aach... Aku Jatuh Cinta (2016)    Indonesia
Aadha Full (2016)    India
Aadhi Roti (1957)    India
Aaf (2013)    Netherlands
Aaj Ke Angaarey (1988)    India
Aakhri Mujra (1981)    India
Aalippazhangal (1987)    India
Aaliyah Rose & Lela B: Rockin Around the Christmas Tree (2017)    USA
Aaltoska orkaniseeraa (1949)    Finland
Aan Allen Die Zich Hier Bevinden (2020)    Netherlands
Aandhi (1975)    India
Aandhi Aur Toofan (1964)    India
Aanmodderfakker (2014)    Netherlands
Aanrijding in Moscou (2008)    Belgium
Aanslag, De (1986)    Netherlands
Aao kabhi toh haveli pe (2023)    India
Aao Wish Karein (2009)    India
AAP (2022)    Netherlands
Aap Kaa Surroor: The Moviee - The Real Luv Story (2007)    India
Aap Poot Pies (2014)    Netherlands
Aardbeien Mysterie, Het (2016)    Netherlands
Aaron Albeit a Hero (2009)    USA
Aaron Carter: Aaron's Party - Come Get It (2000)    USA
Aaron Carter: Bounce (2001)    USA
Aaron Carter: Children of the World (1999)    USA
Aaron Carter: Crazy Little Party Girl (1998)    USA
Aaron Carter: Crush on You (1997)    USA
Aaron Carter: Do You Remember (2002)    USA
Aaron Carter: I'm All About You (2001)    USA
Aaron Carter: I'm Gonna Miss You Forever (1998)    USA
Aaron Carter: Leave It Up to Me (2001)    USA
Aaron Carter: Oh Aaron (2001)    USA
Aaron Carter: Shake It (1998)    USA
Aaron Carter: Summertime (2002)    USA
Aaron Carter: Surfin USA (1998)    USA
Aaron Carter: That's How I Beat Shaq (2001)    USA
Aaron Loves Angela (1975)    USA
Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick (1952)    USA
Aaron Stone (2009)    Canada
Aaron's Blood (2016)    USA
Aaron's Way (1988)    USA
Aaron's Way: The Harvest (1988)    USA
Aas Paas (1981)    India
Aashiq (1962)    India
Aastaring (1975)    Soviet Union
Aatamin puvussa - ja vähän Eevankin... (1940)    Finland
Aatank (1996)    India
Aatish (1979)    India
Aatma (2013)    India
Aatos ja Amine (2019)    Finland, Germany, Belgium
Aazmayish (1995)    India
Ab Dilli Dur Nahin (1957)    India
Ab morgen glücklich (2007)    Germany
Aba jan (2017)    Iran
Aba sheli tzipor (2013)    Israel
Ababouiné (2024)    Canada
Abadani-Ha (1993)    Iran
Abakada... Ina (2001)    Philippines
Aban (2022)    Iran, France
Abana (1958)    India
Abandon Ship (2016)    New Zealand
Abandonado (1985)    Philippines
Abandonados - Die Niemandskinder von Camanducaia, Los (1986)    West Germany, Mexico
Abandoned (2018)    Canada
Abandoned (1949)    USA
Abandoned and Deceived (1995)    USA
Abarenbô mama (2007)    Japan
Abatâ (2011)    Japan
Abattoir (2016)    USA
Abattoir, The (2008)    USA
Abba Ganuv (1987)    Israel
Abba Ganuv II (1989)    Israel
Abba Ganuv III (1991)    Israel
ABBA: Against the Odds (2024)    United Kingdom, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Netherlands, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland
Abbacadabra (1983)    Netherlands, France
Abbasso il zio (1962)    Italy
Abbasso la miseria! (1945)    Italy
Abbasso la ricchezza! (1946)    Italy
Abbasso tutti, viva noi (1974)    Italy
Abbaye du revoir, L' (2004)    France
Abbey's Road (2008)    USA
Abbi Fede (2020)    Italy, Austria
Abbie Down East (2002)    Netherlands, USA
Abbott and Costello Go to Mars (1953)    USA
Abbott and Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff (1949)    USA
Abbott and Costello Show, The (1952)    USA
Abbott Elementary (2021)    USA
Abby 33 (2010)    USA
Abby 79 (2011)    USA
Abby Hatcher (2018)    USA, Canada
Abby Hatcher and PAW Patrol Team Up for the Rescue (2019)   
Abby: Streets (2013)    Germany
ABC Africa (2001)    Iran
ABC Afternoon Playbreak, The (1972)    USA
ABC Afterschool Specials (1972)    USA
ABC Album (1953)    USA
ABC des Lebens (2003)    Germany
ABC Saturday Comedy Special (1976)    USA
ABC Saturday Superstar Movie, The (1972)    USA
ABC Sneak Peek with Step by Step (1994)    USA
ABC Stage 67 (1966)    USA
ABC TGIF (1989)    USA
ABC Weekend Specials (1977)    USA
ABC...ZH (1971)    Albania
ABCs of Death 2, The (2014)    USA, New Zealand, Canada, Israel, Japan
Abducted (2014)    United Kingdom
Abducted: The Carlina White Story (2012)    Canada
Abduction (2013)    USA
Abduction of Angie (2017)    USA
Abduction of Zack Butterfield, The (2011)    USA
Abduction, The (1996)    USA, Canada
Abduction... Who's Next? (1984)    Australia
Abdulladzhan, ili posvyashchaetsya Stivenu Spilbergu (1991)    Soviet Union
Abe (2019)    USA, Brazil
Abe (2017)    USA, United Kingdom
Abe & Bruno (2006)    USA
Abe Lincoln in Illinois (1940)    USA
Abel (2010)    Mexico
Abel mit der Mundharmonika (1965)    West Germany
Abel's Field (2012)    USA
Abel, twój brat (1970)    Poland
Abeltje (2000)    Netherlands
Abeltje (1998)    Netherlands
Abenteuer der Marquise von Königsmarck, Die (1920)    Germany
Abenteuer des Huck Finn, Die (2012)    Germany
Abenteuer des jungen Nicholas Holmes, Die (2009)    Germany
Abenteuer eines jungen Herrn in Polen (1934)    Germany
Abenteuer im Südexpress (1934)    Germany
Abenteuer in Bamsdorf (1958)    East Germany
Abenteuer in den Sümpfen (1991)    Germany
Abenteuer mit Blasius (1975)    East Germany, Czechoslovakia
Aber Vati! (1974)    East Germany
Aberne og det hemmelige våben (1995)    Denmark
Abgebrannt (2011)    Germany
Abgedreht in Stuttgart (2007)    Germany
Abgefahren (1995)    Germany
Abgefunden (1982)    East Germany
Abgestempelt (2012)    Austria
Abgetrieben (1992)    Germany
Abgrund - Eine Stadt stürzt ein, Der (2008)    Germany
Abhimaan (1973)    India
Abi (2008)    Netherlands
Abide in Me (2011)    USA
Abide with Me (2012)    USA
Abie's Irish Rose (1928)    USA
Abigail (2008)    USA
Abigail (2019)    Russia
Abigail (2010)    USA
Abigail (2024)    USA, Ireland, Canada
Abigail Breslin: Christmas in New York (2013)    USA
Abionic (2019)    Switzerland
Abjad (2003)    Iran, France
Ablakon (1985)     Côte d'Ivoire
Ablaze (2001)    USA
Able (2009)    USA
Ablution (2007)    USA
Abnegatie (2020)    Romania
Abner, the Invisible Dog (2013)    USA
Abnormal Depression (2012)    USA
Abominable Christmas (2012)    USA
Abominable Dr. Phibes, The (1971)    United Kingdom, USA
Abonné de la ligne U, L' (1964)    France
Aborigen (1987)    Soviet Union
Abouna (2002)    France, Chad, Netherlands
About a Boy (2002)    United Kingdom, USA, France, Germany
About a Boy (2014)    USA
About a Boy (2003)    USA
About a Boy: Deleted Scenes (2003)    United Kingdom
About a Dog (2014)    United Kingdom
About a Girl (2001)    United Kingdom
About a Girl (2007)    Canada
About a Man (2015)    USA
About a Spoon (2011)    Belgium
About Charlie (2009)    USA
About Cherry (2012)    USA
About Danny (2013)    USA
About Face (1924)    USA
About Last Night... (1986)    USA
About Mom and Dad... (2014)    USA
About Mrs. Leslie (1954)    USA
About My Father (2023)    USA
About Ray (2015)    USA
About Schmidt (2002)    USA
About Scout (2015)    USA
About Time (2013)    United Kingdom
About: Kate (2013)    Germany, France
Above and Beyond (1952)    USA
Above Suspicion (1943)    USA
Above Suspicion (1995)    USA
Above the Branches (2022)    USA
Above the Law (1988)    USA
Above the Rim (1994)    USA
Abracadabra (2012)    Brazil
Abracadabra (2017)    Spain, France, Belgium
Abracadabra (2009)    USA
Abracadabra! (2012)    Australia
Abracitos (2020)    Spain
Abraham and Isaac (1992)    USA
Abraham Lincoln (1930)    USA
Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies (2012)    USA
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)    USA
Abraham's Boys (2009)    USA
Abraxas, Guardian of the Universe (1990)    Canada
Abrazo de Felipe, El (2012)    Ecuador
Abril Despedaçado (2001)    Brazil, France, Switzerland
Absage an Viktoria (1977)    East Germany
Absalons hemmelighed (2006)    Denmark
Abschied (1968)    East Germany
Abschied von Agnes (1994)    Germany
Abschied von Olga (1969)    West Germany
Abschiedsdisko (1990)    East Germany
Abschiedsgeschenk, Das (1956)    West Germany
Abschnitt 40 (2001)    Germany
Abseits (2015)    Germany
Absence of Grey (2009)    USA
Absence of Malice (1981)    USA
Absence of the Good (1999)    USA
Absence, The (2010)    USA
Absència (2010)    Spain
Absent (2016)    USA
Absent, The (2011)    USA
Absent-Minded Professor, The (1988)    USA
Absente, L' (2010)    France
Absente, L' (2021)    France
Absentia (2017)    Israel, USA
Absolon (2003)    Canada, United Kingdom
Absolut das Leben (2002)    Germany
Absolute Evil (2009)    Germany, USA
Absolute Justice (2019)    Japan
Absolute Quiet (1936)    USA
Absolute Strangers (1991)    USA
Absolute Zero (2006)    Canada, USA
Absolutely Fabulous (1992)    United Kingdom
Absolutely Positive (2006)    Netherlands
Absolutely True (2000)    United Kingdom
Absolution (2006)    Canada
Absprung (1996)    Germany
Abu Adnan (2017)    Denmark
Abu el Banat (1973)    Israel
Abu Raykhan Beruni (1974)    Soviet Union, India
Abuela (2022)    USA
Abuela (2018)    USA
Abuela de verano (2005)    Spain
Abuela, La (2021)    Spain, France, Belgium
Abuelo y yo, El (1992)    Mexico
Abuelo, El (1998)    Spain
Abulele (2015)    Israel
Abus de faiblesse (2013)    France, Belgium, Germany
Aby do switu... (1992)    Poland
Abysmal Brute, The (1923)    USA
Acacias 38 (2015)    Spain
Academia de baile Gloria (2001)    Spain
Academy (2016)    USA
Acampamento de Férias (2009)    Brazil
Acapulco (2021)    USA
Acasa (2007)    Romania
Acasã la tata (2015)    Romania
Acasa, My Home (2020)    Romania, Germany
Acaso (2015)    USA
Accara Rouge, L' (2004)    France
Accattone (1961)    Italy
Acceptable Risk (2017)    Ireland
Acceptable Risks (1986)    USA
Accepted (2006)    USA
Access Hollywood Live (2010)    USA
Acciaio (2012)    Italy
Accident de parcours (2011)    France
Accidental Accidents (1924)    USA
Accidental Christmas, An (2007)    USA
Accidental Family (1967)    USA
Accidental Husband, The (2008)    USA, Ireland
Accidental Meeting (1994)    USA
Accidental Switch (2016)    USA
Accidental Tourist, The (1988)    USA
Accidentally in Love (2011)    USA
Accidentally on Purpose (2009)    USA
Accidente 703 (1962)    Spain, Argentina
Accidents (1989)    South Africa, USA, France
Accidents Happen (2009)    Australia, United Kingdom
Accidents, Blunders and Calamities (2015)    New Zealand
Acción-reacción (2008)    Spain
Accord parfait (1988)    France
According to Jim (2001)    USA
According to Kids (2016)    Canada
According to Spencer (2001)    USA, Germany
Accordion Dreams (2012)    Sweden, Ukraine
Accountant, The (2016)    USA
Accursed, The (2022)    USA
Accused (2010)    United Kingdom
Accused (2023)    USA
Accused of Murder (1956)    USA
Accused, The (2006)    United Kingdom
Ace (2019)    USA
Ace & the Christmas Miracle (2021)    USA
Ace Drummond (1936)    USA
Ace Drummond: Chapter Eight - The Sign in the Sky (1936)    USA
Ace Drummond: Chapter Eleven - The Dragon Commands (1936)    USA
Ace Drummond: Chapter Five - Bullets of Sand (1936)    USA
Ace Drummond: Chapter Four - The Radio Riddle (1936)    USA
Ace Drummond: Chapter Nine - Secret Service (1936)    USA
Ace Drummond: Chapter One - Where East Meets West (1936)    USA
Ace Drummond: Chapter Seven - The Trackless Trail (1936)    USA
Ace Drummond: Chapter Six - Evil Spirits (1936)    USA
Ace Drummond: Chapter Ten - The Mountain of Jade (1936)    USA
Ace Drummond: Chapter Thirteen - The World's Akin (1936)    USA
Ace Drummond: Chapter Three - The Doorway of Doom (1936)    USA
Ace Drummond: Chapter Twelve - The Squadron of Death (1936)    USA
Ace Drummond: Chapter Two - The Invisible Enemy (1936)    USA
Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies (1973)    USA
AcE Feat. Jaden and Willow Smith: Find You Somewhere (2012)    USA
Ace High (1918)    USA
Ace in the Hole (2009)    USA
Ace Lightning (2002)    Canada, United Kingdom
Ace of Hearts (2008)    Canada, USA
Ace Solverson: Sleuth for Hire (2017)    USA
Ace the Zombie: The Motion Picture (2012)    USA
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Jr. (2009)    USA
Ace Wonder: Message from a Dead Man (2014)    USA
Acelerados (2019)    Brazil
Achako no kodakara jingi (1956)    Japan
Achanak (1973)    India
Achante Bharya (1971)    India
Achanum Bappayum (1972)    India
Acharam Ammini Osaram Omana (1977)    India
Achatmurmel, Die (1960)    East Germany
Acholiland (2009)    USA, Germany
Achoura (2018)    Morocco, France
Acht Stunden sind kein Tag (1972)    West Germany
Achter de wolken schijnt de zon (1925)    Netherlands
Achter Gesloten Deuren (2012)    Netherlands
Achter gesloten ogen (2000)    Netherlands
Achter het scherm (1995)    Netherlands
Achterbahn (1992)    Germany
Achtste Groepers Huilen Niet (2012)    Netherlands
Achtung Arzt! (2011)    Germany
Aci Tatli Eksi (2017)    Turkey
Acid Brotherhood, The (2011)    USA
Acid Rain (1998)    Canada, USA
Acimak (1970)    Turkey
Acné (2008)    Uruguay, Argentina, Spain, Mexico, USA
Acolytes (2008)    Australia
Acompañantes (2009)    Argentina
Acqua e sapone (1983)    Italy
Acrobate, Le (1997)    Italy, Switzerland, France
Across Grace Alley (2013)    USA
Across Lines (2015)    USA
Across My Land (2017)    USA
Across the Bridge (1957)    United Kingdom
Across the Great Divide (1976)    USA
Across the Moon (1994)    USA
Across the River to Motor City (2007)    Canada
Across the Sea of Time (1995)    USA
Across the Street (2012)    Canada
Across the Universe (2007)    USA, United Kingdom
Act II (1987)    USA
Act Naturally (2018)    USA
Act of Betrayal (1988)    Ireland, Australia
Act of Love (1980)    USA
Act of Love, The (2010)    USA
Act of Necessity (1991)    Australia
Act of Piracy (1988)    USA, South Africa
Act of Violence (1979)    USA
Act of Will (1989)    United Kingdom
Act One Scene Death! (2020)    USA
Act Your Age (2011)    USA
Acting Class, The (2000)    USA
Acting Coach, The (2016)    USA
Acting Dead (2014)    USA
Acting for a Cause (2020)    USA
Acting Human (2016)    USA
Acting in the Sixties (1967)    United Kingdom
Acting Out of Love (2020)    Taiwan
Action (1999)    USA
Action (2020)    Bulgaria
Action Family (1986)    USA, Canada
Action Man (1995)    USA
Action Man (2000)    Canada
Action Nat and the Cat (2020)    USA
Action Pack (2022)    USA
Action Point (2018)    USA
Action vérité (1994)    France
Actionwear Show (1963)    USA
Actiunea Zuzuc (1984)    Romania
Activated Man, The (2023)    USA
Active Stealth (1999)    USA
Activist, The (2010)    USA
Actor (1978)    USA
Actor Envy (2012)    United Kingdom
Actor for Hire (2015)    USA
Actor Prepares, An (2018)    USA
Actor's Journey, An (2021)    USA
Actor's Studio (1948)    USA
Actors 2020 Podcast (2019)    USA
Actors Anonymous (2017)    USA
Actors Entertainment (2009)    USA
Actors Podcast (2022)    USA
Actors Reporter Interviews (2009)    USA
Actors, The (2003)    United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland
Actress (2023)    Brazil
Acts of God (2013)    Australia
Acts of God (2014)    USA
Acts of Life, The (2018)    USA
Acusados (2009)    Spain
Ad Astra (2019)    China, USA
Ad lange veje (1952)    Denmark
Ad Sof Ha-kaitz (2011)    Israel
Ad, ili Dose na samogo sebya (1989)    Soviet Union
Ada (2024)    France
Ada Twist, Scientist (2021)    USA
Adagio (2015)    USA
Ådalen 31 (1969)    Sweden
Adalyn (2010)    USA
Adam (1983)    USA
Adam (2009)    USA
Adam & Eva (1997)    Sweden
Adam & Eva (2003)    Austria, Germany
Adam & Eve (2019)    USA
Adam & Steve (2005)    USA
Adam a Anna (1992)    Czechoslovakia
Adam a Eva (1940)    Czechoslovakia
Adam a Otka (1974)    Czechoslovakia
Adam Adamant Lives! (1966)    United Kingdom
Adam Ahani (2013)    Iran
Adam Devine's House Party (2013)    USA
Adam Had Four Sons (1941)    USA
Adam Hart i Sahara (1990)    Denmark
Adam Irigoyen, Kenton Duty and Davis Cleveland: Monster Mash (2011)    USA
Adam Irigoyen: School Girl (2012)    USA
Adam K (2017)    USA
Adam Misík: Já nechci víc (2014)    Czech Republic
Adam of the Sheetlands (2012)    USA
Adam Project, The (2022)    USA
Adam Resurrected (2008)    Germany, USA, Israel
Adam Ruins Everything (2015)    USA
Adam ve Cocuk (2016)    Turkey
Adam zhenitsya na Eve (1980)    Soviet Union
Adam's Family Tree (1997)    United Kingdom
Adam's Rib (1973)    USA
Adam-12 (1968)    USA
Adama Meshuga'at (2006)    Israel, Germany, France, Japan
Adamas (2019)    USA
Adamivna (2019)    Ukraine
Adams Chronicles, The (1976)    USA
Adams House (1982)    USA
Adán (2013)    USA, Mexico
Add a Friend (2012)    Germany
Ædda bædda (1999)    Norway
Addams Family 2, The (2021)    USA, Canada
Addams Family Reunion (1998)    USA
Addams Family Values (1993)    USA
Addams Family, The (2019)    United Kingdom, Canada, USA
Addams Family, The (1964)    USA
Addams Family, The (1991)    USA
Addams Family, The (1973)    USA
Adderall Diaries, The (2015)    USA
Adderly (1986)    Canada
Addicted (2014)    USA
ADDicted (2012)    USA
Addicted (2012)    Canada
Addicted in Afghanistan (2009)    United Kingdom, Netherlands
Addicted to Fresno (2015)    USA
Addicted to Love (1997)    USA
Addiction (2003)    USA
Addie and the King of Hearts (1976)    USA
Addie and the Lightning Bugs (2022)    USA
Addio ultimo uomo (1978)    Italy
Addio zio Tom (1971)    Italy
Addison's Wall (2006)    USA
Addition and Subtraction (1946)    USA
Address Unknown (1944)    USA
Adel (2008)    Russia
Adel Dich (2011)    Germany
Adélaïde (1968)    France, Italy
Adèle et Kamel (2005)    France
Adem'in Trenleri (2007)    Turkey
Aden (2015)    USA, Taiwan
Adentro (2011)    Spain
Adern der Welt, Die (2020)    Germany, Mongolia
Adeul Nyeoseokdeul (2012)    South Korea
Adeus, Pai (1996)    Portugal
Adhen (2008)    France, Algeria
Adi Efsane (2017)    Turkey
Adi: Zehra (2018)    Turkey
Adictos (2009)    Mexico
Adidas... Y tu que sientes por ella? (2009)    Mexico
Adieu Christine (1989)    France
Adieu Gary (2009)    France
Adieu les roses (1994)    France
Adieu Paris (2013)    Germany, Luxembourg, France
Adieu, Lebewohl, Goodbye (1961)    West Germany
Adieu, mon ami (1996)    Germany
Adieux de la Grise, Les (2013)    Canada
Adieux, Les (2006)    Canada
Adik sa'yo (2009)    Philippines
Adim çikmis sarhosa (1965)    Turkey
Adini Anmayacagim (1971)    Turkey
Adini sen koy (2016)    Turkey
Adios (1976)    France
Adiós abuelo (2018)    Mexico
Adios Carmen (2013)    Morocco, Belgium, United Arab Emirates
Adiós entusiasmo (2017)    Colombia, Argentina
Adiós! (2017)    USA
Adiós, adiós idolo mio (1985)    Mexico
Adiós, Alicia (1977)    Spain, Venezuela
Adios, amor... (1973)    Mexico
Adios, Antoinette (1982)    France
Adiós, cigüeña, adiós (1971)    Spain
Adiós, para siempre (2005)    USA
Adiós, Susana (2020)    Spain
Adisa o la storia dei mille anni (2004)    Italy
Adjustment (2022)    Iran
Admiraly rayona (2020)    Russia
Admission (2013)    USA
Admitted (2013)    USA
Adolescence (2025)    United Kingdom
Adolescence (2018)    USA
Adolescent Bravado (2011)    USA
Adolescent Nation (2004)    Canada
Adolescente, L' (1976)    Italy
Adolescente, L' (1979)    France, West Germany
Adolf Hitler: My Part in His Downfall (1973)    United Kingdom
Adolf und Marlene (1977)    West Germany
Adopted (2024)    USA
Adoptés, Les (2011)    France
Adopting Change (2004)    USA
Adopting Terror (2012)    USA
Adopting Trouble (2016)    USA
Adoption, L' (2004)    France
Adorable (1933)    USA
Adorables (2020)    Belgium, France
Adorables mujercitas (1974)    Mexico
Adoration (2019)    Belgium, France
Adoration (2008)    Canada
Adrenalina (2007)    Spain
Adrénaline (1990)    France
Adrenaline Project, The (2007)    Canada
Adresse inconnue (2008)    France
Adri (2013)    Spain
Adriaan (2007)    Netherlands
Adrian (1998)    Slovenia
Adrian Corker: Interdependence (2013)    United Kingdom
Adriana (1979)    Czechoslovakia
Adriana et moi (2007)    Switzerland, France
Adrianna Bertola: Fire and Ice (2014)    United Kingdom
Adriano Olivetti: La forza di un sogno (2013)    Italy
Adrift (1911)    USA
Adrishya (2017)    India
Adú (2020)    Spain
Adua e le compagne (1960)    Italy
Adult Beginners (2014)    USA
Adult Material (2020)    United Kingdom
Adult Wednesday (2013)    USA
Adultère, mode d'emploi (1995)    France, Switzerland
Adulthood (2017)    USA
Adulting (2020)    USA
Advance & Retreat (2016)    USA
Advantage (2007)    Australia
Advenchurs of Warrier Boy, The (2011)    USA
Advent (2014)    United Kingdom
Advent (2014)    USA
Adventure (2009)    USA
Adventure Boyz (2019)    United Kingdom
Adventure Club, The (2017)    Canada
Adventure Force 5 (2019)    USA
Adventure in Baltimore (1949)    USA
Adventure in Dairyland (1956)    USA
Adventure in Diamonds (1940)    USA
Adventure in Space and Time, An (2013)    United Kingdom
Adventure in the Hopfields (1954)    United Kingdom
Adventure in Washington (1941)    USA
Adventure Journey (2019)    China
Adventure of A.R.I.: My Robot Friend, The (2020)    France
Adventure of the Mazarin Stone, The (1951)    United Kingdom
Adventure Planet (2012)    Thailand
Adventure Scouts (2010)    USA
Adventure Time with Finn & Jake (2010)    USA
Adventure Time: Distant Lands (2020)    USA
Adventure Time: The Wand (2012)    USA
Adventure Weekly (1968)    United Kingdom
Adventure's End (1937)    USA
Adventure, The (1957)    United Kingdom
Adventurer: The Curse of the Midas Box, The (2013)    United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium
Adventurers, The (1970)    USA
Adventures from the Book of Virtues (1996)    USA
Adventures in Appletown (2008)    USA
Adventures in Babysitting (1989)    USA
Adventures in Babysitting (1987)    USA
Adventures in Babysitting (2016)    USA
Adventures in Dinosaur City (1991)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey (1987)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: A Fine Feathered Frenzy (1992)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: A Flight to the Finish (1991)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: A Stranger Among Us (1998)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: A Twist in Time (1997)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: Baby Daze (1998)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: Electric Christmas (1994)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: Escape from the Forbidden Matrix (2000)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: Go West Young Man (1995)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: In Harm's Way (1997)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: Once Upon an Avalanche (1994)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: Shadow of a Doubt (1993)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: Someone to Watch Over Me (1996)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: Star Quest (1993)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: The Caves of Qumran (2002)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: The Journal of John Avery Whittaker (2016)    USA
Adventures in Odyssey: The Knight Travellers (1991)    USA
Adventures in Paradise (1959)    USA
Adventures in Parenting (1996)    Canada
Adventures in Rainbow Country (1969)    Canada
Adventures in Silverado (1948)    USA
Adventures in Spying (1992)    USA
Adventures in Wonder Park (2020)    USA, Spain
Adventures in Wonderland (1992)    USA
Adventures of a Cardboard Box, The (2011)    Norway
Adventures of a Private Eye (1977)    United Kingdom
Adventures of a Teenage Dragonslayer (2010)    USA
Adventures of A.R.K., The (1998)    USA, Canada
Adventures of an Uncertain Superhero, The (2019)    Canada
Adventures of Ano & Vano, The (2011)    Georgia
Adventures of Artie the Ant, The (2011)    Canada
Adventures of Bailey: A Night in Cowtown (2013)    USA
Adventures of Bailey: Christmas Hero (2012)    USA
Adventures of Bailey: The Lost Puppy (2010)    USA
Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The (1988)    United Kingdom, Italy
Adventures of Big Handsome Guy and His Little Friend, The (2006)    USA
Adventures of Big Handsome Guy and His Little Friend, The (2005)    USA
Adventures of Black Beauty, The (1972)    United Kingdom
Adventures of Black Stallion, The (1990)    Canada, France, New Zealand
Adventures of Bob and Bill, The (1920)    USA
Adventures of Brisco County Jr., The (1993)    USA
Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, The (1984)    USA
Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin, The (1967)    USA
Adventures of Bunnie and Claude, The (2017)    USA
Adventures of Captain Zoom in Outer Space, The (1995)    USA, Canada
Adventures of Champion, The (1955)    USA
Adventures of Charlotte and Henry, The (2008)    Australia
Adventures of Chico, The (1938)    USA
Adventures of Chuck & Friends, The (2010)    USA, Canada
Adventures of Dally & Spanky (2019)    USA
Adventures of Don Juan (1948)    USA
Adventures of Dr. Fu Manchu, The (1956)    USA
Adventures of Dudley the Dragon, The (1994)    Canada
Adventures of Ellery Queen, The (1954)    United Kingdom, USA
Adventures of Fay & Stan, The (2019)    Czech Republic
Adventures of Food Boy, The (2008)    USA
Adventures of Ford Fairlane, The (1990)    USA
Adventures of Frank Merriwell, The (1936)    USA
Adventures of Hal 5, The (1958)    United Kingdom
Adventures of Hiram Holliday, The (1956)    USA
Adventures of Huck Finn, The (1993)    USA
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Part I (1986)    USA
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (1960)    USA
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (1955)    USA
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (1939)    USA
Adventures of Hyperman, The (1995)    USA
Adventures of Jane & John, The (2013)    USA
Adventures of Jane Arden, The (1939)    USA
Adventures of Jim Bowie, The (1956)    USA
Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, The (1998)    USA
Adventures of Jurassic Pet, The (2019)    France
Adventures of Jurassic Pet: The Lost Secret, The (2023)    USA
Adventures of Kid Danger, The (2018)    USA
Adventures of Kit Carson, The (1951)    USA
Adventures of Knickerbock Teetertop, The (2015)    USA
Adventures of Little Jake and Many Skies, The (2010)    Canada
Adventures of Little Lord Fauntleroy, The (1982)    USA
Adventures of LLeo, The (2023)    India
Adventures of Long John Silver, The (1955)    Australia
Adventures of Mark Twain, The (1944)    USA
Adventures of Mark Twain, The (1985)    USA
Adventures of Martin Eden, The (1942)    USA
Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the Christmas Caper, The (1995)    USA
Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the Fun House Mystery, The (1995)    USA
Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the Hotel Who-Done-It, The (1996)    USA
Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the Logical i Ranch, The (1994)    Canada, USA
Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the Mystery Cruise, The (1995)    USA
Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the Sea World Adventure, The (1995)    USA
Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the Shark Encounter, The (1996)    USA
Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the U.S. Space Camp Mission, The (1996)    USA
Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the United States Navy Adventure, The (1997)    USA
Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the Volcano Mystery, The (1997)    USA
Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of Thorn Mansion, The (1994)    USA
Adventures of Mickey Matson and the Copperhead Treasure, The (2015)    USA
Adventures of Moby Dick, The (1996)    Canada
Adventures of Mole, The (1995)    United Kingdom
Adventures of Napkin Man, The (2013)    Canada
Adventures of Ociee Nash, The (2003)    USA
Adventures of Owen (2011)    Canada
Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet, The (1952)    USA
Adventures of Paddington Bear, The (1997)    United Kingdom, France, Canada
Adventures of Pepper and Paula, The (2015)    USA
Adventures of Pete & Pete, The (1992)    USA
Adventures of Pete & Pete: Czechoslovakia, The (1991)    USA
Adventures of Pete & Pete: Freeze Tag, The (1991)    USA
Adventures of Pete & Pete: Halloween, The (1991)    USA
Adventures of Pete & Pete: Mom's Plate, The (1991)    USA
Adventures of Pete & Pete: Pete's Theory, The (1991)    USA
Adventures of Pete & Pete: Pete-Less, The (1991)    USA
Adventures of Pete & Pete: Route 34, The (1991)    USA
Adventures of Pete & Pete: StareMaster, The (1994)    USA
Adventures of Pete & Pete: The Burping Room, The (1991)    USA
Adventures of Pete & Pete: The Launch, The (1991)    USA
Adventures of Pete & Pete: The Punishment, The (1991)    USA
Adventures of Pete & Pete: What Would You Do for a Dollar, The (1991)    USA
Adventures of Pete & Pete: X-Mas Eve, The (1991)    USA
Adventures of Pete & Pete: X-Ray Man, The (1991)    USA
Adventures of Pinocchio, The (1996)    United Kingdom, USA, France, Germany, Czech Republic
Adventures of Pollyanna, The (1982)    USA
Adventures of Popeye, The (1956)    USA
Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, The (1994)    Australia, United Kingdom
Adventures of Puss in Boots, The (2015)    USA
Adventures of Raggedy Ann & Andy, The (1988)    USA, Taiwan
Adventures of Ragtime, The (1998)    USA
Adventures of Ratman, The (2007)    Canada
Adventures of Red Ryder (1940)    USA
Adventures of Rex, The (1959)    United Kingdom
Adventures of Rin Tin Tin, The (1954)    USA
Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1938)    USA
Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1955)    United Kingdom
Adventures of RoboRex, The (2014)    USA
Adventures of Rufus: The Fantastic Pet (2020)    France, USA
Adventures of Rusty (1945)    USA
Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police, The (1997)    USA, Canada
Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D, The (2005)    USA
Adventures of Sheriff Kid McLain, The (2013)    USA
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The (1939)    USA
Adventures of Shirley Holmes, The (1996)    Canada
Adventures of Sinbad, The (1996)    Canada
Adventures of Skippy, The (1992)    Australia
Adventures of Snowden the Snowman, The (1997)    USA
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (1993)    USA, Canada
Adventures of Spin and Marty, The (1955)    USA
Adventures of Spot, The (1987)    United Kingdom
Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3, The (1990)    USA
Adventures of Superman (1952)    USA
Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson, The (1998)    New Zealand
Adventures of Tango McNorton: Licensed Hero, The (2005)    USA
Adventures of Tarzan, The (1921)    USA
Adventures of the Big Man, The (1956)    United Kingdom
Adventures of the Gummi Bears (1985)    USA
Adventures of the Texas Kid: Border Ambush (1954)    USA
Adventures of the Wilderness Family, The (1975)    USA
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The (1960)    United Kingdom
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The (1938)    USA
Adventures of Tom Thumb & Thumbelina, The (2002)    USA
Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok (1951)    USA
Adventures of Wonderboy, The (2019)    USA
Adventures of Young Indiana Jones, The (2002)    USA
Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Travels with Father, The (1996)    Canada, USA
Adventures of Young Van Helsing: The Quest for the Lost Scepter (2004)    USA
Adventures on Kythera (1991)    Australia
Adventures with Baaco: Animal Quest (1995)    USA
Adventures with Blue and MJ, The (2020)    Canada
Adventures with Kanga Roddy (1998)    USA
Adversaire, L' (2002)    France, Switzerland, Spain
Adverse (2020)    USA
Advice from a Caterpillar (1999)    USA
Advise & Consent (1962)    USA
Advocate (2012)    Canada
Advocates, The (2013)    USA
Advokat (2004)    Russia
Advokatessy (2010)    Ukraine
Adwitiya (1968)    India
Ady Gasy (2014)    Madagascar, France
Adyutanty lyubvi (2005)    Russia
Aegeans, The (2014)    USA
Aeja (2009)    South Korea
Aelat Miki (2011)    Egypt
Aenne Burda: Die Wirtschaftswunderfrau (2018)    Germany
Aerolina (1991)    East Germany
Aeron (2012)    United Kingdom
Aeronauts, The (2019)    United Kingdom, USA
Aeroport (2005)    Russia
Aéroport (1980)    France
Aeroport 2 (2006)    Russia
Aeroporto internazionale (1985)    Italy
Aerosmith: Amazing (1993)    USA
Aerosmith: Big Ones You Can Look at (1994)    USA
Aerosmith: Crazy (1994)   
Aerosmith: Cryin' (1993)    USA
Aerosmith: Livin' on the Edge (1993)    USA
Aestas (2015)    Canada
Aeterna. Part 1 (2022)   
Af banen (2005)    Denmark
AF1 (Alle for en) (2008)    Norway
Afacanlar Kampta (2024)    Turkey
Afacanlar: Is Basa Düstü (2020)    Turkey
Afblijven (2006)    Netherlands
Afdeling D (2004)    Denmark
Afdwalen (2006)    Netherlands
Aferim! (2015)    Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France
Aféry mé zeny (1973)    Czechoslovakia
Affair at Assino, The (1953)    United Kingdom
Affair of Susan, The (1935)    USA
Affair of the Necklace, The (2001)    USA
Affair to Remember, An (1957)    USA
Affair with a Stranger (1953)    USA
Affair, The (1995)    USA
Affair, The (2014)    USA
Affair, The (2009)    USA, China
Affaire Bruay-en-Artois, L' (2008)    France
Affaire du courrier de Lyon, L' (1937)    France
Affaire Dumont, L' (2012)    Canada
Affaire Farewell, L' (2009)    France
Affaire Kergalen, L' (2001)    France, Belgium
Affaire Martial, L' (2003)    France
Affaire Salengro, L' (2009)    France
Affaire Villemin, L' (2006)    France
Affaire, De (2015)    Netherlands
Affairs of Annabel, The (1938)    USA
Affairs of Geraldine (1946)    USA
Affairs of Jimmy Valentine, The (1942)    USA
Affairs of Martha, The (1942)    USA
Affairs of the Heart (1983)    United Kingdom
Affairs of the Heart (1974)    United Kingdom
Affectionately Yours (1941)    USA
Affirmative Act, An (2010)    USA
Affliction (1997)    USA, Canada
Affût, L' (1992)    France
Afganskiy izlom (1991)    Soviet Union, Italy
Afgrunden (2003)    Denmark
Afia (2008)    Canada
Afikomen, The (2013)    USA
Afinskie vechera (1999)    Russia
AFK (2015)    Canada
Afonia (2022)    Poland
Afonia i pszczoly (2009)    Poland
Afraid (2009)    Australia
AfrAId (2024)    United Kingdom, USA
Afraid of the Dark (1991)    France, United Kingdom
Afraid to Fight (1922)    USA
Afrejsen (2005)    Denmark
Afrekening, De (2002)    Netherlands
Africa (1930)    USA
Africa addio (1966)    Italy
Africa ama (1971)    Italy
Africa dolce e selvaggia (1982)    Italy
Africa Speaks! (1930)    USA
Africa United (2010)    United Kingdom, South Africa, Rwanda
Africa, Blood & Beauty (2012)    Russia, France, Morocco, Mali, Cameroon, Namibia, Ethiopia, Botswana
African Journey (1989)    Canada
African Journey (1990)    Canada
African Journey 2 (1990)    Canada
Afrika (2022)    Russia
Afrika - Wohin mein Herz mich trägt (2006)    Germany
Afrika im Herzen (2008)    Germany
Afrika ruft nach dir (2012)    Germany, Austria
Afro (2020)    USA
Afro Samurai: Resurrection (2009)    USA, Japan
Afrodita (1993)    Slovakia
Afromoskvich (2004)    Russia
Afsana (1951)    India
Aften, En (2016)    Denmark
After (2022)    USA
After (2012)    USA
After (1998)    Canada
After (2011)    United Kingdom
After (2018)    USA
After (2019)    USA
After (2014)    USA
After Blue (2017)    Mexico
After Dark, My Sweet (1990)    USA
After Diff'rent Strokes: When the Laughter Stopped (2000)    USA
After Earth (2013)    USA
After Ever Happy (2022)    USA
After Everything (2023)    USA
After Hours (2015)    United Kingdom
After Jimmy (1996)    USA
After Masks (2021)    USA
After Midnight with Ethan Steele (2017)    USA
After October (2017)    USA
After Omelas (2017)    USA
After Parkland (2019)    USA
After School (2015)    USA
After School (2008)    USA
After She's Gone (2018)    Australia
After Silence (1987)    Czechoslovakia
After Sundown (2006)    USA
After the Ball (1957)    United Kingdom
After the Bell Rings (2023)    Ireland
After the Deluge (2003)    Australia
After the Fall (2014)    USA
After the Fall (1974)    USA
After the Promise (1987)    USA
After the Reality (2016)    USA
After the Revolution (1990)    Hungary
After the Shearing (2008)    USA
After the Storm (2013)    Canada
After the Thin Man (1936)    USA
After the War (1999)    Ireland
After the War (1989)    United Kingdom
After the Wedding (2019)    USA
After the Wizard (2011)    USA
After Thomas (2006)    United Kingdom
After Tonight (1933)    USA
After War, The (2016)    USA
After We Collided (2020)    USA
After We Fell (2021)    USA, Bulgaria
After Words (2015)    USA
After Yang (2021)    USA
After You're Gone (2009)    USA
After-School Special (2011)    USA
After.Life (2009)    USA
Afterburn (1992)    USA
Afterlands, The (2016)    USA
AfterLife (2020)    United Kingdom
Aftermath (2011)    USA
Aftermath (2017)    USA, United Kingdom
Aftermath (2013)    Canada
Aftermath (2002)    Canada
Aftermath (1960)    USA
Aftermath, The (2019)    Germany, United Kingdom, USA
Aftermath, The (1982)    USA
Afternoon Delight (2013)    USA
Afternoon Tea (2011)    Canada
Afterparty, The (2022)    USA
Afterschool (2008)    USA
Afterschool Delight (2003)    USA
Afterschool Show, The (2019)    USA
Afterschool Starz (2010)    USA
Afterschooled (2018)    USA
Aftershock (2010)    USA
Aftershock: Earthquake in New York (1999)    USA, Germany
Aftersun (2022)    United Kingdom, USA
Afterthought, An (2016)    Italy
Afterwards (2008)    Germany, France, Canada
Ag-o (1996)    South Korea
Aga's House (2019)    Kosovo, France, Albania, Croatia
Again... Pioneers (1950)    USA
Against a Crooked Sky (1975)    USA
Against All Flags (1952)    USA
Against All Odds (1994)    United Kingdom
Against All Odds: Lost and Found (1994)    United Kingdom
Against Her Will: An Incident in Baltimore (1992)    USA
Against the Crowd (1975)    United Kingdom
Against the Dark (2009)    USA, Romania
Against the Grain (1993)    USA
Against the Ropes (2004)    USA, Germany
Against the Wall (2011)    USA
Against the Wild (2013)    Canada
Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti (2016)    Canada, South Africa
Against the Wind (1978)    Australia
Against Their Will (1994)    USA
Against Type (2006)    USA
Agam Kumar Nigam, Tulsi Kumar: Ishq Na Karna (2007)    India
Agapi sta 16 (2004)    Greece, Cyprus
Agar... If (1977)    India
Agarra Que É Honesto! (2010)    Portugal
Agarrando pueblo (1977)    Colombia
Agata e Ulisse (2011)    Italy
Agata i sysk. Koroleva brilyantov (2019)    Russia
Agatha All Along (2024)    USA
Agatha Christie's Hjerson (2021)    Sweden, Germany, Finland, United Kingdom
Agatha Christie's Marple (2004)    United Kingdom
Agatha Christie's Poirot (1989)    United Kingdom
Agatha Christie: A Life in Pictures (2004)    United Kingdom
Agatha Raisin (2014)    United Kingdom
Agathe (2003)    Switzerland
Agathe Cléry (2008)    France
Agathe contre Agathe (2007)    France, Belgium, Switzerland
Agathe Koltès (2016)    France
Äge (2013)    Estonia
Age 13 (1955)    USA
Âge adulte, L' (2009)    France
Âge de braise, L' (1998)    Canada, France
Âge de raison, L' (2004)    France
Âge de raison, L' (2016)    France
Âge de raison, L' (2001)    France
Âge de raison, L' (2010)    France, Belgium
Age for Love, The (1931)    USA
Âge heureux, L' (1966)    France
Âge ingrat, L' (1964)    France
Age of Bryce (2019)    USA
Age of Desire, The (1923)    USA
Age of Ice (2014)    USA
Age of Indiscretion (1935)    USA
Age of Innocence, The (2009)    USA
Age of Kings, An (1960)    United Kingdom
Age of Reason (2016)    Canada
Age of Reason, The (2014)    USA
Age of Summer (2018)    USA
Age of the Moon (2016)    USA
Agence coup de coeur, L' (2002)    France
Agency, The (2001)    USA
Agency, The (2001)    Canada, USA
Agenda, The (2006)    USA
Agenstvo 'Mechta' (2008)    Russia, Ukraine
Agent (2017)    Netherlands
Agent (2013)    Russia
Agent 2000: Die Laksman (2014)    South Africa
Agent Anna (2013)    New Zealand
Agent Carter (2015)    USA
Agent Cody Banks (2003)    USA, Canada
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London (2004)    USA
Agent natsionalnoy bezopasnosti (1999)    Russia
Agent osobogo naznacheniya (2010)    Russia
Agent Revelation (2021)    Hong Kong
Agent Steele (2012)    USA
Agent v kapse (2018)    Czech Republic
Agent X (2015)    USA
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013)    USA
Agentstvo O.K.O. (2020)    Russia
Agentstvo «Spravedlivost» (2022)    Russia
Agenzia Riccardo Finzi... praticamente detective (1979)    Italy
Agg (2015)    Norway
Aggie, The (2004)    USA
Aggravatin' Mama (1923)    USA
Aggregate (2017)    USA
Aggression Scale, The (2012)    USA
Agi i Ema (2007)    Serbia
Aglaja (2012)    Hungary, Romania, Poland
Aglama anne (2018)    Turkey
Agliyorum (1973)    Turkey
Agneaux, Les (1996)    Switzerland, France
Agneepath (2012)    India
Agnellino con le trecce, L' (2011)    Italy
Agnello di Dio, L' (2023)    Italy
Agnes (2014)    Sweden
Agnes Browne (1999)    USA, Ireland
Agnes Cecilia - En sällsam historia (1991)    Sweden
Agnes Day (2009)    USA
Agnes Joy (2019)    Iceland
Agnes psyhes (1959)    Greece
Agnes und seine Brüder (2004)    Germany
Agni Pushpam (1976)    India
Agnieszka (2014)    Germany, Poland
Agnieszka 46 (1964)    Poland
Agonie des aigles, L' (1922)    France
Agony (2012)    USA
Agostino (1962)    Italy
Agosto (2015)    France, Italy
Agu Sihvka annab aru (1970)    Estonia
Água de Mar (2014)    Portugal
Agua fria de mar (2010)    Costa Rica, France, Spain, Netherlands, Mexico
Água Viva (1980)    Brazil
Aguacuario (2023)    Mexico
Aguamarina (1997)    USA
Águas de Romanza (2002)    Brazil
Aguas verdes (2009)    Argentina
Águila Roja (2009)    Spain
Águila Roja, la película (2011)    Spain
Agujetas de color de rosa (1994)    Mexico
Agur Etxebeste! (2019)    Spain, France
Aguri (1997)    Japan
Agustina (2022)    Mexico
Ah Boy (2013)    Malaysia
Ah Long dik goo si (1989)    Hong Kong
Ah si j'étais juif! (2014)    France
Åh Yrsa og Valdemar (1999)    Denmark
Äh, lägg av! (1976)    Sweden
Ah, quelle équipe! (1957)    France
Ah, Wilderness! (1935)    USA
Ah-ga-ssi (2016)    South Korea
Ahdat Sanawovach El-Djamr (1975)    Algeria
Ahead of the Class (2005)    United Kingdom
Ahelepola Kumarihami (2014)    Sri Lanka
Ahenty spravedlyvosti (2016)    Ukraine
Ahgiwa na (2008)    South Korea
Ahí va el diablo (2012)    Mexico
Ahinsa (1979)    India
Ahista Ahista (1981)    India
Ahlam el Madina (1984)    Syria
Ahmed (2007)    USA
Ahmed & Mildred (2014)    United Kingdom
Ahmed: Almost 13 (2011)    Norway
Ahnya O'Riordan: Rock Paper Scissors (2020)    USA
Ahobsal insaeng (2004)    South Korea
Ahoj sídliště (1986)    Czechoslovakia
Ahora vuelvo (2023)    Spain
Ahshi (2013)    United Kingdom
Ahsoka (2023)    USA
Ai (1955)    Hong Kong
AI Artist (2023)    Canada
Ai kaen seupikeu (2017)    South Korea
Ai no ikka (1955)    Japan
Ai no korîda (1976)    Japan, France
Ai o kou hito (1998)    Japan
Ai qing gong yu (2009)    China
Ai shang ge men (2015)    Taiwan
Ai xia ji (1955)    Hong Kong
Aian guranma (2015)    Japan
Aibô (2000)    Japan
Aibobo (1992)    USA
Aída (2005)    Spain
Aida (2012)    Poland
Äideistä parhain (2005)    Finland, Sweden
Äidin toive (2015)    Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Canada, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, USA, United Kingdom
Aifric (2006)    Ireland
Aigle et le cheval, L' (1994)    France, Canada, Spain
Aiguilles rouges, Les (2006)    France
Aijou monogatari (1984)    Japan
Aikapoika ja mono (1976)    Finland
Aiki minami e tobu (1943)    Japan
Aikuisten poika (2014)    Finland
Aikurushii (2005)    Japan
Aile baglari (1991)    Turkey
Aile ou la cuisse, L' (1976)    France
Ailecek Saskiniz (2018)    Turkey
Ailiseu (2009)    South Korea
Ailleurs (2017)    France
Aimee (2023)    USA
Aimee (2017)    USA
Aimy in a Cage (2015)    USA
AINBO: Spirit of the Amazon (2021)    Peru, Netherlands
Ainda Estou Aqui (2024)    Brazil, France
Aîné de mes soucis, L' (2004)    France
Aîné des Ferchaux, L' (1963)    France, Italy
Aînée, L' (2024)    France
Ainhoa (2016)    Spain
Aiqing mala tang (1997)    China
Air (2004)    USA
Air Bud (1997)    USA, Canada
Air Bud 3: World Pup (2000)    USA, Canada
Air Bud: Golden Receiver (1998)    USA, Canada
Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch (2002)    Canada, USA
Air Bud: Spikes Back (2003)    Canada
Air Buddies (2006)    USA
Air Canada: #tlc Travel Like a Canadian - Campaign Launch Ad (2019)    USA
Air Force (1943)    USA
Air Force One (1997)    USA, Germany
Air Hawk, The (1924)    USA
Air Hawks (1935)    USA
Air I Breathe, The (2007)    Mexico, USA
Air Inside Her, The (2011)    USA
Air Marshal (2003)    USA
Air Master (2003)    Japan
Air Mata Cinta (2009)    Indonesia
Air on a String (2013)    Netherlands
Air on Shelves (2012)    France
Air-Tight (1931)    USA
Air: Playground Love (2000)    USA, France
Airborne (2019)    USA
Airborne Toxic Event: Come on Out, The (2020)    USA
Aire (2015)    Mexico
Aire (2022)    Mexico
Aire (2010)    Spain
Aire libre (2014)    Argentina, Uruguay
Aires difíciles, Los (2006)    Spain
Airline (1982)    United Kingdom
Airline Disaster (2010)    USA
Airmax and the Cottonball Monsters (1999)    Denmark
Airplane II: The Sequel (1982)    USA
Airplane! (1980)    USA
Airport (1970)    USA
Airport '77 (1977)    USA
Airport 1975 (1974)    USA
Airspeed (1999)    USA, Canada
Airstream (1993)    France
Airtistes (2016)   
Airwolf (1984)    USA
Airwolf (1987)    Canada, USA
Airwolf (1984)    USA
Aiseu-keki (2006)    South Korea
Aisheen (Still Alive in Gaza) (2010)    Qatar, Switzerland, Israel
Aishiteru: Kaiyô (2009)    Japan
Aisle 14 (2014)    USA
Aist na kryshe (2021)    Russia
Aistyonok (1980)    Soviet Union
Aitanic (2000)    Italy
Äiti tekee satua (1972)    Finland
Aitxitxe (2016)    USA
Aiuto (2013)    Italy
Aizaugusa gravi viegli krist (1986)    Soviet Union
Aizen katsura (1938)    Japan
AJ and the Queen (2019)    USA
Ajami (2009)    Germany, Israel
Ajeossi (2010)    South Korea
Ajin (2017)    Japan
AKA Amber (2016)    USA
Åka utför (2014)    Sweden
Akademia pana Kleksa (1984)    Poland, Soviet Union
Akademiya (2015)    Russia
Akahana no sensei (2009)    Japan
Akahige (2017)    Japan
Akai yûhi no wataridori (1960)    Japan
Akala mo... (2002)    Philippines
Akanbo shôjo (2008)    Japan
Akasia (2003)    South Korea
Akasthile Paravakal (2001)    India
Akavet (2020)    Denmark
Akdong Tamjeongseu (2017)    South Korea
Åke och hans värld (1984)    Sweden
Åke och hans värld (1959)    Sweden
Akeda (2018)    USA
Akeelah and the Bee (2006)    USA
Akela (1963)    India
Akele Hum Akele Tum (1995)    India
Akharin rouzhaye zemestan (2012)    Iran
Aki bújt (2009)    Hungary
Aki tachinu (1960)    Japan
Akibiyori (1960)    Japan
Akihabara@Deep (2006)    Japan
Akik maradtak (2019)    Hungary
Akiko (1961)    Italy
Akimahende! (1998)    Japan
Akindo Sei Little Peso (2017)    Japan
Akiresu to kame (2008)    Japan
Akiva (2010)    Australia
Akkaa päälle (1994)    Finland
Äkkilähtö (2016)    Finland
Akli Miklós (1986)    Hungary, Czechoslovakia
Akmal drakon i princessa (1981)    Soviet Union
Akmong Sunsaeng (2016)    South Korea
Ako divé husi (2000)    Slovakia
Ako Juliana zachraňovala hádankovú ríšu (1986)    Czechoslovakia
Ako sa Vinco zatal (1977)    Czechoslovakia
Akrovates tou kipou (2001)    Greece
Aksam günesi (1966)    Turkey
Aksamci (1967)    Turkey
Akseli ja Elina (1970)    Finland
Aksentyev (2022)    Russia
Aksharaya (2005)    Sri Lanka, France
Äkta människor (2012)    Sweden
Aktenzeichen XY ungelöst (1967)    Austria, Switzerland, West Germany
Aktion C+M+B (2000)    Austria
Aktion Grün (1976)    West Germany
Aktrisa (2017)    Russia
Aktrisy (2023)    Russia
Aktyor (2022)    Russia
Aku No Hado: Satsujin Bunsekihan (2019)    Japan
Akuma-Kun (1966)    Japan
Akuma-kun (2023)    Japan
Akumu chan (2012)    Japan
Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)    Japan
Akusherka. Novya Zisn' (2019)    Russia
Akvalangi na dne (1966)    Soviet Union
Akvarium (2023)    Russia
Akvarium (2023)    Denmark
Akvatoriya (2017)    Russia
Al Abaa' al Sighar (2005)    Egypt, Syria
Al Ashash (2013)    Egypt
Al borde del deseo (2008)    Puerto Rico
Al derecho y al derbez (1992)    Mexico
Al di là del lago (2009)    Italy
Al di là del mare (2016)    Italy
Al Eid Eiden (2024)    Saudi Arabia
Al filo de la ley (2005)    Spain
Al filo de la muerte (1991)    Mexico
Al fin solos, pero... (1977)    Spain
Al final del arco iris (1982)    Mexico
Al final del túnel (2016)    Argentina, Spain
Al fondo hay sitio (2009)    Peru
Al Hafeed (1975)    Egypt
Al Hevel Dak (1980)    Israel
Al Hob Keddah (2008)    Egypt
Al Jennings of Oklahoma (1951)    USA
Al lado del río (2020)    Colombia
Al margen de la ley (1989)    Mexico
Al Murray's Multiple Personality Disorder (2009)    United Kingdom
Al Nai (The Flute) (2010)    Jordan
Al otro lado (2004)    Mexico
Al Otro Lado del Muro (2018)    Mexico
Al primo soffio di vento (2002)    Italy
Al Qaserat (2013)    Egypt
Al salir de clase (1997)    Spain
Al sur de la Navidad (2017)    Argentina
Al Wisiya (1990)    Egypt
Al's Beef (2008)    USA
Al's Brain in 3-D (2009)    USA
Al-Anon Commercial, 'Heroic Girl' (2017)    USA
Al-Bayh Romancy (2009)    Egypt
Al-kapotnya (2021)    Russia
Al-lail (1992)    Syria
Ala chilena (2011)    Chile
Ala eh... con Bisoy Hale-Hale-Hoy! Laging panalo ang mga unggoy (1998)    Philippines
¡Ala... Dina! (2000)    Spain
Alab ng lahi (2003)    Philippines
Alabama (1985)    Poland
Alabama Moon (2009)    USA
Alabama Snake (II) (2020)    USA
Alaclair Ensemble: La famille (2018)    Canada
Aladdin (1994)    USA
Aladdin (1992)    USA
Aladdin (2019)    USA
Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp (1917)    USA
Aladdin's Lantern (1938)    USA
Aladim e a Lâmpada Maravilhosa (1973)    Brazil
Alagwa (2012)    Philippines
Alam laysa lana (2012)    United Kingdom, Lebanon, Denmark, United Arab Emirates
Alamar (2009)    Mexico
Alamat (2015)    Philippines
Alamo, The (2004)    USA
Alamo, The (1960)    USA
Alan (2018)    Spain
Alan & Naomi (1992)    USA
Alan Smithee (2012)    USA
Alan Young Show, The (1950)    USA
Alapképlet (1989)    Hungary
Alarm (1954)    USA
Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei (1996)    Germany
Alarm für Cobra 11 - Einsatz für Team 2 (2003)    Germany
Alarm im Zirkus (1954)    East Germany
Alarm in den Bergen (1965)    West Germany
Alarma în delta (1976)    Romania
Alarmcode 112 (1996)    Germany
Alas rotas (2002)    Spain
Alas, poder y pasión (1998)    Argentina
Alaska (1996)    USA
Alaska Highway (1943)    USA
Alaska Is a Drag (2017)    USA
Alaska Love (1932)    USA (2000)    Germany
Alaskans, The (1959)    USA
Alatriste (2006)    Spain
Alaverdy (1977)    Soviet Union
Alba (2016)    Ecuador, Mexico, Greece
Alba (2021)    Spain
Alba del perdono, L' (1914)    Italy
Alba, El (2023)    Spain
Albedo Absolute (2016)    USA
Albero dalle foglie rosa, L' (1974)    Italy
Albero degli zoccoli, L' (1978)    Italy
Albero dei diamanti, L' (1984)    Italy
Albero delle pere, L' (1998)    Italy
Albert (1998)    Denmark
Albert (2015)    Denmark
Albert (2016)    USA
Albert (2016)    United Kingdom
Albert - Mein unsichtbarer Freund (2007)    Germany
Albert e l'uomo nero (1976)    Italy
Albert est méchant (2004)    France
Albert flytter til USA (2016)    Denmark
Albert Nobbs (2011)    United Kingdom, Ireland, France, USA
Albert the Dog (2015)    USA
Albert's Winter (2009)    Denmark
Albertis, Die (2004)    Germany
Alberto Express (1990)    Canada, France
Albino Farm (2009)    USA
Albion: The Enchanted Stallion (2016)    USA, Bulgaria
Albtraum einer Ehe (2001)    Germany
Albtraumfieber (2011)    Germany
Album (2008)    Denmark
Álbum de Família (1981)    Brazil
Albuquerque (1948)    USA
Alc-Man, The (2019)    USA
Alcaptar (1978)    West Germany
Alcatraz (2012)    USA, Canada
Alcatraz Island (1937)    USA
Alceste (1999)    France
Alchemik (1989)    Poland
Alchemist's Letter, The (2015)    USA, United Kingdom
Alchemy (2013)    USA
Alchemy of Thieves, The (2014)    USA
Alchimia Mediterranea (2019)    Italy
Alchimie (2002)    USA
Alchimistes, Les (2016)    France
Alcoa Hour, The (1955)    USA
Alcoa Premiere (1961)    USA
Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond (1959)    USA
Alcoa Theatre (1957)    USA
Aldar kose (2011)    Kazakhstan
Aldilà del mare (2023)    Italy
Aldo et Junior (1984)    France
Aldo tous risques (1991)    France
Aldri annet enn bråk (1954)    Norway
Aldri mer 13! (1996)    Norway
Aldri mer hverdag (2001)    Norway
Aldri voksen (2020)    Norway
Aldrich Ames: Traitor Within (1998)    USA
Aldrig mere i morgen (2017)    Denmark
Alec to the Rescue (1999)    USA
Aled's Christmas Carols (2008)    United Kingdom
Alefbay-e afghan (2002)    Iran
Alegalu (2012)    India
Alegría (1999)    Canada
Alegría, tristeza (2018)    Spain, France, Belgium
Alegrías de mediodía (1980)    Mexico
Alegrijes y rebujos (2003)    Mexico
Alejandrito y el Cuco (2014)    Cuba
Aleksa Santic (1990)    Yugoslavia
Aleksandr malenkiy (1981)    Soviet Union, East Germany
Aleksandra (2010)    Russia
Aleksandrovskiy sad (2005)    Russia
Alekseich (1970)    Soviet Union
Além do Tempo (2015)    Brazil
Alenbi Romance (2005)    Israel
Alenka v zemi zázraku (2018)    Czech Republic
Aleppo's Child (2017)    United Kingdom
Alert: Missing Persons Unit (2023)    USA
Alerta en el cielo (1961)    Spain
Alertas del corazón (2004)    USA
Alerte Amber (2019)    Canada
Alerte, danger immédiat (2003)    France
Alertes (2021)    Canada
Alertez les bébés (1978)    France
Alex (2018)    USA
Alex (2005)    France
Alex (1992)    Australia, New Zealand
Alex & Co. (2015)   
Alex & Me (2018)    USA
Alex and the Ghosts (2009)    Canada
Alex and the Handyman (2017)    USA
Alex Cross (2012)    USA, France
Alex de todas formas (2019)    Colombia
Alex Holeh Ahavah (1986)    Israel
Alex Hugo (2014)    France
Alex in Wonder (2001)    USA
Alex in Wonderland (1970)    USA
Alex Lyutyj (2020)    Russia
Alex Pros and Cons (2009)    Israel
Alex Santana, négociateur (2002)    France
Alex Strangelove (2018)    USA
Alex's Halloween (2008)    USA
Alex, Inc. (2017)    USA
Alex/October (2021)    USA
Alex: The Life of a Child (1986)    USA, Canada
Alexa & Katie (2018)    USA
Alexa Vega: Isle of Dreams (2002)    USA
Alexander (2004)    Germany, USA, Netherlands, France, United Kingdom, Italy
Alexander (1973)    USA
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (1997)    USA
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (1990)    USA
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (2014)    USA
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (1988)    USA
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Road Trip (2025)    USA, Canada
Alexander Graham Bell (1965)    United Kingdom
Alexander Graham Bell (1995)    USA
Alexander IRL (2017)    USA
Alexander Senki (1997)    Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan
Alexander the Greatest (1971)    United Kingdom
Alexander und die Töchter (1974)    West Germany
Alexandra David-Néel: J'irai au pays des neiges (2012)    France
Alexis (2012)    Spain
Alexx Calise: Cry (2012)    USA
ALF (1986)    USA
Alf Loves a Mystery (1987)    USA
ALF Tales (1988)    USA
Alfalfa's Aunt (1939)    USA
Alfalfa's Double (1940)    USA
Alfie Darling (1975)    United Kingdom
Alfons Zitterbacke (1966)    East Germany
Alfons Zitterbacke (1986)    East Germany
Alfons Zitterbacke - Endlich Klassenfahrt! (2022)    Germany
Alfons Zitterbacke: Das Chaos ist zurück (2019)    Germany
Alfonso, el príncipe maldito (2010)    Spain
Alfred García: Los Espabilados (2021)    Spain
Alfred Hitchcock Hour, The (1962)    USA
Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955)    USA
Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1985)    USA
Alfred Thinks We're Aliens (2011)    USA
Alfredo Alfredo (1972)    Italy, France
Alfredo S. Lim: The Untold Story (2013)    Philippines
Algérie des chimères, L' (2001)    France
Algo que celebrar (2015)    Spain
Algonquin (2013)    Canada
Alguien que cuide de mí (2023)    Spain
Alguien tiene que morir (2020)    Mexico, Spain
Alguna vez tendremos alas (1997)    Mexico
Algunos días sin música (2013)    Brazil, Argentina
Alhambeura Goongjeonui Chooeok (2018)    South Korea
Ali (2001)    USA
Ali (2021)    Spain
Ali (2012)    Spain
Ali & Ava (2021)    United Kingdom
Ali & the Ball (2008)    Australia
Ali and Danny (2002)    Iran, United Kingdom
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (1944)    USA
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (1918)    USA
Ali Baba et les 40 voleurs (2007)    France
Ali Baba Goes to Town (1937)    USA
Ali G Indahouse (2002)    France, United Kingdom, Germany, USA
Ali Ya Ali (2017)    Morocco
Ali Zaoua, prince de la rue (2000)    Morocco, Tunisia, France, Belgium, USA
Ali's Realm (2020)    USA
Ali: An American Hero (2000)    USA
Alia (2012)    Ireland
Aliados (2013)    Argentina
Alias (1999)    France
Alias (2001)    USA
Alias Caracalla, au coeur de la Résistance (2013)    France
Alias Grace (2017)    Canada
Alias Jimmy Valentine (1928)    USA
Alias Ladyfingers (1921)    USA
Alias María (2015)    Colombia, Argentina, France
Alias Mary Dow (1935)    USA
Alias Mr. Twilight (1946)    USA
Alias Nick Beal (1949)    USA
Alias Smith and Jones (1971)    USA
Alias the Deacon (1927)    USA
Alias the Deacon (1940)    USA
Alias the Doctor (1932)    USA
Alibi (2016)    USA
Alibi Children (1955)    United Kingdom
'Alibi' na dvoikh (2011)    Russia, Ukraine
Alibi, Das (2000)    Germany (2017)    France
Alice (2005)    Portugal
Alice (2009)    United Kingdom, Canada
Alice (2013)    USA
Alice (1990)    USA
Alice (2018)    Canada
Alice (1976)    USA
Alice Adams (1935)    USA
Alice and the Dog Catcher (1924)    USA
Alice au pays des merveilles (1970)    France
Alice Burned Memories (2016)    Belgium
Alice by Bianca Ryan (2015)    USA
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974)    USA
Alice et Martin (1998)    France, Spain
Alice Gets in Dutch (1924)    USA
Alice i Lalandia (2019)    Denmark
Alice in Chains: A Looking in View (2009)    USA
Alice in den Städten (1974)    West Germany
Alice in Liar Game (2012)    Japan
Alice in Movieland (1940)    USA
Alice in Wonder City (2012)    Taiwan
Alice in Wonderland (1999)    United Kingdom, USA, Germany
Alice in Wonderland (1985)    USA
Alice in Wonderland (1995)    USA, Canada, Japan
Alice in Wonderland (1951)    USA
Alice in Wonderland (1933)    USA
Alice in Wonderland (1985)    United Kingdom
Alice in Wonderland (1903)    United Kingdom
Alice in Wonderland (2010)    USA
Alice Neel (2007)    USA
Alice nel paese delle cartaviglie (1980)    Italy
Alice no Mundo da Internet (2022)    Brazil
Alice ou la vie en noir et blanc (2005)    Belgium
Alice the Peacemaker (1924)    USA
Alice Through the Looking Glass (1973)    United Kingdom
Alice Through the Looking Glass (1998)    United Kingdom
Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016)    USA
Alice Upside Down (2007)    France, USA
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1972)    United Kingdom
Alice's Fishy Story (1924)    USA
Alice's Wild West Show (1924)    USA
Alice's Wonderland Bakery (2022)    USA
Alice, I Think (2006)    Canada
Alicia (2023)    Spain
Alicia (1994)    Spain
Alicia Keys: Superwoman (2008)    USA
Alicia! (2002)    Germany
Alien Abduction (2014)    USA
Alien Abduction (2005)    USA
Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County (1998)    USA
Alien Agenda: Project Grey (2007)    Canada
Alien Ant Farm: Smooth Criminal (2001)    USA
Alien Armageddon (2011)    United Kingdom, USA
Alien Avengers (1996)    USA
Alien Boy, The (2012)    Australia
Alien Country (2024)    USA
Alien Dawn (2012)    USA
Alien Encounters (2013)    USA
Alien Enemy, An (1918)    USA
Alien from L.A. (1988)    USA, South Africa
Alien Hunter (2016)    USA
Alien Invasion (2016)    Australia
Alien Lightening Dragon (1988)    South Korea
Alien Love Triangle (2008)    United Kingdom
Alien Mysteries (2013)    Canada
Alien Nation (1989)    USA
Alien Nation (1989)    USA
Alien Underdogs (2005)    USA
Alien's Sister (2014)    USA
Alien, The (1915)    USA
Alien: Romulus (2024)    USA, United Kingdom, Hungary, Australia, New Zealand, Canada
Alienated (2003)    Canada
Alienators: Evolution Continues (2001)    USA
Alienist, The (2017)    USA
Aliens (1986)    United Kingdom, USA
Aliens Are Coming, The (1980)    USA
Aliens Ate My Homework (2018)    USA
Aliens for Breakfast (1994)    USA
Aliens in America (2007)    USA
Aliens in the Attic (2009)    USA, Canada
Aliens in the Family (1996)    USA
Aliens in the House (2013)    USA
Aliens in the Wild, Wild West (1999)    Canada, Romania
Aliens Stole My Body (2020)    USA
Aliento del diablo, El (1993)    Spain, France, Belgium
Alientologists (2017)    USA
Alien³ (1992)    USA
Alieu the Dreamer (2020)    USA
Alif (2015)    India
Alif (2017)    India
Aligermaas äventyr - i vildhästarnas dal (1998)    Sweden, Denmark
Alija (2018)    Turkey
Aliki (2016)    Sweden
Alimony Aches (1935)    USA
Alin teri (2012)    Turkey
Alipin ng tukso (2000)    Philippines
Alisa (2020)    Russia
Alisa (2018)    Russia
Alisa - Folge deinem Herzen (2009)    Germany
Alisa ne mozhet zhdat (2022)    Russia
Alison and Jeremy (2014)    USA
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)    USA, Japan, Canada
Alive (2004)    France, Belgium
Alive and Kicking (1958)    United Kingdom
Alive: Oncologist's Medical Record (2020)    Japan
Aliye (2004)    Turkey
Aljosa Karamazov (1973)    Hungary
Alkali, Iowa (1995)    USA
All About Eve (2009)    Philippines, South Korea
All About Evil (2010)    USA
All About George (2005)    United Kingdom
All About Hash (1940)    USA
All About Love (2006)    Philippines
All About My Family (2008)    South Korea
All About Oscar (2007)    Canada
All About Steve (2009)    USA
All About the Andersons (2003)    USA
All About the Benjamins (2002)    USA, Germany
All About The Washingtons (2018)    USA
All About Us (2001)    USA
All Ages Night (2009)    USA
All Alone (2016)    USA
All Along (2007)    USA
All American (2018)    USA
All American Christmas Carol (2013)    USA
All American, The (1953)    USA
All American: Homecoming (2022)    USA
All Around the Town (2002)    Canada, United Kingdom, France, USA
All Ashore (1953)    USA
All At Once (2016)    USA
All at Sea (2013)    United Kingdom
All at Sea (1970)    United Kingdom
All Bookies Wear Speedos (2005)    USA
All Creatures Great and Small (2020)    United Kingdom
All Creatures Great and Small (1978)    United Kingdom
All Dark Places (2012)    USA
All Day and a Night (2020)    USA
All Day on the Sands (1979)    United Kingdom
All Dogs Christmas Carol, An (1998)    USA
All Dogs Go to Heaven (1989)    Ireland, United Kingdom, USA
All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 (1996)    USA
All Dogs Go to Heaven: The Series (1996)    USA
All Dressed Up (1920)    USA
All Electric Amusement Arcade, The (1983)    United Kingdom
All Fall Down (1962)    USA
All Flowers in Time (2011)    USA, Canada
All for Love (1982)    United Kingdom
All for Love (2018)   
All for Mary (1955)    United Kingdom
All for Melissa (2007)    USA
All For One (2013)    USA
All Forgotten (2001)    USA, United Kingdom
All Fun and Games (2023)    USA
All Gas and Gaiters (1966)    United Kingdom
All God's Children Can Dance (2008)    USA
All God's Creatures (2012)    Australia
All Good Children (2010)    Ireland, United Kingdom, Belgium, France
All Good Things (2010)    USA
All Grown Up! (2003)    USA
All Gummed Up (1947)    USA
All Hail Beth (2019)    USA
All Hallows Evil: Lord of the Harvest (2012)    USA
All Hallows' Eve (2016)    USA
All Hallows' Eve (2013)    USA
All Hallows' Eve 2 (2015)    USA
All Human Rights for All (2008)    Italy
All I Desire (1953)    USA
All I Ever Wanted (2016)    USA
All I Need for Christmas (2024)    Canada
All I See Is You (2016)    Thailand, USA
All I Wanna Do Is Just Have Some Fun (2003)    Canada
All I Want for Christmas (2014)    USA
All I Want for Christmas (2007)    USA
All I Want for Christmas (2013)    USA
All I Want for Christmas (1991)    USA
All I Want for Christmas (2002)    Canada
All I Want for Christmas (2013)    USA
All I Wish (2017)    USA
All I've Got (2012)    USA
All In (2006)    USA
All In (2019)    USA
All in a Day's Work (1914)    United Kingdom
All in a Day's Work (2013)    USA
All in Fun (1928)    USA
All in Good Faith (1985)    United Kingdom
All in the Cards (2016)    USA
All in the Family (1971)    USA
All Inclusive (2023)    Netherlands
All Inclusive (2020)    Bulgaria
All Is Bright (2013)    USA
All Is Foreseen (2017)    USA
All Is Forgiven (1986)    USA
All Is Well (2010)    India
All Kids Count (2011)    USA
All Lit Up (1920)    USA
All Mine to Give (1957)    USA
All My Children (1970)    USA
All My Life (2020)    USA, China
All My Life (2009)    Philippines
All My Life (2004)    Philippines
All My Loving (2019)    Germany
All My Presidents (2012)    USA
All New Alexei Sayle Show, The (1994)    United Kingdom
All Night Bodega (2002)    France, USA
All Night Long (1924)    USA
All of Us (2019)    Belgium
All of Us (2003)    USA
All or Nothing (2002)    United Kingdom, France
All or Nothing at All (1993)    United Kingdom
All Over Brazil (2003)    United Kingdom
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)    USA
All Quiet on the Western Front (1979)    USA, United Kingdom
All Rise (2019)    USA
All Roads Lead Home (2008)    USA
All Saints (1998)    Australia
All She Ever Wanted (1996)    USA
All Shook Up (1999)    USA
All Silent Dogs (2022)    Australia
All Small Bodies (2018)    Germany
All Souls (2001)    USA
All Souls Day (2007)    USA
All Souls Day: Dia de los Muertos (2005)    USA
All Square (1930)    USA
All Square (2018)    USA
All Stars (2015)    USA
All Stars (2013)    United Kingdom
All Stars & Zonen (2020)    Netherlands
All stars - De serie (1999)    Netherlands
All Stars 2: Old Stars (2011)    Netherlands
All Summer in a Day (1982)    USA
All That (2019)    USA
All That (1994)    USA
All That 10th Anniversary Reunion Special (2005)    USA
All That Glitters (2011)    United Kingdom
All That Jazz (1979)    USA
All That Matters (2017)    USA
All That Money Can Buy (1941)    USA
All That Remains (2010)    USA
All That Remains (2014)    Canada
All That Remains (2019)    USA
All That You Loved (2011)    Canada
All the Broken Pieces (2012)    USA
All the Comforts (2008)    Canada
All the Dead Deer (2016)    United Kingdom
All the Fine Young Cannibals (1960)    USA
All the Good Ones Are Married (2007)    USA, Canada
All the Invisible Children (2005)    France, Italy
All the Kind Strangers (1974)    USA
All the King's Men (2006)    Germany, USA
All the King's Men (1999)    United Kingdom, USA
All the Little Animals (1998)    United Kingdom
All the Little Things We Kill (2019)    USA
All the Marbles (2017)    USA
All the Money in the World (2017)    USA
All the Old Knives (2022)    USA
All the Pretty Horses (2000)    USA
All the Queen's Men (2001)    Germany, Austria, USA
All the Rage (1999)    USA
All the Right Moves (1983)    USA
All the Right Noises (1970)    United Kingdom
All the Rivers Run 2 (1990)    Australia
All the Way Home (1981)    USA
All the Way Home (1963)    USA
All the Wilderness (2014)    USA
All Things Bright and Beautiful (1994)    United Kingdom
All Things Valentine (2016)    USA
All This Is Art (2022)    Italy
All This, and Heaven Too (1940)    USA
All Together Now (2013)    USA
All Together Now (1975)    USA
All Up to You! iPhone 5 Movie (2012)    USA
All We Need for Christmas (2021)    USA
All Wet (1927)    USA
All Wet (1924)    USA
All Wifed Out (2012)    USA
All Women Have Periods (1979)    USA
All Women Have Secrets (1939)    USA
All You Can Carry (2018)    United Kingdom
All You Need (2001)    USA
All You Need Is Love (2018)    Netherlands
All Yours (2016)    USA
All's Fair (1989)    USA
All's Swell on the Ocean (1924)    USA
All-American Girl (1994)    USA
All-American Girl: The Mary Kay Letourneau Story (2000)    USA, Canada
All-American Sweetheart (1937)    USA
All-New Dennis the Menace (1993)    USA
Alla älskar Alice (2002)    Sweden
Alla en la plaza Garibaldi (1981)    Mexico
Alla luce del sole (2005)    Italy
Alla mia cara mamma nel giorno del suo compleanno (1974)    Italy
Alla ricerca di Tadzio (1970)    Italy
Alla turca (1996)    France
Alla utom vi (2021)    Sweden
Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn (1960)    Sweden
Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn (1962)    Sweden
Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn (1989)    Sweden
Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn (1986)    Sweden
Alla-taksi (2024)    Russia
Allas (2023)    Finland
Alle Anderen (2009)    Germany
Alle die Du bist (2024)    Germany, Spain
Alle fugler (2009)    Norway
Alle Hunde lieben Theobald (1969)    West Germany
Alle Kinder brauchen Liebe (2000)    Germany
Alle lieben Peter (1959)    West Germany
Alle lieben Willy Wuff (1995)    Germany
Alle machen Musik (1965)    West Germany
Alle Macht den Kindern (2013)    Germany, South Africa
Alle meine Lieben (2009)    Germany
Alle meine Söhne (1961)    West Germany
Alle meine Tiere (1962)    West Germany
Alle meine Töchter (1995)    Germany
Alle sammen sammen (2014)    Norway
Alle Tage ist kein Sonntag (1959)    West Germany
Alle under angrep (2020)    Norway, Denmark
Alle unter eine Tanne (2014)    Germany
Allée du roi, L' (1996)    France
Alleen Ik (Only me, me alone) (2022)    Belgium
Alleen op de wereld (2016)    Netherlands
Alleen voor U (1935)    Belgium
Allegiance (2011)    USA
Allegiance (2024)    Canada
Allégorie Citadine (2024)    France
Allegro (2005)    Denmark
Allegro barbaro (1979)    Hungary
Allein gegen die Angst (2006)    Germany
Allein gegen die Zeit (2010)    Germany
Allein gegen die Zeit 2.0 (2010)    Germany
Allein im Urwald (1922)    Germany
Allein in vier Wänden (2007)    Germany
Allein unter Ärzten (2014)    Germany
Allein unter Bauern (2006)    Germany
Allein unter Müttern (2011)    Germany
Allein unter Nachbarn (2012)    Germany
Allein unter Schülern (2009)    Germany
Allein unter Töchtern (2007)    Germany
Alléluia (2014)    Belgium, France
Allemann (2022)    Norway
Allen Sunshine (2024)    Canada
Allen Zweifeln Zum Trotz (2022)    Germany
Aller simple (2006)    France
Allerbeste Stück, Das (2004)    Germany
Allerd Fishbein's in Love (2000)    USA
Allergrootste slijmfilm, De (2022)    Netherlands
Allerletzte, Der (1979)    West Germany
Allerschönste, Die (1965)    East Germany
Allerzielen (2005)    Netherlands
Alles Atze (2000)    Germany
Alles aus Liebe (1984)    Austria, West Germany
Alles außer Mord! (1994)    Germany
Alles außer Sex (2005)    Germany
Alles bestens (2012)    Germany
Alles Bob! (1999)    Germany, Austria, Denmark
Alles dreht sich um Michael (1968)    West Germany
Alles Fifty Fifty (2024)    Germany
Alles Flex (2024)    Netherlands
Alles für die Firma (1950)    West Germany
Alles Glück dieser Erde (1994)    Germany
Alles is liefde (2007)    Netherlands
Alles ist Liebe (2014)    Germany
Alles Isy (2018)    Germany
Alles klar! (1998)    Germany
Alles Klara (2012)    Germany
Alles Liebe (2010)    Germany
Alles Lüge - Auf der Suche nach Rio Reiser (2007)    Germany
Alles mag (2014)    Netherlands
Alles Paletti (1985)    West Germany
Alles Samba (2003)    Germany
Alles über Anna (2006)    Germany
Alles Was Groen (2006)    Netherlands
Alles was recht ist (2008)    Germany
Alles was recht ist (2008)    Germany
Alles weg'n dem Hund (1935)    Germany
Alles wegen der Kleenen (1988)    East Germany
Alles wegen Hulk (2004)    Switzerland
Alles wieder gut (2008)    Germany
Alles wird gut (2015)    Germany, Austria
Alletiders julemand (1997)    Denmark
Alley Cats Strike (2000)    USA, Canada
Alley Cats, The (1966)    USA
Alleycats (2016)    United Kingdom
Alleyn Mysteries (1990)    United Kingdom
Allez (2011)    Denmark
Allez France! (1964)    France
Allez Hopp (1946)    Germany
Allez Oop (1934)    USA
Allez, Eddy! (2012)    Belgium
Allie & Zee (2016)    USA
Allied (2016)    United Kingdom, USA
Alligator (1980)    USA
Alligator II: The Mutation (1991)    USA
Alligator Named Daisy, An (1955)    United Kingdom
Alligator Pie (1991)    Canada
Allis med is (1993)    Sweden
Allô police (1966)    France
Allons petits enfants (2005)    France
Allons z'enfants (1981)    France
Allrakäraste syster (1988)    Sweden
Allt faller (2013)    Sweden
Allt flyter (2008)    Sweden
Allt om min buske (2007)    Sweden
Alltagsgeschichten (1972)    East Germany
Alltid på en tisdag (2004)    Sweden
Allumettes suédoises, Les (1996)    France
Ally McBeal (1997)    USA
Alma and King Noah's Court (2005)    USA
Alma ermittelt - Tango und Tod (2007)    Germany
Alma Herida, El (2003)    Mexico, USA
Alma Viva (2022)    Portugal, Belgium, France
Alma y Paz (2022)    Mexico
Almamula (2023)    France, Argentina, Italy
Almanakh kinoputeshestviy (1960)    Soviet Union
Almanya - Willkommen in Deutschland (2011)    Germany
Almaritsu (2008)    France
Almási, avagy a másik gyilkos (1989)    Hungary
Almaz v shokolade (2013)    Russia
Almazy na desert (2006)    Russia
Almazy Tsirtsei (2017)    Russia
Álmodó ifjúság (1974)    Hungary
Almond and the Seahorse, The (2022)    United Kingdom
Almond: My Voice Is Breaking (2017)    South Korea
Almost (2008)    USA
Almost (2013)    USA
Almost a Husband (1919)    USA
Almost a Woman (2002)    USA
Almost an Angel (1990)    USA
Almost Angels (1962)    USA
Almost Christmas (2016)    USA
Almost Eleven (2008)    Australia
Almost Entertainment (2005)    Canada
Almost Family (2019)    USA
Almost Family (2014)    USA
Almost Famous (2000)    USA
Almost Golden: The Jessica Savitch Story (1995)    USA
Almost Grown (1988)    USA
Almost Guys, The (2004)    USA
Almost Heroes (2011)    Canada
Almost Home (2018)    USA
Almost Home (1993)    USA
Almost Home (2015)    USA
Almost Human (2013)    USA
Almost Kings (2010)    USA
Almost Married (1942)    USA
Almost Mercy (2015)    USA
Almost Never (2019)    United Kingdom
Almost Nowhere (2020)    USA
Almost Paris (2016)    USA
Almost Perfect Affair, An (1979)    USA
Almost There (2015)    USA
Almost Unsolved (2023)    Canada
Aloe Blacc: Wanna Be with You (2013)    USA
Aloft (2014)    Spain, Canada, France
Aloha (2015)    USA
Aloha (1931)    USA
Aloha Means Goodbye (1974)    USA
Aloha Paradise (1981)    USA
Aloma of the South Seas (1941)    USA
Álomlátók (2008)    Hungary
Alondra (1995)    Mexico
Alone (2010)    USA
Alone (2017)    United Kingdom
Alone (2013)    USA
Alone (2022)    USA
Alone for Christmas (2013)    USA
Alone in a Crowd (2016)    USA
Alone in Berlin (2016)    Germany, France, United Kingdom
Alone in the Dark (2014)    USA
Alone in the Dark (2005)    Canada, Germany, USA
Alone in the Dust (2015)    USA
Alone in the Woods (1996)    USA
Alone Together (2018)    USA
Alone with a Stranger (2001)    USA
Alone with Mr. Carter (2011)    Canada
Alone Yet Not Alone (2013)    USA
Along Came a Callback (2022)    USA
Along Came a Nanny (2014)    Canada
Along Came a Spider (2001)    USA, Germany, Canada
Along Came Auntie (1926)    USA
Along Came Love (1936)    USA
Along Came Youth (1930)    USA
Along the Navajo Trail (1945)    USA
Alors voilà, (1997)    France, Germany
Aloud (2016)    USA
Alpamys idyot v shkolu (1978)    Soviet Union
Alparslan: Büyük Selçuklu (2021)    Turkey
Alpenklinik - Aus heiterem Himmel, Die (2008)    Germany, Austria
Alpenklinik - Eine Frage des Herzens, Die (2007)    Austria, Germany
Alpenklinik - Liebe heilt Wunden, Die (2010)    Austria, Germany
Alpenklinik - Notfall für Dr. Guth, Die (2011)    Austria
Alpenklinik - Riskante Entscheidung, Die (2009)    Germany, Austria
Alpenklinik, Die (2006)    Austria, Germany
Alpha (2016)    Canada
Alpha (2015)    USA
Alpha Dog (2006)    USA, Germany
Alpha House (2014)    USA
Alpha House (2013)    USA
Alpha Male (2006)    USA, United Kingdom
Alpha Mom (2006)    USA
Alphabet Conspiracy, The (1959)    USA
Alphabet Killer, The (2008)    USA
Alphabet Street (2019)    Australia
Alphamann: Amok (1999)    Germany
Alphas (2011)    USA
Alphateam - Die Lebensretter im OP (1997)    Germany
Alpine Antics (1936)    USA
Alright (2016)    Netherlands
Als blikken konden doden (2010)    Netherlands
Als de dijken breken (2016)    Netherlands, Belgium
Als der Weihnachtsmann vom Himmel fiel (2011)    Germany
Als het Vuur Dooft (2023)    Netherlands
Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl (2019)    Germany, Switzerland
Als ich mal Groß war (2019)    Germany
Als ik jou tegenkom (2010)    Belgium
Als Mama schlief (2015)    Germany
Als Unku Edes Freundin war (1981)    East Germany
Als wir träumten (2015)    Germany, France
Als... (2018)    Netherlands
Alsino y el cóndor (1982)    Nicaragua, Cuba, Mexico, Costa Rica
Älska mig (2008)    Sweden
Älska mig (2019)    Sweden
Älskade unge (2016)    Sweden
Älskande par (1964)    Sweden
Älskling på vift (1964)    Sweden
Also es war so... (1980)    West Germany, Austria
Alsof ik er niet echt was (2016)    Netherlands
Alt brenner (2017)    Norway
Alt er tilladt (2024)    Denmark
Alt for Norge (2005)    Norway
Alt for Norge (2005)    Norway
Alt på et bræt (1977)    Denmark
Alta comedia (1991)    Argentina
Alta Estação (2006)    Brazil
Alta Infedeltà (2015)    Italy
Alta mar (2019)    Spain
Altar (2014)    United Kingdom
Altar Boy Gang, The (2007)    Canada
Altar Egos (2015)    USA
Altarcation (2009)    USA
Alte Feinschmecker, Der (1978)    West Germany
Alte Försterhaus, Das (1956)    West Germany
Alte Freunde küßt man nicht (1996)    Germany
Alte Fritz - 1. Friede, Der (1928)    Germany
Alte Gauner (1985)    West Germany
Alte, Der (1977)    West Germany
Alter Kahn und junge Liebe (1973)    West Germany
Alter Schwede (1990)    East Germany
Alterations (1988)    Australia
Altered Carbon (2018)    USA
Altered Hours (2016)    USA
Altered Minds (2013)    USA
Altered States (1980)    USA
Altergeist (2014)    USA
Alternatino with Arturo Castro (2019)    USA
Alternative (2008)    USA
Alternative Reality (2011)    USA
Alterscape (2018)    USA
Altes Herz geht auf die Reise (1987)    East Germany
Altijd zomer (1998)    Belgium
Altinsoylar (2016)    Turkey
Altiplano (2009)    Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, France
Altitude (2010)    Canada, USA
Altosax (1980)    West Germany
Altra donna, L' (2002)    Italy
Altra Via, L' (2023)    Italy
Altri tempi - Zibaldone n. 1 (1952)    Italy
Alucarda, la hija de las tinieblas (1977)    Mexico
Alvilág (2019)    Hungary
Alvin & the Chipmunks (1983)    USA
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked (2011)    USA
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (2015)    USA
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (2009)    USA
Alvin Goes Back to School (1986)    USA
Alvin the Magnificent (1973)    USA
Alway Never There (2016)    USA
Always (2017)    USA
Always (2016)    USA
Always & 4Ever (2018)    USA
Always & Forever (2022)    USA
Always a Bridesmaid (1943)    USA
Always a Reason (2014)    USA
Always Amore (2022)    USA
Always and Everyone (1999)    United Kingdom
Always and Forever Christmas (2019)    Canada
Always Be My Maybe (2019)    USA
Always Forward (2022)    USA
Always Goodbye (1938)    USA
Always in My Heart (1942)    USA
Always in Trouble (1938)    USA
Always Kickin' (1932)    USA
Always Remember (2014)    USA
Always Remember I Love You (1990)    USA, Canada
Always san chôme no yûhi '64 (2012)    Japan
Always san-chôme no yûhi (2005)    Japan
Always There (2016)    Canada
Always Tomorrow: The Portrait of an American Business (1941)    USA
Always Will (2006)    USA
Always zoku san-chôme no yûhi (2007)    Japan
Alwin auf der Landstraße (1974)    East Germany
Aly & AJ: Chemicals React (2006)    USA
Aly & AJ: Do You Believe in Magic (2005)    USA
Aly & AJ: Greatest Time of Year (2006)    USA
Aly & AJ: Like Whoa (2008)    USA
Aly & AJ: No One (2005)    USA
Aly & AJ: On the Ride (2006)    USA
Aly & AJ: Potential Breakup Song (2007)    USA
Aly & AJ: Rush (2006)    USA
Aly & AJ: Walking on Sunshine (2005)    USA
Alyas Junior Buang Mad Killer Ng Visayas (1985)    Philippines
Alyas Pogi: Ang pagbabalik (1999)    Philippines
Alye parusa (1961)    Soviet Union
Alye pogony (1980)    Soviet Union
Alyonka (1962)    Soviet Union
Alyonka iz Pochitanki (2014)    Russia
Alyosha (2020)    Russia
Alyosha Ptitsyn vyrabatyvaet kharakter (1953)    Soviet Union
Alyoshiny skazki (1964)    Soviet Union
Alyoshkina lyubov (2015)    Russia
Alys Robi (1995)    Canada
Alyson Stoner Project, The (2009)    USA
Alyson Stoner: Dancing in the Moon Light (2009)    USA
Alyson Stoner: The Missy Elliott Tribute (2015)    USA
Alyssa Milano: Look in My Heart (1989)    USA
Alyssa Milano: Straight to the Top (1989)    USA
Alyssa Milano: What A Feeling (1989)    USA
Alyssa's Tips for Easy Parenting (2015)    USA
Alzbetin dvor (1986)    Czechoslovakia
Am Anfang war der Seitensprung (1999)    Germany
Am Anfang war die Eifersucht (2001)    Germany
Am Ende der Lüge (2013)    Germany, Austria
Am Ende der Worte (2021)    Germany
Am Ende des Schweigens (2006)    Germany
Am Ende des Tunnels (2002)    Germany
Am Ende die Wahrheit (2002)    Germany
Am Herzen kann man sich nicht kratzen (1963)    West Germany
Am Himmel der Tag (2012)    Germany, France
Am I Being Unreasonable? (2022)    United Kingdom
Am I Cursed? (2002)    USA
Am I Normal?: A Film About Male Puberty (1980)    USA
Am Kreuzweg (2011)    Germany
Am laufenden Band (1974)    West Germany
Am liebsten Marlene (1998)    Germany
Am Pier von Apolonovka (2008)    Germany
Am See (2002)    Germany
Ama (2021)    Spain
Ama'r Halshug (2021)    Denmark
Amaama to Inazuma (2016)    Japan
Amachan (2013)    Japan
Amada (1983)    Argentina
Amada Amante (1978)    Brazil
Amadeus (1984)    USA, France
Amador (2010)    Spain
Amahl and the Night Visitors (1952)   
Amahl and the Night Visitors (1978)    USA
Amahl and the Night Visitors (1963)    USA
Amahl and the Night Visitors (1996)    United Kingdom
Amakarashan (1997)    Japan
Amal (2019)    USA
Amal (2005)    France, Morocco
Amalanhig: The Vampire Chronicle (2017)    Philippines
Amalgamations (2012)    Canada
Amália (2008)    Portugal
Amalies fest (????)    Denmark
Amálka, ja sa zbláznim! (1999)    Slovakia
Amanat (2022)    Russia
Amanda (2018)    France
Amanda (1996)    USA
Amanda ja Tomi (2015)    Finland
Amanda McKay (2018)    USA
Amanda Show, The (1999)    USA
Amanecer a la vida (1950)    Venezuela
Amanecer de un sueño (2008)    Spain
Amanhã é um Novo Dia (2012)    Portugal
Amanhã Nunca Mais (2011)    Brazil
Amanhecer (2002)    Portugal
Amanitas (2015)    Czech Republic
Amant de Bornéo, L' (1942)    France
Amant de mes rêves (2002)    France
Amant de poche, L' (1978)    France
Amante di Paride, L' (1954)    Italy
Amantes (1991)    Spain
Amantes del Círculo Polar, Los (1998)    Spain, France
Amanti e segreti (2004)    Italy
Amanti e segreti 2 (2005)    Italy
Amants de Vérone, Les (1949)    France
Amants du bagne, Les (2004)    France
Amar (2009)    Mexico
Amar a muerte (2018)    Mexico
Amar de Nuevo (2011)    Mexico, USA
Amar en tiempos revueltos (2005)    Spain
Amar es para siempre (2013)    Spain
Amar Prem (1972)    India
Amar sin límites (2006)    Mexico
Amar y morir en Sevilla (Don Juan Tenorio) (2001)    Spain
Amarcord (1973)    Italy, France
Amarelinha (2007)    USA
Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley (1918)    USA
Amarsi un po'... (1984)    Italy
Amarte Así (2005)    USA, Argentina
Amateur (2013)    Spain
Amateur Daddy (1932)    USA
Amateur Gentleman, The (1936)    United Kingdom
Amateur Night at the Dixie Bar and Grill (1979)    USA
Amateur Teens (2015)    Switzerland
Amateurs, Les (2003)    France
Amature Nite (1929)    USA
Amaya (2011)    Philippines
Amazing Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley, The (2000)    USA
Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan, The (1972)    USA
Amazing Extraordinary Friends (2006)    New Zealand
Amazing Gayl Pile, The (2014)    Canada
Amazing Grace (1995)    USA
Amazing Grace and Chuck (1987)    USA
Amazing Howard Hughes, The (1977)    USA
Amazing Love (2012)    USA
Amazing Mr. Blunden, The (1972)    United Kingdom
Amazing Mr. Williams, The (1939)    USA
Amazing Mrs. Holliday, The (1943)    USA
Amazing Mrs. Novak, The (2009)    USA
Amazing Panda Adventure, The (1995)    USA
Amazing Spider-Man 2, The (2014)    USA
Amazing Spider-Man, The (2012)    USA
Amazing Stories (2020)    USA
Amazing Stories (1985)    USA
Amazing Stories: Book Five (1992)    USA
Amazing Winter Romance (2020)   
Amazing Wizard of Paws, The (2015)    Canada, USA
Amazing World of Gumball, The (2011)    United Kingdom, Ireland, USA
Amazing World of Gumball: Gumball Serenades Penny, The (2012)    United Kingdom
Amazing World of Gumball: Sock on a Stick, The (2012)    United Kingdom
Amazon (1999)    Canada, Germany
Amazon (1990)    USA, Finland, Brazil, France
Amazon Adventure (2017)    Canada, United Kingdom, Brazil
Amazon Forever (2004)    France, Brazil
Amazon Women on the Moon (1987)    USA
Amazone (2000)    France, Spain
Amazones (2004)    Netherlands
Amazônia (1991)    Brazil
Amazonîa, última llamada (2000)    Spain
Amazônia: De Galvez a Chico Mendes (2007)    Brazil
Amazonie: Les indiens Wayanas (1996)    France
Amazonki (2011)    Russia
Amb el 10 a l'esquena (2004)    Spain
Ámbar (2016)    Chile
Ámbar (1994)    Mexico
Ambassador Bill (1931)    USA
Ambavi apkhazi chabukisa (1977)    Soviet Union
Ambavi Suramis tsikhitsa (1985)    Soviet Union
Amber (2015)    USA
Amber (2017)    USA
Amber Alert (????)    USA
Amber Alert (2016)    Canada, USA
Amber Amulet, The (2013)    Australia
Amber and Elliot (1995)    Canada
Amber Waves (1980)    USA
Amber's Story (2006)    USA
Ambición (1980)    Mexico
Ambiciosa (1976)    Spain
Ambivalent Hope: A Gun and a Prayer (2015)    USA
Ambre a disparu (2003)    France
Ambro (1992)    Czechoslovakia
Ambroise Paré (1968)    France
Ambrose Bierce: Civil War Stories (2006)    USA
Ambrym (2013)    USA
Ambulance (2016)    Norway
Ambulance (2022)    Japan, USA
Ambush (1939)    USA
Ambush at Devil's Gap (1966)    United Kingdom
Ambush in Waco: In the Line of Duty (1993)    USA
Ambushed (2022)   
Ambushed (1998)    USA
Ame agaru (1999)    Japan, France
Ame no machi (2006)    Japan
Ame to yume no ato ni (2005)    Japan
Amédée (1950)    France
Amelia (2009)    USA, Canada
Amelia and the Angel (1958)    United Kingdom
Amelia Earhart (1976)    USA
Amelia's Closet (2016)    USA
Amélie et Compagnie (2017)    Canada
Amelie rennt (2017)    Germany, Italy
Amemasu no kawa (2004)    Japan
Amen (1986)    USA
Amen Saleikum - Fröhliche Weihnachten (2019)    Switzerland
Amensalism (2020)    Taiwan
Amer (2009)    France, Belgium
América (2010)    Russia, Brazil, Spain, Portugal
America (2009)    USA
América (2005)    Brazil
America 1979 (2014)    USA
America 2-Night (1978)    USA
America Latina (2021)    Italy, France
America Off Line (2003)    USA
America or Bust (1930)    USA
America's Dream (1996)    USA
America's Funniest Home Videos (1989)    USA
America's Funniest People (1990)    USA
America's Got Talent (2006)    USA
America's History in the Making (2008)    USA
America's Most Terrible Things (2002)    USA
America's Most Wanted (1988)    USA
America's Next Top YouTuber (2018)   
America's Rising Stars (2019)    USA
America's Sweethearts (2001)    USA
America: Facts vs. Fiction (2013)    USA
Américain, L' (2004)    Belgium, France
American 11 (2020)    USA
American Adventure (2000)    USA
American Affair, An (2008)    USA
American Animals (2018)    United Kingdom, USA
American Anthem (1986)    USA
American Autumn (2013)    USA
American Beauty (2019)    USA
American Beauty (1999)    USA
American Body (2023)    USA
American Body Shop (2007)    USA
American Boys, The (2020)    USA
American Buffalo (1996)    United Kingdom, USA
American Carol, An (2008)    USA
American Cherry (2021)    USA
American Christmas Carol, An (1979)    Canada, USA
American Cowslip (2009)    USA
American Crime (2004)    USA
American Crime Story (2016)    USA
American Crime, An (2007)    USA
American Crow, The (2019)    USA
American Dad! (2005)    USA
American Daughter, An (2000)    USA
American Deluxe (2006)    USA
American Dirtbags (2015)    USA
American Disciples (2011)    USA
American Dragon: Jake Long (2005)    USA
American Dream (1981)    USA
American Dream (2007)    USA
American Dreamer (1984)    USA
American Dreamer (1990)    USA
American Dreams (2002)    USA
American Dreamz (2006)    USA
American Drive-In (1985)    USA
American Embassy, The (2002)    USA
American Empire (1942)    USA
American Exit (2019)    USA
American Exorcism (2017)    USA
American Experience (1988)    USA
American Fable (2016)    USA
American Family (2002)    USA
American Family (2007)    USA
American Flyer (2010)    USA
American Fork (2007)    USA
American Gangster (2007)    USA, United Kingdom
American Gangster: Trap Queens (2019)    USA
American Genius (2015)    USA
American Girl (2016)    USA
American Girl (2013)    USA
American Girl Story - Maryellen 1955: Extraordinary Christmas, An (2016)    USA
American Girl Story: Ivy & Julie 1976 - A Happy Balance, An (2017)    USA
American Girl Story: Melody 1963 - Love Has to Win, An (2016)    USA
American Girl Story: Summer Camp, Friends for Life, An (2017)    USA
American Girl, An (1958)    USA
American Girl: Chrissa Stands Strong, An (2009)    USA
American Girl: Corinne Tan (2023)    USA
American Girls (2013)    USA
American Gods (2017)    USA
American Gothic (1995)    USA
American Gothic (2016)    USA
American Gun (2005)    USA
American Hate Crime, An (2018)    USA
American Haunting, An (2005)    United Kingdom, Canada, Romania, USA
American Heart (1992)    USA
American Heiress (2007)    USA
American Heist (2014)    Canada, Luxembourg
American Hero (2015)    USA
American Hero (2012)    USA
American High School (2009)    USA
American History X (1998)    USA
American Horror House (2012)    USA
American Horror Stories (2021)    USA
American Horror Story (2011)    USA
American Hot Wax (1978)    USA
American Housewife (2016)    USA
American Hustle (2013)    USA
American in Paris, An (1951)    USA
American Judy (2012)    USA
American Kickboxer 2 (1993)    USA
American Koko (2017)    USA
American Life, An (2013)    USA
American Manners (1924)    USA
American Mary (2012)    Canada
American Masters (1985)    USA
American Me (1992)    USA
American Men (2006)    USA
American Morning (2021)    USA
American Night (2021)    Italy
American Nightmare (2018)    USA
American Nightmare, The (2000)    USA, United Kingdom
American Ninja 2: The Confrontation (1987)    USA
American Ninja 5 (1993)    USA
American Odyssey (2015)    USA
American Odyssey (2014)    USA
American Pie (1999)    USA
American Pie 2 (2001)    USA
American Pie Presents The Naked Mile (2006)    Canada, USA
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love (2009)    USA
American Playhouse (1981)    USA
American Pluck (1925)    USA
American Pop (1981)    USA
American Portrait (1940)    USA
American President, The (1995)    USA
American Primeval (2025)    USA
American Primitive (2009)    USA
American Princess (2019)    USA
American Psycho II: All American Girl (2002)    USA
American Rampage (1989)    USA
American Raspberry (1977)    USA
American Refugee (2018)    USA
American Reunion (2012)    USA
American Reunion, An (2003)    USA
American Revenant: Dead South (2017)    USA
American Rhapsody, An (2001)    USA, Hungary
American Ripper (2017)    USA, United Kingdom
American Romance, An (1944)    USA
American Satan (2017)    USA
American Scream King (2010)    USA
American Skin (2019)    USA
American Sniper (2014)    USA
American Son (2008)    USA
American Soul (2019)    USA
American Splendor (2003)    USA
American Story, An (1992)    USA
American Strays (1996)    USA
American Summer, An (1990)    USA
American Tail: The Mystery of the Night Monster, An (1999)    USA
American Tail: The Treasure of Manhattan Island, An (1998)    USA
American Tale (2004)    USA
American Vandal (2017)    USA
American Viral (2014)    USA
American Virgin (2009)    USA
American Woman (2018)    United Kingdom, USA
American Woman (2018)    USA
American, The (1927)    USA
Americana (2023)    USA
Americano (2011)    France
Americano, The (1955)    USA
Americans, The (2013)    USA
Americans, The (1961)    USA
Americké dopisy (2015)    Czech Republic
Americons (2017)    USA
Amerigo (2016)    USA
Amerika (1987)    USA
Amérika, terra incógnita (1988)    Venezuela
Amerikanische Freund, Der (1977)    West Germany, France
Amerikánka (2024)    Czech Republic
Amerikanka (1997)    Russia
Amerikanskaya doch (1995)    Kazakhstan, Russia
Amerikietiska tragedija (1981)    Soviet Union
Amerloque, L' (1996)    France
Amerykanka (1988)    Poland
Âmes de papier, Les (2013)    France, Luxembourg, Belgium
Âmes grises, Les (2005)    France
Amethyst Girl Destiny (2020)    USA
Ametistovaya seryozhka (2018)    Ukraine
Amexica (2010)    USA
Amhurst (2008)    USA
Ami du jardin, L' (1999)    France
Ami Fritz, L' (2001)    France
Ami Jones (2005)    USA, Canada
Ami Jones Movie, The (2005)    USA, Canada
Ami Maupassant, L' (1986)    France
Amica geniale, L' (2018)    Italy, USA
Amicae Aeternum (2019)    Canada
Amiche del cuore, Le (1992)    Italy
Amiche mie (2008)    Italy
Amici per la pelle (1955)    Italy, France, Spain
Amico del giaguaro, L' (1959)    Italy
Amico mio (1993)    Italy, Germany
Amico mio 2 (1998)    Italy, Germany
Amigdala (2011)    Italy
Amigo (1980)    Mexico, Spain
Amigo alemán, El (2012)    Germany, Argentina
Amigo Cabron (2017)    Spain
Amigo de Aluguel (2018)    Brazil
Amigo Ernesto (1986)    Bulgaria
Amigo, El (1960)    Argentina
Amigomío (1994)    Argentina, Germany
Amigos son los amigos (1989)    Argentina
Amigos X siempre (2000)    Mexico
Amigos... (2011)    Spain
Amigovios (1995)    Argentina
Amin (2018)    France
Amintiri din copilarie (1965)    Romania
Amintiri din epoca de aur (2009)    Romania, France
Amis de Mimi, Les (2006)    France
Amis de Ninon, Les (1998)    France
Amis publics (2016)    France
Amis, Les (1971)    France
Amish Abduction (2019)    Canada
Amish Grace (2010)    USA
Amish Haunting (2014)    USA
Amissa Anima (2021)    Australia
Amissing Marble (2019)    Australia
Amistad (1997)    USA
Amitiés particulières, Les (1964)    France
Amityville Haunting, The (2011)    USA
Amityville Horror, The (1979)    USA
Amityville Horror, The (2005)    USA
Amityville II: The Possession (1982)    Mexico, USA
Amityville Murders, The (2018)    USA
Amityville: Dollhouse (1996)    USA
Amityville: The Awakening (2017)    USA
Ammini Ammavan (1976)    India
Ammore (2013)    Italy
Amnesia (1997)    USA
AmnesiA (2001)    Netherlands
Amnestia (1982)    Poland
Amnistia (2011)    Albania, Greece, France
Amo non amo (1979)    Italy
Amok (2011)    Germany
Among Ravens (2014)    USA
Among the Cinders (1984)    New Zealand, West Germany
Among the Living (1941)    USA
Among the Missing (1934)    USA
Among Those Present (1921)    USA
Among Us in Real Life (2020)    USA
Amongst Women (1998)    Ireland
Amoo Sibilou (1969)    Iran
Amor a la mexicana (1979)    Mexico
Amor a toda hora (1961)    Argentina
Amor à Vida (2013)    Brazil
Amor de Andrea, El (2023)    Spain
Amor de barrio (2015)    Mexico
Amor de madre (2015)    Peru
Amor de María Isabel, El (1970)    Mexico
Amor de mis amores (2004)    Colombia
Amor del capitán Brando, El (1974)    Spain
Amor e Intrigas (2007)    Brazil
Amor E Ódio (2001)    Brazil
Amor e Revolução (2011)    Brazil
Amor e Traição (1979)    Brazil
Amor en silencio (1988)    Mexico
Amor Estranho Amor (1982)    Brazil
Amor Eterno Amor (2012)    Brazil
Amor gitano (1999)    Mexico
Amor holt sich nasse Füße (1978)    East Germany
Amor letra por letra (2008)    Mexico
Amor Maior (2016)    Portugal
Amor me queda grande, El (2014)    Spain
Amor perjudica seriamente la salud, El (1996)    Spain, France
Amor real (2003)    Mexico
Amor sincero (2010)    Colombia
Amor tiene cara de mujer, El (1971)    Mexico
Amor, curiosidad, prozak y dudas (2001)    Spain
Amore 14 (2009)    Italy
Amore di Màrja, L' (2002)    Italy
Amore difficile, L' (1962)    Italy, West Germany
Amore e chiacchiere (Salviamo il panorama) (1958)    Italy, France, Spain
Amore e la guerra, L' (2007)    Italy
Amore fa male, L' (2011)    Italy
Amore facile (1964)    Italy
Amore grande, amore libero (1976)    Italy
Amore mio (2022)    France
Amore mio (1964)    Italy
Amore molesto, L' (1995)    Italy
Amore more (2022)    Russia
Amore non ha religione, L' (2018)    Italy
Amore, il sole e l'altre stelle, L' (2019)    Italy
Amores de Chucho el Roto, Los (1970)    Mexico
Amores de Kafka, Los (1988)    Argentina, Czechoslovakia
Amores difíciles (1988)    Spain
Amores perros (2000)    Mexico
Amores verdaderos (2012)    Mexico
Amori elementari (2014)    Italy, Russia
Amori, letti e tradimenti (1975)    Italy
Amorosa: The Revenge (2012)    Philippines
Amors baller (2011)    Norway
Amos 'n Andy Show, The (1951)    USA
Amour & confusions (1997)    France
Amour (presque) parfait, L' (2022)    France
Amour avec un grand A, L' (1986)    Canada
Amour braque, L' (1985)    France
Amour dans le désordre, L' (1997)    France
Amour du Monde, L' (2023)    France, Switzerland, Portugal
Amour en herbe, L' (1977)    France
Amour en jeu, L' (2011)    France
Amour est un jeu d'enfant, L' (1994)    France
Amour fou (1993)    France
Amour noir, L' (1998)    France
Amour nu, L' (1981)    France
Amour ou presque, L' (1985)    France
Amour sur un fil, L' (2000)    France
Amour tagué, L' (1995)    France
Amour, c'est mieux à deux, L' (2010)    France
Amour, L' (1990)    France
Amoureuses, Les (2015)    Belgium
Amoureux, Les (1994)    France
Amours de Bastien et Bastienne, Les (2008)    France
Amours de la belle époque, Les (1979)    France
Amours des années 50, Les (1984)    France
Amours des années folles, Les (1980)    France
Amours vertes, Les (2016)    France
Amphibia (2019)    USA, South Korea
Amphibious 3D (2010)    Netherlands, Indonesia, United Kingdom
Amreeka (2009)    USA, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Kuwait, Jordan
Amsterdam Krimi, Der (2018)    Germany
Amsterdamned (1988)    Netherlands
Amt, Das (1997)    Germany
Amulanga (1987)    Soviet Union
Amulet (2010)    Canada
Amun (2017)    Russia
Amundsen (2019)    Norway, Sweden, Czech Republic
Amundsen der Pinguin (2003)    Germany
Amusement (2008)    USA
Amy (1981)    USA
Amy (1997)    Australia
Amy & Isabelle (2001)    USA
Amy Fisher Story, The (1993)    USA
Amy George (2011)    Canada
Amy Makes Three (2016)    USA
Amy Prentiss (1974)    USA
Amy's Brother (2017)    USA
Amyu. L'armée des hommes-guêpes (2010)    France
An Angel for Christmas (1996)    Canada
An Assortment of Christmas Tales in No Particular Order (2019)    Canada
An Cailín Ciúin (2022)    Ireland
An Cosc (2009)    Ireland
An Créatúr (2007)    Ireland
An Cuainín (2003)    Ireland
An der Donau, wenn der Wein blüht (1965)    Austria, West Germany
An Easter Tale (1996)    Canada
An einem Freitag um halb zwölf (1961)    West Germany, France, Italy
An Insignificant Harvey (2011)    Canada
An Insignificant Man (2012)    Canada
An jedem Finger zehn (1954)    West Germany
An Ocean Blue (2019)    Argentina
An Officer and a Murderer (2012)    Canada
An Teanga Runda (2006)    Ireland
Ana (2020)    USA, Puerto Rico
Ana (2008)    Mexico
Ana (2021)    Romania, USA
Ana (1955)    Brazil
Ana (1982)    Portugal
Ana E os Sete (2003)    Portugal
Ana Glamour (2009)    Mexico
Ana Nojoom bent alasherah wamotalagah (2014)    Yemen
Ana Tramel. El juego (2021)    Spain
Ana y los 7 (2002)    Spain
Ana y los lobos (1973)    Spain
Ana y los otros (2003)    Argentina
Ana y Mateo (2009)    Argentina
Anaar Daana (2024)    India
Anaavarnam (1976)    India
Anachronism, The (2008)    Canada
Anagramas (2014)    Argentina
Anak (2000)    Philippines
Anak badjao (1987)    Philippines
Anak ng bulkan (1997)    Philippines, USA
Anak-anak Tak Beribu (1980)    Indonesia
Analog Rainbow (2020)    USA
Analyze This (1999)    USA, Australia
Anamika (1973)    India
Ananas, Les (1913)    France
Anantaram (1987)    India
Anaphylaction (2013)    Canada
Anarchist's Wife, The (2008)    Germany, Spain, France
Anarchy TV (1998)    USA
Anarekli (1974)    Soviet Union
Anass (2005)    Netherlands
Anastasia (1997)    USA
Anastasia: Once Upon a Time (2019)    USA
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986)    USA, Austria, Italy
Anata no jinsei ohakobishimasu (2003)    Japan
Anathema (2012)    United Kingdom
Anatole (2011)    Netherlands
Anatole (1998)    Canada
Anatomie d'une chute (2023)    France
Anatomie de l'enfer (2004)    France
Anatomie zivota (2021)    Czech Republic
Anatomiya dlya detey (2006)    Russia
Anatomiya ubiystva (2019)    Russia
Anatomy of a Frog, The (2007)    USA
Anatomy of a Hate Crime (2001)    USA
Anatomy of a Seduction (1979)    USA
Anatomy of a Sunbeam (2013)    Canada
Anatomy of an Accident (1961)    USA
Anatomy of Hope (2009)    USA
Anbessa (2019)    Italy, Ethiopia, USA
Anche libero va bene (2006)    Italy
Anche se volessi lavorare, che faccio? (1972)    Italy
Anchieta, José do Brasil (1977)    Brazil
Anchor Baby (2020)    China
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013)    USA
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)    USA
Anchors Aweigh (1945)    USA
Anciens de Saint-Loup, Les (1950)    France
Ancient Lights (2012)    Canada
Ancient Mariner, The (1925)    USA
Anclados (2015)    Spain
Âncora (2023)    Portugal
Ancora una volta... a Venezia (1975)    Italy
Ancre de miséricorde, L' (1977)    France
And Baby Makes Three (1949)    USA
And Brother Makes Three (2013)    USA
And God Created Woman (1988)    USA
And How! (1927)    USA
And I Alone Survived (1978)    USA
And Mother Makes Three (1971)    United Kingdom
And Now Miguel (1953)    USA
And Now Miguel (1966)    USA
And Now Tomorrow (1944)    USA
And One Was Beautiful (1940)    USA
And Quiet Flows the Don (2006)    United Kingdom, Russia
And Should We Die (1966)    USA
And So It Goes (2014)    USA
And So They Were Married (1936)    USA
And So to Bentley (1954)    United Kingdom
And Sudden Death (1936)    USA
And the Angels Sing (1944)    USA
And the Children Shall Lead (1985)    USA
And the Tiara Goes To... (2015)    USA
And the Winner Is... (2018)    Canada
And Then Came Love (2007)    USA
And Then Came Summer (2000)    USA
And Then I Go (2017)    USA
And Then She Was Gone (2008)    USA
And Then There Was Eve (2017)    USA
And Then There Was One (1994)    Canada, USA
And They All Lived Happily After (1981)    USA
And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street (1944)    USA
And When Did You Last See Your Father? (2007)    United Kingdom, Ireland
And Women Shall Weep (1960)    United Kingdom
And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird (1991)    USA
And, Apart (2015)    USA
And, Scene! (2019)    USA
And? (2012)    USA
Andando Nas Nuvens (1999)    Brazil
Andel (2011)    Czech Republic
Andel na horách (1955)    Czechoslovakia
Andel Páne 2 (2016)    Czech Republic
Andelské oci (1994)    Czech Republic
Ander zijn geluk, Een (2005)    Belgium, Netherlands
Andere Hälfte des Glücks, Die (2007)    Germany
Andere Junge, Der (2007)    Germany
Andere Lächeln, Das (1978)    West Germany
Andere Seite, Die (2005)    Germany
Andere Tijden (2000)    Netherlands
Anderland (1980)    West Germany
Anders (2017)    Netherlands
Andersen. Zhizn bez lyubvi (2006)    Russia, Italy, Germany
Anderson and Company (1969)    USA
Anderson Tapes, The (1971)    USA
Andersonville (1996)    USA
Andersrum (2005)    Germany
Anderssonskans Kalle (1950)    Sweden
Anderssonskans Kalle (1934)    Sweden
Anderssonskans Kalle (1972)    Sweden
Anderssonskans Kalle (1922)    Sweden
Anderssonskans Kalle i busform (1973)    Sweden
Anderssonskans Kalle på nya upptåg (1923)    Sweden
Anderusen dôwa ningyo-hime (1975)    Japan, West Germany, Singapore, Netherlands
Andes Mágicos (2019)    Uruguay, Germany
Andet Valg, Et (2021)    Denmark
Andhadhun (2018)    India
Andi Mack (2017)    USA
Andið eðlilega (2018)    Iceland, Sweden, Belgium
Andílek na nervy (2015)    Czech Republic
Andjele moj dragi (1996)    Croatia
Andjeo cuvar (1987)    Yugoslavia
Andor (2022)    USA
Andoromedia (1998)    Japan
Andorra ou les hommes d'Airain (1942)    France
Andover (2017)    USA
Andra sidan (2020)    Sweden
Andre (1994)    USA
André Cornélis (1918)    France
Andre folks børn (1958)    Denmark
André Valente (2004)    Portugal
Andrea (2010)    Mexico
Andremo in città (1966)    Italy, Yugoslavia
Andrés no quiere dormir la siesta (2009)    Argentina
Andrew (2011)    USA
Andrew the Pirate (2005)    USA
Andrew's Alteration (2004)    USA
Andrey Rublyov (1966)    Soviet Union
Andreyka (2012)    Russia
Andreyka (1958)    Soviet Union
Andriesh (1954)    Soviet Union
Andrius (1980)    Soviet Union
Andro-Jäger, Der (1982)    West Germany
Android Employed (2017)    Canada
Andromeda (2000)    Canada, USA
Andropoz (2022)    Turkey
Andryusha (1992)    Germany, Russia
Andy (2012)    New Zealand
Andy and the Band (2020)    United Kingdom
Andy Barker, P.I. (2007)    USA
Andy Colby's Incredible Adventure (1988)    USA
Andy Dick Show, The (2001)    USA
Andy Griffith Show, The (1960)    USA
Andy Hardy Comes Home (1958)    USA
Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever (1939)    USA
Andy Hardy Meets Debutante (1940)    USA
Andy Hardy's Double Life (1942)    USA
Andy in Hollywood (1925)    USA
Andy Learns to Swim (1914)    USA
Andy Nose His Onions (1927)    USA
Andy Richter Controls the Universe (2002)    USA
Andy Takes a Flyer (1925)    USA
Andy the Talking Hedgehog (2018)    USA
Andy's Hat in the Ring (1924)    USA
Andy's Lion Tale (1925)    USA
Andy's Stump Speech (1924)    USA
Andy's Temptation (1924)    USA
Ane culotte, L' (1967)    France
Âne de Buridan, L' (1932)    France
Anechka (2013)    Russia
Anello matrimoniale, L' (1979)    Italy, Spain
Anémone (2006)    Belgium
Anesthesia (2015)    USA
Aneta (1995)    Czech Republic
Anfängerin, Die (2017)    Germany
Ang agimat ni Pepe (1979)    Philippines
Ang akusado (1995)    Philippines
Ang babaeng hinugot sa aking tadyang (2009)    Philippines
Ang babaeng nawawala sa sarili (1989)    Philippines
Ang darling kong aswang (2009)    Philippines
Ang galit ko'y... sumagad sa laman, tumagos sa buto (1986)    Philippines
Ang guro kong 'di marunong magbasa (2017)    Philippines
Ang himala ni Niño (2024)    Philippines
Ang iibigin ay ikaw (2002)    Philippines
Ang katiwala (2012)    Philippines
Ang kuya kong siga (1993)    Philippines
Ang lahat ng ito'y para sa'yo (1998)    Philippines
Ang lalaking nagmahal sa akin (2009)    Philippines
Ang leon at ang daga (1975)    Philippines
Ang lihim ni Antonio (2008)    Philippines
Ang nerseri (2009)    Philippines
Ang pagbabalik ni Harabas at Bulilit (1977)    Philippines
Ang pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros (2005)    Philippines
Ang panday (2017)    Philippines
Ang panday 2 (2011)    Philippines
Ang probinsyano (2015)    Philippines
Ang tanging ina (2003)    Philippines
Ang tanging ina n'yong lahat (2008)    Philippines
Ang tangke (2010)    Philippines
Ang tatay kong nanay (1978)    Philippines
Ang teksas at ang labuyo (1977)    Philippines
Ang tipo kong lalake (Maginoo pero medyo...) (1995)    Philippines
Ang titser kong pogi (1995)    Philippines
Ang TV Movie: The Adarna Adventure (1996)    Philippines
Ang.: Lone (1970)    Denmark
Angaaray (1998)    India
Angarey (1954)    India
Ange foudroyé, L' (1983)    France
Ange gardien, L' (1942)    France
Ange qu'on m'a donné, L' (1946)    France
Ange tombé du ciel, L' (1999)    France
Ángel (2002)    Spain
Ángel (2007)    Puerto Rico
Angel (2011)    Russia
Angel (2018)    USA
Angel (1999)    USA
Angel (2021)    USA
Angel (1960)    USA
Angel 'n' Devil (2014)    Taiwan
Angel and the Bad Man (2009)    Canada, USA
Angel and the Badman (1947)    USA
Angel at My Table, An (1990)    New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, USA
Angel Baby (1995)    Australia
Angel Cake (2006)    United Kingdom
Angel City (1980)    USA
Angel Comes to Brooklyn, An (1945)    USA
Ángel de fuego (1992)    Mexico
Angel Doll, The (2002)    USA
Angel Dusted (1981)    USA
Ángel exterminador, El (1962)    Mexico
Angel Eyes (1927)    USA
Angel Eyes (2001)    USA
Angel Falls (1993)    USA
Angel Falls: A Novel Holiday (2019)    USA
Angel Flight Down (1996)    USA
Angel for May, An (2002)    United Kingdom
Angel from Texas, An (1940)    USA
Angel Heart (2015)    Japan
Angel ili demon (2013)    Russia
Angel in Exile (1948)    USA
Angel in My Pocket (1969)    USA
Angel in the Family (2004)    USA
Angel in Training (1999)    USA
Angel na dorogakh (2004)    Russia
Angel na obochinye (2004)    Russia
Ángel o demonio (2011)    Spain
Angel of Broadway, The (1927)    USA
Angel of Chilside Road, The (2004)    Canada, USA
Angel of Death (1990)    USA
Angel of Death, The (2013)    USA
Angel of Hope (2011)    USA
Angel of Mine (2019)    Australia, USA
Angel of Mine (2010)    USA
Angel of Notre Dame, The (2015)    Bulgaria
Angel of Pennsylvania Avenue, The (1996)    USA, Canada
Angel on Abbey Street (1999)    Canada, USA
Angel on My Shoulder (1946)    USA
Angel on My Shoulder (1980)    USA
Angel Square (1990)    Canada
Angel Street (1992)    USA
Angel Tears (2014)    USA
Angel Tree, The (2020)    Canada
Angel Voices: Libera in Concert (2007)    USA, United Kingdom
Angel Wishes: Journey of a Spiritual Healer (2009)    USA
Angel's Holiday (1937)    USA
Angel, The (2018)    Israel, United Kingdom, Egypt
Angel-khranitel (2006)    Ukraine
Angel-khranitel (2019)    Russia
Angela (1995)    USA
Angela Anaconda (2000)    Canada, USA
Angela Anaconda (1999)    Canada, USA
Angela's Ashes (1999)    USA, Ireland
Angela's Eyes (2006)    USA
Angelas krig (1984)    Finland, Sweden, West Germany
Ängelby (2015)    Sweden
Angèle et Tony (2010)    France
Ángeles blancos (1990)    Mexico
Angeles Perdidos (2006)    Puerto Rico
Ángeles S.A. (2007)    Spain
Ángeles sin cielo (2009)    Spain
Ángeles sin paraíso (1992)    Mexico
Ángeles y querubines (1972)    Mexico
Ángeles, Los (1990)    Spain, France, Switzerland, Belgium
Angeli senza paradiso (1970)    Italy
Angelic Voices: The Choristers of Salisbury Cathedral (2012)    United Kingdom
Angélica (1985)    Mexico
Angelica: Sugo Sa Lupa (1987)    Philippines
Angélika (1959)    Brazil
Angelina (2015)    USA
Angelina Dreams (2008)    USA
Angelina Jordan: Back to Black (2016)    Norway
Angelina Jordan: Here Comes the Sun (2016)    Norway
Angelina Jordan: I Put A Spell on You (2016)    Norway
Angelina Jordan: Million Miles (2021)    Norway
Angelina Jordan: Million Miles (2020)    Norway
Angelina Jordan: Million Miles (Live) (2020)    Norway
Angelina Jordan: Shield (2019)    Norway
Angelina Jordan: What Is Life (2020)    Norway
Angelina Jordan: When You're Smiling (2017)    Norway
Angélique, marquise des anges (1964)    France, Italy, West Germany
Angelita... Ako ang iyong ina (1979)    Philippines
Angelito mío (1998)    Puerto Rico
Angelitos del trapecio (1959)    Mexico
Angelmaker (1998)    USA
Angelman (2023)    France
Angelo (2018)    Austria, Luxembourg
Angelo custode, L' (1984)    Italy, France
Angelo dei muri, L' (2022)    Italy
Angelo del miracolo, L' (1945)    Italy
Angelo My Love (1983)    USA
Angelochek (1992)    Russia
Angelochek sdelay radost (1993)    Turkmenistan
Angels (1975)    United Kingdom
Angels (2011)    USA
Angels & Demons (2009)    USA, Italy
Angels and Demons (2014)    USA
Angels and Insects (1995)    United Kingdom, USA
Angels Fallen (2020)    USA
Angels in Stardust (2014)    USA
Angels in the Attic (1998)    USA
Angels in the Dust (2007)    South Africa
Angels in the Endzone (1997)    USA, Canada
Angels in the Infield (2000)    USA
Angels in the Outfield (1994)    USA
Angels in the Outfield (1951)    USA
Angels in the Snow (2015)    USA
Angels Never Cry (2019)    Iceland
Angels Of Our Past (2018)    United Kingdom
Angels Sing (2013)    USA
Ängels tålamod, En (2001)    Sweden
Angels Wash Their Faces (1939)    USA
Angels with Dirty Faces (1938)    USA
Angels with Dirty Spaces (2007)    USA
Angels' Alley (1948)    USA
Angeltown (2016)    USA
Angelus (2000)    Poland
Angelus (2014)    United Kingdom, Italy, Spain
Angelus Novus (2015)    Netherlands
Angely smerti (1993)    Russia, France
Angely v rayu (1993)    Russia, France
Angely voyny (2012)    Ukraine
Anger Management (2012)    USA
Anger Management (2003)    USA
Anges gardiens, Les (1995)    France
Anghel na walang langit (1994)    Philippines
Anghel sa lupa (2003)    Philippines
Angie (1979)    USA
Angie (2006)    Germany
Angie (1994)    USA
Angie (2007)    France
Angie Tribeca (2016)    USA
Änglagård - Tredje gången gillt (2010)    Sweden
Änglavakt (2010)    Sweden
Angle mort, L' (2019)    France
Anglers (2015)    France
Angličtina (1988)    Czechoslovakia
Anglo Saxon Attitudes (1992)    United Kingdom
Angolský deník lékařky (1984)    Czechoslovakia
Angriest Man in Brooklyn, The (2014)    USA
Angriest Man in Suburbia, The (2006)    USA
Angry Birds (2016)    USA, Finland
Angry Birds Movie 2, The (2019)    Finland, USA
Angry Boys (2011)    Australia, USA, United Kingdom
Angry Ghost (2006)    USA
Angry Kelly (2014)    USA
Angry Kid (2013)    China
Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie (2014)    USA
Angst (2017)    Germany
Angst (1994)    Germany
Angst - Die schwache Stunde einer Frau (1928)    Germany
Angst in meinem Kopf (2018)    Germany
Angst vor der Angst (1975)    West Germany
Angst wird bleiben, Die (1992)    Germany
Anguish (2015)    USA
Angus (1995)    USA, United Kingdom, Germany, France
Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging (2008)    USA, Germany, United Kingdom
Angustia fatal (1993)    Mexico
Angyalbörben (1990)    Hungary
Angyali üdvözlet (1984)    Hungary
Anh Em Siêu Quây (2017)    Vietnam
Anh Thay Ngoi Sao (2019)    Vietnam
Ani (2019)    New Zealand
Ani málo, ani moc (1999)    Czech Republic
Ani Ohev Otach Rosa (1972)    Israel
Ani svatí ani andelé (2001)    Czech Republic
Anibal (2000)    France
Anibâsarî (2016)    Japan
Anicka jde do skoly (1962)    Czechoslovakia
Aniela (2009)    Romania
Aniki (1933)    Japan
Aniki Bóbó (1942)    Portugal
Anillos de oro (1983)    Spain
Ánima (2011)    Spain
Anima (2013)    Australia
Anima nera (1962)    Italy, France
Anima persa (1977)    Italy, France
Animal (2017)    France
Animal Ark (1997)    United Kingdom
Animal Catchers (1927)    USA
Animal Crackers (2017)    USA, Spain, China, South Korea
Animal Kingdom (2016)    USA
Animal Kingdom (2010)    Australia
Animal Mechanicals (2008)    Canada
Animal Miracles (2001)    Canada
Animal político (2016)    Brazil
Animal Practice (2012)    USA
Animal Security (2019)    Canada
Animal Shelf (1997)    USA
Animal Witness (2008)    USA
Animal Wow: Dogs Wow Dogs (2005)    USA
Animal, The (2001)    USA
Animales en peligro (2004)    Mexico
Animalki (1988)    Poland
Animals with the Tollkeeper (1998)    USA
Animals. (2016)    USA
Animaniacs (1993)    USA, Japan
Animated Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The (1998)    USA, Canada
Animated Storytime (2022)    USA
Animated Tales of the World (2000)    USA
Animation (2020)    Russia
Anime (2017)    Canada
Anime Crimes Division (2017)    USA, Japan
Animorphs (1998)    Canada, USA
Animus (2013)    USA
Anina (2013)    Uruguay, Colombia
Anino't panaginip: The Hidden Chapters of Imortal (2010)    Philippines
Aniskin i Fantomas (1974)    Soviet Union
Anisoara (2016)    Germany, Moldova
Anita & Me (2002)    United Kingdom
Aniversário (2000)    Portugal
Anja & Anton (1998)    Germany
Anja & Viktor (2001)    Denmark
Anja, Bine und der Totengräber (1998)    Germany
Anjaana Anjaani (2010)    India
Anjaane: The Unkown (2005)    India
Anjane Mein (1978)    India
Anjo Caído (2001)    Portugal
Anjo Meu (2011)    Portugal
Anjo Selvagem (2001)    Portugal
Anjos do Sol (2006)    Brazil
Anka (2017)    Croatia
Anka s Moldavanki (2015)    Russia
Anke (2000)    Germany
Ankeisen joulutervehdys (2017)    Finland
Ankhen (1968)    India
Ankhiyon Ke Jharokhon Se (1978)    India
Anklaget (2005)    Denmark
Anma to onna (1938)    Japan
Anmäld försvunnen (1995)    Sweden
Ann Sothern Show, The (1958)    USA
Ann Vickers (1933)    USA
Anna (2015)    France, Colombia
Anna (2016)    USA
Anna (2014)    Russia
Anna (2015)    Israel
Anna (1987)    USA
Anna (2021)    Italy, France, USA
Anna (2009)    Denmark
Anna (1951)    Italy, France
Anna (1970)    Finland, Sweden
Anna (2008)    Netherlands
Anna - annA (1992)    Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg
Anna - Im Banne des Bösen (1995)    Germany
Anna ; Title Song Fabula (2016)    Netherlands
Anna and Sloane Go to the Beach (2020)    USA
Anna and the King (1999)    USA
Anna and the King (1972)    USA
Anna and the King of Siam (1946)    USA
Anna Christie (1930)    USA
Anna dei miracoli (1968)    Italy
Anna e i cinque (2008)    Italy
Anna et Jérôme (2012)    USA, France
Anna German (2012)    Russia, Ukraine
Anna German. Ekho lyubvi (2011)    Russia
Anna Göldin, letzte Hexe (1991)    Germany, Switzerland
Anna i tayna nochi (2022)    Russia
Anna Karamazoff (1991)    Soviet Union, France
Anna Karenina (1996)    Philippines
Anna Karenina (2012)    United Kingdom
Anna Karenina (1977)    United Kingdom
Anna Karenina (1948)    United Kingdom
Anna Karenina (2017)    Russia
Anna Karenina (2000)    United Kingdom
Anna Karenina (1985)    USA
Anna Karenina (1967)    Soviet Union
Anna Karenina (1935)    USA
Anna Karenina (1961)    United Kingdom
Anna Karenina (2013)    Philippines
Anna Karenina (1974)    Italy
Anna Karenina (1997)    USA
Anna Karenina. Istoriya Vronskogo (2017)    Russia
Anna Liisa (1945)    Finland
Anna Lovenstein (2010)    France
Anna M. (2007)    France
Anna Maria - Eine Frau geht ihren Weg (1994)    Germany
Anna Nicole (2013)    USA
Anna Nicole (2007)    USA
Anna Nicole (2019)    USA
Anna ot 6 do 18 (1994)    Russia, France
Anna Pavlova (1983)    Soviet Union, East Germany, Cuba, France, United Kingdom
Anna Pihl (2006)    Denmark
Anna proletárka (1980)    Czechoslovakia
Anna to the Infinite Power (1983)    USA
Anna Wunder (2000)    Switzerland, Germany
Anna's Dream (2002)    USA
Anna's Storm (2007)    USA, Canada
Anna, 3 kilos 2 (2003)    France
Anna, Ciro e compagnia (1982)    Italy
Anna, Frau (2006)    Germany, United Kingdom
Anna, quel particolare piacere (1973)    Italy
Anna, sestra Jany (1976)    Czechoslovakia
Anna-detektiv (2016)    Russia, Ukraine
Annabel Takes a Tour (1938)    USA
Annabelle (2014)    USA
Annabelle & Bear (2010)    USA
Annabelle Comes Home (2019)    USA
Annabelle Hooper and the Ghosts of Nantucket (2016)    USA
Annabelle's Wish (1997)    USA
Annabelle: Creation (2017)    USA
Annaliza (2013)    Philippines
Annan värld, En (2019)    Sweden
Annas Alptraum kurz nach 6 (2007)    Germany
Annas Geheimnis (2008)    Germany
Annas Heimkehr (2003)    Germany, Austria
Annas Mutter (1984)    West Germany
Annas zweite Chance (2009)    Austria, Germany
Anne (2016)    Turkey
Anne Babamla Evlensene (2002)    Turkey
Anne Dark (2017)    USA
Anne Frank Remembered (1995)    United Kingdom, USA, Netherlands
Anne Frank: The Whole Story (2001)    USA, Czech Republic
Anne Le Guen (1995)    France
Anne no nikki (1983)    Japan
Anne of Avonlea (1975)    United Kingdom
Anne of Green Gables (1985)    Canada, West Germany, USA
Anne of Green Gables (1952)    United Kingdom
Anne of Green Gables (2016)    Canada
Anne of Green Gables (1934)    USA
Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning (2008)    Canada
Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series (2000)    Canada
Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel (1987)    Canada, USA, United Kingdom
Anne of the Thousand Days (1969)    United Kingdom
Anne of Windy Poplars (1940)    USA
Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches (2023)    USA
Anne Trister (1986)    Canada
Anne Vliegt (2011)    Netherlands
Anne with an E (2017)    Canada
Anne-Liese von Dessau, Die (1925)    Germany
Annedroids (2013)    USA
Année de l'éveil, L' (1991)    Belgium, France
Année de mes sept ans, L' (2003)    France
Année des grandes filles, L' (2002)    France
Année du certif, L' (1996)    France
Année prochaine... si tout va bien, L' (1981)    France
Années campagne, Les (1992)    France
Années de rêves, Les (1984)    Canada
Années lycée: Petites, Les (1997)    France
Années perdues, Les (2015)    France
Années sandwiches, Les (1988)    France
Années Super-8, Les (2022)    France
Annemizi Saklarken (2021)    Turkey
Anner House (2007)    Ireland, South Africa
Annette im Paradies (1934)    Czechoslovakia, Germany
Annexe, L' (1993)    France
Anni 90 (1992)    Italy
Anni felici (2013)    Italy, France
Anni tahtoo äidin (1989)    Finland
Annie (1999)    USA
Annie (1982)    USA
Annie (2015)    United Kingdom
Annie (2011)   
Annie (2014)    USA
Annie Claus Is Coming to Town (2011)    USA
Annie Get Your Gun (1957)    USA
Annie Get Your Gun (1967)    USA
Annie Get Your Gun (1950)    USA
Annie Laurie (1927)    USA
Annie LeBlanc & Hayden Summerall: Little Do You Know (2017)    USA
Annie LeBlanc feat. Brooke Butler & Hayden Summerall: Birds of a Feather (2017)    USA
Annie LeBlanc: Don't Keep Me Guessing (2018)    USA
Annie LeBlanc: It's Gonna Snow (2018)    USA
Annie LeBlanc: Little Things (2018)    USA
Annie LeBlanc: Love at First Sight (2018)    USA
Annie LeBlanc: Ordinary Girl (2017)    USA
Annie LeBlanc: Photograph (2017)    USA
Annie LeBlanc: Picture This (2018)    USA
Annie LeBlanc: Somebody's Heart (2018)    USA
Annie LeBlanc: Stay (2018)    USA
Annie LeBlanc: Utopia (2019)    USA
Annie LeBlanc: Your Hands (2018)    USA
Annie MG (2010)    Netherlands
Annie Oakley (1935)    USA
Annie Oakley (1954)    USA
Annie vs Hayley (2019)    USA
Annie Was a Wonder (1949)    USA
Annie's Garden (1997)    USA
Annie's Point (2005)    USA
Annie: A Royal Adventure! (1995)    USA
Annihilator (1986)    USA
Anniversary Party, The (2001)    USA
Anniversary Trouble (1935)    USA
Anniversary, The (2011)    USA
Anniversary, The (2003)    USA
Annny Minute Now (2019)    USA
Anno 1790 (2011)    Sweden
Anno 2020 - I gladiatori del futuro (1982)    Italy
Annonce, L' (2017)    France
Annonce, L' (2015)    France
Annual Taylor Family Thanksgiving Day Ping Pong Tournament, The (2017)    USA
Annushka (1959)    Soviet Union
Annushka (2009)    Russia
Annyeong, hyeonga (2005)    South Korea
Annyeong? Naya! (2021)    South Korea
Ano ba 'yan 2 (1993)    Philippines
Ano ba iyan? (1992)    Philippines
Ano bang meron ka? (2001)    Philippines
Año de las luces, El (1986)    Spain
Ano hi mita hana no namae wo boku wa shiranai (2015)    Japan
Ano michi kono michi (1936)    Japan
Ano natsu no hi (1999)    Japan
Ano sora wo oboeteru (2008)    Japan
Año uña (2007)    Mexico
Anoche soñé contigo (1992)    Mexico
Anoko wa kizoku (2020)    Japan
Anomalia (2016)    Switzerland
Anomaliya (2017)    Russia
Anomaly (2016)    USA
Anomaly, The (2014)    United Kingdom
Anomalyst, The (2020)    USA
Anon (2018)    Germany, USA, Canada
Anon. Trailer Music II (2016)    Australia
Anoniem (2023)    Netherlands
Anonyma - Eine Frau in Berlin (2008)    Germany, Poland
Anonymous (2011)    United Kingdom, Germany, USA
Anonymous (2011)    USA
Anonymous Killers (2020)    USA
Anonymous Rex (2004)    USA
Anonymous Sister (2021)    USA
Anoop and the Elephant (1972)    United Kingdom
Anorexia mentalis (1991)    Czechoslovakia
Años del silencio, Los (2010)    Spain
Another April (1974)    USA
Another Assembly (2014)    USA
Another Bad Creation: I Don't Wanna Be Grown Up (1993)    USA
Another Bad Creation: Iesha (1990)    USA
Another Bad Creation: Jealous Girl (1991)    USA
Another Bad Creation: My World (1991)    USA
Another Bad Creation: Playground (1991)    USA
Another Bad Creation: Where's Ya Little Sista? (1993)    USA
Another Cinderella Story (2008)    USA, Canada
Another Country (1984)    United Kingdom
Another Day (1978)    USA
Another Day in Paradise (1998)    USA
Another Dirty Movie (2012)    USA
Another Face (2012)    Japan
Another Face: Keiji Sômuka Ohtomo Tetsu 2 (2013)    Japan
Another Fine Mess (1930)    USA
Another Happy Day (2011)    USA
Another Harvest Moon (2010)    USA
Another Life (2019)    USA
Another Me (2013)    United Kingdom, Spain
Another Mother's Son (2017)    United Kingdom
Another Perfect Stranger (2007)    USA
Another Period (2013)    USA
Another Silence (2011)    France, Argentina, Canada, Brazil
Another Tango (2018)    USA
Another Time (2018)    USA
Another Time, Another Place (1958)    United Kingdom
Another Way (2015)    USA
Another Woman's Child (1983)    USA
Another Woman's Husband (2000)    USA
Another World (1964)    USA
Anrheiner, Die (1998)    Germany
Anselm - Das Rauschen der Zeit (2023)    Germany
Ansichten eines Clowns (1976)    West Germany
Anson and Lorrie (1981)    USA
Answer, The (2011)    USA
Answer, The (2015)    India
Answer, The (1918)    USA
Answered Prayers (2015)    USA
Answers (2013)    USA
Answers to Nothing (2011)    USA
Ant Bully, The (2006)    USA
Ant Bully, The (2006)    USA
Ant Farm, The (2017)    USA
Ant-Man (2015)    USA
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)    USA
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)    USA, Australia, Canada
Antagonists, The (1991)    USA
Antboy (2013)    Denmark
Antboy 3 (2016)    Denmark
Antboy: Den Røde Furies hævn (2014)    Denmark, Germany
Ante (1976)    Norway
Antebellum (2020)    USA
Antebody (2005)    USA
Antena, La (2007)    Argentina
Antero Varovainen ja Onnenkivi (2023)    Finland, Latvia
Antes del estreno (2010)    Argentina
Antes muerta que Lichita (2015)    Mexico
Antes que cante el gallo (2016)    Puerto Rico
Anthem (2007)    USA
Anthony Adverse (1936)    USA
Anthony has died now (2020)    Switzerland
Anthrax (2001)    Canada
Anti (2016)    Denmark
Anti Bullying Campaign (2013)    USA
Anti-Smoking PSA (2010)    USA
Anticasanova (1985)    Yugoslavia, United Kingdom
Antidisturbios (2020)    Spain
Antigone (1965)    West Germany
Antikörper (2005)    Germany
Antilopot (2014)    Israel
Antiman (2014)    Singapore, Guyana
Antique Heroes (2021)   
Antisocial (2013)    Canada
Antisocial 2 (2015)    Canada
Antitrust (2001)    USA
Antman, The (2002)    Germany
Antoine (1996)    France
Antoine (2008)    Canada
Antoine et Julie (1981)    France
Antoine Rives, juge du terrorisme (1993)    France
Antoine, chef de bande (1948)    France
Antoinette (2014)    Canada
Antologia del miedo (1968)    Mexico
Anton (2014)    Netherlands
Anton (1996)    Denmark
Anton der Zauberer (1978)    East Germany
Anton, der Letzte (1939)    Austria, Germany
Antonella (1991)    Argentina
Antonello Venditti: Alta marea (1990)    Italy
Antonia (1995)    Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, France
Antonieta (1982)    France, Mexico, Spain
Antonio (2013)    Brazil
Antonio and the Mayor (1975)    USA
Antonio Vivaldi, un prince à Venise (2006)    France
Antonyho sance (1986)    Czechoslovakia
Antropología (2013)    Spain
Antrum: The Deadliest Film Ever Made (2018)    Canada
Ants, The (2017)    USA
Antti Puuhaara (1976)    Finland
Antwone Fisher (2002)    USA
Antychryst (2002)    Poland
Anubis - De Toorn van Balor (2011)    Belgium
Anubis en de wraak van Arghus (2009)    Belgium
Anugraham (1977)    India
Anuja (2024)    USA
Anuvahood (2011)    United Kingdom
Anwalt Abel (1988)    West Germany
Anwalt und sein Gast, Der (2003)    Germany
Anwalt, Der (1976)    West Germany
Anwälte, Die (2008)    Germany
Any Day (2015)    USA
Any Day Now (1998)    USA
Any Given Sunday (1999)    USA
Any Human Heart (2010)    United Kingdom
Any Minute Now (2013)    United Kingdom
Any Number Can Play (1949)    USA
Any Old Count (1928)    USA
Any Old Port (1920)    USA
Any Place But Home (1997)    USA
Any Time (2015)    Canada, USA
Any Way the Wind Blows (2003)    Belgium
Anya's Bell (1999)    USA
Anybody's Nightmare (2001)    United Kingdom
Anything But Christmas (2012)    USA
Anything But Christmas (2021)    USA
Anything But Love (1989)    USA
Anything for Jackson (2020)    Canada
Anything for Laughs (1985)    USA
Anything for Love (1985)    USA
Anything for Love (2016)    Canada
Anything for You (2010)    USA
Anything Goes (1936)    USA
Anything Goes (1956)    USA
Anything Helps (2017)    USA
Anything Is Possible (2013)    USA
Anything to Survive (1990)    Canada, USA
Anything's Possible (1999)    USA
Anyutiny glazki (2019)    Russia
Anyutyna doroga (1968)    Soviet Union
Anywhere But Here (1999)    USA
Anywhere with You (2018)    France, USA
Anywhere, U.S.A. (2017)    USA
Anywhere, USA (2008)    USA
Anzhelika (2014)    Russia
Anzhelika Varum: Vavilon (1991)    Soviet Union
Ao no hono-o (2003)    Japan
Ao Redor do Brasil (1932)    Brazil
Ao to shiro de mizuiro (2001)    Japan
Ao-Natsu: Kimi ni Koi Shita 30-Nichi (2018)    Japan
Aoba no yume (1936)    Japan
Aogeba tôtoshi (2006)    Japan
Aoi Hane Mitsuketa! Sagashitemiyo Mijika na Tori-tachi (2021)    Japan
Aoi tokugawa sandai (2000)    Japan
Aoi tori (1997)    Japan
Aoi tori (2008)    Japan
AOK (2016)    USA
Aoki Ôkami: chi hate umi tsukiru made (2007)    Japan
Æon Flux (2005)    USA
Aozora ni naku (1932)    Japan
Apa (1966)    Hungary
Apa khabar orang kampung (2007)    Malaysia
Apache (1954)    USA
Apache Drums (1951)    USA
Apache Kid's Escape, The (1930)    USA
Apache Raider, The (1928)    USA
Apaches (1977)    United Kingdom
Apagón (2022)    Spain
Apagón, El (2001)    Spain
Apagorevmeni agapi (1998)    Greece
Aparadhi (1977)    India
Aparajito (1956)    India
Apart (2011)    USA
Apartment 1303 3D (2012)    Canada, USA
Apartment Complex, The (1999)    USA
Apartment for Peggy (1948)    USA
Apartment Wanted (1922)    USA
APB (2016)    USA
Ape, The (1940)    USA
Åpen framtid (1983)    Norway
Åpenbaringen (1977)    Norway
Apenstreken (2015)   
Aperio (2022)    Brazil
Aperture (2018)    USA
Apetyt na zycie (2010)    Poland
Apfel im Moor (1993)    Germany
Apflickorna (2011)    Sweden
Aphaemaxis (2018)    Greece
Aphasia (2014)    USA
Apna Bana Lo (1982)    India
Apnea (2015)    Chile
Àpnoia (2019)    France
ApocaFISH (2018)    USA
Apocalipse (2017)    Brazil
Apocalypse domani (1980)    Italy, Spain
Apocalypse Love Story (2023)    USA
Apocalypse Now (1979)    USA
Apocalypse Rising (2018)    USA
Apocalypse Z: El principio del fin (2024)    Spain
Apocalypse, The (2007)    USA
Apocalypse-Le Général: prequel (2017)    Canada
Apocalypto (2006)    USA, Mexico, United Kingdom
Apokrif: Muzyka dlya Petra i Pavla (2005)    Russia
Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Adventure (2022)    USA
Apollo 11 (1996)    USA
Apollo 13 (1995)    USA
Apollo 3 - Superhelden (2009)   
Apollonia (2005)    Germany
Apologist, The (2017)    USA
Apology (2006)    USA
Apology to Josh Fleischman (2002)    USA
Apostle, The (1997)    USA
Apostol (2008)    Russia
Apostol. Ottsovskiy instinkt (2014)    Russia
Apothekerin, Die (1997)    Germany
App That Stole Christmas, The (2020)    USA
App, The (2019)    Italy
Appa (2016)    India
Appaavin Meesai (2014)    India
Appalachian Trial (2004)    USA
Apparences (2012)    Canada
Apparences, Les (2020)    France, Belgium
Apparition Point (2007)    USA
Appart, L' (1988)    France
Appartamento ad Atene (2011)    Italy, Germany
Appearing, The (2014)    USA
Appel d'air (2001)    France
Appel du destin, L' (1953)    France, Italy
Appel du silence, L' (1936)    France
Appelez-moi Tonton (1991)    France
Appetite for Affliction (2014)    USA
Applaus (2009)    Denmark
Applaus für Felix: Ein Tag im Bundestag (2017)    Germany
Applause (1929)    USA
Apple (2011)    USA
Apple Dumpling Gang, The (1975)    USA
Apple Garden (2017)    Ukraine
Apple Infused Oasis (2018)    USA
Apple Jack (2003)    USA
Apple Mortgage Cake (2014)    Canada
Apple Pie (2010)    United Kingdom
Apple Thief, The (2003)    USA
Apple Tree House (2017)    United Kingdom
Apple Valley Knights (2002)    USA
Apple's Way (1974)    USA
Apple-Tree Girl, The (1917)    USA
Applebaum (2012)    USA
Apples Never Fall (2024)    Australia, USA
Appleville (2011)    USA
Appleyards, The (1952)    United Kingdom
Appointment with Venus (1951)    United Kingdom
Appooppan (1976)    India
Apprendistato, L' (2019)    Italy
Apprenti Père Noël et le flocon magique, L' (2013)    France, Belgium
Apprenti, L' (2008)    France
Apprentice, The (2024)    Canada, Denmark, Ireland, USA
Apprentissage de la ville, L' (1982)    France
Approaching Midnight (2013)    USA
Appuntamento col disonore (1970)    Italy, West Germany, Yugoslavia
Aprel (1986)    Soviet Union
Aprender a volar (1994)    Argentina
Aprendiz (2005)    Venezuela
Aprendiz de clown, El (1967)    Spain
Après (2003)    France
Après Demain le Monde est déjà loin (2022)    France
Après l'amour (1992)    France, Portugal
Après l'amour (1931)    France
Après la guerre (1989)    France, West Germany
Après la pluie (2010)    France
Après la vie (2002)    France, Belgium
Après lui (2007)    France
Après mai (2012)    France
Après Moi le Bonheur (2016)    France
Après tout ce qu'on a fait pour toi (1982)    France
Après-ski (1971)    Canada
April (2019)    United Kingdom
April (2021)    United Kingdom
April Apocalypse (2013)    USA
April Fool (1926)    USA
April Fool (1911)    USA
April Fool (1924)    USA
April Fools, The (1969)    USA
April Rain (2014)    USA
April Showers (2009)    USA
April Showers (1948)    USA
April, March (2013)    USA, Poland, China
Aprilis suskhi (2010)    Georgia
Aprilsnarrene (1958)    Denmark
Aprite: Polizia (1958)    Italy
Apropos Glück (2016)    Germany
Apt Pupil (1998)    USA, France
Apt Pupil (1987)    USA
Apur Sansar (1959)    India
Aqua (2008)    Portugal
Aquabats! RadVentures!, The (2019)    USA
Aquabats! Super Show!, The (2012)    USA
Aqualorius! (2009)    Denmark
Aquaman (2016)    USA
Aquaman (2006)    USA
Aquaman (2018)    Australia, USA
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2023)    USA, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Iceland
Aquamania (1961)    USA
Aquamarine (2006)    USA, Australia
Aquanauts, The (1960)    USA
Aquaphobia (1997)    USA
Aquarela do Brasil (2000)    Brazil
Aquarius (1970)    United Kingdom
Aquarius (2015)    USA
Aquele Beijo (2011)    Brazil
Aquellas Navidades (1997)    Spain
Aquello que amamos (1959)    Argentina
Aqui D'El Rei! (1992)    Portugal, Spain, France
Aquí llega Condemor, el pecador de la pradera (1996)    Spain
Aqui na Terra (1993)    Portugal, United Kingdom
Aqui Não Há Quem Viva (2006)    Portugal
Aquí no hay quien viva (2003)    Spain
Aquí no hay quien viva - Colombia (2008)    Colombia
Aqui Tão Longe (2016)    Portugal
Aquí y allá (2012)    USA, Spain, Mexico
Aquila - Grandi speranze, L' (2019)    Italy
Aquile randagie (2019)    Italy
Aquilone di Claudio, L' (2016)    Italy
Är de vuxna inte riktigt kloka? (1973)    Sweden
Ar y Ffin (2024)    United Kingdom
Ara! sono shûnkanyô (1930)    Japan
Ara! taryodanê (1930)    Japan
Ara, megobaro (1993)    Georgia
Arabela (1979)    Czechoslovakia
Arabela se vrací (1993)    Czechoslovakia
Arabella (2016)    USA
Arabella, mereröövli tütar (1983)    Soviet Union
Arabian Adventure (1979)    United Kingdom
Arabian Knights (1968)    USA
Arabian naitsu: Shinbaddo no bôken (1975)    Japan, West Germany
Arabian Nights (1942)    USA
Arabische Nächte (1979)    West Germany
Arachnophobia (1990)    USA
Arachveulebrivi gamopena (1968)    Soviet Union
Araguaia (2010)    Brazil
Arahant Summer (2008)    Thailand
Arakawa andâ za burijji: The Movie (2012)    Japan
Arakawa Under the Bridge (2010)    Japan
Aram, Aram (2015)    USA
Aramizda Kalsin (2013)    Turkey
Áramótaskaup (1966)   
Araqarisdiran (1987)    Soviet Union
Ararat (2002)    Canada, France
Arashi no hatashiji (1968)    Japan
Äratus (1989)    Soviet Union
Araw-araw, gabi-gabi (1995)    Philippines
Araya (1959)    Venezuela, France
Arbeitersaga (1988)    Austria, West Germany
Arbëria (2019)    Italy
Arbitrarody (2009)    USA
Árbol azul, El (1991)    Argentina
Árbol que sigue ahí, El (2019)    Spain
Arbor Day (1936)    USA
Arbre de Guernica, L' (1975)    France, Italy
Arbre de les cireres, L' (1998)    Spain
Arbre de Noël, L' (1969)    France, Italy
Arbre et l'oiseau, L' (2005)    France
Arbre mort, L' (1988)    France
Arc (2006)    USA
Arcade (1993)    USA
Arcade (2016)    Australia
Arcadia (2012)    USA
Arcadia (2020)    Canada
Archaeology Adventures (2017)    USA
Archangel (1990)    Canada
Archangel (2002)    USA
Archangel: Deadliest of the Species (2016)    USA
Archangel: From the Winter's End Chronicles (2014)    USA
Arche de Noé, L' (1947)    France
Archer (2020)    United Kingdom
Archer (1985)    Australia
Arches Beyond, The (1999)    USA
Archibald (1991)    Switzerland, France, Canada
Archie (1964)    USA
Archie Bunker's Place (1979)    USA
Archie: To Riverdale and Back Again (1990)    USA
Architect, The (2012)    Canada
Architect, The (2006)    USA
Architecture of Reassurance (2000)    USA
Archway 0173 (2016)    United Kingdom
Arcipelaghi (2001)    Italy, France
Arconada (2013)    Spain
Arctic Air (2012)    Canada
Ardadagebze (1962)    Soviet Union
Ardena (1997)    Italy
Ardilla roja, La (1993)    Spain
Are All Men Pedophiles? (2013)    Netherlands
Are Husbands Human? (1925)    USA
Are Husbands Necessary? (1925)    USA
Are These Our Children (1931)    USA
Are We Dead Yet (2019)    United Kingdom
Are We Done Yet? (2007)    Canada, USA
Are We Listening? (2012)    USA
Are We There Yet? (2005)    USA, Canada
Are We There Yet? (2010)    USA
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2019)    Canada
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1990)    Canada
Are You Afraid of the Dark?: More Tales from the Midnight Society (1994)    Canada
Are You Afraid of the Dark?: The Tale of the Phantom Manor (1994)    Canada
Are You Afraid of the Dark?: The Tale of the Silver Sight (2000)    Canada
Are You Being Served? (1972)    United Kingdom
Are You Joking? (2014)    USA
Are You My Friend? (2017)    USA
Are You Okay? (2018)    Australia
Are You Proud of Me? (2013)    United Kingdom
Are You Sleeping (2019)    USA
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. (2023)    USA
Are You There, Chelsea? (2012)    USA
Are You There? (2018)    USA
Are You Wild Like Me? (2018)    USA
Area Q. (2011)    USA, Brazil
Arena (1975)    United Kingdom
Arena (1989)    Soviet Union
Arena (1953)    USA
Arena (2022)    Colombia
Arena en los bolsillos (2006)    Spain
Arène (1993)    France
Arès (2016)    France
Æresgjesten (1919)    Norway
Arest (2019)    Romania
Aretz Hadasha (1994)    Israel
Areumdaun Sesang (2019)    South Korea
Areumdawoon sheejul (1998)    South Korea
Arfa dlya lubimoy (2008)    Ukraine
Argent de poche, L' (1976)    France
Argent des autres, L' (1978)    France
Argent, L' (1928)    France
Argentina (2015)    Russia
Argentynska lekcja (2011)    Poland
Argfilmen (1978)    Sweden
Argo (2012)    USA
Argon Quest, The (1992)    Canada
Argonautas y la moneda de oro, Los (2023)    Spain
Argonautes, Les (2013)    Canada
Argyle (2011)    USA
Århus by night (1989)    Denmark
Aria Appleton (2016)    USA
Aria prima (2019)    Italy
Arid (2015)    USA
Ariel (1992)    Russia, Ukraine
Ariel (2024)    USA, Canada, France
Ariel (1988)    Finland
Ariel (2018)    Sweden
Ariel (2014)    USA
Ariel: Mermaid Tales (2024)    USA, Canada, France
Ariels julaften (2015)    Norway
Arif V 216 (2018)    Turkey
Arifmetika podlosti (2011)    Ukraine
Arigatô-san (1936)    Japan
Aringkingking: Ang Bodyguard Kong Sexy (1996)    Philippines
Arisen (2015)    USA
Arisha, der Bär und der steinerne Ring (1992)    Germany
AristoCats, The (1970)    USA
Aristocrates, Les (1955)    France
Aristos, Les (2006)    France
Aritmiya (2017)    Russia
Arizona (2018)    USA
Arizona Bad Man (1935)    USA
Arizona Bound (1927)    USA
Arizona Days (1937)    USA
Arizona Kid, The (1939)    USA
Arizona Kid, The (1930)    USA
Arizona Mahoney (1936)    USA
Arizona Manhunt (1951)    USA
Arizona Raiders, The (1936)    USA
Arizona Streak, The (1926)    USA
Arizona Summer (2004)    USA
Arizona Sweepstakes (1926)    USA
Arizona Wildcat, The (1927)    USA
Arizona Wildcat, The (1939)    USA
Arje (2004)    Russia
Ark (2009)    USA
Ark II (1976)    USA
Arka Sokaklar (2006)    Turkey
Arkadasim Max (2013)    Turkey
Arkadaslar Iyidir (2016)    Turkey
Arkansas Traveler, The (1938)    USA
Arkitektene (2008)    Norway
Arlen Faber (2009)    USA
Arlésienne, L' (1930)    France
Arli$$ (1996)    USA
Arlie (2016)    USA
Arlington Road (1999)    USA
Arlo the Alligator Boy (2021)    USA
Arlo: The Burping Pig (2016)    USA
Arm Our Soldier (2018)    USA
Arma, l'ora, il movente, L' (1972)    Italy
Armadillo (2001)    United Kingdom, USA
Armageddon (1998)    USA
Armageddon Time (2022)    USA, Brazil
Arman & Elisa (2023)    Luxembourg
Armandino e il Madre (2010)    Italy
Armando Iannucci Shows, The (2001)    United Kingdom
Armans Geheimnis (2015)    Germany
Armas blancas (2021)    Mexico
Armata Brancaleone, L' (1966)    Italy, France, Spain
Armchair 30 (1973)    United Kingdom
Armchair Mystery Theatre (1960)    United Kingdom
Armchair Theatre (1956)    United Kingdom
Armchair Thriller (1978)    United Kingdom
Arme Sünderin (1923)    Germany
Armed and Dangerous (1986)    USA
Armed and Innocent (1994)    USA
Armed Response (2017)    USA
Armée du salut, L' (2013)    France, Morocco, Switzerland
Armenia, My Love... (2016)    USA
Armiño negro (1953)    Argentina
Arminuta, L' (2021)    Italy
Armistead Maupin's More Tales of the City (1998)    United Kingdom, Canada, USA
Armiya 'Tryasoguzki' (1964)    Soviet Union
Armiya Tryasoguzki snova v boyu (1967)    Soviet Union
Armoire, The (2009)    Canada
Armstrong and Miller Show, The (2007)    United Kingdom
Armstrong Circle Theatre (1950)    USA
Armut kennt viele Geschichten (2009)    Germany
Army of Frankensteins (2013)    USA
Army of God (2016)    USA
Army of Hearts, An (2017)    Canada, USA
Army of One (2016)    USA
Army of the Dead (2021)    USA
Army Wives (1944)    USA
Army Wives (1986)    Australia
Army Wives (2007)    USA
Arn (2010)    Sweden
Arn: Riket vid vägens slut (2008)    Denmark, Sweden, Finland, United Kingdom, Norway, Germany
Arn: Tempelriddaren (2007)    Sweden, United Kingdom, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Germany, Morocco
Arna's Children (2004)    Israel, Netherlands
Arne Dahl: De största vatten (2012)    Sweden
Arne Dahl: Efterskalv (2015)    Sweden
Arne Dahl: En midsommarnattsdröm (2015)    Sweden
Arne Dahl: Europa blues (2012)    Sweden
Arne Dahl: Himmelsöga (2015)    Sweden
Arne Dahl: Misterioso (2011)    Sweden
Arne Dahl: Upp till toppen av berget (2012)    Sweden
Arnelo Affair, The (1947)    USA
Arnie (1970)    USA
Arnies Welt (2005)    Germany
Arno: Les yeux de ma mere (1995)    France
Aron och Nora (1979)    Sweden
Around the Bay (2008)    USA
Around the Bend (1986)    USA
Around the Bend (2004)    USA
Around the Fire (1998)    USA
Around the World in 80 Days (1956)    USA
Around the World in 80 Days (2021)    France, Belgium
Around the World in 80 Days (2004)    USA, Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom
Around the World in 80 Treasures (2005)    United Kingdom
Arpón (2017)    Argentina, Venezuela, Spain
Arracheuse de temps, L' (2021)    Canada
Arranged (2007)    USA
Arrangement, The (1969)    USA
Arrangement, The (2017)    USA
Arrangiatevi (1959)    Italy
Arrastão (1967)    Brazil, France
Arrest and Trial (1963)    USA
Arrested Development (2003)    USA
Arresting Behavior (1992)    USA
Arresting Gena (1997)    USA
Arrêtez-moi (2013)    France
Arrêtez-moi là (2015)    France
¡Arriba Hazaña! (1978)    Spain
Arriva Brunello (1968)    Italy
Arrival (2013)    Australia
Arrival (2016)    USA
Arrival, The (2017)    USA
Arrivederci amore, ciao (2006)    Italy, France
Arrivée d'un train à La Ciotat, L' (1896)    France
Arroseur arrosé, L' (1895)    France
Arrow (2012)    USA
Arrow in the Dust (1954)    USA
Arrow of Light (2016)    USA
Arrowsmith (1931)    USA
Arrowsmith (1997)    Czech Republic
Arroz con leche (2008)    Venezuela
Arroz pegao (2009)    Spain
Arrugas (2011)    Spain
Arrullo de Otoño (2021)    Mexico
Arschbombe (2014)    Germany
Arsenal (2017)    USA
Arsène Lupin (2004)    France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom
Arsène Lupin contre Arsène Lupin (1962)    France, Italy
Arsène Lupin joue et perd (1980)    France, Italy, Switzerland, West Germany
Arson Gang Busters (1938)    USA
Art (délicat) de la séduction, L' (2001)    France
Art d'aimer, L' (1985)    Belgium
Art du crime, L' (2017)    France
Art for Teachers of Children (1995)    USA
Art Gallery (1939)    USA
Art of Cool, The (2007)    USA
Art of Escape, The (2015)    USA
Art of Falling in Love (2019)    Canada
Art of More, The (2015)    USA
Art of Racing in the Rain, The (2019)    USA
Art of Seduction, The (2006)    Canada
Art of Self-Defense, The (2019)    USA
Art of Sin (2018)    USA
Art of the Deal, The (2008)    USA
Art of War II: Betrayal, The (2008)    Canada
Artã (2014)    Romania
Arte (2020)    Japan
Arte de casarse, El (1966)    Spain
Arte de Roubar (2008)    Portugal, Brazil, Spain
Artefact (2019)    United Kingdom
Artek (1972)    Soviet Union
Artek (1936)    Soviet Union
Artek. Artek. Artek. (2010)    Ukraine
Artek: Bolshoe puteshestvie (2022)    Russia
Artek: Het ideale vakantiekamp (2002)    Netherlands
Artek: pionerskaya skazka (2005)    Russia
Artemis Falls (2015)    USA
Artemis Fowl (2020)    USA
Artemisia (2021)    Italy
Artful Dodger, The (2023)    Australia
Arthur (2016)    USA
Arthur (2011)    USA
Arthur (1996)    Canada, USA
Arthur (1998)    Belgium
Arthur (2011)    USA
Arthur & Claire (2017)    Germany, Austria, Netherlands
Arthur & Merlin (2015)    United Kingdom
Arthur 2: On the Rocks (1988)    USA
Arthur 3: la guerre des deux mondes (2010)    France
Arthur and the Haunted Tree House (2017)    Canada, USA
Arthur Askey Show, The (1961)    United Kingdom
Arthur Christmas (2011)    United Kingdom, USA
Arthur et la vengeance de Maltazard (2009)    France
Arthur et les Minimoys (2006)    France
Arthur Futuro (2019)    USA
Arthur Newman (2012)    USA
Arthur of the Britons (1972)    United Kingdom
Arthur Takes Over (1948)    USA
Arthur the King (2024)    USA, Canada
Arthur's Bompa (2011)    Belgium
Arthur's Gift (2019)    Canada
Arthur's Halloween (2004)    Canada
Arthur's Missing Pal (2006)    USA
Arthur's Perfect Christmas (2000)    USA, Canada
Arthur's Quest (1999)    USA
Arthur, malédiction (2022)    France
Arthur: It's Only Rock 'n' Roll (2002)    USA
Artichoke Season, The (2022)    Israel
Artifice Girl, The (2022)    USA
Artificial Enterprises (2015)    USA
Artik (2019)   
Artik & Asti: Angel (2018)    Russia
Artist (2019)    Ukraine
Artist s bolshoy dorogi (2024)    Russia
Artist's Curse, An (2024)    Australia
Artist's Wife, The (2019)    USA
Artista Obscura (2019)    USA
Artistka (2017)    Ukraine
Artists and Models (1955)    USA
Artists for Haiti: We Are the World 25 for Haiti (2010)    USA
Arts and Crafts (2016)    USA
Ártún (2014)    Iceland, Denmark
Artus, Merlin a Prchlici (1995)    Czech Republic
Arty Pants (2012)    USA
Aru otoko (2022)    Japan
Aruanã (1938)    Brazil
Aruanda (1960)    Brazil
Aruba (2006)    Canada
Aruitemo aruitemo (2008)    Japan
Arupusu no shôjo Haiji (1974)    Japan, West Germany
Aruslân senki (1991)    Japan
Arusl?n senki, Part 2 (1991)    Japan
Árvácska (1976)    Hungary
Árvák imája (1922)    Hungary
Arven (2003)    Denmark, Sweden, Norway, United Kingdom
Arvingen (1954)    Denmark
Arvingerne (2014)    Denmark
Arwin! (2007)    USA
Aryana (2012)    Philippines
Arzoo (1965)    India
Arzt vom Wörthersee, Der (2006)    Germany
Arzt von Stalingrad, Der (1958)    West Germany
Ärzte (1994)    Germany
As (2002)    Poland
As Aventuras de Poliana (2018)    Brazil
As Boas Maneiras (2017)    Brazil, France, Germany
As Canalhas (2013)    Brazil
As Confissões de Frei Abóbora (1971)    Brazil
As de corazones (2006)    Spain
As des as, L' (1982)    France, West Germany
As Duas Irenes (2017)    Brazil
As esu (1990)    Soviet Union
As Good as It Gets (1997)    USA
As Good as Married (1937)    USA
As Good As You (2015)    USA
As I Lay Dying (2013)    USA
As I Was Saying (1955)    United Kingdom
As If (2001)    United Kingdom, Argentina
As If I Am Not There (2010)    Ireland
As in the Days of Old (1915)    USA
As Inventariantes (2019)    Brazil
As it Was (2017)    Canada
As Lições do Tonecas (1996)    Portugal
As Linhas de Torres Vedras (2012)    Portugal, France
As No Man Has Loved (1925)    USA
As prosehes (2004)    Greece
As Pupilas do Senhor Reitor (1995)    Brazil
As the Bell Rings (2007)    USA
As the Bell Rings (2007)    United Kingdom, Australia
As the Bell Rings (2007)    United Kingdom
As the Devil Commands (1933)    USA
As the Earth Turns (1934)    USA
As the World Turns (1956)    USA
As They Continue to Fall (2016)    USA
As Time Goes By (1992)    United Kingdom
As Time Runs Out (1999)    USA, Canada
As Told by Ginger (2000)    USA
As Três Marias (1980)    Brazil
As We See It (2022)    USA
As You Like It (2010)    Canada
As You Like It (1978)    United Kingdom
As Young as You Feel (1951)    USA
Asa ga kita (2015)    Japan
Asa ga kuru (2020)    Japan, France
Åsa-Nisse i agentform (1967)    Sweden
Åsa-Nisse jubilerar (1959)    Sweden
Åsa-Nisse på semester (1953)    Sweden
Asad (2012)    South Africa, USA
Asaki yumemishi - yaoya oshichi ibun (2013)    Japan
Asakusa Fukumaru Ryokan (2007)    Japan
Asalto en Tijuana (1984)    Mexico
Asalto, El (1960)    Argentina
Asan si Lolo Mê? (2013)    Philippines
Asansior za Pacienti (2017)    Bulgaria
Asayake no uta (1973)    Japan
Asbe du-pa (2008)    Iran, France
Ascension (2014)    USA, Canada
Ascension (2018)    USA
Ascension (2000)    USA
Ascension (2002)    Canada, USA
Ascension Day (2007)    USA
Ascent, The (2017)    USA
Aschenbrödel und der gestiefelte Kater (2013)    Germany
Ascoltami (1957)    Italy, West Germany
Asero (1995)    Philippines
Asesinato en el Hormiguero Express (2018)    Spain
Asesinato en lunes de carnaval (2002)    Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico
Asesino de muñecas, El (1975)    Spain
Asfaltenglene (2010)    Norway
Asfaltovoye solntse (2021)    Russia
Asfour Stah (1990)    Tunisia, France, Italy
Ash Under My Nails, The (2019)    Canada
Ash: Safe Haven, The (2017)    United Kingdom
Asha (2009)    USA
Ashanti (1979)    Switzerland, USA
Asher (2019)    Canada
Asher Angel ft. Wiz Khalifa: One Thought Away (2019)    USA
Asher Angel: Chemistry (2018)    USA
Asher Angel: Getaway (2018)    USA
Asher Angel: One Thought Away ft. Wiz Khalifa - Lyric (2019)    USA
Asher Angel: Snow Globe Wonderland (2017)    USA
Ashes (2019)    USA
Ashes and Snow (2005)    USA
Ashes in the Snow (2018)    Lithuania, USA
Ashes of Vengeance (1923)    USA
Ashes To Apples (2012)    Australia
Ashes to Ashes (2008)    United Kingdom
Ashi ni sawatta kôun (1930)    Japan
Ashita ni kakeru ai (2011)    China, Japan
Ashita no watashi no tsukurikata (2007)    Japan
Ashita, mama ga inai (2014)    Japan
Ashley (2011)    USA
Ashley (2013)    USA
Ashley and Carley New York (2014)    USA
Ashley and Red (2017)    USA
Ashley Tesoro: Evermore (1999)   
Asho (2019)    Iran
Ashram (2017)    USA
Ashthami Rohini (1975)    India
Ashtide (2006)    USA
Ashton (2018)    USA
Ashu (2013)    Canada
Ashug-Karibi (1988)    Soviet Union
Ashura-jô no hitomi (2005)    Japan
Ashwa: The Black Horse (1993)    India
Así como habían sido (1987)    Spain
Así es la vida... (2000)    Mexico, France, Spain
Así es la vuelta (2021)    Colombia
Así son ellas (2002)    Mexico
Asif, Vasif, Agasif (1983)    Soviet Union
Asino vola (2015)    Italy
Asintado (2014)    Philippines
Ask a Slave (2013)    USA
Ask aglatir (2013)    Turkey
Ask Aglatir (2019)    Turkey
Ask Bir Hayal (2009)    Turkey
Ask Grandma (1925)    USA
Ask Grandpa (2012)    USA
Ask Harriet (1998)    USA
Ask Laftan Anlamaz (2016)    Turkey
Ask Max (1986)    USA
Ask Me No Questions (2001)    USA
Ask Mr. Pastry (1961)    United Kingdom
Askari (2001)    USA
Askin gözyaslari (1966)    Turkey
Askin Kanunu (2014)    Turkey
Asmodée (1959)    United Kingdom
Asmodée (1964)    West Germany
Asmodée (1971)    Czechoslovakia
Asobi (1971)    Japan
Asoka (2001)    India
Asomatous (2017)    USA
Asparagus (2007)    USA
Aspect, The (2008)    USA
Asphalt Race, The (2014)    USA
Asphalte (1981)    France
Asphaltgorillas (2018)    Germany
Asphaltnacht (1980)    West Germany
Aspiranterna (1998)    Sweden
Asr E Aab (2015)    Pakistan
Ass Backwards (2013)    USA
Assalto ao Trem Pagador (1962)    Brazil
Assassin est dans l'annuaire, L' (1962)    France
Assassin's Creed (2016)    United Kingdom, France, Hong Kong, USA
Assassin(s) (1997)    France, Germany
Assassinat du Père Noël, L' (1941)    France
Assassination of a High School President (2008)    USA
Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The (2007)    USA, Canada, United Kingdom
Assassination of Richard Nixon, The (2004)    USA, Mexico
Assassination Tango (2002)    USA, Argentina
Assassinaut (2019)    USA
Assassins (2011)    USA
Assassins du dimanche, Les (1956)    France
Assassins Run (2013)    USA, Russia
Assault on Precinct 13 (1976)    USA
Assedio, L' (1998)    Italy, United Kingdom
Assent, The (2019)    USA
Assessment (2010)    United Kingdom
Assicurasi vergine (1967)    Italy
Assie Cat (2020)    USA
Assignment in Brittany (1943)    USA
Assignment, The (1997)    Canada
Assignment: Paris (1952)    USA, France, Italy
Assignment: Underwater (1960)    USA
Assim assim (2012)    Portugal
Assistance at 2am (2016)    USA
Assistant Wives (1927)    USA
Assistants, The (2009)    USA
Associate, The (1996)    USA
Associates, The (2001)    Canada
Associates, The (1979)    USA
Associé, L' (1979)    France, Hungary, West Germany
Associés, Les (2009)    France, Belgium
Asta-Basta-Bum (1993)    Denmark
Astérix & Obélix: L'Empire du Milieu (2023)    France
Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cléopâtre (2002)    France, Germany
Astérix aux jeux olympiques (2008)    France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium
Asternplatz 10 Uhr 6 (1969)    West Germany
Asteroid (1997)    USA
Asteroid (2021)    USA
Asteroid City (2023)    USA
Astghayin amar (1979)    Soviet Union
Astonish Me (2011)    United Kingdom
Astra, i heart you (2012)    Russia
Astrakan (2022)    France
Astral Projection (2015)    Canada
Astray from the Steerage (1921)    USA
Astrid (2012)    Sweden
Astrid Clover (2014)    USA
Astrid Lindgrens jul (1999)    Sweden
Astro (2018)    USA
Astro Boy (2009)    Hong Kong, USA, Japan
Astro Boy vs. The Junkyard Pirates (2010)    USA, Japan, Hong Kong
Astronaut (2019)    Canada
Astronaut Camp (2016)    USA
Astronaut Farmer, The (2006)    USA
Astronaut Wives Club, The (2015)    USA
Astronaut's Wife, The (1999)    USA
Astronaut, Pastor... Not! (2009)    USA
Astronaut, The (2020)    USA
Astronaut, The (1972)    USA
Astronaut, The (2016)    United Kingdom
Astronauts, The (2020)   
Astronomy Club (2019)    USA
Asu mo yuyake (1977)    Japan
Asya (2011)    Russia
Asylum (2005)    United Kingdom, Ireland
Asylum (2008)    USA
Asylum (1997)    USA, Canada
Asylum 8 (2014)    USA
Asylum Days (2001)    USA
Asylum Seekers (2009)    USA
Asylum, The (2000)    United Kingdom
Asymetria (2020)    Poland
Aszfaltmese (1971)    Hungary
At (1982)    Turkey, West Germany
At Close Range (1986)    USA
At Day's End (2006)    USA
At Eternity's Gate (2018)    Ireland, Switzerland, United Kingdom, France, USA
At First Sight (2008)    United Kingdom
At First Sight (1999)    USA
At Gunpoint (1955)    USA
At Home in Mitford (2017)    USA
At Home with Amy Sedaris (2017)    USA
At Home with Julia (2011)    Australia
At kende sandheden (2002)    Denmark
At Mamu's Feet (2013)    USA
At Mother's Request (1987)    USA, United Kingdom
At Play (2006)    Australia
At Play in the Fields of the Lord (1991)    USA, Brazil
At Risk (2010)    USA, Canada
At Sea Ashore (1936)    USA
At Stake: Vampire Solutions (2012)    USA
At Sword's Point (1952)    USA
At the Beach (2005)    USA
At the Circus (1939)    USA
At the Doctor's (2014)    Canada
At the End of the Day: The Sue Rodriguez Story (1998)    Canada
At the End of the Rainbow (1965)    USA
At the Gates (2022)    USA
At the Hotel (2006)    Canada
At the Jiznak estate (2014)    Czech Republic
At the Mercy of a Stranger (1999)    USA
At the Mercy of Men (1918)    USA
At the Midnight Hour (1995)    Canada, Germany, USA
At the Next Roundabout Turn Left (2011)    Australia
At the Ringside (1921)    USA
At the Sign of the Jack O'Lantern (1922)    USA
At the Threshold of Life (1911)    USA
At Your Service (1921)    USA
At Your Service, Ltd. (1951)    United Kingdom
At zijí duchové! (1977)    Czechoslovakia
At zijí rytíri! (2009)    Czech Republic
At' zije Republika (1965)    Czechoslovakia
Äta sova dö (2012)    Sweden
Atak paniki (2017)    Poland
Ataka (1933)    Soviet Union
Atalante, L' (1934)    France
Atalia (1964)    Italy
Ataru (2012)    Japan
Ataúd Blanco: El Juego Diabólico (2016)    Argentina
Até Amanhã, Camaradas (2005)    Portugal
Até ao Tecto do Mundo (2008)    Portugal
Até que a Sorte nos Separe (2012)    Brazil
Até que a Sorte nos Separe 2 (2013)    Brazil
Até que a Sorte nos Separe 3: A Falência Final (2015)    Brazil
Atelier, L' (2017)    France
Atempause (2017)    Germany
Atentat u Sarajevu (1975)    Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, West Germany
Aterrados (2017)    Argentina
Ates Kuslari (2023)    Turkey
Ates Parçasi (1971)    Turkey
ATF (1999)    USA
Athaliah (2019)    Canada
Athazagora (2021)    USA
Athemitos synagonismos (1983)    Greece
Athena (2015)    USA
Athena, The (2018)    United Kingdom
Äthiopier, Der (2015)    Germany
ATL Homicide (2018)    USA
ATL: Calling All Girls (2004)    USA
Atlanta (2016)    USA
Atlantic Convoy (1942)    USA
Atlantida (2007)    Russia
Atlántida, La (2005)    Spain
Atlantika (2006)    Philippines
Atlantis (2013)    United Kingdom
Atlantis (2008)    Netherlands
Atlantis High (2001)    New Zealand
Atlantis: The Last Days of Kaptara (2013)    USA
Atlas (2024)    USA
Atlas de geografía humana (2007)    Spain
Atlas sur l'aube (2004)    Canada
Atlético San Pancho (2001)    Mexico
Atlilar (2012)    Turkey
Atmen (2011)    Austria
Atmende Gott: Reise zum Ursprung des modernen Yoga, Der (2012)    Germany, India
Atmika (2010)    Canada
Atom TV (2008)    USA
Atomic (2017)    USA
Atomic Betty (2004)    Canada, Kazakhstan, France
Atomic City, The (1952)    USA
Atomic Dog (1998)    USA
Atomic Energy as a Force for Good (1955)    USA
Atomic Train (1999)    USA, Canada
Atomic Twister (2002)    USA
Atomski zdesna (2014)    Serbia, Montenegro
Atonement (2018)    United Kingdom
Atonement (2007)    United Kingdom, France, USA
Atoning, The (2017)    USA
Atraco a las 3... y media (2003)    Spain
Atraco a las tres (1962)    Spain
Atrapada (2018)    Mexico
Atrás das Nuvens (2007)    Portugal
Através da Sombra (2015)    Brazil
Atrévete a olvidarme (2001)    Mexico
Atrocious (2010)    Spain, Mexico
Atroz (2009)    Spain
Atsalut pader (1979)    Italy
Att döda ett barn (2003)    Sweden
Atta Baby (1927)    USA
Attached at the Soul (2016)    USA
Attachement, L' (2024)    France, Belgium
Attaches fines, Les (2002)    France
Attack of the Alien Jelly Monsters from the Depths of Uranus (2011)    USA
Attack of the Brainsucker (2012)    Canada
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (1990)    USA
Attack of the Puppet People (1958)    USA
Attack on Space (2014)    USA
Attack on Terror: The FBI vs. the Ku Klux Klan (1975)    USA
Attack on the Iron Coast (1968)    United Kingdom, USA
Attack the Block (2011)    United Kingdom, France
Attack, The (2012)    Lebanon, France, Qatar, Belgium
Attaway Appeal (2017)    USA
Attaway General (2020)    USA
Attention au départ ! (2021)    France, Belgium
Attention aux chiens (1999)    Switzerland
Attention bandits! (1986)    France
Attention Students (2013)    USA
Attention une femme peut en cacher une autre! (1983)    France
Attention, les enfants regardent (1978)    France
Attic (2016)    USA
Attic Door, The (2009)    USA
Attic in the Basement (2017)    Canada
Attila (1954)    Italy, France
Attila (2001)    USA, Lithuania
Attohômu daddo (2004)    Japan
Attorney for the Defense (1932)    USA
Attraction terrestre, L' (2006)    France
Attrition (2018)    Thailand, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, USA
Atunci i-am condamnat pe toti la moarte (1972)    Romania
Atypical (2017)    USA
aTypical Wednesday (2020)    USA
Au bénéfice du doute (1999)    France
Au bon beurre (1981)    France, Italy
Au bonheur des ogres (2013)    France
Au bout des doigts (2018)    France, Belgium
Au bout du bout du banc (1979)    France
Au bout du conte (2013)    France
Au bout du rang (2008)    Canada
Au bout du rouleau (1973)    France
Au bras du lac (2022)    Canada
Au bruit des clochettes (2016)    France, Afghanistan
Au Clair de la Lune (1954)    United Kingdom
Au coeur de la loi (1998)    France
Au hasard Balthazar (1966)    France, Sweden
Au loin... l'horizon (2002)    France
Au nom de ma fille (2016)    France, Germany
Au nom des fils (2014)    France
Au nom du fils (2012)    Belgium, France
Au nom du père et du fils (1993)    Canada
Au nom du père et du fils (1992)    France
Au Pair (2012)    USA, Austria
Au Pair (1994)    Germany, United Kingdom
Au Pair (1999)    USA, Hungary
Au Pair II (2001)    USA, France
Au Pair, Kansas (2011)    USA
Au pays d'Eudoxie ou Le satyre de la Villette (1974)    France
Au petit Marguery (1995)    France
Au plaisir de Dieu (1977)    France
Au rendez-vous de la mort joyeuse (1973)    France, Italy
Au revoir là-haut (2017)    France
Au revoir les enfants (1987)    France, West Germany, Italy
Au revoir M. Grock (1950)    France, West Germany
Au revoir Tom Selleck (2018)    France
Au royaume des aveugles (2005)    France
Au secours de Béatrice (2014)    Canada
Au secours Poly... Au secours (1966)    France
Au secours, les enfants reviennent! (2006)    France
Au septième jour (2008)    France
Au siècle de Maupassant: Contes et nouvelles du XIXème siècle (2009)    France
Au théâtre ce soir (1966)    France
Au-delà des murs (2016)    France
Aubade (2016)    USA
Auberge du chien noir, L' (2003)    Canada
Auberge rouge, L' (2007)    France
Aubergine (2020)    USA
Auch Engel wollen nur das Eine (2002)    Germany
Auch Erben will gelernt sein (2003)    Germany
Auch Lügen will gelernt sein (2010)    Germany
Auctioneer, The (1927)    USA
Audacia (2012)    Spain
Audi A6 Motorcade (2014)    USA
Audioslave: Doesn't Remind Me (2005)    USA
Audition, L' (2005)    Canada
Audition, The (2020)    United Kingdom
Audition, The (2012)    USA
Audition, The (2015)    USA
Audrey (2014)   
Audrey and Friends (2000)    United Kingdom
Audrey est revenue (2021)    Canada
Audrey Hepburn Story, The (2000)    USA, Canada
Audrey Rose (1977)    USA
Audrey's Rain (2003)    USA
Auf Achse (1980)    West Germany, Germany
Auf Anfang (2012)    Germany
Auf Augenhöhe (2016)    Germany
Auf dem Flug nach Havanna (1973)    East Germany
Auf dem Vulkan (2007)    Germany, Spain
Auf den Spuren der Vergangenheit (2004)    Germany
Auf den Spuren des Hans im Glück (2006)    Germany
Auf der Strecke (2007)    Switzerland, Germany
Auf der Suche nach dem G. (2009)    Germany
Auf der Suche nach Glück (1961)    West Germany
Auf einem langen Weg (1984)    West Germany
Auf einmal war es Liebe (2019)    Germany
Auf schmalem Grat (2000)    Germany
Auf Wiedersehen Papa (2010)    Germany
Auf Wiedersehn am Bodensee (1956)    West Germany
Aufnahmeprüfung, Die (2012)    Germany
Aufreißer, Der (2006)    Germany
Aufruhr im Schlaraffenland (1957)    West Germany
Auftrag Schutzengel (2009)    Germany
Aug 04 (2019)    USA
Auge Afrikas: Der Filmpionier Hans Schomburgk, Das (2020)    Germany
Augen zu (2011)    Germany
Auguri professore (1997)    Italy
August (2014)    Belgium
August (2019)    USA
August (2024)    Turkey
August (2007)    USA
August Club, The (2020)    United Kingdom
August der Starke - Ein ganzes Volk nennt ihn Papa (1970)    West Germany
August Evening (2007)    USA
August Mile (2014)    USA
August Rush (2007)    USA
August Strindberg: Ett liv (1985)    Sweden, Austria, West Germany, Denmark
August's Claim (2011)    USA
August: Osage County (2013)    USA
Augusta, Gone (2006)    USA
Augustina (2015)    United Kingdom
Aujourd'hui (2012)    France
Aujourd'hui ou je meurs (2019)    Canada
Aujourd'hui peut-être... (1991)    France
Aujourd'hui, plage (1999)    France
Auk Nr. 8 (2010)    Estonia, Ukraine
Auktion bei Gwendoline (1970)    West Germany
Auktsion (1993)    Russia, USA
Aula de castigo (2014)    Spain
Aulad el rih - Les enfants du vent (1980)    Algeria, France
Auld Lang Syne (1929)    United Kingdom
Aullido del diablo, El (1987)    Spain
Aunque es de noche (2023)    Spain, France
Aunque tú no lo sepas (2000)    Spain
Aunt Clara (1954)    United Kingdom
Aunt Mary (1979)    USA
Auntie (2016)    USA
Auntie Mame (1958)    USA
Aurel (2019)    Germany
Aurelia y Pedro (2016)    Mexico
Aurélien (1978)    France
Aurinko in Adagio (2021)    USA
Auris - Die Frequenz des Todes (2022)    Germany
Aurora (2014)    Puerto Rico
Aurora (2017)    Germany
Aurora Borealis (2005)    Denmark
Aurora Borealis (2005)    USA, Canada
Aurora Teagarden Mysteries (2015)    USA
Aurora Teagarden Mystery: A Bone to Pick (2015)    Canada
Aurore (2005)    Canada
Aurore (2006)    France
Aurore (2017)    France
Aurzari salkhinetsi (1975)    Soviet Union
Aus dem Tagebuch eines Minderjährigen (1965)    East Germany
Aus dem Tritt (2008)    Germany
Aus den Erinnerungen eines Frauenarztes - 1. Fliehende Schatten (1922)    Germany
Aus den Erinnerungen eines Frauenarztes - 2. Lüge und Wahrheit (1922)    Germany
Aus der Ferne (2006)    Germany
Aus der Jugendzeit klingt ein Lied (1925)    Germany
Aus der Kurve (2015)    Germany
Aus der Wüste (2017)    Germany
Aus heiterem Himmel (1995)    Germany
Aus lauter Liebe zu Dir (2002)    Germany
Aus Liebe zu Tom (2003)    Germany
Aus meiner Waldheimat (1963)    West Germany
Auschwitz (2011)    Canada, Germany
Ausência (2014)    Brazil, Chile, France
Ausentes (2005)    Spain
Auserwählten, Die (2014)    Germany
Ausflug (2001)    Germany
Ausflug in den Schnee (1996)    Germany
Ausflug, Der (2018)    Austria
Ausgerastet (1997)    Germany
Ausgerechnet Fußball (2006)    Germany
Ausgerechnet Sibirien (2012)    Germany, Russia
Ausgerechnet Weihnachten (2005)    Austria, Germany
Ausgerissen! Was nun? (1978)    West Germany
Auslöschung, Die (2013)    Austria, Germany
Ausma (2015)    Latvia, Estonia, Poland
Auspicious Circle (2012)    USA
Ausreisser (2004)    Germany
Aussie and Ted's Great Adventure (2009)    USA
Aussie Girl (2017)    USA
Auster und die Perle, Die (1961)    West Germany
Austeria (1982)    Poland
Austerity (2015)    Cyprus, Greece
Austin & Ally (2011)    USA
Austin Found (2017)    USA
Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)    USA
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999)    USA
Australia (1989)    France, Switzerland, Belgium
Australia (2008)    Australia, USA, United Kingdom
Australian Organic Schools Growing organic food with Costa (2013)    Australia
Australian Rules (2002)    Australia
Australiens (2014)    Australia
Ausweglos (1995)    Germany
Auténtico Rodrigo Leal, El (2005)    Spain
Auteur (2006)    USA
Authentics (2019)    USA
Author! Author! (1982)    USA
Authority (2019)    Bulgaria
Autism and Cake (2012)    USA
Autism, Disco and Me (2010)    United Kingdom
Autism: The Musical (2007)    USA
Auto Antics (1939)    USA
Auto-Mobile (2018)    USA
Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, The (1974)    USA
Autobuyography (1934)    USA
Autograph Book (2003)    Singapore
Automärchen (1983)    East Germany
Automat na prání (1968)    Czechoslovakia, France
Automne (2004)    France, USA
Automne de Zao, L' (2014)    France
Autopilot (2009)    USA
Autopiloten (2007)    Germany, France
Autopsia de un fantasma (1968)    Mexico
Autopsy: The Last Hours of (2014)    United Kingdom
Autores invitados (1966)    Spain
Autoridad, La (2010)    Spain
Autoverleih Pistulla (1974)    West Germany
Autre combat, L' (2003)    France
Autre côté, L' (2011)    France
Autre monde, L' (2010)    France, Belgium
Autre nuit, L' (1988)    France
Autsch, du Fröhliche (2000)    Germany
Autuas eversti (1958)    Finland
Autumn (2017)    USA
Autumn 20 06 (2018)    Canada
Autumn at Apple Hill (2024)    USA
Autumn Blood (2013)    Austria, USA
Autumn Leaves, The (2018)    Australia
Autumn Meanderings (2011)    USA
Autumn Prince, The (2018)    USA
Autumn Road (2021)    USA
Autumn Stables (2018)    USA
Aux battements du parloir (2016)    France
Aux frais de la princesse (1969)    France
Aux petits bonheurs (1994)    France
Aux yeux des vivants (2014)    France
Aux yeux du monde (1991)    France
Auxilio (2021)    Spain, Argentina
Ava (2017)    France
Ava (2017)    Germany
Ava from My Class (2021)    USA, South Korea
Ava's Magical Adventure (1994)    USA
Avaeté - Semente da Vingança (1985)    Brazil, West Germany
Avalanche (2000)    France
Avalanche (1969)    United Kingdom
Avalanche (1974)    United Kingdom
Avalanche (1994)    Canada, USA
Avaliha (1984)    Iran
Avalon (1990)    USA
Avalon High (2010)    USA
Avalude Ravukal (1978)    India
Avan Oru Ahangari (1980)    India
Avanpost (2019)    Russia
Avant (2015)    France
Avant le crash (2022)    Canada
Avant poste (2009)    France
Avant que de tout perdre (2013)    France
Avantazh (1977)    Bulgaria
Avare Kalbi (1971)    Turkey
Avare Yavru ve Filinta kovboy (1964)    Turkey
Avariya - doch menta (1989)    Soviet Union
Avariynoe sostoyanie (2012)    Russia
Avariynoye polozheniye (1973)    Soviet Union
Avatar (2009)    USA, United Kingdom
Avatar: Super Deformed Shorts (2007)    USA
Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005)    USA
Avatar: The Last Airbender (2024)    USA
Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)    USA
Avaze gonjeshk-ha (2008)    Iran
Ave Fénix (1986)    Mexico
Avec l'assurance (1932)    France
Avec le coeur (1972)    France
Avec Lou (2014)    Belgium, France
Avec Moi (2019)    Canada
Avengers vs. The Economy, The (2012)    USA
Avengers, The (1961)    United Kingdom
Avengers, The (2012)    USA
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)    USA
Avengers: Endgame (2019)    USA
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)    USA
Avenging Angel (2007)    USA
Avenging Angel, The (1995)    USA
Avenging Rider, The (1928)    USA
Avenging Rider, The (1943)    USA
Avenida Brasil (2012)    Brazil
Avenir (2023)    France
Avenir, L' (2016)    France, Germany
Avenir, L' (2022)    Spain
Aventuras com Tio Maneco (1971)    Brazil
Aventuras de Joselito y Pulgarcito (1960)    Mexico, Spain
Aventuras de un caballo blanco y un niño (1975)    Mexico
Aventuras en el tiempo (2001)    Mexico
Aventure extraordinaire d'un papa peu ordinaire, L' (1990)    France, Venezuela
Aventure humaine, L' (1997)    France
Aventures dans le Grand Nord (1994)    Canada, France
Aventures de la courte échelle, Les (1996)    Canada
Aventures de Rabbi Jacob, Les (1973)    France, Italy
Aventures de Tom Sawyer, Les (1968)    Romania, France, West Germany
Aventures du jeune Voltaire, Les (2021)    France
Aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec, Les (2010)    France, USA
Aventuriers des îles oubliées, Les (2004)    France
Aventuriers des mers du Sud, Les (2006)    France
Aventuriers, Les (1967)    France, Italy
Aventurile lui Babusca (1973)    Romania
Avenue 5 (2020)    USA
Avenue of the Giants (2023)    USA
Average Joe (2023)    USA
Average Joe (2012)    USA
Avery (2016)    USA
Avery Park (2014)    USA
Aveux (2009)    Canada
Aveux de l'innocent, Les (1996)    France, Belgium
Avgust. Vosmogo (2012)    Russia
Avian Avengers (2014)    USA
Aviator, The (2004)    USA, Germany
Ævintýri á Norðurslóðum (1992)    Iceland, Faroe Islands, Greenland
Ævintýri Pappírs Pésa (1990)    Iceland
Avion, L' (2005)    France, Germany
Avis de mistral (2014)    France
Aviso, El (2018)    Spain
Aviva Ahuvati (2006)    Israel
Avocado Bed Time Story (2019)    USA
Avocado Toast the series (2020)    Canada
Avocat d'office (1994)    France
Avocate, L' (1995)    France
Avocats & associés (1998)    France
AvoDezanove e o Segredo Do Soviético (2019)    Portugal, Mozambique, Brazil
Avoidance (2013)    Canada
Avoir 16 ans (1980)    Canada
Avoir été (1979)    France
Avondale Dogs (1994)    New Zealand
Avondboot, De (2007)    Netherlands
Avonturen in de Avonduren (2008)    Netherlands
Avonturen van Buck & Tommy in Suriname, De (2010)    Netherlands
Avonturen van een zigeunerjongen (1960)    Netherlands
Avonturen van Kruimeltje, De (2010)    Netherlands
Avonturen van Luc, De (2014)    Netherlands
Avonturen van Pietje Bell (1964)    Netherlands
Avós (2009)    Brazil
AVPR: Aliens vs Predator - Requiem (2007)    USA
Avrianos polemistis (1981)    Cyprus
Avrora (2022)    Russia
Avrora (2006)    Ukraine
Avrupa Avrupa (2011)    Turkey
Avtomobil, skripka i sobaka Klyaksa (1975)    Soviet Union
Avventura nell'arcipelago (1968)    Italy
Avventure della squadra di stoppa, Le (1964)    Italy
Avventure di Pinocchio, Le (1947)    Italy
Avventure di Pinocchio, Le (1972)    Italy, France, West Germany
Avventure in IV B (1964)    Italy
Avvocato delle donne, L' (1997)    Italy, Germany
Awake (2021)    USA
Awake (2022)    USA
Awake (2004)    USA
Awake (2012)    USA
Awake (2007)    USA
Awake Before Dawn (2024)    USA
Awaken (2014)    USA
Awaken the Dead (2007)    USA
Awaken the Giant (2004)    USA
Awakened (2013)    USA
Awakened (to the calling) (2020)    Canada
Awakening (2024)    USA
Awakening Fire, The (2008)    USA
Awakening Land, The (1978)    USA
Awakening of Annie, The (1976)    France, Brazil
Awakening of Candra, The (1983)    USA
Awakening of Jim Burke, The (1935)    USA
Awakening of Ruth, The (1917)    USA
Awakening, The (1928)    USA
Awakening, The (2011)    United Kingdom
Awakening, The (2016)    Canada
Awakening: Tales of the Zombie Apocalypse, The (2017)    USA
Awakenings (1990)    USA
Awantura o Basie (1995)    Poland
Awantura o Basie (1959)    Poland
Awantura o Basie (1997)    Poland
Awatemono no kumasan (1933)    Japan
Away (2009)    USA
Away (2020)    USA
Away and Back (2015)    USA
Away from It All (1973)    United Kingdom
Away Home (2017)   
Away in a Manger (1955)    United Kingdom
Away We Go (2009)    USA, United Kingdom
Awesome County, USA (2013)    USA
AwesomenessTV (2013)    USA
Awful Tooth, The (1938)    USA
Awfully Deep (2010)    United Kingdom, Brazil
Awit ni Cecilia (1996)    Philippines
Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens (2020)    USA
Awkward Duet (2018)    USA
Awkward. (2011)    USA
Axe Cop (2012)    USA
Axe Massacre (2008)    USA
Axe Murders of Villisca, The (2016)    USA
Axeman 2: Overkill (2017)    USA
Axiom (2015)    USA
Axiome (2015)    France
Axium Effect (2018)    USA
¡Ay, Señor, Señor! (1994)    Spain
AYA (2016)    Peru
Aya (1987)    Soviet Union
Âya to majo (2020)    Japan
Ayako (1999)    USA
Aydede (2018)    Turkey
Ayden Mekus (2020)    USA
Aykut Eniste 2 (2021)    Turkey
Ayneh (1997)    Iran
Ayodhya (1975)    India
Ayri Dünyalar (1995)    Turkey
Aysegül (1971)    Turkey
Ayúdame a pasar la noche (2017)    Mexico
Ayúdame a recordar (2012)    Spain
Az bude padat hvezda (1976)    Czechoslovakia
Az do konce (1985)    Czechoslovakia
Az egyhuszasos lány (1923)    Germany
Az élet muzsikája - Kálmán Imre (1984)    Hungary, Soviet Union
Az elvarázsolt dollár (1986)    Hungary
Az én nevem Jimmy (1987)    Hungary
Az igazi égszínkék (1957)    Hungary
Az indigóember (2007)    Hungary
Az öreg bánya titka (1973)    Hungary
Az ösember (1918)    Hungary
Az ötödik pecsét (1976)    Hungary
Az prijde kocour (1963)    Czechoslovakia
Az utca másik vége (2022)    Austria
Az utolsó blues (2002)    Hungary, Italy, Poland
Azad (2015)    Turkey
Azazel (2002)    Russia
Aziat (2008)    Russia
Aziris nuna (2006)    Russia
Aziz (2021)    Turkey
Aziz Ansari: Hurt Locker 4-D (2010)    USA
Azizler (2021)    Turkey
Aznif (2010)    Georgia
Azorean Horror Story (2014)    USA, Portugal
Ázsia elzárt szíve: Ujguria (2003)    Hungary
Azúcar (1989)    Colombia
Azúcar (2016)    Colombia
Azul (1996)    Mexico
Azuloscurocasinegro (2006)    Spain
Azur et Asmar (2006)    France, Belgium, Spain, Italy
Azuro (2022)    France
Azzurro profondo (1993)    Italy