C'è ancora domani (2023) Italy
C'è tempo (2019) Italy, France
C'era un castello con 40 cani (1990) Italy, France, Spain, Belgium
C'era una volta (1967) Italy, France
C'era una volta il West (1968) Italy, USA, Spain
C'est Bébé qui boit le muscat (1912) France
C'est ça l'amour (2018) France, Belgium
C'est dimanche! (2008) France
C'est l'histoire d'un Belge (2005) Belgium
C'est la crise (2013) France
C'est la vie, camarade! (2005) France
C'est magique! (2012) USA
C'est magnifique! (2021) France
C'est mieux la vie quand on est grand (2008) France, Belgium
C'est pas du jeu (2012) France
C'est pas ma faute! (1999) France
C'est pas moi, je le jure! (2008) Canada
C'est pas sorcier (1993) France
C'est pas tout à fait la vie dont j'avais rêvé (2005) France
C'est pour la bonne cause! (1997) France, Belgium
C'est quoi ce petit boulot? (1991) France, Italy
C'est quoi cette famille?! (2016) France
C'est quoi cette mamie?! (2019) France, Belgium
C'est quoi la vie? (1999) France
C'est rien, je suis tombée (2015) France
C'est toi c'est tout (2010) France
C'est une fille de Paname (1957) France
C'est votre histoire (2007) France
C'est vrai (en plus) (2005) Belgium
C'était le 12 du 12 et Chili avait les blues (1994) Canada
C'mon C'mon (2021) USA
C*A*U*G*H*T (2023) Australia
C-16: FBI (1997) USA
C-Bear and Jamal (1996) USA
C.A. (2006) Canada
C.A.T.S. Eyes (1985) United Kingdom
C.B.C.'s Magic Hour (1989) Canada
C.O.P.S. (1988) USA, Canada
C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005) Canada
C.S. Lewis: Beyond Narnia (2005) USA, United Kingdom
c/o Segemyhr (1998) Sweden
Ça commence aujourd'hui (1999) France
Ça fait mal à mon coeur (2004) France
Ça n'arrive qu'à moi (1985) France
Ça n'arrive qu'aux autres (1971) France, Italy
Ça reste entre nous (1998) France
Ça va pas la tête (1978) France
Ça va passer... Mais quand? (2014) France
Ca$h (2008) France
Cab to Canada (1998) USA
Cab: Endlessly, The (2012) USA
Caballero de la mano en el pecho, El (1976) Spain
Caballero Don Quijote, El (2002) Spain
Caballito volador, El (1982) Mexico
Caballo blanco, El (1962) Mexico, Spain
Cabane (2016) France
Cabane à histoires, La (2016) France
Cabbage Patch Kids: First Christmas (1984) USA
Cabbage Patch, The (1983) United Kingdom
Cabby, The (1922) USA
Cabeza de buda (2009) Mexico
Cabeza de Vaca (1990) Mexico, Spain, USA, United Kingdom
Cabezota, El (1982) Spain, Mexico
Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever (2009) USA
Cabin in the Sky (1943) USA
Cabin in the Woods, The (2011) USA
Cabin, The (2011) USA
Cabinet of Dr. Ramirez, The (1991) France, Germany, USA, United Kingdom
Cabiria (1914) Italy
Cable Beach (2004) Canada
Cable Guy, The (1996) USA
Cabocla (1979) Brazil
Cabossés (2010) France
Cabriola (1965) Spain
Caccia al tesoro (2017) Italy
Caccia, La (2005) Italy
Cacciaguida (2019) Italy
Cacciatore di anatre, Il (2010) Italy
Cacería implacable (1988) Mexico
Caché (2005) France, Austria, Germany, Italy
Cache Cash (1994) France
Cachito (1996) Spain
Cachorro (1996) Spain
Cachorro (2004) Spain
Cachorros, Los (2014) Spain
Cachorros, Los (1973) Mexico
¡¡Cachún cachún ra ra!! (1981) Mexico
Cacophony (2014) USA
Cactus Kid, The (2000) USA
Cactus, Le (2005) France
Cada quien su santo (2009) Mexico
Cádaver y yo, El (2018) Spain
Cadavre exquis (2013) France
Caddie Woodlawn (1989) USA
Cade's County (1971) USA
Cadeau, Le (1982) France, Italy
Cadence (2008) USA
Cadence (2015) Canada
Cadet (2013) Belgium
Cadet Kelly (2002) USA, Canada
Cadets (1988) USA
Cadets de l'océan, Les (1945) France
Cadets on Parade (1942) USA
Cadetto Winslow, Il (1962) Italy
Cadfael (1994) United Kingdom
Cadillac Ranch (1996) USA, Canada
Cadillac Records (2008) USA
Cadors, Les (2022) France
Cadoul de Craciun (2018) Romania, Spain
Cadrage/débordement (2013) France
Caduta degli dei (Götterdämmerung), La (1969) Italy, West Germany
Caesar and Claretta (1975) United Kingdom
Caesar and Cleopatra (1945) United Kingdom
Caesar and Otto's Paranormal Halloween (2015) USA
Caesar und Cleopatra (1964) West Germany
Café (2011) USA
Cafe Coexistence (2009) USA
Café com Leite (2007) Brazil
Café de Flore (2011) Canada, France
Café Derby (2015) Belgium
Café du pont, Le (2010) France
Cafe of Fallen Angels, The (1923) USA
Café Oriental (1962) West Germany
Café Paradis (1950) Denmark
Café Transit (2005) Iran, France, Turkey
Cafeteria, The (2009) USA
Cage aux rossignols, La (1945) France
Cage vide, La (1963) France
Caged Birds (2007) USA
Caged No More (2016) USA, Greece
Cagney & Lacey (1981) USA
Cagney and Lacey (2018) USA
Cahiers bleus, Les (1991) France
Cahill U.S. Marshal (1973) USA
Caída, La (1959) Argentina
Caídos del mapa (2013) Argentina
Caihong City (2016) USA, China
Caillou (1997) Canada
Caillou's Holiday Movie (2003) Canada
Caïn (2012) France
Cain (2014) USA
Caín adolescente (1959) Venezuela
Cain and Mabel (1936) USA
Cain's Hundred (1961) USA
Caine's Arcade (2012) USA
Caio Gracco (1968) Italy
Caipiranha - Vorsicht, bissiger Nachbar! (1998) Germany
Cairo (1942) USA
Caitlin's Way (2000) Canada, USA
Caja 507, La (2002) Spain
Cajón desastre (1988) Spain
Cake (2019) USA
Cake (2006) USA
Cake Eaters, The (2007) USA
Cake For Lizzie, A (2018) USA
Cake: A Wedding Story (2007) USA
Cakeman (2017) USA
Cakes on Paper Plates (2015) USA
Cakey! The Cake from Outer Space (2006) USA
Calamity the Cow (1967) United Kingdom
Calber Island (2024) USA
Calcutta (1969) France
Calcutta 71 (1971) India
Cale & Marcie Show, The (2016) USA
Cale szczescie (2019) Poland
Calea Dunarii (2013) Romania
Caleb (2015) United Kingdom
Caleb Couldn't Love (2008) USA
Caleidoscopio, El (2004) Spain
Calendar Girl (1993) USA
Calendar Girl, Cop, Killer? The Bambi Bembenek Story (1992) USA
Calibre 44 (1960) Mexico
Calibro 9 (2020) Italy, Belgium
Caliens 2% (2016) USA
Caliens Three: Fat Free (2017) USA
Calientes (2000) Argentina
California (2023) Spain
Califórnia (2015) Brazil
California (1947) USA
California Christmas, A (2020) USA
California Dreamin' (Nesfarsit) (2007) Romania
California Dreaming (2021) USA
California Dreaming (1979) USA
California Dreams (1992) USA
California Eddie (2007) USA
California Firebrand (1948) USA
California Girls (1985) USA
California Gold Rush (1946) USA
California Here We Come (1926) USA
California Joe (1943) USA
California Party Life (2015) USA
California Passage (1950) USA
California Straight Ahead! (1937) USA
California Suite (1978) USA
Californian, The (1937) USA
Californians, The (1957) USA
Californication (2007) USA
Caligula et Messaline (1981) Italy, France
Caligula: The Ultimate Cut (2023) USA, Italy
Çalikusu (1966) Turkey
Çalikusu (2013) Turkey
Çalinan Ceset (2004) Turkey
CaliStar: Don't Give Up (2022) USA
Call 911 (2008) USA
Call a Cab (1925) USA
Call a Cop! (1931) USA
Call a Messenger (1939) USA
Call a Taxi (1920) USA
Call for Anna, The (2018) USA
Call for Mr. Caveman (1919) USA
Call from the Past, A (1915) United Kingdom
Call Her Savage (1932) USA
Call Holme (1972) USA
Call It a Day (1937) USA
Call Jane (2022) USA
Call Me Anna (1990) USA
Call Me Claus (2001) USA
Call Me Crazy: A Five Film (2013) USA
Call Me Fitz (2010) Canada
Call Me Kat (2021) United Kingdom, USA
Call Me Mrs. Miracle (2010) Canada
Call Me Sal (1996) Australia
Call Me Son (2008) United Kingdom
Call Me: The Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss (2004) Canada
Call Northside 777 (1948) USA
Call of Duty: PTSD (2012) USA
Call of Home, The (1922) USA
Call of the Canyon (1942) USA
Call of the Cuckoo (1927) USA
Call of the Cumberlands, The (1916) USA
Call of the Heart, The (1928) USA
Call of the Savage, The (1935) USA
Call of the Wild (1996) USA, Canada
Call of the Wild (1923) USA
Call of the Wild (2009) USA
Call of the Wild (2000) USA
Call of the Wild, The (2020) Canada, USA
Call Red (1996) United Kingdom
Call the Mesquiteers (1938) USA
Call the Midwife (2012) United Kingdom
Call the Paperboys (2023) Australia
Call to Glory (1984) USA
Call to Glory (1984) USA
Call to Remember, A (1997) USA
Call, The (2012) USA
Call, The (2013) USA
Calla Lily (2006) Philippines
Callahans and the Murphys, The (1927) USA
Callas e Onassis (2005) Italy, France
Callaway Went Thataway (1951) USA
Callback, The (2018)
Calle nueva (1997) Spain
Called to Serve (2013) USA
Caller, The (2008) USA
Callie & Son (1981) USA
Calling All Boys (1956) United Kingdom
Calling All Kids (1943) USA
Calling Dr. Gillespie (1942) USA
Calling Dr. Kildare (1939) USA
Calling Me Home (2015) USA
Calling of Dan Matthews, The (1935) USA
Calling of Lizzy McBride, The (2019) USA
Calling Out Fire (2013) Canada
Calling Philo Vance (1940) USA
Calling Wild Bill Elliott (1943) USA
Calling, The (2022) France
Calling, The (2022) USA
Calling, The (2000) USA, Germany
Calling, The (2014) USA, Canada
Calling, The (2000) Australia
Calling, The (2018) Canada
Callous (2009) USA
Calloused Hands (2013) USA
Callow (2011) USA
Calm (2005) USA
Calm Before (2021) USA
Calpurnia: Cell (2019) USA
Calpurnia: Greyhound (2018) Canada
Calpurnia: Wasting Time (2018) Canada
Calvary (2014) Ireland, United Kingdom
Cam Gigandet vs. Twilight Fans (2009) USA
Cam Girl (2005) Canada
Cama de Gato (2009) Brazil
Camada negra (1977) Spain
Cámara oscura, La (2008) Argentina, France
Camarguais, Le (2002) France
Cambio de clase (2006) Spain
Cambio de sentido (2010) Spain
Cambio de sexo (1977) Spain
Cambio de vida (2007) Mexico
Came the Brawn (1938) USA
Camelot (1967) USA
Camelot (2011) Ireland, USA, United Kingdom, Canada
Cameo Kirby (1930) USA
Cameo Theatre (1950) USA
Camera (2013) USA
Camera (2000) Canada
Camera (2022) India
Camera alba (1965) Romania
Caméra explore le temps, La (1957) France
Camera Fiend, The (1913) United Kingdom
Camera Obscura (2010) USA
Camera obscura (2011) Spain
Camera Shy (2018) USA
Camera Three (1955) USA
Caméra une première (1979) France
Cameraman, The (2016) Canada
Camerieri (1995) Italy
Camerino, El (2016) Spain
Cameron of the Royal Mounted (1921) Canada
Cameron's Closet (1988) United Kingdom, USA
Camerons, The (1974) United Kingdom
Camicie rosse (1952) Italy, France
Camila (2017) USA
Camille (1936) USA
Caminando pasos... caminando (1977) Mexico
Caminante, El (1979) Spain
Caminho das Índias (2009) Brazil
Caminhos do Coração (2007) Brazil
Camino (2008) Spain
Camino de la vida, El (1956) Mexico
Camino del sur, El (1988) Yugoslavia, United Kingdom, Argentina
Camino solitario (1984) Spain
Camino, El (1963) Spain
Caminos (2020) USA
Caminos Separados (2021) USA
Camioneros, Los (1973) Spain
Camomile Lawn, The (1992) United Kingdom, Australia
Camouflage (2014) USA
Camouflage (2013) Netherlands
Camp (2016) USA
Camp (2013) USA, Australia
Camp (2013) USA
Camp Abercorn: Shorts (2014) USA
Camp Candy (1989) USA
Camp Cold Brook (2018) USA
Camp Confessions (2018) USA
Camp Cool Kids (2017) USA
Camp Couture (2006) USA
Camp Cucamonga (1990) USA
Camp Frankson (2020) USA
Camp Fred (2012) USA
Camp Manna (2018) USA
Camp Meetin' (1936) USA
Camp Nick (2019) USA
Camp Nottahope (2014) USA
Camp Nowhere (1994) USA
Camp Radio (2022) USA
Camp Rock (2008) USA
Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam (2010) USA
Camp Runamuck (1965) USA
Camp Sunshine (2013) USA
Camp Takota (2014) USA
Camp Weedonwantcha (2017) USA
Camp Wilder (1992) USA
Camp Winoaka (2006) USA
Camp-Off (2014) USA
Campagnes (2001) France
Campaign Manageress, A (1913) USA
Campaign, The (2012) USA
Campamento con mamá (2024) Argentina
Campamento Flipy (2010) Spain
Campanada, La (1980) Spain
Campbell Playhouse (1952) USA
Campbell's Journey (2012) United Kingdom
Campbells, The (1986) Canada, United Kingdom
Campeões e Detectives (2008) Portugal
Campeones (1997) Spain
Campeones de la vida (1999) Argentina
Camper, Die (1997) Germany
Campfire Creepers: The Skull of Sam (2017) USA
Campfire Kiss (2017) USA
Campfire Sing-Along (1990) USA
Campfire Stories;Comes Around Gos Around (2009) USA
Campfire Tales (1997) USA
Campin' Buddies (2014) USA
Camping (1990) Denmark
Camping (2006) Israel
Cámping (2006) Spain
Camping (2018) USA
Camping (2023) USA
Camping (2006) France
Camping 2 (2010) France
Camping Cosmos (1996) Belgium
Camping Fun (2014) USA
Camping Out (1928) USA
Camping paradis (2006) France
Camping World: Say Hello to a Whole New World (2015) USA
Camping-Camping (1977) East Germany
Campingplassen (2023) Norway
Campioana (1990) Canada, Romania
Campo de batalla (2010) Spain
Campo de ortigas (1998) Mexico
Campo Grande (2015) Brazil, France
Campus Carmen, The (1928) USA
Campus Girls (1995) Philippines
Campus Honeymoon (1948) USA
Campus Sleuth (1948) USA
Campus Vampire (2019) USA
Campus, Der (1998) Germany
Campy's Corner (1958) USA
Camus (2010) France
Can (2011) Turkey
Can (2013) USA
Can Dostlar (2019) Turkey
Can I Play? (1998) USA
Can lan shi guang (2015) Taiwan
Can of Worms (1999) USA, Canada
Can This Be Dixie? (1936) USA
Can Tunis (2007) Spain
Can you dream of more (2020) Ukraine
Can You Feel Me Dancing? (1986) USA
Can You Hear Me, Mother? (1935) United Kingdom
Can You Imagine That! (2015) Canada
Can You See Them? (2014) Australia
Can You Teach My Alligator Manners? (2008) USA
Can't Be Heaven (1999) USA
Can't Blame a Girl for Trying (Cover) (2021) USA
Can't Buy Me Love (1987) USA
Can't Cope, Won't Cope (2016) Ireland
Can't Hurry Love (1995) USA
Can't Sleep (2021) USA
Can't Stop Tomorrow (2014) USA
Canada Naturally: The Film (Part One) (1993) USA
Canada: A People's History (2000) Canada
Canadian Bacon (1995) USA, Canada
Canadian Case Files (2005) Canada
Canadian Film Fest Presented by Super Channel (2020) Canada
Canadian Idiot (2023) Canada
Canadian, The (1926) USA
Canal, The (2014) Ireland, United Kingdom
Canção da Terra, A (1938) Portugal
Cancel (2018) Sweden
Cancel Christmas (2010) Canada
Canción de amor (1996) Mexico
Canción de los niños muertos, La (2008) Mexico
Canción de los niños, La (1982) Spain
Canción de Navidad (1974) Mexico
Canción del abuelo, La (2014) Mexico
Cancoon (1996) France
Candela (2015) Spain
Candid Camera, The (1932) USA
Candie Boy (2016) Italy
Candlelight Witch, The (2018) USA
Candles on Bay Street (2006) Canada, USA
Candles, Snow and Mistletoe (1993) USA, Canada
Candleshoe (1977) United Kingdom, USA
Candy (2011) United Kingdom
Candy (2015) USA
Candy (2022) USA
Candy (1998) Canada, United Kingdom
Candy Cane Christmas (2020) Canada
Candy Crime (2011) United Kingdom
Candy Girl, The (2015) Canada
Candy Jar (2018) USA
Candy Lady Teaser (2022) USA
Candy Land: The Great Lollipop Adventure (2005) USA
Candy Rain (2020) USA
Candy Shop (2007) USA
Candy Shop, The (2010) USA
Candy Snatchers, The (1973) USA
Candy Store (2020) USA
Candy Stripe Nurses (1974) USA
Candykillers, The (2017) Netherlands
CandyLand: A Web Series (2012) USA
Candyman (1992) USA, United Kingdom
Candyman: Day of the Dead (1999) USA
Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh (1995) USA, United Kingdom
Canela (2012) Mexico
Canevim (2019) Turkey
Canguro (2013) Spain
Canguros (1994) Spain
Canicule (1984) France
Canim Annem (2022) Turkey
Canim babam (2011) Turkey
Canim Kardesim (1973) Turkey
Canine panique (2017) France
Cañitas. Presencia (2007) Mexico
Cannabis (2006) Switzerland
Canne de mon père, La (2000) France
Canned (2009) USA
Canned Ecology (2010) USA
Canned Fishing (1938) USA
Cannibal ferox (1981) Italy
Cannibal Holocaust (1980) Italy
Cannibal Suburbia (2007) USA
Cannibals and Carpet Fitters (2017) United Kingdom
Cannon (1971) USA
Cannonball (1958) United Kingdom, Canada, USA
Canon City (1948) USA
Canon: Follow me (2020) United Kingdom
Canta delle Marane, La (1961) Italy
Cantantes en Guerra (2017) Argentina
Canterbury Tales (2003) United Kingdom
Canterville Ghost, The (1996) USA
Canterville Ghost, The (1986) United Kingdom, USA
Canterville Ghost, The (1985) USA
Canterville Ghost, The (1944) USA
Canto de la cigarra, El (1980) Mexico, Spain
Canucks Heroes Return (2021) Canada
Canvas (2006) USA
Canyon City (1943) USA
Canyon Hawks (1930) USA
Canyon Passage (1946) USA
Canyon River (1956) USA
Caofangzi (2000) China
Caos calmo (2008) Italy, United Kingdom
Cap d'Agde, Naked City (2000) United Kingdom
Cap des Pins (1998) France
Cap'n Crunch (1992) USA
Cap, The (1985) Canada
Capa Negra (2018) Spain
Capace (2017) Romania
Cape Fear (1962) USA
Cape Wrath (2007) United Kingdom
Cape, The (1996) USA
Cape, The (2019) USA
Cape, The (2016) USA
Cape, The (2011) USA
Caped Crusader: The Dark Hours (2014) USA
Capers (2008) USA
Caperucita roja, La (1960) Mexico
Caperucita y Pulgarcito contra los monstruos (1962) Mexico
Caperucita y sus tres amigos (1961) Mexico
Capharnaüm (2018) Lebanon
Capitães da Areia (2011) Brazil, Portugal
Capitaine Achab (2007) Sweden, France
Capitaine Achab (2004) France
Capitaine Lawrence (2003) France
Capitaine Marleau (2015) France
Capital City (1989) United Kingdom
Capital Visit (1955) United Kingdom
Capitalismo Selvagem (1993) Brazil
Capitán Camacho, El (2015) Mexico
Capitano, Il (2005) Italy
Capitão Brasil (2017) Brazil
Capitol (1982) USA
Capitol Critters (1992) USA
Capkovy kapsy (2010) Czech Republic
Capone's Kidd (2018) USA
Capote (2005) Canada, USA
Capri-Revolution (2018) Italy, France
Caprica (2009) Canada, USA
Caprice (2015) France
Caprice (2015) USA
Caprice des cigognes, Le (2006) France
Caprices d'un fleuve, Les (1996) France
Capricorn One (1977) USA, United Kingdom
Caps Club (2013) Netherlands
Cápsulas (2011) Guatemala
Capt'n Sharky (2018) Germany
Captain Abu Raed (2007) Jordan
Captain America (1990) USA, Yugoslavia
Captain America: Civil War Reenactors (2016) USA
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) USA
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) USA
Captain Barbell (2003) Philippines
Captain Blood (1935) USA
Captain Boycott (1947) United Kingdom
Captain C-Blocker (2006) USA
Captain Carey, U.S.A. (1949) USA
Captain Caution (1940) USA
Captain Clegg (1962) United Kingdom
Captain Cook's Extraordinary Atlas (2009) USA
Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001) United Kingdom, France, USA
Captain David Grief (1957) USA
Captain Eddie (1945) USA
Captain Fantastic (2016) USA
Captain Fierce (2017) United Kingdom
Captain Fin (2011) USA
Captain Flamingo (2006) Canada, Philippines
Captain Fork (2011) USA
Captain Franklin: Infinity Fork (2019) USA
Captain Fury (1939) USA
Captain Gallant of the Foreign Legion (1955) USA, Italy, Morocco
Captain Incredible (2006) USA
Captain James Cook (1987) Australia, West Germany, France, Spain
Captain January (1924) USA
Captain January (1936) USA
Captain Johnno (1988) Australia
Captain Kangaroo (1955) USA
Captain Kidd's Kittens (1927) USA
Captain Kiddo (1917) France, USA
Captain Marvel (2019) USA
Captain Midnight (1954) USA
Captain Morten and the Spider Queen (2018) Estonia, Belgium, Ireland, United Kingdom
Captain N: The Game Master (1989) USA
Captain Nemo and the Underwater City (1969) United Kingdom
Captain Pirate (1952) USA
Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990) USA, Philippines
Captain Ron (1992) USA
Captain Spanky's Show Boat (1939) USA
Captain Sparky vs. The Flying Saucers (2013) USA
Captain Starship (2011) Canada
Captain Stirrick (1982) United Kingdom
Captain Thunder (1930) USA
Captain Titan's Special G (2007) USA
Captain Tsubasa (1983) Japan, France
Captain Video and His Video Rangers (1949) USA
Captain Zed and the Zee Zone (1991) United Kingdom, USA
Captain's Kid, The (1936) USA
Captains and the Kings (1976) USA
Captains Courageous (1937) USA
Captains Courageous (1996) Canada, USA
Captains Courageous (1977) USA
Captifs (2010) France
Captiva Island (1995) USA
Captive (2015) Mexico, USA
Captive (1998) Canada
Captive (2012) France, Philippines, Germany, United Kingdom
Captive Heart, The (1946) United Kingdom
Captive State (2019) USA
Captive, The (2010) USA
Captive, The (2014) Canada
Captive: The Longest Drive 2, The (1976) USA
Captives, The (2001) USA
Captivity (2007) USA, Russia
Captura de Gabino Barrera, La (1970) Mexico
Capture (2013) USA
Capture of Grizzly Adams, The (1982) USA
Capture of the Green River Killer, The (????) USA
Capture the Campers (2015) USA
Capture the Flag (2018)
Capture, La (2007) Canada, France
Capture, The (2019) United Kingdom
Capture, The (1950) USA
Captured (2018) USA
Captured Bird, The (2012) Canada
Captured in Chinatown (1935) USA
Captured Melody (2013) USA
Captured! (1933) USA
Capturing the Friedmans (2003) USA
Capulina contra las momias (El terror de Guanajuato) (1973) Mexico
Capulina contra los monstruos (1974) Mexico
Car 54, Where Are You? (1994) USA
Car 54, Where Are You? (1961) USA
Car Park (2015) United Kingdom
Car Pool (2006) Australia
Car Wash (1976) USA
Car, The (1977) USA
Car-Jumper (2012) USA
Cara de ángel (1956) Mexico
Cara de queso 'mi primer ghetto' (2006) Argentina
Cara Del Diablo, La (2015) Spain
Caraba (2019) Germany
Carabinieri (2002) Italy
Carabinieri: Sotto copertura (2005) Italy
Caraoscura (2022) Spain
Carapaces (2018) United Kingdom
Caras & Bocas (2009) Brazil
Caravaggio (1986) United Kingdom
Caravaggio (2007) Italy, France, Spain, Germany
Caravan (2020) United Kingdom
Caravan (1934) USA
Caravan (2008) Australia
Caravan (2015) Australia
Caravan (2019) Australia
Caravan to Vaccares (1974) United Kingdom, France
Caravan, The (1916) USA
Carbanice (1982) Czechoslovakia
Carbine Williams (1952) USA
Carbon Copy (2015) USA
Carbonado (2015) USA
Carcerato (1981) Italy
Carcereiros (2017) Brazil
Carcereiros: O Filme (2019) Brazil
Card, The (2016) Canada
Card, The (2015) USA
Cardboard (2012) USA
Cardboard Andy (2014) United Kingdom
CardCaptors (2000) Japan, Canada
CardCaptors (2000) USA, Japan, Canada
Cardcaptors: The Movie (1999) Japan, USA, Canada
Cardiac Arrest (1994) United Kingdom
Cardinal Adventures (2013) USA
Cardinal Burns (2012) United Kingdom
Cardinal X (2017) USA
Cardinals (2017) Canada
Cardio World (2012) USA
Cards, Cads, Guns, Gore and Death (1969) USA
Care (2000) United Kingdom
Care and Handling of Roses, The (1996) USA
Care Bears Adventure in Wonderland, The (1987) Canada
Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation (1986) Canada, USA
Care Bears Movie, The (1985) Canada
Care Bears Nutcracker Suite (1988) Canada
Care Bears, The (1985) USA, Canada
Care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot (2012) USA
Care of Footpath (2009) India, USA
Care of the Skin (1949) USA
Career (1939) USA
Career Day (2016) USA
Career Day (2018) Finland
Career Opportunities (1991) USA
Carefree (1938) USA
Careful with That Axe! (2008) New Zealand
Careful with That Axe, Eugene (2021) USA
Careful with that Crossbow (2010) New Zealand
Careful with that Power Tool (2009) New Zealand
Careful, He Might Hear You (1983) Australia
Caregiver (2008) Philippines
Caretakers, The (1963) USA
Carey Treatment, The (1972) USA
Carga Pesada (2003) Brazil
Cargo (1990) Canada
Cargo (2017) Australia
Cargo (2017) Lebanon
Cargo (2016) USA
Cargo (2007) New Zealand, Czech Republic
Cargo to Capetown (1950) USA
Caribou: Can't Do Without You (2015) USA
Carica delle patate, La (1979) Italy
Carícies (1998) Spain
Carinha de Anjo (2016) Brazil
Carita de ángel (2000) Mexico
Carita de primavera (1977) Mexico
CarJack (2011) USA
Carjacked (2011) USA, Canada
Carl & Bertha (2011) Germany
Carl Chetty's the Odd One Out (2020) United Kingdom
Carl Gustav, gjengen og parkeringsbandittene (1982) Norway
Carl the Collector (2024) USA
Carla (2009) USA
Carla Cametti PD (2009) Australia
Carla Rubens (2005) France
Carla's Song (1996) United Kingdom, Spain, Germany
Carlitos Medellin (2004) France, Colombia
Carlitos y el campo de los sueños (2008) Spain
Carlos und Elisabeth (1924) Germany
Carlotta (2014) Australia
Carlotta und die Wolke (2010) Germany
Carls engle (2007) Denmark
Carlton-Browne of the F.O. (1959) United Kingdom
Carly Mills (1986) USA
Carly's Web (1987) USA
Carl² (2005) Canada
Carman: The Champion (2001) USA
Carmen (1973) Sweden
Carmen (2011) France
Carmen & Babyface (1995) Denmark
Carmen Campagne: Un bon chocolat chaud (1995) Canada
Carmen Curlers (2022) Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland
Carmen Sandiego (2019) USA
Carmen van het noorden (2009) Netherlands
Carmen, Jr. (1923) USA
Carmen: A Hip Hopera (2001) USA
Carmichael Show, The (2015) USA
Carmina (2012) Spain
Carnada, La (2014) USA, Mexico
Carnage (2011) France, Germany, Poland, Spain
Carnage & Deception: A Killer's Perfect Murder (2003) USA
Carnage: Swallowing the Past (2017) United Kingdom
Carnages (2002) France, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland
Carnalità (1974) Italy
Carne (1991) France
Carne Asada (2017) Mexico
Carne cruda (2011) Spain
Carne, La (1991) Italy
Carnet rouge, Le (2004) France
Carnets d'ado (2001) France
Carnival (1935) USA
Carnival Circus (1978) USA
Carnival Girl, The (1926) USA
Carnival in Costa Rica (1947) USA
Carnival of Crime (2016) USA
Carnival of Souls (1998) USA
Carnival Rock (1957) USA
Carnival Row (2019) USA
Carnivàle (2003) USA
Carnivore (2012) Netherlands
Carnivores (2018) France, Belgium
Caro diario (1993) Italy, France
Caro Diario (Dear Diary) (2020) Italy
Caro maestro (1996) Italy
Caro múdrosti a lásky (1997) Slovakia
Caro Nostra (2023) France
Carodejky z predmestí (1991) Czechoslovakia
Carogne (1995) Italy
Carol (2015) United Kingdom, USA
Carol & Company (1990) USA
Carol Burnett Show, The (1967) USA
Carol Christmas, A (2003) USA
Carol of the Bells (2022) Poland, Ukraine
Carola Stern - Doppelleben (2004) Germany
Carolina (1934) USA
Carolina (2003) USA, Germany
Carolina Moon (1940) USA
Carolina Moon (2007) USA, Germany, Canada
Carolina Skeletons (1991) USA
Caroline (2018) USA
Caroline chérie (1951) France
Caroline et ses amis (1994) France
Caroline in the City (1995) USA
Caroline Sunshine, Kenton Duty, Adam Irigoyen & Davis Cleveland: Roam (2011) USA
Carols for Christmas (1985) USA
Carolyn (1956) USA
Caronte (2017) Spain
Carosello napoletano (1954) Italy
Carottes sont cuites, Les (1956) France
Carousel (1956) USA
Carousel (2017) USA
Čarovná rybí kostička (1984) Czechoslovakia
Carovné dedictví (1986) Czechoslovakia, East Germany
Carovné prstýnky (1978) Czechoslovakia
Čarovný nápev (1988) Czechoslovakia
Carpark North: Human (2005) Denmark
Carpenter's Miracle, The (2013) Canada
Çarpisma (2018) Turkey
Carpool (2016) USA
Carpool (1996) USA
Carpool (2016) USA
Carpool Guy (2005) USA
Carpoolers (2007) USA
Carrefour (1938) France
Carrefour des enfants perdus, Le (1944) France
Carrera, La (2018) Argentina
Carreteras secundarias (1997) Spain
Carrie (2013) USA
Carrie (2002) USA
Carrie Diaries, The (2013) USA
Carrie's War (2004) United Kingdom
Carrier (2019) USA
Carriers (2009) USA
Carringford School Mystery, The (1958) United Kingdom
Carro armato dell'8 settembre, Il (1960) Italy
Carrossel (2016) Brazil
Carrossel (2012) Brazil
Carrossel 2: O Sumiço de Maria Joaquina (2016) Brazil
Carrossel: O Filme (2015) Brazil
Carrusel (1989) Mexico
Carry Me Home (2004) USA
Carry On (2016) USA
Carry on Again Christmas (1970) United Kingdom
Carry on Doctor (1967) United Kingdom
Carry on England (1976) United Kingdom
Carry on Regardless (1961) United Kingdom
Carry on Teacher (1959) United Kingdom
Carry On... Up the Khyber (1968) United Kingdom
Cars 3 (2017) USA
Carson's Law (1983) Australia
Carson's Vertical Suburbia (1998) USA
Cartagine in fiamme (1960) Italy, France
Cartas a Elena (2011) USA, Mexico
Cartel (1990) USA
Cartel de a kilo (1997) Mexico
Carter Country (1977) USA
Carter High (2015) USA
Carter's Wish (2003) USA
Carters Get Rich (2017) United Kingdom
Carthage (2013) USA
Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue (1990) USA
Cartoon Book (2016) USA
Cartoon Gene (2009) Canada
Cartoon Network 20th Anniversary (2012) USA
Cartoon Network's Cartoonito (2021) USA
Cartoonist's Nightmare, A (1935) USA
Cartoonito Tales (2011) United Kingdom
Cartouche (1962) France, Italy
Cartouche, le brigand magnifique (2009) France
Cartouches gauloises (2007) France, Algeria
Cartwheels and Backflips (2015)
Caruso, zero in condotta (2001) Italy
Carve Her Name with Pride (1958) United Kingdom
Carved (2018) Canada
Carver (2021) Spain
Carver (2015) USA
Carving, The (1994) USA
Cas d'école (2001) France
Cas lásky a nadeje (1976) Czechoslovakia
Cas Perrot, Le (2019) France
Cas zít (1981) Czechoslovakia
Casa 4 (Witchcraft), La (1988) Italy
Casa 5, La (1990) Italy
Casa Cecilia (1982) Italy
Casa chica (2025) Mexico
Casa colorada, La (1947) Mexico
Casa con la scala nel buio, La (1983) Italy
Casa das Sete Mulheres, A (2003) USA, Brazil
Casa De Arriba, La (2013) Spain
Casa de las flores, La (2018) Mexico
Casa de las palomas, La (1972) Spain, Italy
Casa de los babys (2003) USA, Mexico
Casa de los líos, La (1996) Spain
Casa de mi abuela, La (2005) Spain
Casa de mi Padre (2012) USA
Casa de papel, La (2017) Spain
Casa del caracol, La (2021) Spain, Mexico
Casa di bambola (1982) Italy
Casa din copac (2016) Romania
Casa entre los cactus, La (2022) Spain
Casa famiglia (2001) Italy
Casa nueva, La (2019) Spain
CASA of NJ: I Need Someone (2013) USA
Casa, A (1997) Lithuania, Portugal, France
Casa, La (2015) Argentina
Casablanca (1942) USA
Casablanca (1955) USA
Casablanca (2019) Egypt
Casablanca Driver (2004) France, Belgium, United Kingdom
Casados con hijos (2004) Colombia
Casagrandes Familia Sounds Podcast, The (2019) USA
Casagrandes, The (2019) USA
Casanova (2005) United Kingdom
Casanova (2005) USA
Casanova (2015) USA
Casanova '73 (1973) United Kingdom
Casanova Brown (1944) USA
Casanova's (2020) Netherlands
Cascadeur (1998) Germany
Cascadia Treasure, The (2020) USA
Cáscara, La (2007) Argentina, Spain, Uruguay
Case 1303: David (2018) USA
Case 39 (2009) USA, Canada
Case Against Mrs. Ames, The (1936) USA
Case Before You, The (1959) United Kingdom
Case Claus'd (2015) Canada
Case départ (2011) France
Case du siècle, La (2010) France
Case for Christmas, The (2011) Canada, USA
Case for Life, A (1996) USA
Case of Jonas Booker, The (2019) USA
Case of Lena Smith, The (1929) USA
Case of Mr. Clare, The (1949) United Kingdom
Case of Rape, A (1974) USA
Case of Scotch, A (1928) USA
Case of the Dangerous Robin, The (1960) USA
Case of the Full Moon Murders (1973) USA
Case of the Missing Man (1935) USA
Case of the Missing Scene, The (1951) United Kingdom
Casebusters (1986) USA
Casello N. 3 (1945) Italy
Caserne 24 (1998) Canada
Cásese quien pueda (2014) Mexico
Casey (2017) Canada
Casey and the Death Pool (2015) USA
Casey Jones (1957) USA
Casey's Gift: For Love of a Child (1990) USA
Casey's Shadow (1978) USA
Cash and Carry (1937) USA
Cash Customers (1920) USA
Cash McCall (1960) USA
Cash on Demand (1962) United Kingdom
Cash Only (2015) Albania, USA
Cashback (2004) United Kingdom
Cashback (2006) United Kingdom
Cashing In (2009) Canada
Cashmere Mafia (2008) USA
Casi ángeles (2007) Argentina
Casi casi (2006) Puerto Rico
Casi divas (2008) Mexico
Casi leyendas (2017) Argentina, Spain
Casi perfectos (2004) Spain
Casino de Paris (1957) France, West Germany, Italy
Casino Jack (2010) Canada
Casino mex (2018) Mexico
Casino Royale (2006) United Kingdom, Czech Republic, USA, Germany, Bahamas
Casino Royale (1967) United Kingdom, USA
Cask of Amontillado, The (1998) United Kingdom
Casket, The (2004) USA
Caso dell'infedele Klara, Il (2009) Italy, Czech Republic
Caso Especial (1971) Brazil
Caso Raoul, Il (1975) Italy
Caso. Crónica de sucesos, El (2016) Spain
Casomai (2002) Italy
Casoplón, El (2025) Spain
Casos da Vida (2008) Portugal
Casos e Acasos (2007) Brazil
Casotto (1977) Italy
Casper (1996) USA
Casper (1995) USA
Casper Meets Wendy (1998) USA
Casper's Haunted Christmas (2000) Canada, USA
Casper's Scare School (2006) USA
Casper's Week End (1928) USA
Casper: A Spirited Beginning (1997) USA
Cass (2008) United Kingdom
Cass (2013) USA
Cass Malloy (1982) USA
Cass Timberlane (1947) USA
Cassadaga (2011) USA
Cassandra (2015) Canada
Cassandra Crossing, The (1976) West Germany, Italy, United Kingdom
Cassandre (2015) France
Casse Noisette (The Nutcracker) (2008) France
Casse-tête chinois (2013) France, USA, Belgium
Cassidy Kids, The (2006) USA
Cassini (2017) Australia
Cast mi je pozvati vas (1976) Yugoslavia
Cast No Shadow (2014) Canada
Cast of Camp Rock 2: It's On (2010) USA
Cast Offs (2009) United Kingdom
Cast Zombies: BAMM (Zombie Block Party) (2018) USA
Cast Zombies: Fired Up (Competition Version) (2018) USA
Castaway (1974) United Kingdom, West Germany, Australia
Castaway (2010) Australia
Castaway Cowboy, The (1974) USA
Castaway Diva (2023) South Korea
Castaways on Gilligan's Island, The (1979) USA
Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum (1994) Brazil
Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum, O Filme (1999) Brazil
Castigo, El (2006) Spain
Castillo de la pureza, El (1973) Mexico
Casting Back (2018) Canada
Casting Call, The (2017) USA
Casting Calls (2014) USA
Casting Central (2016) Canada
Casting JonBenet (2017) USA, Australia, China
Casting Room, The (2011) Canada
Castle (2009) USA
Castle and Sixpence, A (1954) United Kingdom
Castle Dangerous (1958) United Kingdom
Castle of Despair, The (1916) USA
Castle Rock (2018) USA
Casual (2015) USA
Casual Sex? (1988) USA
Casualties of Love: The Long Island Lolita Story (1993) USA
Casualty (1986) United Kingdom
Casulo (2009) Brazil
Cat (2016) USA
Cat Ate the Parakeet, The (1972) USA
Cat Gang, The (1959) United Kingdom
Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Camping!, The (2016) Canada
Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Christmas!, The (2012) Canada, United Kingdom
Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Halloween!, The (2016) Canada
Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Space!, The (2017) USA
Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!, The (2010) Canada, United Kingdom, USA
Cat in the Hat, The (1971) USA
Cat Lady (2012) USA
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1984) USA
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) USA
Cat People (1982) USA
Cat Tales (1928) USA
Cat That Looked at a King, The (2004) USA
Cat's Bad Hair Day (2004) USA
Cat's Eye (1985) USA, Netherlands
Cat's Out, The (1931) USA
Cat's-Paw, The (1934) USA
Cat, Dog & Co. (1929) USA
Cat, The (2009) Sweden
CAT. 8 (2013) Canada
Cataclysmic Iridescence (2016) USA
Catarse (2014) Brazil
Catastrophe (2015) United Kingdom
Catch (2014) Mexico, USA
Catch (2016) Netherlands
Catch a Christmas Star (2013) Canada
Catch a Fire (2006) France, United Kingdom, South Africa, USA
Catch a Wave (2006) Japan, USA
Catch and Release (2006) USA
Catch Him (2023) USA
Catch Me a Spy (1971) France, United Kingdom, USA
Catch Me If You Can (2002) USA, Canada
Catch Me If You Can (1998) Canada, USA
Catch Me If You Claus (2023) USA
Catch My Killer (2013) USA
Catch My Smoke (1922) USA
Catch Perfect (2012) Australia
Catch That Kid (2004) USA, Germany
Catch That! (2011) Canada
Catch, The (2016) USA
Catch, The (2013) USA
Catcher Was a Spy, The (2018) USA
Catcher, The (1972) USA
Catching a Lion (2014) Canada, Croatia
Catching Faith 2 (2019) USA
Catedral del mar, La (2018) Spain
Category 6: Day of Destruction (2004) USA
Catene (1949) Italy
Catene (1974) Italy
Caterina e le sue figlie (2005) Italy
Caterina va in città (2003) Italy
Caterpillar and Fly, The (2010) United Kingdom
Caterpillar's Kimono, The (2013) USA
Cateto a babor (1970) Spain
Catharsis (2003) Japan
Catherine Tate Show, The (2004) United Kingdom
Catherine the Great (2019) United Kingdom
Catherine's Grove (1997) USA
Cathrine magánélete (2010) Hungary
Cathrine og bestefar (1980) Norway
Cathy's Curse (1977) France, Canada
Catimini (2012) Canada
Catman: The Love Thief (2018) USA
Cato (2023) Russia
Catorce estaciones (1991) Spain, France
Cats (2019) United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, China
Cats & Dogs (2001) USA, Australia
Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (2010) USA, Australia
Cats Don't Dance (1997) USA
Catscratch (2005) USA
Cattle Annie and Little Britches (1981) USA
Cattle Drive (1951) USA
Catwalk (1992) Canada
Catweazle (1970) United Kingdom
Catweazle (2020) Germany
Catwoman (2011) USA
Catwoman (2004) USA
Caucasian Chalk Circle, The (1997) United Kingdom
Caudillo, El (1957) Mexico
Caught (1996) USA
Caught (2017) United Kingdom
Caught (1949) USA
Caught (2011) USA
Caught (2011) USA
Caught in a Cabaret (1914) USA
Caught in the Act (2004) USA, Luxembourg
Caught in the Middle (2013) USA
Caught in the Net (1960) United Kingdom
Caught on the Bounce (1952) USA
Caught Short (1930) USA
Causality (2004) USA
Cause for Alarm! (1951) USA
Cause for Divorce (1923) USA
Cause toujours! (2004) France
Causse d'Aspignac, Le (2000) France
Cautiva (2003) Argentina
Cavalcade (2005) France
Cavalcade (1933) USA
Cavalcade of America (1952) USA
Cavalcade of the West (1936) USA
Cavale (2002) France, Belgium
Cavale (1991) France
Cavalier du Golestan, Le (2006) France
Cavalli (2011) Italy
Cavalo Amarelo (1980) Brazil
Cavalo de Aço (1973) Brazil
Cavanaughs, The (1986) USA
Cave Kids (1996) USA
Cave of Outlaws (1951) USA
Cave of Sighs (2016) Canada
Cave, The (2013) USA
Cave, The (2019) Thailand, Ireland
Caveat (2011) USA
Caved In (2006) USA, Canada
Cavedweller (2004) Canada, USA
Cavello (2016) Netherlands
Caveman (1981) USA
Cavemen (2007) USA
Caviar rouge, Le (1985) France, Switzerland
Cavka (1988) Yugoslavia
Cay, The (1974) USA
Caza de brujas, La (1967) Spain
Caza. Monteperdido, La (2019) Spain
Cazador de asesinos (1983) Mexico
Cazador de demonios (1983) Mexico
Cazadores (1997) Spain
Cazadores de hombres (2008) Spain
Cazalets, The (2001) United Kingdom
CB4 (1993) USA
CBC Summer Theatre (1955) Canada
CBeebies House Show, The (2016) United Kingdom
CBS Afternoon Playhouse (1978) USA
CBS Children's Film Festival (1967) USA
CBS Children's Mystery Theatre (1980) USA
CBS Festival of Lively Arts for Young People, The (1973) USA
CBS Library (1979) USA
CBS Playhouse (1967) USA
CBS Schoolbreak Special (1984) USA
CBS Storybreak (1984) USA
CBS Summer Playhouse (1987) USA
CC (2018) Canada
CC 2010 (2009) USA
Ce diable d'homme (1978) France
Ce jour là, tout a changé (2009) France
Ce monde est fou (2013) France
Ce n'est pas un film de cow-boys (2012) France
Ce n'est qu'un début (2010) France
Ce que le jour doit à la nuit (2012) France
Ce que Pauline ne vous dit pas (2022) France
Ce que savait Maisie (1993) France
Ce qui appartient à César (2024) France
Ce qui demeure (2017) Belgium
Ce sentiment de l'été (2015) France, Germany
Ce soir je vais tuer l'assassin de mon fils (2014) France
CE2 (2021) France
Céad Ghrá (2014) Ireland
Cease Fire (1985) USA
Cebiche de tiburón (2017) Peru
Cebo para una adolescente (1974) Spain
Cebollitas (1997) Argentina
Ceci est mon corps (2001) France, Portugal
Cecil (2019) USA
Cecil B. DeMented (2000) France, USA
Cecilia (1991) Denmark
Cecilie (2007) Denmark
Cedar Cove (2013) Canada
Cedar Rapids (2011) USA
Cedar Sequoia International (2013) USA
Cedar Street (2014) USA
Cedar Tree, The (1976) United Kingdom
Cedie (1996) Philippines
Cee-Lo Green: Kung Fu Fighting (2008) USA
Ceftin Wiz Kids (1996) USA
Cekání na dést (1978) Czechoslovakia
Celamy (2005) USA
Celanese Theatre (1951) USA
Celblok H (2014) Netherlands
Celebración, La (2014) Argentina
Celebrate 'Oliver!' (2005) United Kingdom
Celebration Family (1987) USA
Celebridade (2003) Brazil
Celebrity (1984) USA
Celebrity (1998) USA
Celebrity Big Brother (2018) USA
Celebrity Close Calls (2010) USA
Celebrity Crush (2019) USA
Celebrity Deathmatch (1998) USA
Celebrity Ghost Stories (2008) USA
Celebrity Moments (2006) USA
Celebrity Nightmares Decoded (2011) USA
Celebrity Playhouse (1955) USA
Celeste Buckingham: Unpredictable (2015) USA
Celeste in the City (2004) USA
Celeste of the Ambulance Corps (1916) USA
Celestine Prophecy, The (2006) USA
Celia (1989) Australia
Celia (2018) New Zealand
Celia (1993) Spain, France, Italy, Germany
Céline (2008) Canada
Cell (2016) USA
Cell 2455, Death Row (1955) USA
Cell, The (2017) France
Cell, The (2000) USA, Germany
Cellar, The (1989) USA
Celle que j'aime (2009) France
Celle qui reste (2005) France
Celles qu'on n'a pas eues... (1981) France
Cellfish (2007) USA
Cello, The (2008) Canada
Céllövölde (1990) France, Hungary
Cellular (2004) USA, Germany
Cellule identité (2008) France, Belgium
Celo (2008) Argentina
Celtas Cortos: 20 de Abril (2018) Spain
Celtic Pride (1996) USA
Cement Garden, The (1993) United Kingdom, Germany
Cementerio de Coches (2023) Spain
Cementerio del terror (1985) Mexico
Cementerio General 2 (2016) Peru
Cemetery Club, The (1993) USA
Cemetery Games (2022) USA
Cena medu (1987) Czechoslovakia
Cena priatelstva (1979) Czechoslovakia
Cena za stestí (2019) Czech Republic
Cenerentola (2011) Italy
Cengá do triedy (1985) Czechoslovakia
Cenizas bajo el mar (2014) Spain
Cenizas del cielo (2008) Spain
Cenkovej deti (1975) Czechoslovakia
Censor (2021) United Kingdom
Census Taker, The (1984) USA
Cent livres des hommes, Les (1969) France
Centaurworld (2021) USA
Centennial (1978) USA
Centennial Summer (1946) USA
Center of the Universe (2004) USA
Center Stage (1954) USA
Center Stage: On Pointe (2016) USA
Center Stage: Turn It Up (2008) USA, Canada
Cento chilometri, La (1959) Italy
Cento piccole mamme (1952) Italy
Cento vetrine (2001) Italy
Centostorie (1967) Italy
Centraal (2019) Netherlands
Central Airport (1933) USA
Central do Brasil (1998) Brazil, France
Central nuit (2001) France
Centre Play (1973) United Kingdom
Centre, The (2014) Ireland
Centro médico (2015) Spain
Centrum (2020) Denmark
Centurion A.D. (2017) USA
Centurions (1986) USA
Century City (2004) USA
Century Falls (1993) United Kingdom
Cera (2021) USA
Cerasella (1959) Italy
Cerca (2015) Costa Rica
Cerca de la ciudad (1952) Spain
Cercanías Renfe: La nueva forma de moverse (1995) Spain
Cercie in New York (2008) USA
Cereal (2023) Canada
Cereal Killer (2015) USA
CeReality (2011) USA
Cerebrum (2019) Canada
Ceremonia pogrzebowa (1985) United Kingdom, Poland
Ceresia (2016) USA
Cerf-volant du bout du monde (1958) France, China
Cerfs-volants, Les (2007) France, Belgium
Cerise (2010) USA
Cerná dynastie (1962) Czechoslovakia
Černá ovce (2011) Serbia
Cerná ovce (1966) Czechoslovakia
Cerná sanitka (2008) Czech Republic
Cerná sobota (1961) Czechoslovakia
Cernovláska (1988) Czechoslovakia
Cerný slzy (2002) Czech Republic
Cerritos, I Love You (2017) USA
Cert a dráha (1988) Czechoslovakia
Certain Proof: A Question of Worth (2011) USA
Certain Rich Man, A (1921) USA
Certains l'aiment... froide (1960) France
Certi bambini (2004) Italy
Čertiská (1989) Czechoslovakia
Certova nevesta (2011) Czech Republic
Certoviny (2018) Czech Republic
Cervánková královna (1982) Czechoslovakia
Cerveau d'Hugo, Le (2012) France
Cervená kulna (1968) Czechoslovakia
Cervené víno (1972) Czechoslovakia
Cervnové dny (1961) Czechoslovakia
Ces gars-là (2014) Canada
Ces jours heureux (2002) France
Ces jours où les remords vont font vraiment mal au coeur (1985) France
Ces sacrées vacances (1956) France
César Wagner (2020)
Ceský Robinson (2001) Czech Republic
Çesme (2014) Turkey
Cesnovi (2017) Slovenia
Cesta (1982) Czechoslovakia
Cesta byla suchá, místy mokrá (2003) Czech Republic
Cesta do hlubin studákovy duse (1939) Czechoslovakia
Cesta do praveku (1955) Czechoslovakia
Cesta do veku petrolejových lamp (1961) Czechoslovakia
Cesta kolem mé hlavy (1984) Czechoslovakia
Cesta na jihozápad (1989) Czechoslovakia
Cesta z mesta (2000) Czech Republic
Cesty domu (2010) Czech Republic
Cet été-là (2022) France, Belgium
Cetníci z Luhacovic (2017) Czech Republic
Cetvrti covek (2007) Serbia
Ceux de demain (1938) France
Ceux qui aiment ne meurent jamais (2004) France
Ceux qui restent (2007) France
Ceux qui travaillent (2018) Switzerland, Belgium
Cevriye'nin Kizlari (1972) Turkey
Cézanne et moi (2016) Belgium, France
Cezar a detektivi (1967) Czechoslovakia
CGEM Kids Square (2020)
Ch'tite famille, La (2018) France
Cha Cha Real Smooth (2022) USA
Cha no aji (2004) Japan
Châat gleua (1976) Thailand, Taiwan
Chabelo y Pepito contra los monstruos (1973) Mexico
Chabelo y Pepito detectives (1974) Mexico
Chabichou (1950) France
Chac: Dios de la lluvia (1975) Mexico, Panama
Chacha (2007) Japan
Chachi 420 (1997) India
Chacun pour soi (1998) France, Belgium
Chad (2019) USA
Chad Hanna (1940) USA
Chad: An American Boy (2016) USA
Chadwick Family, The (1974) USA
Chagall-Malevich (2014) Russia
Chagrin d'Ernst Loberlin, Le (1982) France
Chahut-bahut (1987) France
Chain Kulii Ki Main Kulii (2007) India
Chain of Desire (1992) USA, South Africa
Chain of Fools (2000) USA
Chain, The (2018) USA
Chain, The (1984) United Kingdom
Chained (2011) Canada, USA
Chained (2012) Canada
Chained (1934) USA
Chaining Day (2014) USA
Chainmail (2007) United Kingdom
Chains of Gold (1990) USA
Chair, The (2021) USA
Chairman, The (1969) United Kingdom, USA
Chaise vide, La (1975) France
Chaises musicales, Les (2015) France
Chaisson: Quest for Oriud (2014) USA
Chajeul su eopsseupnida (2018) South Korea
Chak dan juen ga 2 (2020) Hong Kong, China
Chakmeh (1993) Iran
Chakravyuha (1978) India
Chalani (1986) Czechoslovakia
Chaldea (2015) USA
Chalet, Le (2017) France
Chalk (1997) United Kingdom
Chalk (2011) United Kingdom
Challenge America (2001) Canada, USA
Challenge for Robin Hood, A (1967) United Kingdom
Challenge of Rin Tin Tin, The (1958) USA
Challenge of the GoBots (1984) USA
Challenge to Lassie (1949) USA
Challenge, The (2003) USA
Challenger: Countdown to Disaster (2006) United Kingdom
Challengers (2024) Italy, USA
Challengers, The (1991) Canada, USA
Chalo Jeete Hain (2018) India
Chalo Koi Baat Nahi (2021) India
Chalupári (1975) Czechoslovakia
Chama a Bebel (2023) Brazil
Chamada, A (2011) Portugal
Chambers (2019) USA
Chambers Street (2009) USA
Chamboultout (2019) France, Belgium
Chambre 13 (1942) France
Chambre 616 (2006) France
Chambre bleue, La (2014) France
Chambre des dames, La (1983) France
Chambre des merveilles, La (2023) France
Chambre des morts, La (2007) France
Chambre verte, La (1978) France
Chambres en ville (1989) Canada
Chameleon (1998) USA, Australia
Chameleon, The (2010) Canada, France, USA
Chameleon, The (2015) United Kingdom, USA
Chamgyeoneun no salaneun oh-yeah (1993) South Korea
Chamois, Les (2017) France
Champ d'honneur (1987) France
Champ dolent, le roman de la terre, Le (2002) France
Champ, The (1979) USA
Champ, The (2006) USA
Champ, The (1931) USA
Champagne (2010) USA
Champagne Waltz (1937) USA
Champagnerlily (1965) West Germany
Champaign ILL (2018) USA
Champeen, The (1923) USA
Champi-Tortu (1921) France
Champion Road (1958) United Kingdom
Champions (2017) USA
Champions Juniors (1951) France
Champions: A Love Story (1979) USA
Champs magnétiques, Les (2020) France
Chan Trea 2017 (2017) Cambodia
Chanbara fûfu (1930) Japan
Chance (2007) USA
Chance (2007) USA
Chance (2009) Panama, Colombia
Chance de ma vie, La (2010) France, Belgium
Chance in Hell, A (2011) USA
Chance in the World, A (2017) USA
Chance of a Lifetime (1998) USA
Chance of a Lifetime, The (1943) USA
Chance of Snow, A (1998) USA
Chance(s) (2016) Canada
Chances Are (1989) USA
Chancla, The (2020) USA
Chandar, the Black Leopard of Ceylon (1972) USA
Chandi Ki Deewar (1964) India
Chandler & Co (1994) United Kingdom
Chandler Christmas Getaway (2018) USA
Chandra (2015) China, Nepal, South Korea, Iran
Chanel No. 5 L'eau: 'You Know Me and You Don't' (2016) France, USA, United Kingdom
Chanel Solitaire (1981) United Kingdom, France, USA
Chang (1997) South Korea
Chang Phuan Kaew (2003) Thailand
Chang Phuan Kaew 2 (2004) Thailand
Chang-ok's Letter (2017) Japan, South Korea
Chang: A Drama of the Wilderness (1927) USA
Change (2011) USA
Change for Chimps (2016) Canada, Congo, USA
Change Machine (2011) USA
Change of Heart (1938) USA
Change of Heart (2012) USA
Change of Heart (1934) USA
Change of Heart (1993) Canada
Change of Heart (2018) USA
Change of Heart (2015) USA
Change of Heart, A (1998) USA
Change of Mind (1969) USA
Change of Plans (2012) USA
Change of Plans (2011) USA, Canada
Change-Up, The (2011) USA
Changeling (2008) USA
Changeling, The (1913) USA
Changeling, The (1980) Canada
Changelings (2015) USA
Changement de cap (2014) France
Changeover (2016) USA
Changeover, The (2017) New Zealand
Changer tout (2003) Belgium, France
Changes (1991) USA
Changing (2010) USA
Changing Ends (2023) United Kingdom
Changing Hands (2010) USA
Changing Hearts (2002) USA
Changing Lanes (2002) USA
Changing of the Guard (1936) USA
Changing Rooms (2005) Chad
Changing Seasons (2015) USA
Chango y la Chancla, El (2013) Mexico
Channel 2020 (2019) USA
Channel Surfing (2018)
Channel Zero (2016) USA
Channeling (2013) USA
Chanoc contra el tigre y el vampiro (1972) Mexico
Chanoc en las garras de las fieras (1970) Mexico
Chanson douce (2019) France
Chansons de Paris (1934) France
Chansu!: Kanojo ga seikô shita riyû (2009) Japan
Chant d'hiver (2015) France
Chant des sirènes, Le (2009) France
Chantier des gosses, Le (1970) Belgium
Chantons quand même (1940) France
Chao ban bao bao (2006) Hong Kong
Chao ji 3 deng bing (1997) Taiwan
Chao neng yi jia ren (2023) China, Russia
Chao, Federiko! (2014) Russia
Chaos puos keng kang (2006) Cambodia
Chaos Queen, Die (1997) Germany, Switzerland
Chaos Theory (2008) USA
Chaos Walking (2021) USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Luxembourg
Chaos Wolves, The (2015) USA
Chaos Wolves: Karma (2017) USA
Chaos-Queens (2017) Germany
Chaparral (2018) USA
Chaparri, les sept ours de la montagne sacrée (2014) France
Chapeau du p'tit Jésus, Le (2006) France
Chapel of Rest (2014) USA
Chaperone, The (2011) USA
Chapitö (2007) France
Chaplin (1992) USA, Japan, France, Italy
Chapman Report, The (1962) USA
Chappelle's Show (2003) USA
Chapter 27 (2007) USA, Canada
Charade (1963) USA
Charcoal Skies (2022) USA
Charge of the Light Brigade, The (1968) United Kingdom
Charge of the Light Brigade, The (1936) USA
Chariots of Fire (1981) United Kingdom
Charité (2017) Germany
Charité biz'ness (1998) France, Canada
Charity (2018) Netherlands
Charity of the Poor, The (1911) USA
Charlatan (2009) USA
Charles Dickens Show, The (2012) United Kingdom
Charles Farrell Show, The (1956) USA
Charles in Charge (1984) USA
Charles Manson (2012) Brazil
Charles, Your Hangover (2014) USA
Charley (1986) Netherlands
Charley and the Angel (1973) USA
Charley Hannah (1986) USA
Charley Moon (1956) United Kingdom
Charley Varrick (1973) USA
Charley's Onkel (1969) West Germany
Charleys Tante (1956) West Germany
Charlie (2012) USA
Charlie (2013) Netherlands
Charlie (2006) USA
Charlie & Louise - Das doppelte Lottchen (1994) Germany
Charlie & Me (2008) USA
Charlie & Slobby (2006) USA
Charlie and Lola (2005) United Kingdom
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) USA, United Kingdom, Australia
Charlie and the Great Balloon Chase (1981) USA
Charlie and the Talking Buzzard (1979) USA
Charlie at a Grown-Up Dinner (2015) USA
Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show, The (1983) USA
Charlie Brown Christmas, A (1965) USA
Charlie Brown Valentine, A (2002) USA
Charlie Brown's All Stars! (1966) USA
Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales (2002) USA
Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen (1981) USA
Charlie Chan at the Olympics (1937) USA
Charlie Chan in Honolulu (1938) USA
Charlie Chan in Paris (1935) USA
Charlie Chan in Shanghai (1935) USA
Charlie Chan's Greatest Case (1933) USA
Charlie Chan's Murder Cruise (1940) USA
Charlie Drake Show, The (1960) United Kingdom
Charlie Drake Show, The (1967) United Kingdom
Charlie Grace (1995) USA
Charlie Horse Music Pizza, The (1998) USA
Charlie Jade (2005) South Africa, Canada
Charlie Lawrence (2003) USA
Charlie Says (2013) United Kingdom
Charlie St. Cloud (2010) USA, Canada
Charlie Ve'hetzi (1974) Israel
Charlie Was a Rich Man (1981) United Kingdom
Charlie's Angels (1976) USA
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003) USA
Charlie's Christmas Wish (2020) USA
Charlie's Colorforms City (2019) USA
Charlie's Country (2013) Australia
Charlie's Farm (2014) Australia
Charlie's Ghost Story (1995) USA
Charlie: A Toy Story (2013) USA
Charlotje (1998) Belgium
Charlots contre Dracula, Les (1980) France
Charlots font l'Espagne, Les (1972) France, Spain
Charlotte (2017) USA
Charlotte (2015) Canada
Charlotte dite 'Charlie' (1995) France, Germany
Charlotte for Ever (1986) France
Charlotte Gray (2001) United Kingdom, Australia, Germany
Charlotte und ihre Männer (2005) Germany
Charlotte's Web (1973) USA
Charlotte's Web (2006) USA, Germany
Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure (2003) USA
Charlotte's Web: Flacka's Pig Tales (2007) USA
Charly (2007) France
Charm School with Ricki Lake (2009) USA
Charmant garçon (2001) France
Charmante famille (2007) France
Charmed (2018) USA
Charmed (1998) USA
Charming (2016) USA
Charming Billy (1999) USA
Charming Christmas (2015) USA, Canada
Charming the Hearts of Men (2021) USA
Charmings, The (1987) USA
Charmkins, The (1983) USA
Charnel House, The (2016) USA
Charodei (1982) Soviet Union
Charrette fantôme, La (1939) France
Charro de las Calaveras, El (1965) Mexico
Chartbusters (1986) USA
Charter (2020) Sweden, Norway, Denmark
Chartroose Caboose (1960) USA
Chas (2013) Russia
Chas pik (2006) Russia
Chas Volkova (2007) Russia
Chasco (1995) Spain
Chase (2010) USA
Chase Me Through (2013) USA
Chase the Slut (2010) USA
Chase, The (2016) USA
Chase, The (2021)
Chasing 3000 (2010) USA
Chasing a Dream (2009) USA
Chasing Alice (2003) USA
Chasing Amys: Zombie Etiquette (2011) USA
Chasing Cane: At What Cost (2010) USA
Chasing Cane: Finding Maxwell (2011) USA
Chasing Choo Choos (1927) USA
Chasing Christmas (2005) USA, Canada
Chasing Daylight (2004) USA
Chasing Destiny (2001) USA
Chasing Ghosts (2014) USA
Chasing Grace (2015) USA
Chasing Hayes (2015) USA
Chasing Holden (2003) Canada, USA
Chasing LA (2012) USA
Chasing Legends (2018) Romania
Chasing Life (2014) USA
Chasing Mavericks (2012) USA
Chasing Shadows (2014) USA
Chasing Shadows (2014) United Kingdom
Chasing Summers (2014) United Kingdom
Chasing the Dragon (1987) USA
Chasing the Dragon (1996) USA
Chasing the Monochrome Rainbow (2005) Canada
Chasing Titles Vol. 1 (2017) USA
Chasing Trouble (1931) USA
Chasing Waterfalls (2021) USA, Canada
Chasing Windmills (2018) Netherlands
Chasing Wonders (2020) United Kingdom, Australia
Chasse au lion à l'arc, La (1966) France
Chasse aux hommes, La (1975) France
Chasseur de chez Maxim's, Le (1976) France
Chasseur de chez Maxim's, Le (1953) France
Chasseurs d'écume (1999) France
Chasseurs de dragons (2004) China, France
Chasseurs de lions, Les (1913) France
Chastnaya zhizn (2021) Russia
Chastnoe pionerskoe (2013) Russia
Chastnoe pionerskoe 2 (2015) Russia
Chastnoe pionerskoe 3 (2017) Russia
Chastnyy detektiv (2005) Russia
Chat bleu, chat noir (2007) France
Châtaigniers du désert, Les (2010) France
Chatarra (2004) Spain
Chateau Christmas (2020) Canada, USA
Château de ma mère, Le (1990) France
Château de sable (2000) Switzerland
Château des oliviers, Le (1993) France, Italy
Château du carrefour, Le (1951) France
Chateaubriand (2010) France
Chateauguay (2016) Canada
Chato (2017) USA
Chatouilles, Les (2018) France
Chatroom (2010) United Kingdom
Chatterbox (1943) USA
Chatty Cathy: This Is Mattel's Family of Chatty Dolls (1962) USA
Chatulim Al Sirat Pedalim (2011) Israel
Chaud lapin, Le (1974) France
Chauffeur (2013) Netherlands
Chauranga (2014) India
Chavo del Ocho, El (1972) Mexico
Chaynaya para (2024) Russia
Chce sie zyc (2013) Poland
Chcialbym sie zgubic... (1979) Poland
Che Dio ci aiuti (2011) Italy
Che gau dong on: Mut yat fung bau (1998) Hong Kong
Che Zai Jiong Tu (2012) China
Che? (1972) Italy, France, West Germany
Cheap Draft (2005) Canada
Cheap Thrills (2013) USA
Cheaper by the Dozen (2003) USA
Cheaper by the Dozen (2022) USA
Cheaper by the Dozen (1950) USA
Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2005) USA, Canada
Cheaters (2000) USA
Cheaters (1934) USA
Cheaters, The (1960) United Kingdom
Cheaters, The (1945) USA
Cheating the Public (1918) USA
Cheats (2002) Canada, USA
Cheba Louisa (2013) France
Cheburashka (2010) Japan, Russia, South Korea
Cheburashka (2023) Russia
Chechu y familia (1992) Spain
Check (2010) USA
Check It Out (1985) Canada
Check Mates (2022) USA
Check Point (2017) USA
Check This Kid Out (2005) USA
Check-In (2014) Romania
Checkered Vans (2023) USA
Checkers (1919) USA
Checkers (1937) USA
Checking Out (1989) United Kingdom
Checking Out (2005) USA
Checkmate (1960) USA
Checkmate (2015) USA
Checkout (2014) USA
Checkpoint (2011) France
Ched Talks (2017) USA
Cheech and Chong's Next Movie (1980) USA
Cheeky (2003) United Kingdom, France
Cheer Leader, The (1928) USA
Cheer Up (1924) USA
Cheer Up (2018) USA
Cheerful Giver, The (2018) USA
Cheerful Givers (1917) USA
Cheerful Weather for the Wedding (2012) United Kingdom
Cheering Section (1977) USA
Cheers (1982) USA
Cheers for Miss Bishop (1941) USA
Cheers To The Miki Clinic (2019) Japan
Cheetah (1989) USA
Chef (2014) USA
Chef (2017) India
Chef de famille, Le (1982) France
Chef der Gelehrsamkeit - Wilhelm von Humboldt (1983) East Germany
Chef, The (1995) Japan
Chefin, Die (2012) Germany
Chefs-d'oeuvre de Bébé, Les (1910) France
Chegemuri detektivi (1987) Soviet Union
Chego khotyat zhenshchiny (2016) Russia
Chek (2000) Russia
Chek ji kuen wong (2004) Hong Kong
Chekharda (1987) Soviet Union
Chekhov i ko (1998) Russia
Chekist (1992) Russia
Chello hongmijoo ilga salinsagan (2005) South Korea
Chelnochnitsy (2016) Russia
Chelovek bez proshlogo (2015) Russia
Chelovek bez serdtsa (2018) Ukraine
Chelovek bezvozvratnyy (2006) Russia
Chelovek idyot za solntsem (1962) Soviet Union
Chelovek iz Lesa (1927) Soviet Union
Chelovek iz Podolska (2020) Russia
Chelovek iz strany Grin (1983) Soviet Union
Chelovek na polustanke (1983) Soviet Union
Chelovek niotkuda (2012) Russia
Chelovek rasseyannyy (1938) Soviet Union
Chelovek s bulvara KaputsinoK (2010) Russia
Chelovek s bulvara Kaputsinov (1987) Soviet Union
Chelovek so svalki (1991) Soviet Union
Chelovek, kotoromu vezlo (1978) Soviet Union
Chelovek, kotoryy umel letat' (2022) Russia
Chelovek-veter (2007) Russia
Chelsea (2016) USA
Chelsea Handler Show, The (2006) USA
Chelsea Walls (2001) USA
Cheltenham Festival of Contemporary Literature (1955) United Kingdom
Chem. Lab. Mystery, The (1963) United Kingdom
Chemi ardadagebi (1973) Georgia, Soviet Union
Chemi boshebi (1987) Soviet Union
Chemin de la drogue, Le (1953) France
Chemins de traverse (2004) France, Spain, Italy
Chemodan (2022) Russia
Chempion (2008) Russia
Chempion (1979) Soviet Union
Chempion mira (2021) Russia
Chempiony (2014) Russia
Chempiony iz podvorotni (2012) Ukraine
Chempiony: Bystree. Vyshe. Silnee (2016) Russia
Cheng shi xioa you xia (1996) Hong Kong, Taiwan
Chéngzhang zhi lù (2006) China
Chennai Valarthiya Kutty (1976) India
Cheon Chu Tae Hu (2009) South Korea
Cheon-gug-ui A-i-deul (2012) South Korea
Cheongchun-manhwa (2006) South Korea
Cheppalani Vundhi (2001) India
Chequered Flag, The (1960) United Kingdom
Cher Ami... ¡y yo! (2008) Spain
Cher frangin (1989) France, Canada, Belgium
Cher: The Shoop Shoop Song (It's in His Kiss) (1990) USA
Cher: The Video Collection (1993) United Kingdom
Cherche famille désespérément (1994) France
Cherche fiancé tous frais payés (2007) France
Chercheur d'héritiers (1995) France
Cherchez Hortense (2012) France
Cherchill (2010) Russia
Chère inconnue (1980) France
Chère Marianne (1999) France
Cherish (2002) USA
Cherish Alexander: Change Can Start with Me (2021) USA
Cherished Memories: A Gift to Remember 2 (2019) USA
Cherishing, The (2016) Ireland
Cherkizona. Odnorazovye lyudi (2010) Russia
Chernaya boginya (2005) Russia
Chernaya magiya, ili svidanie s dyavolom (1990) Moldova, Soviet Union
Chernaya Molniya (2009) Russia
Chernaya pautina (2017) Belarus
Chernobyl (2019) USA, United Kingdom
Chernobyl (2022) Russia
Chernobyl: Trails of the Past (2019) Bulgaria
Chernobyl: Zona otchuzhdeniya (2014) Russia
Chernov (2019) Russia
Chernovik (2018) Russia
Chernovik (2019) Russia
Cherokee (1991) France
Cherokee Kid, The (1996) USA
Cherokee Strip (1940) USA
Cherokee Strip, The (1937) USA
Cherokee Trail, The (1981) USA
Cherry (1999) USA
Cherry Bombs (2013) Denmark
Cherry Falls (2000) USA
Cherry Pie (2013) Switzerland
Cherry Street, South of Main (1994) USA
Cherry Tree Lane (2010) United Kingdom
Cherrypicker (2020) Canada
Cherta (2009) Russia
Chertovo koleso (2007) Russia
Chesapeake (2016) USA
Chesapeake Shores (2016) USA
Cheshm aabi (2014) Iran
Chess (2003) Sweden
ChessDogs (2012) USA
Chest (2012) Russia
Chest tovarishcha (1953) Soviet Union
Chester (2011) USA
Chester's Big Night (2004) USA
Chester's Donkey Party (1925) USA
Chestnaya igra (2021) Ukraine
Chestnoe slovo (2019) Russia
Chestnoe volshebnoe (1976) Soviet Union
Chestnut Hill (2001) USA
Chestnut Man, The (2021) Denmark
Chestnut: Hero of Central Park (2004) USA
Chestnyy detektiv (2007) Russia
Cheta Pinochetov (2009) Russia
Chetirimata ot vagona (1970) Bulgaria
Chetniks (1943) USA
Chetvartoto izmerenie (1977) Bulgaria
Chetvertaya smena (2018) Russia
Chetvyorka po peniyu (1973) Soviet Union
Chetvyortaya vysota (1979) Soviet Union
Chetvyortyy papa (1968) Soviet Union
Chetyre i pyat (1924) Soviet Union
Chetyre Lyubovi (2004) Russia
Chetyre vozrasta lyubvi (2008) Russia
Cheun (2009) Thailand
Cheung gong 7 hou (2008) Hong Kong
Cheut gwai dik nui yan (2011) Hong Kong
Cheuuat gaawn chim (2009) Thailand
Cheval d'orgueil, Le (1980) France
Cheval de coeur, Le (1996) France
Chevaliers blancs, Les (2015) Belgium, France
Chevaux de Dieu, Les (2012) France, Belgium, Tunisia, Morocco
Cheveux de ma mère, Les (2004) France
Chevrolet Tele-Theatre, The (1948) USA
Chevron Hall of Stars (1956) USA
Chevron Theatre (1952) USA
Chevy (2015) USA
Chevy Mystery Show, The (1960) USA
Chew on This (2016) USA
Chewing Gum (2015) United Kingdom
Cheyenne (1955) USA
Cheyenne (2005) France
Cheyenne & Lola (2020) France
Cheyenne Cyclone, The (1931) USA
Cheyenne Wildcat (1944) USA
Chez Gino (2011) France, Belgium
Chez Maupassant (2007) France
Chez nous (2014) Canada
Chez nous (2017) France, Belgium
Chhalaang (2020) India
Chhatriwali (2023) India
Chheleta (1986) India
Chhota Chetan (1998) India
Chi c'è c'è (1987) Italy
Chi ha incastrato Babbo Natale? (2021) Italy
Chi l'ha vista morire? (1972) Italy, West Germany
Chi non vede la luce (1914) Italy
Chi sei? (1974) Italy, USA
Chi to hone (2004) Japan
Chi, The (2018) USA
CHI-nanigans (2019) USA
Chiamami ancora amore (2021) Italy
Chiapas, el Corazón del Café (2012) Mexico
Chiaroscuro (2009) USA
Chiavi di casa, Le (2004) Italy, Germany, France
Chibi Maruko-chan (2006) Japan
Chibi Maruko-Chan the Movie 2 (2006) Japan
Chibideka monogatari (1958) Japan
Chibikko Remi to meiken Capi (1970) Japan
Chica cósmica (1998) Argentina
Chica de ayer, La (2009) Spain
Chica Show, The (2012) USA
Chicago 8, The (2011) USA
Chicago Calling (1951) USA
Chicago Fire (2012) USA
Chicago Hope (1994) USA
Chicago Justice (2017) USA
Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck (2007) USA
Chicago Med (2015) USA
Chicago Overcoat (2009) USA
Chicago P.D. (2014) USA
Chicama (2013) Peru
Chicano (1976) Mexico
Chicas (2010) France
Chicas Day (2013) Spain
Chicha (1991) Soviet Union
Chicherin (1986) Soviet Union
Chichi (1930) Japan
Chichi ariki (1942) Japan
Chicho Krastnik (1988) Bulgaria
Chichot losu (2011) Poland
Chicken (1996) New Zealand
Chicken (2019) Australia
Chicken Chaser (1914) USA
Chicken Every Sunday (1949) USA
Chicken Feed (1927) USA
Chicken Girls (2017) USA
Chicken Girls: Dancing on the Ceiling (2018) USA
Chicken Girls: Forever Team (2022) USA
Chicken Girls: The Movie (2018) USA
Chicken Little (2005) USA
Chicken Night (2001) USA
Chicken Soup (1989) USA
Chicken Soup for the Soul (1999) USA
Chicken Squad, The (2020) USA
Chicken Talk (1994) United Kingdom
Chicken Tree, The (1998) Canada
Chicken Wagon Family (1939) USA
Chicken, The (1928) USA
Chicken/Egg (2016) United Kingdom
Chickenfüt (2007) USA
ChickenHawk (1994) USA
Chickens (2011) United Kingdom
Chicklet Club Garage Sale, The (2020) USA
Chicks with Sticks (2004) Canada
Chico (2001) Germany, Croatia, Hungary, Chile
Chico Bento e a Goiabeira Maraviósa (2024) Brazil
Chico City (1973) Brazil
Chico Xavier (2010) Brazil
Chicos de la guerra, Los (1984) Argentina
Chicos del Preu, Los (1967) Spain
Chicos del puerto, Los (2013) Spain
Chido Guan, el tacos de oro (1986) Mexico
Chiedo asilo (1979) Italy, France
Chief, The (1933) USA
Chiefs (1983) USA
Chien (2019) Canada
Chien de Monsieur Michel, Le (1977) France
Chien, Le (1984) France
Chienne de vie (1996) France
Chienne de vie (1996) France
Chiens ne font pas des chats, Les (1996) France
Chiens perdus sans collier (1955) France, Italy
Chiesa, La (1989) Italy
Chiffy Kids, The (1976) United Kingdom
Chihayafuru Part I (2016) Japan
Chihayafuru Part II (2016) Japan
Chihi o tori ni (2012) Japan
Chihuahua: The Movie (2010) USA
Chiisai tôbôsha (1966) Soviet Union, Japan
Chiisaki yûsha-tachi: Gamera (2006) Japan
Chiisakobe (1962) Japan
Chika's Bird (2004) Canada
Chikara: sumobryderens søn (2013) Japan, Denmark
Chikatilo (2021) Russia
Chikyu sentai Fiveman (1990) Japan
Chikyû shôjo Arjuna (2001) Japan
Child (2010) United Kingdom
Child 44 (2015) Czech Republic, United Kingdom, USA, Russia
Child and the Killer, The (1959) United Kingdom
Child Bride (1938) USA
Child Bride of Short Creek (1981) USA
Child Eater (2016) USA, Iceland
Child Eater (2012) USA
Child Haus (2015) Philippines
Child in the letter, The (2001) China
Child in the Night (1990) Italy, USA
Child in Time, The (2017) United Kingdom
Child Is Born, A (1939) USA
Child Is Missing, A (1995) USA, Canada
Child Is Waiting, A (1963) USA
Child Logic (1998) USA
Child Lost Forever: The Jerry Sherwood Story, A (1992) USA
Child Machine (2023) Estonia
Child of Divorce (1946) USA
Child of Glass (1978) USA
Child of Grace (2014) USA
Child of Lore (2011) United Kingdom
Child of M'sieu (1919) USA
Child of Mine (2005) United Kingdom
Child of Our Time (2000) United Kingdom
Child of Rage (1992) USA
Child of the '70s (2012) USA
Child of the Sabbat (1989) USA
Child of the Stars (2020) Japan
Child of War (2014) USA
Child of Wisdom (2019) Bulgaria
Child Saver, The (1988) USA
Child Star Psychologist (2011) USA
Child Star Psychologist 2 with Kiernan Shipka (2013) USA
Child Star Psychologist 3 with Kiernan Shipka (2013) USA
Child Star: The Shirley Temple Story (2001) USA, Australia
Child Stealer, The (1979) USA
Child Support (2018) USA
Child Went Forth, A (1942) USA
Child's Christmas in Wales, A (1987) Canada, United Kingdom, USA
Child's Christmases in Wales, A (2009) United Kingdom
Child's Cry (1986) USA
Child's Cry for Help, A (1994) USA
Child's Happiness (2020) Russia
Child's Play (1980) USA
Child's Play (2019) Canada, USA
Child's Play (1972) USA
Child's Play (1988) USA
Child's Play (2013) USA
Child's Play 2 (1990) USA
Child's Play 3 (1991) United Kingdom, USA
Child's Voice, A (2018) USA
Child's Wish, A (1997) USA
Child, The (1977) USA
Child, The (2012) Germany
Childer (2016) United Kingdom
Childhood (2024) Iran
Childhood (1974) United Kingdom
Childhood Freedom (2019) Belgium
Childhood of a Leader, The (2015) USA, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Hungary, Belgium
Childhood's End (1996) USA
Childhood's End (2015) USA
Childlike Violence (2004) USA
Children (2006) Japan
Children (1976) United Kingdom
Children (2010) USA
Children (2014) USA
Children Are Monsters (2020) USA
Children Film Centre (2013) Canada
Children First! (1996) Canada
Children in Need (2008)
Children in Need (2018)
Children in Need (2013)
Children in Need (2011)
Children in Need (1980) United Kingdom
Children in the Crossfire (1984) USA, Ireland
Children in the House, The (1916) USA
Children in the Woods (2009) USA
Children Nobody Wanted, The (1981) USA
Children of a Laughing God (1999) USA
Children of a Lesser God (1986) USA
Children of An Lac, The (1980) USA
Children of Beslan (2005) USA, United Kingdom
Children of Chabannes, The (1999) USA
Children of Chance (2017) Belgium
Children of Darkness (2022) USA
Children of Divorce (1927) USA
Children of Divorce (1980) USA
Children of Dune (2003) Germany, USA
Children of Dust (1923) USA
Children of Fate (2006) Canada
Children of Fire Mountain (1979) New Zealand
Children of Fortune (2000) USA
Children of God (2008) Nepal
Children of God (2010) Bahamas
Children of Green Knowe, The (1986) United Kingdom
Children of Huang Shi, The (2008) Australia, China, Germany, USA
Children of Ibdaa, The (2003) USA
Children of Invention (2009) USA
Children of Japan (1940) USA
Children of Leningradsky, The (2005) Poland
Children of My Heart (2000) Canada
Children of Shatila (1998) Lebanon
Children of the Asylum (2013) USA
Children of the Bride (1990) USA
Children of the City (1944) United Kingdom
Children of the Corn (1984) USA
Children of the Corn (2020) USA
Children of the Corn (2009) USA
Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest (1995) USA
Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror (1998) USA
Children of the Corn: Genesis (2011) USA
Children of the Corn: Revelation (2001) Canada
Children of the Corn: Runaway (2018) USA
Children of the Corn: The Gathering (1996) USA
Children of the Damned (1964) United Kingdom
Children of the Dark (1994) USA
Children of the Dead (2014) USA
Children of the Dust (1995) USA
Children of the Fog (1935) United Kingdom
Children of the Grave (2007) USA
Children of the Grave 2 (2012) USA
Children of the Hunt (2009) USA
Children of the Living Dead (2001) USA
Children of the Moon (2013) USA
Children of the New Forest (1998) United Kingdom
Children of the Night (1991) USA
Children of the Pyre (2008) India
Children of the Revolution (1996) Australia
Children of the Secret State (2001) United Kingdom
Children of the Soviet Union (1988) USA
Children of the Stones (1977) United Kingdom
Children of the Tsunami (2012) United Kingdom
Children of Theatre Street, The (1977) USA
Children of Times Square, The (1986) USA
Children of Transition (2014) Croatia
Children of War (2009) USA
Children of Wax (2007) Bulgaria
Children on Their Birthdays (2002) USA
Children Pay, The (1916) USA
Children Underground (2001) USA
Children Who Cheated the Nazis, The (2000) United Kingdom
Children Who Labor (1912) USA
Children with Black Eyes, The (2018) USA
Children Without a Voice (2019) USA
Children's Coffee Coalition (2014) USA
Children's Conspiracy, The (1913) USA
Children's Games (1969) USA
Children's Hospital (1997) Australia
Children's Hospital, A (2007) Australia
Children's Hour, The (1961) USA
Children's Island (1985) United Kingdom
Children's Island, The (2017) France
Children's Miracle Network Telethon (1990)
Children's Party at the Palace, The (2006) United Kingdom
Children's Show (2014) Philippines
Children's Song, A (2017) USA
Children's Story, The (1982) USA
Children's Theater (1949) USA
Children's Theater Critic with Alfred Molina (2012) USA
Children's Ward (1989) United Kingdom
Children, The (1990) United Kingdom, West Germany
Children, The (2008) United Kingdom
Children, The (1980) USA
Children, The (2008) United Kingdom
Childrens Hospital (2008) USA
Childstar (2004) Canada
Chile Puede (2008) Chile
Chili & Cheese: A Condimental Rift (2009) Canada
Chili con carne (1999) France
Chillar Party (2011) India
Chillers (1987) USA
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018) USA
Chilling Visions: 5 Senses of Fear (2013) USA
Chilly Christmas (2012) USA
Chilly Days (1928) USA
Chime of Youth, The (2017) United Kingdom
Chimera Strain (2018) India, United Arab Emirates, USA
Chimère (2017) Netherlands
Chimère (1989) France
Chimerica (2019) United Kingdom
Chimes, The (1914) USA
Chimpmates (1976) United Kingdom
Chîmu bachisuta no eikô (2008) Japan
China (1931) USA
China Anne McClain: Dynamite (2011) USA
China Beach (1988) USA
China Doll (2012) United Kingdom
China Gate (1957) USA
China Girl (1942) USA
China Sky (1945) USA
China's Little Devils (1945) USA
Chinas (2023) Spain
Chinatown (1974) USA
Chinatown Charlie (1928) USA
Chinatown Mystery, The (1928) USA
Chinatown Nights (1929) USA
Chinese Detective, The (1981) United Kingdom
Chinesische Wunder, Das (1977) West Germany
Chinesisches Roulette (1976) West Germany, France
Chingachguk (2022) Russia
Chingoo (2001) South Korea
Chinjeolhan geumjassi (2005) South Korea
Chink, The (1921) USA
Chinovnitsa (2021) Russia
Chinthavishtayaya Shyamala (1998) India
Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022) USA, Canada, Philippines
Chip and Potato (2018) Canada, United Kingdom
Chip Off the Old Block (1944) USA
Chip Off the Old Block, A (1913) USA
Chip, The (2014) USA
Chipmunk Christmas, A (1981) USA
Chipollino (1973) Soviet Union
Chippa (2019) India
Chippendiddys, The (1995) United Kingdom
Chippie, The (2020) United Kingdom
CHiPs (1977) USA
Chiquidrácula (1986) Mexico
Chiquilladas (1982) Mexico
Chiquititas (1995) Argentina
Chiquititas (2013) Brazil
Chiquititas (2007) Portugal
Chiquititas Brasil (1997) Brazil, Argentina
Chiquititas sin fin (2006) Argentina
Chiquititas, la historia (2001) Argentina
Chiquititas: Rincón de luz (2001) Argentina
Chirag Kahan Roshni Kahan (1959) India
Chirakodinja Kinavukal (2015) India
Chiralia (2013) Germany
Chiriki da Chikotela (1975) Soviet Union
Chirp (2015) Canada
Chirp, Buzz, & Other Sensations (2017) USA
Chîsana baikingu Bikke (1974) Austria, Japan, West Germany
Chisholms, The (1979) USA
Chisholms, The (1979) USA
Chispa de la vida, La (2011) Spain, France, USA
Chispita (1982) Mexico
Chispita y sus gorilas (1982) Spain
Chissà perché... capitano tutte a me (1980) Italy
Chistaya pobeda (2012) Russia
Chistaya psikhologiya (2019) Russia
Chistoserdechnoe priznanie (2017) Russia
Chistoserdechnoe priznanie (2004) Russia
Chistoserdechnoe prizvanie (2020) Russia
Chistye klyuchi (2003) Russia
Chistye prudy (1965) Soviet Union
Chistyy futbol (2017) Russia
Chisum (1970) USA
Chitchor (1976) India
Chithha (2023) India
Chithirayil Nilachoru (2013) India
Chitis rdze (1975) Georgia, Soviet Union
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) United Kingdom
Chix0r (2013) USA
Chiyari Fuji (1955) Japan
Chizhik-Pyzhik vozvrashchayetsya (2023) Russia
Chizkeik (2008) Russia
Chkalov (2012) Russia
Chlap jako hora (1960) Czechoslovakia
Chlap na strídacku (2020) Czech Republic
Chlap prezývaný Brumteles (1982) Czechoslovakia
Chlap v dome (1986) Czechoslovakia
Chlapáci (2014) Czech Republic
Chlapček vrabček (1988) Czechoslovakia
Chlapci a chlapi (1988) Czechoslovakia
Chlapci, zadejte se! (1964) Czechoslovakia
Chlapec a pes (1989) Czechoslovakia
Chlapec a pes (1989) Czechoslovakia
Chlapec a srna (1962) Czechoslovakia
Chlapi prece neplácou (1980) Czechoslovakia
Chlapská dovolenka (1988) Czechoslovakia
Chloe (2018) USA
Chloé (2012) Canada
Chloe IRL Halloween Spooktacular (2016) USA
Chloe x Halle: Warrior - from A Wrinkle in Time (2018) USA
Chloe's Prayer (2006) USA
Chlopi (1972) Poland
Chlopiec na galopujacym koniu (2006) Poland
Chlorine (2019) Australia
Chô chô san (2011) Japan
Chobotnice z druhého patra (1987) Czechoslovakia, West Germany
Chobotnice z druhého patra (1986) Czechoslovakia, West Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Portugal
Choc en retour, Le (1937) France
Choca, La (1974) Mexico
Chocante (2017) Brazil
Chock (1997) Sweden
Chock 6 - Det ringer (1997) Sweden
Chocky (1984) United Kingdom
Chocky's Challenge (1986) United Kingdom
Chocky's Children (1985) United Kingdom
Chocó (2012) Colombia
Chocolat (2016) France
Chocolat (2000) United Kingdom, USA
Chocolat (1988) France, West Germany, Cameroon
Chocolate (2008) Thailand
Chocolate Cake (2016)
Chocolate Chip Cookies (2018) USA
Chocolate com Pimenta (2003) Brazil
Chocolate Covered Christmas (2020) USA
Chocolate Girls (2004) USA
Chocolate Heist (2016) USA
Chocolate Man (2018) Germany
Chocolate Shop, The (2017) USA
Chocolate Soldier, The (1941) USA
Choegoda Lee Soon-shin (2013) South Korea
Choele (2013) Argentina
Choeur des enfants, Le (2006) France
Choice Cuts (2014) USA
Choice, The (2012) United Kingdom
Choice, The (2016) USA
Choice: The Henry Morgentaler Story (2005) Canada
Choices (2004) USA
Choices of the Heart: The Margaret Sanger Story (1995) USA
Choices Project (2021) Canada
Choices- Life Gone Wrong (2003) USA
Choir, The (1995) United Kingdom
Choix d'Adèle, Le (2011) France
Choix d'Élodie, Le (1999) France
Choke (2016) USA
Choke (2008) USA
Choked (2020) India
Choker (2005) USA
Choknutaya (2011) Russia
Chokoreeto gaaru (1932) Japan
Chol (1997) Israel
Chômage affectif (2011) France
Chomper (2016) USA
Chonmage purin (2010) Japan
Choo-Choo! (1932) USA
Choola (1979) India
Choose (2011) USA
Choose (2011) USA
Choose Connor (2007) USA
Choose Love (2023) USA
Choose Your Own Adventure: The Abominable Snowman (2006) USA
Choose Your Own Adventure: The Case of the Silk King (1992) USA
Choose Your Partners (1935) USA
Choosing Matthias (2001) USA
Choosing Sides (2013) USA
ChOP (2015) Russia
Chop Chicks (2011) USA
Chop My Money (2014) Congo
Chop Shop (2007) USA
Chopin - Bilder einer Trennung (1993) France, Germany
Chopin-Express (1971) West Germany
Chopper One (1974) USA
Chopper Squad (1977) Australia
Chopstick Kid (1979) Philippines
Choque (2005) Spain
Chor Ke Ghar Chor (1978) India
Chor: The Bicycle (2016) India
Chorakhe (1979) Thailand, United Kingdom
Chorale des Petits Chanteurs, La (2010) France
Chords (2008) USA
Choristes, Les (2004) France, Switzerland, Germany
Choristes: Le making of, Les (2004) France
Chorus (2022) USA
Chorus Girl and the Kid, The (1916) USA
Chorus Kid, The (1928) USA
Chorus Lady, The (1924) USA
Chorus, The (2018) Canada
Chosen (2013) USA
Chosen (2004) USA
Chosen (2013) USA
Chosen (2017) China
Chosen Kin (2015) USA
Chosen Kin Origins (2017) USA
Chosen Kin Origins: New Breed (2018) USA
Chosen One (2019) USA
Chosen One, The (1995) USA
Chosen One, The (2023) USA, Mexico
Chosen, The (2017)
Chosen, The (2015) USA
Choses simples, Les (2023) France
Choseung-dal-gwa bam-bae (2003) South Korea
Chôshû Faibu (2006) Japan
Chota Jadugar (2003) India
Chotto wa Darazu ni (2014) Japan
Chou tan qi ge ban (1988) Taiwan
Choueki juhachi-nen: kari shutsugoku (1967) Japan
Chow Kit (2012) Malaysia
Chowder (2007) USA
Chozen, The (2011) USA
Chris (2017) USA
Chris & Julia's Sunday Night Takeaway (2019) Australia
Chris Brown: Next To You ft. Justin Bieber (2011) USA
Chris Brown: Yeah 3x (2010) USA
Chris Cross (1993) United Kingdom, Canada
Chris Isaak Show, The (2001) Canada, USA
Chris O'Dowd's Little Cracker: Capturing Santa (2010) United Kingdom
Chrissy (2012) Barbados
Christ, The (2017) USA
Christabel (1988) United Kingdom
Christian (2004) United Kingdom
Christian (2022) Italy
Christian (2015) USA
Christian et Christine (2013) USA
Christian in the Closet (2021) Australia
Christian Rother - Bankier für Preussen (1987) West Germany
Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo (1981) West Germany
Christie's Revenge (2007) Canada
Christina Aguilera: Hurt (2006) USA
Christina Aguilera: No Es Que Te Extrañe (2022) USA
Christine (1975) France, Switzerland
Christine Cromwell (1989) USA
Christine Jorgensen Story, The (1970) USA
Christine of the Hungry Heart (1924) USA
Christine und die Störche (1962) East Germany
Christine. Perfekt war gestern! (2013) Germany
Christmas (1923) USA
Christmas Adventure ...From a Book Called Wisely's Tales, A (2001) Canada, USA
Christmas All Over Again (2016) USA
Christmas Angel (2012) USA
Christmas Angel: A Story on Ice, The (1998) USA
Christmas at Cartwright's (2014) USA
Christmas at Dollywood (2019) USA
Christmas at Graceland (2018) USA
Christmas at Graceland: Home for the Holidays (2019) USA
Christmas at Grand Valley (2018) USA
Christmas at Holly Lodge (2017) USA
Christmas at Home: An Online Christmas Concert (2020) Canada
Christmas at Maxwell's (2006) USA
Christmas at Pemberley Manor (2018) USA
Christmas at the Chateau (2019) USA
Christmas at the Plaza (2019) USA
Christmas at the Riviera (2007) United Kingdom
Christmas Aunt, The (2020) USA
Christmas Bake-Off (2023) USA, Canada
Christmas Bells Are Ringing (2018) USA
Christmas Blessing, A (2013) USA
Christmas Blessing, The (2005) USA, Canada
Christmas Bounty (2013) USA
Christmas Box, The (1995) USA
Christmas Break-In (2018) USA
Christmas Bunny, The (2010) USA
Christmas by Starlight (2020) USA, Canada
Christmas Candle, The (2013) United Kingdom, USA
Christmas Caper (2007) USA, Canada
Christmas Carol, 50th Anniversary, A (2015) USA
Christmas Carol, A (1999) USA
Christmas Carol, A (1984) United Kingdom, USA
Christmas Carol, A (1950) United Kingdom
Christmas Carol, A (1994) USA
Christmas Carol, A (1954) USA
Christmas Carol, A (2019) United Kingdom, USA
Christmas Carol, A (2009) USA
Christmas Carol, A (2004) Hungary, USA
Christmas Carol, A (1997) USA
Christmas Carol, A (2019) USA
Christmas Carol, A (1938) USA
Christmas Carol, A (2020) United Kingdom
Christmas Carol, A (1910) USA
Christmas Carol, A (2000) United Kingdom
Christmas Carol, The (1949) USA
Christmas Carole (2022) United Kingdom
Christmas Catch (2018) Canada
Christmas Chronicles, The (2018) USA
Christmas Chronicles: Part Two, The (2020) Canada
Christmas Club, The (2019) USA
Christmas Comes Home to Canaan (2011) USA
Christmas Comes to Willow Creek (1987) USA, United Kingdom
Christmas Comes Twice (2020) Canada, USA
Christmas Connection (2017) Canada
Christmas Consultant, The (2012) Canada
Christmas Contest, The (2021) USA
Christmas Contract, The (2018) USA
Christmas Cookies (2016) Canada, USA
Christmas Crook, The (2017) USA
Christmas Cure, The (2017) USA
Christmas Dance Reunion, A (2021) Canada, USA
Christmas Do-Over (2006) USA
Christmas Doctor, The (2020) USA
Christmas Dove (1986) USA
Christmas Dragon, The (2014) USA
Christmas Dreams (2015) USA
Christmas Duet, A (2019) USA
Christmas Eve Miracle, A (2015) USA
Christmas Ever After (2020) USA
Christmas Everlasting (2018) USA
Christmas Every Day (1996) USA
Christmas Explorer (2021) Canada
Christmas for a Dollar (2013) USA
Christmas for Boomer, A (1979) USA
Christmas Getaway (2017) USA
Christmas Gift, The (1986) USA
Christmas Gift, The (2015) USA
Christmas Harmony (2018) USA
Christmas Heart, The (2012) USA
Christmas Hope, The (2009) USA
Christmas in Alaska (2024) Canada
Christmas in Angel Falls (2017) USA
Christmas in Canaan (2009) USA
Christmas in Cartoontown (1996) USA
Christmas in Connecticut (1992) USA
Christmas in Disneyland (1976) USA
Christmas in Evergreen (2017) USA
Christmas in Evergreen: Letters to Santa (2018) USA
Christmas in Evergreen: Tidings of Joy (2019) USA
Christmas in Homestead (2016) USA
Christmas in July (1940) USA
Christmas in Louisiana (2019) USA
Christmas in Mississippi (2017) USA
Christmas in Montana (2019) USA
Christmas in My Heart (2021) Canada, USA
Christmas in My Hometown (1996) Canada
Christmas in Oz (1996) USA
Christmas in Palm Springs (2014) USA
Christmas in Paradise (2007) USA
Christmas in Rome (2019) USA
Christmas in Tennessee, A (2018) USA
Christmas in the Air (2017) USA
Christmas in the City (2013) Canada, USA
Christmas in the Clouds (2001) USA
Christmas in the Heartland (2018) USA
Christmas in the Market Place (1956) Canada
Christmas in the Smokies (2015) USA
Christmas in Toyland (2022) Canada
Christmas in Vermont, A (2016) USA
Christmas in Wolf Creek (2022) Canada, USA
Christmas in Wonderland (2007) Canada, USA
Christmas Incorporated (2015) Canada, USA
Christmas Is Here Again (2007) USA
Christmas Lilies of the Field (1979) USA
Christmas List (2016) USA
Christmas List, The (1997) USA, Canada
Christmas Lodge (2011) Canada
Christmas Lost and Found (2018) Canada
Christmas Love Letter (2019) USA
Christmas Love Story, A (2019) USA
Christmas Magic (2011) USA, Canada
Christmas Magic (2014) USA
Christmas Mail (2010) USA
Christmas Melody, A (2015) USA
Christmas Memory, A (1997) USA
Christmas Miracle (2012) Canada
Christmas Miracle in Caufield, U.S.A. (1977) USA
Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey, The (2007) United Kingdom
Christmas Miracle, A (2019) USA
Christmas Mission (1999) Canada, USA
Christmas Mountain (1981) USA
Christmas Movie Christmas, A (2019) USA
Christmas Mystery, A (2014) USA
Christmas Mystery, A (2022) USA
Christmas Next Door (2017) USA
Christmas Night with the Stars, A (1958) United Kingdom
Christmas Note, The (2015) Canada
Christmas Number One, A (2021) United Kingdom
Christmas on Call (2024) USA
Christmas on Division Street (1991) USA, Canada
Christmas on Holly Lane (2018) Canada
Christmas on Honeysuckle Lane (2018) USA
Christmas on Ice (2020) USA
Christmas on My Mind (2019) USA
Christmas on the Bayou (2013) USA
Christmas on the Square (2020) USA
Christmas on the Vine (2020) USA
Christmas Oranges (2012) USA
Christmas Oranges Behind the Scenes Dvd-extra (2012) USA
Christmas Pact, The (2018) USA
Christmas Pageant, The (2011) USA
Christmas Parade, The (2014)
Christmas Party, The (1931) USA
Christmas Path, The (1998) USA
Christmas Pen Pals (2018) USA
Christmas Perfection (2018) USA
Christmas Prince, A (2017) USA
Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby, A (2019) USA
Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding, A (2018) USA
Christmas Princess (2017) Canada
Christmas Project 2, The (2020) USA
Christmas Project, The (2016) USA
Christmas Pudding, The (2009) Australia
Christmas Ransom (2022) Australia
Christmas Reservations (2019) USA
Christmas Reunion (1994) United Kingdom
Christmas Reunion, A (2015) USA
Christmas Romance, A (1994) USA
Christmas Rush (2002) USA
Christmas Season Massacre, The (2001) USA
Christmas Secret, The (2014) USA, Canada
Christmas Secret, The (2000) USA
Christmas Serenade, A (2023) USA
Christmas She Wrote (2020) Canada
Christmas Shepherd, The (2014) USA
Christmas Shoes, The (2002) USA, Canada
Christmas Sitters, The (2020) USA
Christmas Snow (1986) USA
Christmas Snow, A (2010) USA
Christmas Snowman, The (2017) Canada
Christmas Snows, Christmas Winds (1978) USA
Christmas Special with Luciano Pavarotti, A (1980) USA
Christmas Spirit (2007) USA
Christmas Spirit, The (2013) USA
Christmas Star, A (2017) United Kingdom
Christmas Star, The (1986) Canada, USA
Christmas Story 2, A (2012) Canada, USA
Christmas Story Live!, A (2017) USA
Christmas Story, A (1983) USA, Canada
Christmas Switch, A (2018) USA
Christmas Tales and Ghostly Trails: Classic Christmas Ghost Stories (2000) United Kingdom
Christmas Tears (2014) USA
Christmas Thieves (2021) Italy
Christmas to Remember, A (2015) USA
Christmas to Remember, A (2016) USA
Christmas to Remember, A (1978) USA
Christmas Town (2019) USA
Christmas Town (2008) Canada, USA
Christmas Toy, The (1986) USA, Canada
Christmas Trade (2015) USA
Christmas Train, The (2017) USA
Christmas Treat, A (1985) USA
Christmas Tree (2017) Armenia
Christmas Tree (2017) United Kingdom
Christmas Tree and a Wedding, A (2000) USA
Christmas Tree and the Wedding, The (2017) USA
Christmas Tree Miracle, A (2013) USA
Christmas Tree, The (1966) United Kingdom
Christmas Tree, The (1958) USA
Christmas Tree, The (1996) USA
Christmas Truce (2015) Canada
Christmas Twister (2012) USA
Christmas Under the Stars (2019) USA
Christmas Under Wraps (2014) USA
Christmas Unwrapped (2020) Canada
Christmas Vacation (1989) USA
Christmas Vacation 2: Cousin Eddie's Island Adventure (2003) USA
Christmas Valentine, The (2008) USA
Christmas vs. The Walters (2021) USA
Christmas Waltz (2020) Canada, Ireland
Christmas Wedding Planner (2017) Canada
Christmas Wedding Tail, A (2011) USA
Christmas Wedding, A (2006) USA
Christmas Wife, The (1988) USA, Canada
Christmas Wish (2011) USA
Christmas Wish, A (2011) USA
Christmas Wish, A (2019) USA
Christmas Wish, A (2015) USA, Mexico
Christmas Wish, The (1998) USA
Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses (2019) USA
Christmas with a Capital C (2011) USA
Christmas with a Kiss (2023) USA
Christmas with a Prince (2018) Canada
Christmas with a Prince: Becoming Royal (2019) Canada
Christmas with Arwen (2020) USA
Christmas with Holly (2012) USA, Canada
Christmas with the Andersons (2016) USA
Christmas with the Carters (2022) USA
Christmas with the Darlings (2020) USA
Christmas with the Knightlys (2023) Canada
Christmas with the Kranks (2004) USA
Christmas with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir (1995) USA
Christmas with the Vienna Boys Choir (1995) Germany, Austria
Christmas with Tucker (2013) Canada
Christmas Without Father (2019) USA
Christmas Without You (2022) USA
Christmas Wonderland (2018) USA
Christmas Yule Blog, The (2020) Canada
Christmas, Do You Copy? (2017) USA
Christoffel Ko Hummus en de grote ontdekkingstocht naar jezelf (2021) Netherlands
Christopher and Me (1960) USA
Christopher Columbus (1949) United Kingdom
Christopher Columbus (1985) Italy, USA, France, West Germany
Christopher Columbus: The Discovery (1992) United Kingdom, USA, Spain
Christopher Robin (2018) United Kingdom, USA
Christopher the Christmas Tree (1993) Canada, USA
Christophers, The (1952) USA
Christy (1994) USA
Christy (1994) USA
Christy, Choices of the Heart, Part II: A New Beginning (2001) USA
Christy: The Movie (2000) Canada
Chromeo: Must've Been (2018) USA
Chromophobia (2005) United Kingdom, France, USA
Chronesthesia (2016) New Zealand
Chronicle History of King Henry the Fift with His Battell Fought at Agincourt in France, The (1944) United Kingdom
Chronicle, The (2001) USA
Chronicles of Impeccable Sportsmanship (2006) USA
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, The (2008) USA, Poland, Slovenia, Czech Republic
Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The (2005) USA, United Kingdom
Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The (2010) USA
Chronicles of Nathan Gregory, The (2012) USA
Chronicles of Passion (2011) USA
Chronicles of Riddick, The (2004) USA
Chronicles of the Dark Carnival, The (2006) USA
Chronicles Simpkins Will Cut Your Ass (2013) USA
Chronique d'une banlieue ordinaire (1992) France
Chronique d'une fin d'après-midi (1991) France
Chroniques d'une cour de récré (2012) France
Chroniques d'une mère indigne, Les (2009) Canada
Chroniques de l'insolite, Les (2005) France
Chroniques de la violence ordinaire (2004) Canada
Chroniques marocaines (1999) Morocco, France
Chronomanen, Die (2007) Switzerland
Chrysalis (2010) United Kingdom, Austria
Chrysalis (2007) France
Chrystal (2004) USA
ChS [Chrezvychaynaya situatsiya] (2012) Russia
Chto by ty vybral? (1981) Soviet Union
Chto delaet tvoya zhena? (2017) Ukraine
Chto i trebovalos dokazat (2016) Russia
Chto mozhno Kuzenkovu? (1980) Soviet Union
Chto s toboy proiskhodit (1975) Soviet Union
Chto takoe khorosho i chto takoe plokho! (1989) Soviet Union
Chto takoye yeralash? (1986) Soviet Union
Chto tam, za povorotom? (1981) Soviet Union
Chto tvoryat muzhchiny! (2013) Russia
Chto u Senki bylo (1986) Soviet Union
Chto u tebya sluchilos? (1974) Soviet Union
Chtoby lyudi khlopali (2001) Russia
Chtoby vyzhit (1992) Russia
Chu Han Chuan Qi (2012) China
Chu lian na jian xiao shi (2019) China
Chu Qiao zhuan (2017) China
Chuan shuo (2024) China, Hong Kong
Chub (2014) USA
Chubbchubbs Save Xmas, The (2007) USA
Chuchelo (1984) Soviet Union
Chuchelo 2 (2009) Russia
Chuck (2007) USA
Chuck Finn (1999) Australia
Chuck Van Grizzly (2012) USA
Chuckles (2017) USA
Chucky (2021) USA
Chudak (1979) Soviet Union
Chudak iz Podlesnoy Tavly (1991) Russia
Chudak iz pyatogo B (1972) Soviet Union
Chudesa v Garbuzyanakh (1986) Soviet Union
Chudesa v kepke (2010) Russia
Chudesnyy doktor (2014) Russia
Chudo (2009) Ukraine
Chudo v Krymu (2015) Russia
Chudo-ostrov, ili Polesskiye Robinzony (2014) Belarus
Chudotvorets (2014) Russia
Chudotvornaya (1960) Soviet Union
Chûgakusei Maruyama (2013) Japan
Chuggington (2008) United Kingdom
Chûgoku no chôjin (1998) Japan
Chui shao ren (2019) Australia, China
Chuk i Gek (1953) Soviet Union
Chuk i Gek. Bolshoye priklyucheniye (2022) Russia
Chulsoo & Younghee (2005) South Korea
Chuma (2015) Russia
Chuma! (2020) Russia
Chuma! Vtoraya volna (2020) Russia
Chumovoy Novyy god! (2020) Russia
Chums (1921) USA
Chumscrubber, The (2005) USA, Germany
Chun Tian Hou Mu Xin (2006) China
Chunbunui Ipmatchoom (2011) South Korea
Chung Nam Hoi bo biu (1994) Hong Kong
Chunhyangdyun (2000) South Korea
Chunk & Bean (2016) USA
Chupa (2023) USA
Chupacabra (2020) Russia
Chupinazo, El (2005) Spain
Chura Liyaa Hai Tumne (2003) India
Church Feather, The (2005) USA
Church People (2014) USA
Church, The (2008) USA
Churchill (2003) United Kingdom
Churchill's People (1974) United Kingdom
Churchill's Secret (2016) United Kingdom, USA
Chûshingura (1932) Japan
Chûshingura - Zempen: Akahokyô no maki (1932) Japan
Chut leta (2009) Slovakia
Chut! (2016) France
Chute! (2007) United Kingdom
Chutes and Ladders (2012) USA
Chuuzai keiji: Okutama keikoku Satsui no yasoukyoku (2014) Japan
Chuy (2009) USA
Chuy zvezdite (2003) Bulgaria
Chuzai Keiji (2018) Japan
Chûzai Keiji 2 (2015) Japan
Chuzhaya (2018) Russia
Chuzhaya (1927) Soviet Union
Chuzhaya (2023) Russia
Chuzhaya (1979) Soviet Union
Chuzhaya belaya i ryaboy (1986) Soviet Union
Chuzhaya doch (2017) Russia
Chuzhaya kompaniya (1979) Soviet Union
Chuzhaya milaya (2015) Russia
Chuzhaya molitva (2017) Ukraine, Georgia
Chuzhaya ptitsa (1975) Soviet Union
Chuzhaya pyatyorka (1982) Soviet Union
Chuzhaya sestra (2020) Russia
Chuzhaya staya (2020) Russia
Chuzhaya tetrad' (2018) Russia
Chuzhaya zhizn (2019) Ukraine
Chuzhie deti (2020) Ukraine
Chuzhie krylya (2011) Russia
Chuzhie tayny. Vremena goda (2013) Russia
Chuzhiye blizkiye (2015) Ukraine
Chuzhoe gnezdo (2015) Russia
Chuzhoe litso (2012) Russia
Chuzhoe litso (2017) Russia
Chuzhoe schaste (2016) Russia, Ukraine
Chuzhoe schaste (2022) Russia
Chuzhoy (2023) Russia
Chuzhoy greh (2019) Ukraine
Chuzhoy rayon (2012) Russia
Chuzhoy v dome (2010) Russia
Chuzhoy zvonok (1985) Soviet Union
Chveni ezo (1956) Soviet Union
Chvíle pro písen trubky (1979) Czechoslovakia
Chwila (2015) Poland
Chyornaya chayka (1962) Soviet Union
Chyornaya komnata (2000) Russia
Chyornaya koshka (2016) Russia
Chyornaya krov (2017) Russia, Ukraine, Belarus
Chyornaya kuritsa, ili Podzemnye zhiteli (1981) Soviet Union
Chyornaya lestnitsa (2020) Russia
Chyornaya reka (2015) Russia
Chyornaya roza - emblema pechali, krasnaya roza - emblema lyubvi (1990) Soviet Union
Chyornoe oblako (2023) Russia
Chyornoe solntse (2024) Russia
Chyornoye solntse (1970) Soviet Union
Chyornye bushlaty (2018) Russia
Chyornye koshki (2013) Russia
Chyornyy koridor (1988) Soviet Union
Chyornyy kvadrat (1993) Russia
Chyornyy sneg (2007) Russia
Chyornyy tsvetok (2016) Ukraine
Chyorta s dva (2009) Ukraine
Chyortova dyuzhina (1971) Soviet Union
Ci alzeremo all'alba (2019) Italy
Ci hai rotto papà (1993) Italy
Ci mu lei (1953) Hong Kong
Ci sha xiao shuo jia (2021) China
Ci vediamo domani (2013) Italy
Ciacho (2010) Poland
Cialo (2003) Poland
Ciambra, A (2017) Italy, Brazil, Germany, France, Sweden, USA
Ciao Alberto (2021) USA
Ciao Barbies (2010) France
Ciao ma'... (1988) Italy
Ciao nì! (1979) Italy
Ciao professore (1999) Italy
Ciao, les mecs (1979) France
Cible, La (1997) France, Spain, Switzerland
Cicada (2019) Czech Republic
Cicadas (2000) USA
Cicatrice intérieure, La (1972) France
Cicatrices (2012) Spain
Cicatriz (2020) Spain
Cicerones, The (2002) United Kingdom
Cichlid (2016) South Korea
Cid, El (2020) Spain
Cidade de Deus (2002) Brazil, France
Cidade Despida (2010) Portugal
Cidade dos Homens (2002) Brazil
Cidade dos Homens (2007) Brazil
Cider House Rules, The (1999) USA
Cider with Rosie (2015) United Kingdom
Cider with Rosie (1998) United Kingdom, USA
Cider with Rosie (1971) United Kingdom
Cieca di Sorrento, La (1953) Italy
Ciel dans un jardin, Le (2004) France
Ciel est à vous, Le (1944) France
Ciel Flamand, Le (2016) Belgium
Cielito, El (2004) Argentina, France
Cielo (2007) Mexico
Cielo abierto, El (2001) Spain
Cielo cade, Il (2000) Italy
Cielo Grande (2022) Argentina
Ciemnego pokoju nie trzeba sie bac (2009) Poland
Cien Años de Soledad (2024) Colombia
Ciénaga, La (2001) Argentina, France, Spain, Japan
Ciencias naturales (2014) Argentina, France
Ciencias naturales (1975) Spain
Cienie (1988) Poland
¡Cierra el pico! (2022) Spain
Çifte Saadet (2016) Turkey
Cigalon (1935) France
Cigan (2011) Czech Republic, Slovakia
Cigányok (1963) Hungary
Cigarettes et bas nylon (2010) France
Cigarettes et chocolat chaud (2016) France
Cikánské pohádky (1994) Slovakia
Cike Wu Liuqi (2018) China
Çil Horoz (1988) Turkey
Cilantro y perejil (1996) Mexico
Çilgin Kamp (2015) Turkey
Cilveka berns (1991) Latvia
Cimarron (1931) USA
Cimarron (1960) USA
Cimarron City (1958) USA
Cimarron Strip (1967) USA
Cinar Agaci (2011) Turkey
Çinaralti (2004) Turkey
Cinco asesinos esperan (1964) Mexico
Cinco días sin Nora (2008) Mexico
Cinco halcones, Los (1962) Mexico
Cinco vezes Favela (1962) Brazil
Cincuenta barras de pan (2008) Spain
Cinderela Pop (2019) Brazil
Cinderella (1994) USA, Japan
Cinderella (1965) USA
Cinderella (2015) USA, United Kingdom
Cinderella (1958) United Kingdom
Cinderella (1957) USA
Cinderella (Soad Hosni), The (2006) Egypt
Cinderella Liberty (1973) USA
Cinderella Man (2005) USA
Cinderella Story, A (2004) USA, Canada
Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song, A (2011) USA
Cinderella Swings It (1943) USA
Cinderella's Feller (1940) USA
Cinderella's Sister (2010) South Korea
Cinderella: Apakah Cinta Hanya Mimpi? (2007) Indonesia
Cinderfella (1960) USA
Cindy (2014) USA
Cindy (2020) United Kingdom
Cindy la Regia: La serie (2023) Mexico
Cine Holliúdy (2012) Brazil
Cine va deschide usa? (1967) Romania
Cinéma 16 (1975) France
Cinéma de papa, Le (1971) France
Cinema Verite (2011) USA
Cinéphiles 3 - Les ruses de Frédéric, Les (2007) France
Cingöz Recai (2017) Turkey
Cinq dernières minutes, Les (1958) France
Cinq diables, Les (2022) France
Cinq jours en juin (1989) France
Cinque giornate di Milano, Le (2004) Italy
Cinque rose di Jennifer, Le (1989) Italy
Cinquième empreinte, La (1934) France
Cinquième saison, La (2012) Belgium, Netherlands, France
Cinta Alesha (2022) Indonesia
Cinta untuk Bunda (2021) Indonesia
Ciò che le nuvole non dicono (2016) United Kingdom, Italy
Ciociara, La (1989) Italy
Ciociara, La (1960) Italy, France
Cipelice na asfaltu (1956) Yugoslavia
Cipher Bureau (1938) USA
Cipolla Colt (1975) Italy, Spain, West Germany
Cipriana (2015) France, Mexico
Ciranda de Pedra (2008) Brazil
Circa 1995 (2011) USA
Circe the Enchantress (1924) USA
Circle (2015) USA
Circle (2016) Australia
Circle Family, The (1982) USA
Circle Game, The (1994) Canada
Circle Line (2023) Singapore
Circle of Children, A (1977) USA
Circle of Danger (1951) United Kingdom
Circle of Friends (2006) Canada, USA
Circle of Two (1981) Canada
Circle of Violence: A Family Drama (1986) USA
Circle, The (2018) USA
Circles (2014) USA
Circo (2010) Mexico, USA
Circolo Pickwick, Il (1968) Italy
Circuit Breakers (2022) USA
Circuit Man (2021) USA
Circuit, The (2007) Australia
Circumference (2006) Canada
Circumstances Unknown (1995) USA, Canada
Circumstantial Evidence (1945) USA
Circumstantial Nurse, A (1914) USA
Circus (2015) USA
Circus (1988) USA
Circus Boy (1956) USA
Circus Camp (2006) USA
Circus Clown, The (1934) USA
Circus Clowns (1922) USA
Circus Days (1922) USA
Circus Days (1923) USA
Circus Daze (1927) USA
Circus Fantasticus (2011) Slovenia, Ireland, Finland, Sweden
Circus Fever (1925) USA
Circus Friends (1956) United Kingdom
Circus Girl (1937) USA
Circus Kid, The (1928) USA
Circus Noël (2019) Netherlands
Circus Noël (2017) Netherlands
Circus Stowaway, A (1911) USA
Circus Time (1929) USA
Circus, Lions, Tigers and Melissas Too (1977) USA
Ciresarii (1972) Romania
Cirkeline 2: Ost og kærlighed (2000) Denmark
Cirkeline: Storbyens mus (1998) Denmark
Cirkeln (2015) Sweden
Çirkin dünya (1974) Turkey
Cirkus Casablanca (1981) Denmark
Cirkus Humberto (1988) Czechoslovakia
Cirkus Ildebrand (1995) Denmark
Cirkus Summarum (2009) Denmark
Cirkus v cirkuse (1975) Czechoslovakia, Soviet Union
Cirkusz (1991) Hungary
Cirqo (2013) Chile
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (2009) USA
Cirque du Soleil: Journey of Man (2000) USA
Cirque du Soleil: Luna Petunia (2016) USA
CIS: Chaoten im Sondereinsatz (2010) Germany
Císarovy nové saty (1994) Czech Republic, Germany
Cisco Kid, The (1950) USA
Cisco Kid, The (1931) USA
Ciske - Ein Kind braucht Liebe (1955) West Germany, Netherlands
Ciske de Rat (1984) Netherlands
Ciske de Rat (1955) Netherlands, West Germany
Ciske de Rat (1984) Netherlands
Cista ljubav (2017) Croatia
Cisto pravi gusar (1987) Yugoslavia
Cisza (1998) Poland
Cita-Citaku setinggi tanah (2012) Indonesia
Citadel (2012) Ireland, United Kingdom
Citadel (2023) USA
Citadel, The (1960) United Kingdom
Cité des enfants perdus, La (1995) France, Germany, Spain
Cité rose, La (2012) France
Citizen (2016) USA
Citizen 2000 (1982) United Kingdom
Citizen Baines (2000) USA
Citizen Duane (2006) Canada
Citizen James (1960) United Kingdom
Citizen Kane (1941) USA
Citizen Saint (1947) USA
Citizen X (1995) USA, Hungary
Citové cvičenia (1990) Czechoslovakia
Città sconvolta: caccia spietata ai rapitori, La (1975) Italy
Cittadella, La (1964) Italy
City Across the River (1949) USA
City and the City, The (2018) United Kingdom
City Beneath the Sea (1971) USA
City Central (1998) United Kingdom
City Detective (1953) USA
City for Conquest (1940) USA
City Girl (1938) USA
City Girls (2007) USA
City Guys (1997) USA
City Hall (1996) USA
City Homicide (2007) Australia
City Hospital (1951) USA
City in Fear (1980) USA
City Island (2009) USA
City Lights (1931) USA
City Limits (1984) USA
City of Angels (2000) USA
City of Angels (1998) USA, Germany
City of Angels, The (2013) USA
City of Dreams (2023) Mexico, USA
City of Ember (2008) USA
City of Fathers (2009) South Korea
City of Joy (1992) France, United Kingdom
City of Lights, The (2009) USA
City of Lost Children (2020) United Kingdom
City of Memoria (2017) Canada
City of Your Final Destination, The (2009) USA
City on a Hill (2019) USA
City Slickers (1991) USA
City Streets (1938) USA
City That Never Sleeps, The (1924) USA
City Without Men (1943) USA
City, The (1977) USA
City, The (1999) Canada
City, The (1939) USA
CityExpress (1999) Germany
CityKids (1993) USA
Ciudad bendita (2006) Venezuela
Ciudad de los niños, La (1957) Mexico
Ciudades oscuras (2002) Mexico
Ciulinii Baraganului (1957) Romania, France
Civil (2009) USA
Civil Love (2012) USA
Civil War (2006) USA
Civil Wars (1991) USA
Cizí holka (1984) Czechoslovakia
Cizí lidé (1983) Czechoslovakia
Cjamango (1967) Italy
Claddagh (2016) Canada
Clair obscur (2005) France
Claire (2007) USA, France
Claire & Bobby (2009) USA
Claire et les vieux (2021) Canada
Claire in Motion (2016) USA
Claire RockSmith (2020) USA
Claire's Shadow (2012) USA
Clairvoyance (2017) USA
Clairvoyance the Ellis Files (2015) USA
Clam Man, The (2016) Canada
Clan (2012) Belgium
Clan - Die Geschichte der Familie Wagner, Der (2013) Germany, Austria
Clan de los Nazarenos, El (1975) Spain, Italy
Clan des Siciliens, Le (1969) France
Clan of the Cave Bear (2015) USA
Clan of the Cave Bear, The (1986) USA
Clan Pasquier, Le (2007) France, Switzerland
Clancy (2009) USA
Clandestin, Le (1994) France
Clandestins (1997) Switzerland, Canada, France, Belgium
Clapper, The (2017) USA
Clara (2002) Spain
Clara e o Chuveiro do Tempo (2005) Brazil
Clara et associés (2004) France
Clara et les méchants (1958) France
Clara et moi (2004) France
Clara et son juge (1997) France
Clara Hakedosha (1996) Israel
Clara Sheller (2005) France
Clara und das Geheimnis der Bären (2013) Switzerland
Clara y Elena (2001) Spain
Clara's Deadly Secret (2013) USA
Clara's Heart (1988) USA
Clara, une passion française (2009) France
Claramente (2019) Mexico
Clare's Wish (1980) Canada
Claremont Murders, The (2023) Australia
Clarence (1990) Canada, New Zealand, USA
Clarence (2013) USA
Clarence Shorts: Beach Blast (2016)
Clarence Shorts: Beauford T. Pusser (2015)
Clarence Shorts: Big Boy (2015) USA
Clarice (2021) USA
Clarissa Explains It All (1991) USA
Clarissa's Gift (2014) USA
Clarissas Geheimnis (2012) Germany, Austria
Clarividencia (2009) Spain
Clark (2022) Sweden
Clarke's Third Law (2014) Spain
Clase 406 (2002) Mexico
Clase, La (2017) Spain
Clash (1984) France, Yugoslavia
Clash of the Titans (1981) USA, United Kingdom
Class (2010) USA
Class Act, A (2014) USA
Class Actions (2004) USA
Class Apart, A (2007) United Kingdom
Class Dismissed (2015) USA
Class Dismissed the Movie (2016)
Class of '07 (2023) Australia
Class of '61 (1993) USA
Class of '91 (2010) USA
Class of 1970 (2022) USA
Class of 1999 (1990) USA
Class of Miss MacMichael, The (1978) United Kingdom
Class of the Titans (2006) Canada
Class Photo (2013) USA
Class Rank (2017) USA
Class, The (2006) USA
Classe de neige, La (1998) France
Classe degli asini, La (2016) Italy
Classe du brevet, La (2004) France
Classe tous risques (1960) France, Italy
Classe, La (2017) Canada
Classes vertes (2009) France, Belgium
Classic of Mountains and Seas, The (2016) China
Classiest President, The (2016) USA
Classified Love (1986) USA
Classique (1985) France
Classroom, The (2014) USA
Claude (2018) United Kingdom
Claudia (1959) East Germany
Claudia and David (1946) USA
Claudine (1974) USA
Claudine à l'école (1937) France
Clave de sol (1987) Argentina
Claws (1982) South Africa
Claws (2017) USA
Clay (2008) United Kingdom
Clay Farmers (1988) USA
Clayhanger (1976) United Kingdom
Clayman (2012) USA
Clé des champs, La (2011) France
Clé sur la porte, La (1978) France
Clean (2013) USA
Clean Break (2015) Ireland
Clean Club, The (1990) USA
Clean Slate (2015) USA
Clean Sweep (2023) Canada, Ireland
Clean Up, The (1921) USA
Clean Woman (2015) USA
Clean Your Room (2017) Canada
Cleaner (2007) USA
Cleaner, The (2008) USA
Cleaner, The (2009) USA
Cleaners (2013) USA
Cleaning Lady, The (2018) USA
Cleaning Up (2019) United Kingdom
Cleansing Hour, The (2019) USA
Cleansing Hour, The (2016) USA
Clear and Present Danger (1994) USA
Clear and Present Danger, A (1970) USA
Clear Cut (2003) Canada
Clear History (2013) USA
Clear Horizon, The (1960) USA
Clear the Smoke (2019) USA
Clearing, The (2023) Australia
Clearing, The (2014) USA
Cleats of Imminent Doom (2005) USA
Cleaver Family Reunion (2013) USA
Clef des champs, La (1998) France
Clem (2010) France
Clément (2001) France
Clementine (2014) USA
Clementine (2004) South Korea, USA
Clémentine (2013) France
Clémentine (1983) France
Cleo (2015) Spain
Cleo (2019) Germany
Cleo (2002) Sweden
Cleopatra (1963) United Kingdom, USA, Switzerland
Clérambard (1990) France
Clerks (2000) USA
Clerks II (2006) USA
Clés du paradis, Les (1991) France
Cleveland Abduction (2015) USA
Cleveland Show, The (2009) USA
Clever Clogs (2013) United Kingdom
Cleveren, Die (1998) Germany
Cliché (2003) USA
Click (2003) Argentina
Click (2010) United Kingdom
Click (2006) USA
Click Clack Jack (2008) USA
Click, Like, Share (2021) Philippines
Clickbait (2021) Australia, USA
Client Liaison: Free of Fear (2014) Australia
Client List, The (2010) USA
Client List, The (2012) USA
Client, The (1995) USA
Client, The (1994) USA
Cliff, The (1970) USA
Cliffhanger (2015) Netherlands
Clifford (1994) USA
Clifford the Big Red Dog (2019) USA, Ireland, Canada
Clifford the Big Red Dog (2021) United Kingdom, Canada, USA
Clifford the Big Red Dog (2000) United Kingdom, USA
Clifford's Fun with Letters (1988) Canada
Clifford's Fun with Numbers (1988) Canada
Clifford's Fun with Opposites (1988) Canada
Clifford's Fun with Ryhmes (1988) Canada
Clifford's Fun with Shapes (1988) Canada
Clifford's Fun with Sounds (1988) Canada
Clifford's Puppy Days (2003) USA
Cliffs of Freedom (2019) USA
Cliffwood Avenue Kids, The (1977) USA
Clifton Hill (2019) Canada
Clifton House Mystery, The (1978) United Kingdom
Climate Exchange (2018) United Kingdom
Climax (1985) Philippines
Climax (1977) Spain
Climax! (1954) USA
Climax, The (1944) USA
Climax, The (1930) USA
Climb a Tall Mountain (1987)
Climb an Angry Mountain (1972) USA
Climb, The (1997) France, New Zealand, Canada
Climb, The (2019) USA
Climbing the Golden Stairs (1929) USA
Clinic, The (2018) USA
Clinic, The (2003) Ireland
Clint Eastwood (2009) USA
Clint Eastwood (2016) USA
Clippard Street (2018) USA
Clipped (2015) USA
Clipped Wings (1937) USA
Clipping Adam (2004) USA
Clips' Place (1998) USA
Clique (2009) USA
Clique Wars (2014) USA
Clique, The (2008) USA
Cloaca (2003) Netherlands
Cloak & Dagger (1984) USA
Cloak and Dagger (1946) USA
Cloak vs. Tuna Melt (2022) USA
Cloche tibétaine, La (1974) France, West Germany
Clock, The (1945) USA
Clocking Off (2000) United Kingdom
Clockmaker (1998) USA, Romania
Clockstoppers (2002) USA
Clockwork Mice (1995) United Kingdom
Clodagh (2024) Ireland
Cloned (1997) USA
Cloris Leachman in 'Happy Ending' (2013) USA
Cloro (2015) Italy
Close (2008) United Kingdom
Close (2022) Belgium, Netherlands, France
Close (2013) United Kingdom
Close & True (2000) United Kingdom
Close Call, A (1926) USA
Close Encounters (2014) Canada
Close Encounters (2013) United Kingdom
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) USA
Close Relations (1998) United Kingdom
Close the site page (2022) Russia
Close To Home (2015) Australia
Close to Home (2005) USA
Close to Me (2021) United Kingdom, Mexico
Close Up (2020) USA
Closed Circuit (2013) United Kingdom, USA
Closed for Winter (2009) Australia
Closed Position (2016) USA
Closed Up-Tight (1975) United Kingdom, Canada
Closed Vision (1954) USA, France
Closer to Death (2003) USA
Closer to God (2014) USA
Closer to the Moon (2014) Romania, USA, Italy, Poland, France
Closer, The (2005) USA
Closet (2013) USA
Closet Monster (2015) Canada
Closet, The (2016) USA
Closet, The (2018) USA
Closet, The (2008) USA
Closing Door, The (1960) USA
Closing Dynasty (2023) USA
Closing Numbers (1993) United Kingdom
Closures (2011) Canada
Clothes Make the Woman (1928) USA
Clou, Le (2014) France
Cloud Atlas (2012) USA, Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore, China, United Kingdom, Spain
Cloud Buster, The (1928) USA
Cloud Rider, The (1925) USA
Cloudboy (2017) Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands
Cloudhopper, The (1925) USA
Clouds (2017) USA
Clouds (2007) Australia
Clouds of Sils Maria (2014) France, Germany, Switzerland
Cloudstreet (2011) Australia
Cloudy All Day (2016) USA
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009) USA
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013) USA
Clovehitch Killer, The (2018) USA
Clover (2020) USA
Clover (1997) USA
Clover (2016) USA
Cloverfield (2008) USA
Cloverfield Paradox, The (2018) USA
Clovis (2018) USA
Clown (2010) USA
Clown (1968) France
Clown (2022) Netherlands
Clown (2024) USA
Clown (2008) USA
Clown (2014) USA, Canada
Clown and the Kid, The (1961) USA
Clown and the Kids, The (1967) Bulgaria, USA
Clown College (2019) USA
Clown Ferdinand (1973) East Germany
Clown Princes (1939) USA
Clown Service (2015) USA
Clown White (1981) Canada
Clown, Der (1998) Germany
Clown, The (1953) USA
Clownhouse (1989) USA
Clownin' Around (2015) Australia
Clowning (2022) USA
Clowning Around (2018) USA
Clowning Around (1992) Australia
Clowning Around 2 (1993) Australia
Clownjävel (2016) Sweden
Clowns (2001) Germany
Clowntown (2015) USA
Clownwise (2013) Czech Republic, Finland, Luxembourg, Slovakia
Club de Gaby, El (1993) Mexico
Club de los baby sitters, El (1993) Argentina
Club de los suicidas, El (2007) Spain
Club de Pizzicato, El (2009) Spain
Club del chiste, El (2010) Spain
Club der roten Bänder (2015) Germany
Club des 100 watts, Le (1988) Canada
Club des 400 coups, Le (1953) France
Club Houdini (2017) Spain
Club Mickey Mouse: Mickey Mouse March (2017) USA
Club Mickey Mouse: When December Comes (2017) USA
Club sándwich (2013) Mexico, France
Club Silencio (2021) Spain
Club Vampire (1998) USA
Club van Lelijke Kinderen - De Staatsgreep, De (2019) Netherlands
Club van Lelijke Kinderen, De (2012) Netherlands
Club van lelijke kinderen, De (2019) Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas & De Pietenschool, De (2013) Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas & De Verdwenen Schoentjes, De (2015) Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas & Het Geheim van de Speelgoeddokter, De (2012) Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas & het Grote Pietenfeest, De (2020) Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas en de race tegen de klok, De (2022) Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas en het vergeten Pietje, De (2021) Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas Film: Het Grote Sneeuwavontuur, De (2024) Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas, De (1999) Netherlands
Clube das Chaves (2005) Portugal
Clubhouse (2004) USA
Clubhouse Detectives (1996) USA
Clubhouse Detectives in Big Trouble (2002) USA
Clubhouse Detectives in Scavenger Hunt (2003) USA
Clubhouse Detectives in Search of a Lost Princess (2002) USA
Clubinho Carinhoso (2017) Brazil
Cluck (2011) Ireland
Clue (2016) USA
Clue (2011) USA
Clue of the Missing Ape, The (1953) United Kingdom
Clued-Less (2012) USA
Clueless (1996) USA
Cluff (1964) United Kingdom
Cluny Brown (1946) USA
Clutter (2013) USA
Co chytnes v zite (1999) Czech Republic
Co Hedvika nerekla (1995) Czech Republic
Co je s tebou, Lenko? (1977) Czechoslovakia
Co mi zrobisz, jak mnie zlapiesz (1978) Poland
Co slonko widzialo (2006) Poland
Co ted a co potom? (1991) Czechoslovakia
Co Tích Viet Nam 1 (1994) Vietnam
Co vies ty, neviem ja (1997) Slovakia
Co vies ty, neviem ja (1997) Slovakia
Co-assistent, De (2007) Netherlands
Co-ed Fever (1979) USA
Co-op - Round Are Way (2020) United Kingdom
CO: Ishoku kôdinêtâ (2011) Japan
Coach (2015) France
Coach (2010) USA
Coach (1989) USA
Coachella Mashup: Closer x Over My Head - Veronica Powers (2017) USA
Coalesce (2013) Australia
Coals of Fire (1914) USA
Coast Guard (1939) USA
Coast, The (2008) USA
Coastgaard: Kings (2013) USA
Coastlines (2002) USA
Cobalt (2016) France
Cobardes (2008) Spain
Cobayes, Les (2020) France
Cobbler, The (1923) USA
Cobbler, The (2014) USA
Coboy Junior: The Movie (2013) Indonesia
Cobra (1993) USA
Cobra Kai (2018) USA
Cobra Kai Kompanion (2018) USA
Cobra Verde (1987) West Germany, Ghana
Cobras & Lagartos (2006) Brazil
Cobweb (2023) USA
Cobweb, The (1955) USA
Coca-Cola Kid, The (1985) Australia
Cocaine and Blue Eyes (1983) USA
Cocaine Bear (2023) USA
Cocaine Godmother (2017) USA
Cocapop (2010) Italy
Coccinelle et la souris, La (2011) France
Cocco di mamma, Il (1958) Italy
Coche (2020) Canada
Coche Bomba (2021) USA
Coche de pedales, El (2004) Spain, Portugal
Cochi (2020) Mexico
Cochochi (2007) Mexico, United Kingdom, Canada
Cochon, Le (1996) France
Cock and Bull Story, A (2005) United Kingdom
Cockeyed Cavaliers (1934) USA
Cockeyed Cowboys of Calico County (1970) USA
Cockeyed Family, The (1928) USA
Cockeyed Miracle, The (1946) USA
Cockroaches (2015) United Kingdom
Cocktail Molotov (1980) France
Coco (2009) France
Coco (2017) USA
Coco avant Chanel (2009) France, Belgium
Coco Chanel (2008) Italy, France, United Kingdom
Coco Ferme (2023) Canada
Cocoanut Grove (1938) USA
CoComelon Lane (2023) USA, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan
COCON (2021) Netherlands
Cocon - Débuts à l'hôpital, Le (2005) France, Belgium
Coconut Downs (1991) USA
Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island! (2005) USA
Coconut Syndrome, The (2011) USA
Cocoon (1985) USA
Cocoon (2017) China
Cocoon: The Return (1988) USA
Cocoons (2013) United Kingdom
Cocorico (2024) France, Belgium
Cocu magnifique, Le (1999) France
Çocuk (2019) Turkey
Çocuk (2008) Turkey
Cocuzza, La (1963) Italy
CODA (2019) USA
Code 11-14 (2003) USA
Code 21 (2008) Germany
Code 3 (1957) USA
Code 37 (2009) Belgium
Code 46 (2003) United Kingdom
Code 480 (2013) Canada
Code 8 (2019) Canada
Code Black (2015) USA
Code Lyoko Evolution (2013) France
Code M (2015) Netherlands
Code Name: Eternity (1999) France, Germany, Canada, USA
Code of Honor (2016) USA
Code of Marcia Gray, The (1916) USA
Code of the Outlaw (1942) USA
Code of the Sea (1924) USA
Code of the Streets (1939) USA
Code of the West (1925) USA
Code of Vengeance (1985) USA
Code of Vengeance (1985) USA
Code R (1977) USA
Code Red (1981) USA
Code Two (1953) USA
Code, Le (2021) France
Code, The (2008) Australia
Code, The (2019) USA
Code, The (2014) Australia
Code: Magenta (2020) USA
Codename: Asero (2008) Philippines
Codename: Simon (2004) USA
Codicia (2009) Mexico
Código fuego (2003) Spain
Codine (1963) France, Romania
Cody (2022) USA
Cody & Einat (2012) USA
Cody & Lexy (2017) USA
Cody of the Pony Express (1950) USA
Codzienna 2 m.3 (2005) Poland
Coelacanth, The (1957) United Kingdom
Coerced (2011) Canada
Coeur à cuir (1973) France
Coeur à l'envers, Le (1980) Spain, France
Coeur à prendre (1994) France
Coeur de nylon (1988) Canada
Coeur de Paris (1932) France
Coeur de père (1995) France
Coeur des hommes 2, Le (2007) France
Coeur du sujet, Le (2009) France
Coeur en braille, Le (2016) France, Belgium
Coeur étincelant, Le (1995) France, Canada
Coeur noir des forêts, Le (2021) Belgium, France
Coeur océan (2006) France
Coeur sur la main, Le (1948) France
Coeurs brûlés, Les (1992) France
Coeurs héroïques, Les (1929) France
Coeurs vaillants (2021) France, Belgium
Coffee & Cabbage (2017) USA
Coffee & Kareem (2020) USA
Coffee House Chronicles (2014) USA
Coffee House Chronicles: The Movie (2016) USA
Coffee Koala (Music Video) (2013) USA
Coffin Baby (2013) USA
Coffins on Wheels (1941) USA
Cognasse (1932) France
Cohen and Tate (1988) USA
Cohen's Outing (1913) USA
Cohens and Kellys, The (1926) USA
Coin, The (2013) USA
Coincidenze (2010) Italy
Coincoin et les z'inhumains (2018) France
Coins for Christmas (2018) USA
Coins, The (2023) Norway
Coisa Ruim (2006) Portugal
Coisas Frágeis (2014) Brazil
Cokeville Miracle, The (2015) USA
Col cuore in gola (1967) Italy, France
Col'n Carpenter (1990) Australia
Cola, Candy, Chocolate (1979) West Germany
Colbert Report, The (2005) USA
Colbie Caillat: Try (2014) USA
Colbys, The (1985) USA
Cold Blood (2008) Canada
Cold Case (1997) USA
Cold Case (2003) USA
Cold Chills (1923) USA
Cold Comes the Night (2013) USA
Cold Copy (2023) USA
Cold Creek Manor (2003) USA, Canada, United Kingdom
Cold Creek Manor: Alternate Ending (2003) USA
Cold Creek Manor: Deleted Scenes (2003) USA
Cold Dog Soup (1990) United Kingdom
Cold Feet (1999) USA, Canada, United Kingdom
Cold Feet (1989) USA
Cold Front (1989) Canada, USA
Cold Heart of a Killer, The (1996) USA
Cold Heat (1989) USA
Cold in July (2014) USA, France
Cold Lands, The (2013) USA
Cold Lazarus (1996) United Kingdom
Cold Light of Day, The (1996) United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany
Cold Moon (2016) USA
Cold Mountain (2003) USA, United Kingdom, Romania, Italy
Cold November (2017) USA
Cold November (2018) Kosovo
Cold Open, The (2019) USA
Cold Pursuit (2019) United Kingdom, Norway, Canada, USA, France, Germany
Cold River (1982) USA
Cold Sassy Tree (1989) USA
Cold Shores (2019) Russia
Cold Snap, The (2007) USA
Cold Squad (1998) Canada
Cold Stone (2012) USA
Cold Sweat (1993) Canada
Cold Turkey (2013) USA
Cold Turkey (2009) Ireland
Cold Warrior (2012) United Kingdom
Cold Winter's Night (2015) USA
Coldest Dish, The (2018) USA
Colditz (2005) United Kingdom
Coldplay: Champion of the World (2020) United Kingdom
Cole (2009) Canada
Colectia de arome (2013) Moldova
Colegas (1982) Spain
Colégio Brasil (1996) Brazil
Colegio de la muerte, El (1975) Spain
Colère du diable, La (2001) Belgium
Colette (2013) Slovakia, Czech Republic
Colette (1985) Belgium, Canada, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland
Colgate Comedy Hour, The (1950) USA
Colgate Theatre (1958) USA
Colin in Black & White (2021) USA
Colis, Le (2011) Canada
Colivia (2010) Romania, Netherlands
Collages (2016) Canada
Collapse (2011) USA
Collateral Beauty (2016) USA
Collateral Damage (2018) India
Collateral Damage (2002) USA, Mexico
Collateral Package (2010) USA
Collectibles (2008) USA
Collection - Ecrire pour... le jeu des sept familles, La (2013) France
Collection de Judicaël, La (2004) France
Collection Fred Vargas (2007) France
Collection Mary Higgins Clark, la reine du suspense (2014)
Collection, The (2016) Spain
Collectionneur, Le (2022) Canada
Collectionneur, Le (2002) Canada
Collections privées (1979) France, Japan
Collector, The (2019) Netherlands
Collector, The (2008) USA
Collector, The (2004) Canada
Collector, The (2009) USA
Collectors, The (1999) Canada
College Coquette, The (1929) USA
College Holiday (1936) USA
College Queen (1946) USA
College Rhythm (1934) USA
College Road Trip (2008) USA
CollegeHumor Originals (2006) USA
Collide: Soul Sisters (2016) United Kingdom
Collier perdu de la colombe, Le (1991) France, Italy, Tunisia
Collier, Le (2007) Belgium
Colline aux mille enfants, La (1994) France, Switzerland, Netherlands
Collini Case, The (2019) Germany
Collins Kosmos (2011) Netherlands
Collinwood Campaign, The (2008) Canada
Collisions (2018) USA
Collisions (2022) France
Collusions (2018) USA
Colo, La (1992) France
Colomba (1982) Italy, France
Colombiana (2011) France
Colonel and the King, The (1911) USA
Colonel Chabert, Le (1994) France
Colonel Chabert, Le (1943) France
Colonel Humphrey Flack (1953) USA
Colonel March of Scotland Yard (1954) United Kingdom
Colonel's Family, The (2012) USA
Colonel, The (2016) USA
Colonia (2015) Germany, France, Luxembourg
Colônia Cecília (1989) Brazil
Colonia Delicia (2017) Argentina
Colonnes du ciel, Les (1985) France
Colony (2016) USA
Colony, The (1995) USA
Colony, The (2013) Canada
Color (2013) USA
Color Box (2021) Mexico, USA
Color by Number (2008) USA
Color de las nubes, El (1997) Spain
Color Happy, The (2020) USA
Color Me Perfect (1996) USA
Color My Dreams (2016)
Color of Christmas, The (2012) USA
Color of Courage, The (1998) USA, Canada
Color of Evening, The (1990) USA
Color of Friendship, The (2000) Canada, USA
Color of Friendship, The (1981) USA
Color of Justice (1997) USA
Color of Love: Jacey's Story, The (2000) USA
Color of Memory, The (2017) USA
Color of My Life (2017) Indonesia
Color of Rain, The (2014) USA
Color of Souls (2016) USA
Color of Time, The (2012) USA
Color Out of Space (2019) Malaysia, Portugal, USA
Color Positive (2017) USA
Color the World (2015) USA
Colorado Pioneers (1945) USA
Colore dei suoi occhi, Il (1991) Italy, Canada, Australia
Colore della vittoria, Il (1990) Italy
Colore della vittoria, Il (1990) Italy
Colorful Life of Jenny P, The (2017) Italy
Colors (1988) USA
Colors of Emily, The (2017) USA
Colors of Love (2021) Canada
Colosio: El asesinato (2012) Mexico, Spain, France, Colombia
Colossal (2016) Spain, Canada
Colosse aux pieds d'argile, Le (2019) France
Colossus of New York, The (1958) USA
Colours (2019)
Colpire al cuore (1982) Italy, France
Colpo del cane, Il (2019) Italy
Colpo di fulmine (1985) Italy
Colt .45 (1957) USA
Colt, The (2005) USA
Colts (2011) Australia
Coluche: l'histoire d'un mec (2008) France
Columbo (1971) USA
Columbus Day (2008) USA
Columna (1968) Romania, West Germany
Com si fos ahir (2017) Spain
Com'è dura l'avventura (1987) Italy
Coma (2024) United Kingdom
Coma (1978) USA
Comanche Moon (2008) USA
Comancheros, The (1961) USA
Comando X (2008) Venezuela
Comatose: Resurrection Power (2012) USA
Combat Hospital (2011) Canada, United Kingdom
Combat Kids (2010) United Kingdom
Combat Sheep (2001) United Kingdom
Combat Wombat (2020) Australia
Combat! (1962) USA
Combating Stigma: Our Stories (2011) United Kingdom
Combats de femme (1997) France
Combattantes, Les (2022) France
Come and Get It (1936) USA
Come and Go (2007) USA
Come As You Are (2012) USA
Come Away (2020) United Kingdom
Come Away Home (2005) USA
Come Back, Africa (1959) USA
Come Back, Lucy (1978) United Kingdom
Come Back, Miss Pipps (1941) USA
Come Be Creepy With Us (2019) USA
Come Dio comanda (2008) Italy
Come diventare grandi nonostante i genitori (2016) Italy
Come due coccodrilli (1994) France, Italy, United Kingdom
Come fai sbagli (2016) Italy
Come far litigare mamma e papà (2024) Italy
Come Fly with Me (1963) United Kingdom
Come imparai ad amare le donne (1966) Italy, France, West Germany
Come in Spinner (1990) Australia
Come l'America (2001) Italy, Canada
Come le Formiche (2007) Italy
Come Midnight Monday (1982) Australia
Come Morning (2012) USA
Come Next Spring (1956) USA
Come niente (2021) Italy
Come on #MakeItHappy (2015) USA
Come on, Cowboys (1937) USA
Come On, Get Happy: The Partridge Family Story (1999) USA
Come Out and Play (2012) Mexico
Come Play (2020) USA
Come See the Paradise (1990) USA
Come stanno bene insieme (1989) Italy
Come Sunday (2018) USA
Come the Morning (1993) USA
Come ti rapisco il pupo (1976) Italy
Come To Me Sister Mary (2018) USA
Come to Papa (1928) USA
Come to the Stable (1949) USA
Come un gatto in tangenziale (2017) Italy
Come Unto Me (2016) USA
Come What May (2019) Ukraine
Come, Sweet Death (2021) Belgium
Comeback (2008) Czech Republic
Comeback (2012) Luxembourg
Comeback Kid, The (2012) Canada
Comeback Kid, The (1980) USA
Comeback Kids, The (2014) USA
Comeback Season (2006) USA, Canada
Comeback, The (2005) USA
Comebacks, The (2007) USA
Começar de Novo (2004) Brazil
Comédia de Deus, A (1995) Portugal, France, Italy, Denmark
Comédia Infantil (1998) Sweden, Portugal, Mozambique
Comedian, The (2016) USA
Comedian, The (2014) Australia
Comedians, The (1967) USA, France
Comedians, The (2015) USA
Comédie de l'innocence (2000) France
Comedie fantastica (1975) Romania
Comedy Bang! Bang! (2012) USA
Comedy Central's TV Funhouse (2008) USA
Comedy Company, The (1978) USA
Comedy Corner (2014) USA
Comedy Factory (1985) Canada
Comedy Inc. (2003) Australia
Comedy Kids (2002) Germany
Comedy Lab (1998) United Kingdom
Comedy Playhouse (1961) United Kingdom
Comedy Queen (2022) Sweden
Comedy School for Girls (2016) USA
Comedy Spot, The (1960) USA
Comedy Whacked (2009) USA
Comedy: Shuffle (2007) United Kingdom
Comet Over Broadway (1938) USA
Comeuppance (2021)
Comeuppance (2013) USA
Comfort and Joy (2003) USA
Comfortable (2014) USA
Comic Escape (2022) USA
Comic Relief 2009 (2009) United Kingdom
Comic Strip Presents..., The (1982) United Kingdom
Comic Strip, The (1987) USA
Comic, The (1969) USA
Coming & Going (2011) USA
Coming 2 America (2021) USA
Coming Day, A (2013) USA
Coming Down the Mountain (2007) United Kingdom
Coming Home (1998) United Kingdom, Germany
Coming Home (2020) Philippines
Coming Home (2015) Canada
Coming Home (1980) United Kingdom
Coming Home (2011) Ireland
Coming Home for Christmas (2017) USA, Canada
Coming Home for Christmas (2013) Canada
Coming In (2014) Germany
Coming of Age (1993) Canada
Coming of Age (1988) USA
Coming of Age Films (2012) USA
Coming of the Law, The (1919) USA
Coming Out Party (1934) USA
Coming Soon (1999) USA
Coming Soon (2008) USA
Coming Through the Rye (2015) USA
Coming to Terms (2015) Spain
Coming to Town (2006) Spain, USA
Coming Unglued (1999) Canada
Coming Up (2003) United Kingdom
Coming! Kyon Sees (1988) Taiwan
Comisario, El (1999) Spain
Comizi d'amore (1964) Italy
Command Performance (2009) USA
Commandant Nerval (1996) France
Commander (2017) USA
Commander and Chief (2012) USA
Commander Comet (1953) USA
Commander in Chief (2005) USA
Commander in Chief (2020) USA
Commander: Blackdog, The (2005) United Kingdom
Commanderie, La (2010) France
Commanding Officer, The (1915) USA
Commando (1985) USA
Commando 2 (2017) India
Commando 3 (2019) India
Commando Crash (2014) USA
Commando des sans-soleil, Le (1984) Canada
Commando Maria (2014) Netherlands
Commando Nanny (2004) USA
Commandos Strike at Dawn (1942) USA
Comme des têtes pas de poule (2022) Canada
Comme deux gouttes d'eau (2006) Belgium, France
Comme la foudre (2006) France
Comme le temps passe (2009) France
Comme les cinq doigts de la main (2010) France
Comme les six doigts de la main (1978) Canada
Comme Mon Fils (2023) France
Comme si de rien n'était (2003) France
Comme t'y es belle! (2006) United Kingdom, Luxembourg, France, Belgium
Comme ton père (2007) France
Comme un avion (2002) France
Comme un bateau, la mer en moins (1992) France
Comme un fils (2023) France
Comme un jeu d'enfants (2009) France
Comme un lion (2012) France
Comme un mauvais souvenir (2009) France
Comme un poisson sans bicyclette (1986) France
Comme une bête (1998) France
Comme une image (2004) France, Italy
Commencement Day (1924) USA
Commencement, Le (2012) France
Comment amour vient aux femmes (2009) France
Comment devenir cinéaste sans se prendre la tête (1995) France
Comment je me suis disputé... (ma vie sexuelle) (1996) France
Comment ne pas épouser un milliardaire (1966) France
Comment trouvez-vous ma soeur? (1964) France
Commish, The (1991) Canada, USA
Commissaire Magellan (2009) France
Commissaire Moulin (1976) France
Commissaire Valence (2003) France
Commissariat Bastille (2001) France, Switzerland
Commissario Lo Gatto, Il (1986) Italy
Commissario Rex, Il (2008) Italy
Commissario Ricciardi, Il (2021) Italy
Commissario, Il (2002) Italy
Committed (2005) USA
Committed (2001) Canada
Commodity (2015) USA
Common Chord (2013) Canada
Common Ground (2013) United Kingdom
Common Ground (2000) USA
Common Grounds (2014) USA
Common Law (2012) USA
Common Practice (2005) USA
Commons, The (2019) Australia
Communale, La (1965) France
Commune (2005) USA
Commune (Paris, 1871), La (2000) France
Commune, La (2007) France
Communicare (2020) USA
Communion (1989) USA, United Kingdom
Communion (1976) USA
Communion solennelle, La (1977) France
Community (2012) United Kingdom
Community (2009) USA
Community College Chronicles (2009) USA
Commuter's Cat, The (1913) USA
Como alas al viento (2013) Spain
Como dice el dicho (2011) Mexico
Como Era Gostoso o Meu Francês (1971) Brazil
Como gallos de pelea (1977) Mexico
Como mi hermano (2013) USA
Como Nascem os Anjos (1996) Brazil
Como Nossos Pais (2017) Brazil
Como pan caliente (1996) Argentina
Cómo ser mujer y no morir en el intento (1991) Spain
Como Si Fueramos Novios (1986) Mexico
Como un avión estrellado (2005) Argentina
Comoara (2015) Romania, France
Compact (1962) United Kingdom
Compact Only (2008) USA
Compact, The (2012) USA
Compagnes de la nuit, Les (1953) France
Compagnons de l'aventure, Les (1989) France
Compañeros (1998) Spain
Companion (2008) USA
Companion, The (2020) United Kingdom
Company (2017) USA
Company I Keep, The (2013) USA
Company Man (2007) Canada, USA
Company Men, The (2010) United Kingdom, USA
Company of Thieves, The (2011) USA
Company of Wolves, The (1984) United Kingdom
Company Town (2006) USA
Company You Keep, The (2012) USA, Canada
Complacent (2012) USA
Compleanno di Enrico, Il (2023) France, Italy, Germany
Compleanno, Il (2009) Italy
Complete Guide to Parenting, The (2006) United Kingdom
Complete Savages (2004) USA
Complete Unknown, A (2024) USA
Complete Works (2014) USA
Completely Mental Misadventures of Ed Grimley, The (1988) USA
Complex, The (2010) USA
Complexion (2013) USA
Complexx (2006) Netherlands
Complications (2015) USA
Cómplices (2020) Spain
Complices (2009) Switzerland, France
Cómplices al rescate (2002) Mexico
Complot (2014) Venezuela
Complot d'amateurs (2008) France, Belgium
Composition (2021) USA
Cómprame un revolver (2018) Mexico, Colombia
Compromise (1925) USA
Compromise, The (2010) USA
Compromised (1931) USA
Comptine en 2 temps (2012) Canada
Comptines (1975) Canada
Computer (2001) Germany
Computer Creed (2014) Canada
Computer Wore Tennis Shoes, The (1995) USA
Computron 22 (1988) Italy
Comrade Anna (2019) Switzerland
Comrade Dad (1984) United Kingdom
Comrades (2012) USA
Comrades (1928) USA
Comte de Monte Cristo, Le (1998) France, Germany, Italy
Comunidad, La (2000) Spain
Con Air (1997) USA
Con dos tacones (2006) Spain
Con el culo al aire (2012) Spain
Con gli occhi chiusi (1994) Italy, France, Spain
Con il sole negli occhi (2015) Italy
Con la misma moneda (2008) USA, Mexico
Con la música en el alma (1951) Argentina
Con lui cavalca la morte (1967) Italy
Con quién andan nuestras hijas (1956) Mexico
Con rabbia e con dolore (1972) Italy
Con tutto il cuore (2021) Italy
Con... fusione (1980) Italy
Conagher (1991) USA
Conan (1997) Germany, USA, Mexico
Conan (2010) USA
Conan and the Young Warriors (1994) USA
Conan the Barbarian (1982) USA
Conan the Barbarian (2011) USA
Conan the Destroyer (1984) USA
Concealed by Tradition (2009) USA
Concepción Arenal, la visitadora de cárceles (2012) Spain
Conception (2003) Canada
Conception (2011) USA
Concert, The (2017) USA
Concessions (2016) USA
Concile de pierre, Le (2006) France, Italy, Germany
Concorrenza sleale (2001) Italy, France
Concours de danse à Piriac (2006) France
Concrete & Cartwheels (2013) USA
Concrete Angels (1987) Canada
Concrete Brown (2005) USA
Concrete Cowboys (1979) USA
Concrete Kids (2018) USA
Concussion (2013) USA
Concussion (2015) United Kingdom, Australia, USA
Condamné au silence (1992) France
Condamné, Le (1993) France
Condemned (2014) USA
Condemned to Live (1935) USA
Condena de Gabriel Doyle, La (1998) Argentina
Condenadas a entenderse (1999) Spain
Condor (2018) USA
Condorcet (1989) France
Conducta (2014) Cuba
Conductor 1492 (1924) USA
Conductor of Earth (2017) Australia
Conduit, The (2018) Australia
Coneheads (1993) USA
Conexión Especial (2009) Spain
Confab, The (2019) USA
Confederate Zombie Massacre! (2005) USA
Confession (2023) Netherlands
Confession (1970) United Kingdom
Confession (2005) USA
Confession on Pleasant Street (2015) USA
Confession, The (2011) USA
Confession, The (2010) United Kingdom
Confessional (2016) USA
Confessions d'un Barjo (1992) France
Confessions d'un enfant de choeur (1977) France
Confessions from a Holiday Camp (1977) United Kingdom
Confessions of a Co-Ed (1931) USA
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) USA, Germany, Canada
Confessions of a Late Bloomer (2005) USA
Confessions of a Nazi Spy (1939) USA
Confessions of a Pop Performer (1975) United Kingdom
Confessions of a Porn Addict (2008) Canada
Confessions of a Queen (1925) USA
Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) USA
Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber (2005) USA
Confessions of a Teenage Critic (2010) USA
Confessions of an American Bride (2005) USA
Confessions of Boston Blackie (1941) USA
Confessions of Frannie Langton, The (2022) United Kingdom
Confetti (2020) USA
Confiance règne, La (2004) France
Confidant, The (2012) Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland
Confidence Game (2016) USA
Confidences pour confidences (1979) France
Confidential (1986) Canada
Confidenza (2024) Italy
Confined (2014) USA
Confines, Los (1987) Mexico
Confirm or Deny (1941) USA
Confirmation, The (2016) Canada
Confissões de Adolescente (1994) Brazil, France
Confissões de Adolescente (2013) Brazil
Confissões de uma Garota Excluída (2021) Brazil
Conflict (1936) USA
Conflict (1956) USA
Conflit (1938) France
Conflit de canards (2004) France
Conformista, Il (1970) Italy, France, West Germany
Confrérie des larmes, La (2013) Belgium, France, Luxembourg
Confrontatie II, De (2017) Netherlands
Confrontatie, De (2015) Netherlands
Confus[(ion) (ed)] (2012) USA
Congiura dei dieci, La (1962) Italy, France
Congo Faith Healers: Dragons Disporting Pearls (2014) United Kingdom
Congress, The (2013) Israel, Germany, Poland, Luxembourg, Belgium, France
Conjecture (2012) USA
Conjurer (2008) USA
Conjuring 2, The (2016) USA, Canada
Conjuring, The (2013) USA
Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, The (2021) USA, United Kingdom
Connect (2015) USA
Connect (2013) USA
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A (1989) USA
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A (1948) USA
Connecting (2014) USA
Conners, The (2018) USA
Conni & Co. (2016) Germany
Conni und Co 2 - Das Geheimnis des T-Rex (2017) Germany
Connie & Clyde (2013) Belgium
Connie and Carla (2004) USA
Connor Cain-How I Say Merry Christmas (2020) USA
Connor Undercover (2009) Canada
Conny und Peter machen Musik (1960) West Germany
Conor Oberst: Barbary Coast (Later) (2017)
Conquering Soceraphobia (2007) USA
Conquering Space (1989) USA
Conquerors, The (1932) USA
Conquest (1937) USA
Conquest of Cheyenne (1946) USA
Conquest of the Earth (1980) USA
Conrack (1974) USA
Conrad (2018) USA
Conrad & Michelle: If Words Could Kill (2018) USA
Conrad Boys, The (2006) USA
Conrad the Wise (2009) Canada
Conscience of Juror No. 10, The (1915) USA
Conscience, The (2016) USA
Conseil de famille (1986) France
Consensus (2016) Canada
Consent: The Louise Nicholas Story (2014) New Zealand
Consentement mutuel (1994) France
Consentement, Le (2023) France, Belgium
Consentidos (2009) Argentina
Consequence (2015) United Kingdom
Consequences (2017)
Conservation Invasion (2017) USA
Conspiracy (2008) USA
Conspiracy of Fear, The (1995) Canada
Conspiracy of Hearts (1960) United Kingdom
Conspiracy of Love, A (1987) USA
Conspiracy of Terror (1975) USA
Conspirator (1949) United Kingdom
Conspirators, The (1944) USA
Constable Constable (1985) Canada
Constable Girpade (2023) India
Constant Gardener, The (2005) United Kingdom, Germany, USA, China
Constant Woman, The (1933) USA
Constantine (2005) USA, Germany
Constantine (2014) USA
Constellation (2024) USA, United Kingdom, France
Cónsul de Sodoma, El (2009) Spain
Consultant, The (2023) USA
Consumed (2018) USA
Consumed (2015) USA
Consumers (2015) USA
Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood (2008) USA
Consumptie verplicht (2008) Netherlands
Conta-me Como Foi (2007) Portugal
Contact (2015) France
Contact (1932) USA
Contact (1997) USA
Contadora de películas, La (2023) France, Spain, Chile
Contagion (2002) USA
Contagion (2011) USA, United Arab Emirates
Contagious (2008) Canada
Contagious (1997) USA
Container (2021) Russia
Containment (2016) USA
Contando estrellas (2016) Spain
Contatto, Il (2017) Italy
Conte d'hiver, Le (1989) France
Conte di Montecristo, Il (1966) Italy
Contemporary Mysteries: Super Brain Kids and Mysterious Dolphins (2006) USA
Contender, The (1944) USA
Contender, The (2000) USA, Germany, United Kingdom
Contender: From the Cutting Room Floor, The (2001) USA
Contes immoraux (1973) France
Contes modernes (1979) France
Contest (2013) USA
Contested (2012) USA
Contigo Voy (2022) Ecuador
Continental, El (2018) Spain
Continental, The (2023) USA
Continuing Fred (2013) USA
Continuum (2012) Canada
Continuum (2009) United Kingdom, USA
Continuum (2012) Canada, USA
Conto è chiuso, Il (1976) Italy
Contra la corriente (1936) USA
Contra viento y marea (2005) Mexico
Contraband (2012) USA, United Kingdom, France
Contract of Jude, The (2009) USA
Contract, The (1999) USA
Contract, The (2006) Germany, USA
Contract, The (2011) USA
Contract, The (2016) United Kingdom
Contracted: Phase II (2015) USA
Contractor, The (2007) Bulgaria, United Kingdom, USA
Contraluz (2010) Mexico
Contratista, El (2018) Mexico
Contre l'oubli (1991) France
Contre-allée, La (1991) France
Contre-enquête (2007) France
Contrebandières, Les (1968) France
Contrefaçons (1976) France
Contreras Gang (1991) Philippines
Contresens (2009) France
Contretemps (2016) Canada
Contribution of a Verse (2013) USA
Contrition (2009) USA
Control: Hanzai shinri sousa (2011) Japan
Conundrum (2013) United Kingdom
Convergence (2009) USA
Convergence (1999) USA, Canada
Conversaciones con mamá (2004) Argentina, Spain
Conversations (2012) USA
Conversations with Breakfast (2013) USA
Conversations with Future Stars (2012) USA
Conversations with God (2006) USA
Conversations with Lucifer (2011) USA
Conversations with Other Women (2005) United Kingdom, USA
Convict 99 (1938) United Kingdom
Convict's Happy Bride, A (1920) USA
Convicted (1986) USA
Convicted: A Mother's Story (1987) USA
Conviction (2016) USA
Conviction (2006) USA
Conviction (2004) United Kingdom
Conviction (2010) USA
Conviction (2002) USA, Canada
Convictions (1997) USA, Canada
Convicts (1991) USA
Convoyeurs attendent, Les (1999) France, Belgium, Switzerland
Coo: Tooi Umi Kara Kita Coo (1993) Japan
Coogan's Run (1995) United Kingdom
Cook F**k Kill (2019) Czech Republic, Slovakia
Cook'd (2014) Canada
Cook, The (2012) USA
Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, The (1989) United Kingdom, France
Cookie (2013) France
Cookie Mobster (2013) USA
Cookie Mobster, The (2014) USA
Cookie Monsters (2012) USA
Cookie Thief, The (2008) USA
Cookie's Fortune (1999) USA
Cookies (2016) Germany
Cooking with Love (2018) USA, Canada
Cookout, The (2004) USA
Cooks, The (2004) Australia
Cool and the Crazy, The (1958) USA
Cool as Ice (1991) USA
Cool Cat Finds a Gun (2013) USA
Cool Cat Saves the Kids (2015) USA, Mexico
Cool Cat Stops Bullying (2012) USA
Cool Dog (2010) USA
Cool Fashion Girls (2018) Australia
Cool Kids, The (2018) USA
Cool Kids: Changer le monde (2018) Canada
Cool Runnings (1993) USA
Cool Sam & Sweet Suzie (2002) Belgium
Cool, Dry Place, A (1998) USA
Coop and Cami Ask the World (2018) USA
Cooper and the Castle Hills Gang (2011) USA
Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving Life (2016) USA
Coopers vs the Rest, The (2016) United Kingdom
Coopers' Camera (2008) Canada
Cootie Contagion (2012) USA
Cooties (2014) USA
Cop (1988) USA
Cop & ½ (1993) USA
Cop and a Half: New Recruit (2017) Canada
Cop and the Kid, The (1975) USA
Cop Car (2015) USA
Cop House (2009) USA
Cop Out (2010) USA
Cop Shop (1977) Australia
Cop und der Snob, Der (2012) Germany
Cop vs. Killer (2012) Netherlands
Copacabana (2007) Germany
Copacul Dorintelor: Amintiri din Copilarie (2021) Romania
Copak je to za vojáka... (1988) Czechoslovakia
Çöpçatan (1962) Turkey
Copenhagen Ninja (2016) Denmark
Copie conforme (2010) France, Italy, Belgium, Iran
Copii luminas (2003) France
Copiii: The 1st Entry (2013) USA
Coping (2015) United Kingdom
Coping (2013) Australia
Copla andaluza, La (1959) Spain
Copper (2012) USA
Copper Canyon (1950) USA
Copperman (2019) Italy
Copperpillar (2019) Australia
Cops and Monsters (2014) United Kingdom
Cops and Robbers (2017) USA
Cops and Robbers (2013) Ireland
Cops and Robbersons (1994) USA
Cops and Robin (1978) USA
Cops, The (1998) United Kingdom
Cops: Ferguson (2014) USA
Copter Kids, The (1976) United Kingdom
Copy (1929) USA
Copy Boy (1956) United Kingdom
Copycat Killers (2016) USA
CopyCats (2020) USA
Coquelicots sont revenus, Les (1999) France
Coqueta (1985) Mexico
Coquette (2015) USA
Coquille (2020) France
Coquilles, Les (2003) France
Coquillettes (1998) France
Coquito, La (1977) Spain, Mexico
Cor de la ciutat, El (2000) Spain
Cora (2016) USA
Cora Unashamed (2000) USA
Coração d'Ouro (2015) Portugal
Coração de Estudante (2002) Brazil
Corações Feridos (2012) Brazil
Coraggio di Anna, Il (1992) Italy
Coraggio di parlare, Il (1987) Italy
Coral Island, The (1983) United Kingdom, Australia
Coral Island, The (2000) United Kingdom
Coraline (2009) USA
Corazón de dos ciudades (1969) Mexico
Corazón de la noche, El (1984) Mexico
Corazón de la tierra, El (2007) Spain, United Kingdom
Corazón de niño (1963) Mexico
Corazón del tiempo (2008) Mexico
Corazón Partido (2005) Mexico, USA
Corazón que miente (2016) Mexico
Corazón Rebelde (2009) Chile
Corazón salvaje (1968) Mexico
Corazón salvaje (1966) Mexico
Corazón salvaje (2009) Mexico
Corazón Valiente (2012) USA
Corazonada (2022) Mexico
Corbeaux, Les (2009) France, Belgium
Corbin Bleu: Push It to the Limit (2006) USA
Corbin Nash (2018) United Kingdom, USA
Corda Bamba, historia de uma menina equilibrista (2012) Brazil
Corda d'acciaio, La (1954) France, Italy
Corde raide, La (1960) France
Cordel Encantado (2011) Brazil
Cordelia (2019) United Kingdom
Cordelia the Magnificent (1923) USA
Cordero de Dios (2008) Argentina, France
Cordero de Dios (2020) Argentina
Cordially Invited (2007) USA
Cordier, juge et flic, Les (1992) France
Cordon (2014) Belgium
Corduroy (2000) Canada
Corduroy (2009) Ireland
Core of Cassidy, The (2012) USA
Core, The (2003) USA, Germany, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, France
Corey Smith: Blow Me Away (2016) USA
Coriandoli (2021) Italy
Corinna Pabst: Fünf Kinder brauchen eine Mutter (1997) Germany
Córka albo syn (1979) Poland
Corky (1972) USA
Corky and White Shadow (1956) USA
Corky of Gasoline Alley (1951) USA
Corn & Peg (2019) Canada
Corn Is Green, The (1945) USA
Cornbread Cosa Nostra (2018) USA
Cornbread, Earl and Me (1975) USA
Corndog of Tolerance (2006) USA
Cornea (2014) Germany, Netherlands
Cornelius hilft (1994) Germany
Corner Gas (2004) Canada
Corner Gas Animated (2018) Canada
Corner, The (1916) USA
Corner, The (2000) USA
Cornered (1924) USA
Cornflakes (2014) Israel
Cornflakes for Tea (1981) Australia
Cornouaille (2012) France
Corona de lágrimas (2012) Mexico
Corona di ferro, La (1941) Italy
Coronas: All the Others, The (2014) Ireland
Coronas: The Long Way, The (2015) Ireland
Coronation Street (1960) United Kingdom
Coronation Street: A Christmas Corrie (2012) United Kingdom
Coronavirus: Patient Zero (2020) USA
Coronavirus: Perfect Storm (2020) USA
Coroner (2019) Canada
Coroner, The (2015) United Kingdom
Coroner: I Speak for the Dead, The (2016) USA
Coronet Blue (1967) USA
Corpo a Corpo (1984) Brazil
Corpo celeste (2011) Italy, Switzerland, France
Corporate (2018) USA
Corps à corps (2003) France
Corps perdu (2012) Belgium
Corpse Collector (2015) Bulgaria
Corpse Run (2008) USA
Corpus Christi Bandits (1945) USA
Corpus delicti (1991) Czechoslovakia
Corre, Adrián (2004) Spain
Correct (2020) Norway
Correcting. Perplexing. Patrick. (2013) USA
Corrections, The (2012) USA
Correo de guerra (1972) Spain
Correo, El (2024) Spain, Belgium, France
Corridoio, Il (2002) Italy
Corridor (2011) France
Corridor of Mirrors (1948) United Kingdom
Corridors of Blood (1958) United Kingdom, USA
Corrina, Corrina (1994) USA
Corrispondenza, La (2016) Italy
Corrompidos, Los (1971) Mexico
Corrugated Violin (2010) Canada
Corrupt (2011) USA
Corsa dell'innocente, La (1992) Italy, France
Corsaire, le magicien, le voleur et les enfants, Le (2002) France
Corsaro della mezzaluna, Il (1957) Italy
Corsican Brothers, The (1985) United Kingdom
Cortile (1955) Spain, Italy
Corvette K-225 (1943) USA
Corvidae (2018) United Kingdom
Cory in the House (2007) USA
Cosa juzgada (1970) Mexico
Cosa voglio di più (2010) Italy, Switzerland, France
Cosas de chicos (2022) Spain
Cosas de la vida (2008) Spain
Cosas de niños (2022) Spain
Cosas insignificantes (2008) Mexico, Spain
Cosas que hacen que la vida valga la pena (2004) Spain
Cosby (1996) USA
Cosby Mysteries, The (1994) USA
Cosby Show, The (1984) USA
Cose che accadono sulla terra (2024) Italy, Germany
Cose che restano, Le (2010) Italy, France
Cose da pazzi (2005) Italy
Cose dell'altro mondo (2017) Italy
Cose di Cosa Nostra (1971) Italy, France
Cosecharás tu siembra (1991) Argentina
Così come sei (1978) Italy, Spain
Così è la vita (2012) Italy
Così sia (1972) Italy
Così vanno le cose (2008) Italy
Cosmic Bowling (2017) USA
Cosmic Man, The (1959) USA
Cosmic Sex (2015) India
Cosmic Sin (2021) USA
Cosmic Slop (1994) USA
Cosmonauta (2009) Italy
Cosmos Melancolia (2023) France
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey (2014) USA
Cosplay Complex (2002) Japan
Cost of Heaven, The (2010) USA
Costa dos Murmúrios, A (2004) Portugal
Costa! (2001) Netherlands
Costantino il grande (1961) Italy, Yugoslavia
Costume Party Capers: The Incredibles (2004) USA
Costume Quest (2019) USA
Costume vide (2007) France
Costuras (2007) Spain
Côte d'amour, La (1982) France
Cotolay (1965) Spain
Cottage, The (2008) United Kingdom
Cotton Candy (2015) USA
Cotton Candy (1978) USA
Cotton Candy (2002) USA
Cotton Club, The (1984) USA
Cotton Mary (1999) France, United Kingdom, USA
Cotton Wool War, The (2018) Brazil
Cou de la girafe, Le (2004) France, Belgium
Couch (2010) USA
Couch, The (1962) USA
Cougar Club (2007) USA
Cougar Town (2009) USA
Coughing Up Flowers (2019) USA
Could You Hug a Cactus: Honesty Cast (2021) USA
Could You Hug a Cactus: Kindness Cast (2021) USA
Could You Hug a Cactus: Loyalty Cast (2021) USA
Could You Please Repeat That? (2022) USA
Couldn't Be Happier (2006) Canada
Couleur locale (2014) France
Couleurs d'enfants (1994) Algeria, France
Couleurs de l'incendie (2022) France, Belgium
Couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs II, Les (1998) France
Council of Dads (2020) USA
Council of Dads, The (2011) USA
Counsellor at Law (1933) USA
Counselor, The (2013) USA, United Kingdom
Count Five and Die (1957) United Kingdom
Count of Monte Cristo, The (1956) United Kingdom, USA
Count of Monte Cristo, The (1934) USA
Count on Me (1994) USA
Count on Sports (2008) USA
Count Three and Pray (1955) USA
Count Time the Movie (2018) USA
Count to 10 (2014) USA
Count to a Hundred (2014) United Kingdom
Count Your Blessings (1959) USA
Countdown (2016) USA
Countdown (2002) Canada
Countdown (1967) USA
Countdown to Danger (1967) United Kingdom
Counter Act (2016) Canada
Counter Intuitive (2007) USA
Counter Parts (2014) USA
Counter-Attack (1945) USA
Counter-Attack! (1960) United Kingdom
Counter-Fit (2006) USA
Counterfeit (1936) USA
Counterfeit Traitor, The (1962) USA
Counterpart (2017) USA
Counterplot (1959) USA
Counterpunch (2019) USA
Counterstrike (1990) USA, Canada, France
Counterstrike (2002) USA
Countess Dracula (1971) United Kingdom
Countess, The (2016) USA
Countess, The (2009) France, Germany, USA
Country Bears, The (2002) USA
Country Boy (1935) USA
Country Boy (1996) France
Country Boys at Summer's End (2021) USA
Country Christmas Story, A (2013) USA
Country Christmas, A (2013) USA
Country Comfort (2021) USA
Country Crush (2016) Canada
Country Cupid, A (1911) USA
Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady, The (1984) United Kingdom
Country Doctor, The (1927) USA
Country Doctor, The (1936) USA
Country Estates (1993) USA
Country Gentlemen (1936) USA
Country Girl, The (1954) USA
Country Justice (1996) USA
Country Kid, The (1923) USA
Country Kids aus der Steiermark, Die (2005) Austria
Country Mouse and the City Mouse Adventures, The (1997) Canada, France, USA
Country Music Holiday (1958) USA
Country of My Skull (2004) United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa
Country Practice, A (1981) Australia
Country Wedding, A (2015) USA
County Chairman, The (1935) USA
County Fair (1937) USA
County Fair, The (1920) USA
Coup de chance (1992) France, Canada
Coup de foudre (1983) France
Coup de foudre à Bangkok (2020) France
Coup de Foudre à Noël (2017) France
Coup de jeune (1993) France
Coup de sang (2006) France
Coup de vent (1936) France, Italy
Coup du lapin, Le (2000) France
Coup! (2006) United Kingdom
Coupable, Le (1937) France
Coupe de Ville (1990) USA
Coupe, La (2014) Canada
Couperet, Le (2005) Belgium, France, Spain
Coupla White Faggots Sitting Around Talking, A (1981) USA
Couple Days... A Period Piece (2000) USA
Couple Takes a Wife, The (1972) USA
Couples (1975) United Kingdom
Couples (1994) USA
Couples Retreat (2009) USA
Cour de Babel, La (2013) France
Cour des grands, La (2008) France
Cour, La (2022) France
Courage (2010) USA
Courage (2024) USA
Courage (1930) USA
Courage (2009) Canada
Courage (1986) USA
Courage Mountain (1990) USA, France
Courage of Black Beauty (1957) USA
Courage of Kavik, the Wolf Dog, The (1980) Canada
Courage of Lassie (1946) USA
Courage of Marge O'Doone, The (1920) USA
Courage the Cowardly Dog (1999) USA
Courage to Love, The (2000) Canada, USA
Courage Under Fire (1996) USA
Courageous (2011) USA
Courageous Dr. Christian, The (1940) USA
Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler, The (2009) USA
Courageous Love (2017) USA
Courier, The (2012) USA
Couro de Gato (1962) Brazil
Cours toujours (2000) France
Course du lièvre à travers les champs, La (1972) France, Italy
Court Astronomer, The (2012) Ireland
Court Martial (1965) United Kingdom, USA
Court's Decree, The (1911) USA
Court, The (2002) USA
Courte échelle II, La (1996) Canada
Courte vie (2010) Morocco
Courting of Prudence, The (1914) USA
Courtney Rose (2011) USA
Courtroom, The (2004) United Kingdom
Courtship of Eddie's Father, The (1963) USA
Courtship of Eddie's Father, The (1969) USA
Courtship of Miles Sandwich (1923) USA
Courtship of Myles Standish, The (1923) USA
Cousin Ben Troop Screening with Jason Schwartzman (2012) USA
Cousin Bette (1971) United Kingdom
Cousin Sarah (2011) USA
Cousin Skeeter (1998) USA
Cousin Wilbur (1939) USA
Cousin, Le (1997) France
Cousins (1989) USA
Cousins (2016) Ireland
Cousins for Life (2018) USA
Coût de chance (2014) France
Coût de la vie, Le (2003) France
Couteau dans la plaie, Le (1962) France, Italy
Couteau sous la gorge, Le (1955) France
Coven, The (2015) United Kingdom
Cover (2018) USA
Cover Girl (1944) USA
Cover Me: Based on the True Life of an FBI Family (2000) USA
Cover Up (1984) USA
Cover Up (1949) USA
Coverband (2014) New Zealand
Covered Trailer, The (1939) USA
Covered Wagon Raid (1950) USA
Covert (2008) USA
Covert Affairs (2010) USA
Covert One: The Hades Factor (2006) USA
Covik i po (1974) Yugoslavia
Covjek ispod stola (2009) Croatia
Covjek koji je volio sprovode (1989) Yugoslavia
Cow Belles (2006) USA
Cowboy & Indiana (2018) USA
Cowboy and the Bandit, The (1935) USA
Cowboy and the Indians, The (1949) USA
Cowboy and the Kid, The (1936) USA
Cowboy and the Prizefighter (1949) USA
Cowboy and the Senorita (1944) USA
Cowboy and the Tiger (1963) USA
Cowboy Angels (2006) France
Cowboy Bebop (2021) USA, Japan
Cowboy Cop, The (1926) USA
Cowboy Counsellor, The (1932) USA
Cowboy Dave (2017) United Kingdom
Cowboy G-Men (1952) USA
Cowboy in Africa (1967) USA
Cowboy Joe (1987) USA
Cowboy Musketeer, The (1925) USA
Cowboy Pecan Pie, The (2021) USA
Cowboy Star, The (1936) USA
Cowboy's Christmas (2002) USA
Cowboys (2004) USA
Cowboys (2014) Spain
Cowboys (2020) USA
Cowboys (1981) United Kingdom
Cowboys & Aliens (2011) USA
Cowboys & Indians (2004) USA
Cowboys and Dissidents (2012) Ireland
Cowboys and Engines (2014) USA
Cowboys and Indians (2013) USA
Cowboys Cry for It (1925) USA
Cowboys Don't Cry (1988) Canada
Cowboys from Texas (1939) USA
Cowboys, The (1974) USA
Cowboys, The (1972) USA
Cowforya (2018) USA
Cowgirl's Story, A (2017) USA
Cowgirls 'n Angels (2012) USA
Cowra Breakout, The (1984) Australia
Coyote Creek Christmas (2021) USA
Coyote Requiem (2014) USA
Coz takhle dát si spenát (1977) Czechoslovakia
Cózes ty za pani... (1979) Poland
Cra$h & Burn (2009) Canada
Crab Orchard (2005) USA
Crab Trap (2017) USA
Crab, The (1917) USA
Crabe, Le (2007) Belgium
Crache coeur (2015) France, Poland
Crack-Up (1936) USA
CRACKed (2016) USA
Cracked (2013) Canada
Cracked Ice Man, The (1934) USA
Cracked Wedding Bells (1920) USA
Cracker (1997) USA
Cracker (2006) United Kingdom
Cracker (1993) United Kingdom
Cracker Factory, The (1979) USA
Crackerjack (2013) USA
Crackerjack! (1955) United Kingdom
Crackers (1998) Australia
Crackie (2009) Canada
Cracking Up (2004) USA
Crackòvia (2008) Spain
Cracks (2020) USA
Cracks (2013) USA
Cracks (2009) United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, France, Switzerland
Cradle 2 the Grave (2003) USA
Cradle Robbers (1924) USA
Cradle Song (1933) USA
Cradle to Grave (2017) USA
Cradle Will Fall, The (1983) USA
Cradle Will Rock (1999) USA
Cradle, The (1922) USA
Craft (2014) Canada
Craft: Legacy, The (2020) USA, Canada
Craftsman, The (2018) Canada
Crafty Kingdom (2017) Australia
Crafty: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of the Girl in Charge of Snacks) (2015) USA
Craig (2008) Denmark, USA
Craig of the Creek (2018) USA
Crainquebille (1934) France
Crainquebille (1954) France
Crainquebille (1922) France, Belgium
Crammers (2020) USA
Cramp Twins, The (2001) Canada, United Kingdom, USA
Cranberries: Ridiculous Thoughts (1995) USA
Cranberry Christmas (2020) USA, Canada
Crane (1963) United Kingdom
Crane House, The (2009) USA
Cranford (2007) United Kingdom, USA
Cranium Command (1989) USA
Crank Yankers (2002) USA
Crank: High Voltage (2009) USA
Crapuleuses (2012) France
Craque la vie! (1994) Canada
Crash (2009) United Kingdom
Crash (2008) USA
Crash (2004) Germany, USA
Crash (1984) Denmark
Crash & Bernstein (2012) USA
Crash & Burn (2017) USA
Crash Course (1988) USA
Crash Dive (1943) USA
Crash Donovan (1936) USA
Crash Island (1981) USA
Crash Kids (1996) Germany
Crash Landing (1958) USA
Crash Landing: The Rescue of Flight 232 (1992) USA
Crash of Moons (1954) USA
Crash record (1995) France
Crash: The Animated Movie (2017) USA
Crash: The Animated Series (2016) USA
Crash: The Mystery of Flight 1501 (1990) USA
CrashBurn (2003) Australia
Crashin' Through (1924) USA
Crashing (2017) USA
Crashing with Master P (2003) USA
Crashout (1955) USA
Crate, The (2014) USA
Crater (2023) USA
Cravate et le mur, La (2014) France
Craw Lake (2007) USA
Crawlspace (2016) USA
Crawlspace (2013) USA
Crayola Kids Adventures: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1997) Canada, USA
Crayola Kids Adventures: Tales of Gulliver's Travels (1997) USA, Canada
Crayola Kids Adventures: The Trojan Horse (1997) Canada, USA
Crayon (2012) United Kingdom
Crayons, Les (2005) France
Crazies, The (2010) USA, United Arab Emirates
Crazy (2000) Germany
Crazy and Thief (2012) USA
Crazy Animal (2007) USA
Crazy Daisy Disaster, A (2021) USA
Crazy Eights (2006) USA
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015) USA
Crazy Eyes (2012) USA
Crazy Famous (2017) USA
Crazy Fast (2019) USA
Crazy for a Kiss (1995) United Kingdom
Crazy for Christmas (2005) USA, Canada
Crazy Heart (2009) USA
Crazy Horse (1996) USA
Crazy House (1928) USA
Crazy in Alabama (1999) USA, Germany
Crazy in Love (1992) USA
Crazy Late (2005) Canada
Crazy Like a Fox (1984) USA
Crazy Like a Fox (1926) USA
Crazy Love (1987) Belgium
Crazy Love (2003) USA
Crazy Love (2007) USA
Crazy on the Outside (2010) USA
Crazy Ones, The (2013) USA
Crazy People (1990) USA
Crazy Race (2003) Germany
Crazy Times (1981) USA
Crazy Town (2013) USA
Crazy, Stupid, Love. (2011) USA
Crazylegs (1953) USA
Crazylove (2005) USA
CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story (2013) USA
Crazysitter, The (1994) USA
Cream X Coffee (2016) USA
Creased (2016) USA
Creation (2009) United Kingdom
Creation (2014) USA
Creation, The (1988) USA
Creative Galaxy (2013) USA
Creative Kids (2014) Australia
Creator's Game, The (1999) USA
Creator, The (2023) USA
Creators: The Past (2020) Italy
Creature Comfort (2018) USA
Creature with the Atom Brain (1955) USA
Creatures of Destiny (2012) USA
Creatures the World Forgot (1971) United Kingdom
Crèche des hommes, La (2014) France
Crèche, La (1999) France
Credimi! (2022) Italy
Credo (2024) Spain
Creed (2015) USA
Creep (2015) United Kingdom
Creep Creepersin's Creepshow (2009) USA
Creep, The (2017) Canada
Creeped Out (2017) United Kingdom, Canada
Creepers of the day (2023) Canada
Creepschool (2004) Canada, France, Sweden
Creepshow (1982) USA
Creepshow (2019) USA
Creepy (2022) Russia
Creepy Bits (2021) Canada
Creepy Chronicles (2017) USA
Creepy F*cking Kid in Apartment B, The (2014) USA
Creepypasta (2023) USA
Cregan (2007) United Kingdom
Crepe Bonnet, A (1913) USA
Crépuscule des loups, Le (1988) France
Crescendo (2011) USA
Crescendo (2016) USA
Crescendo I (2011) USA, Mexico
Crevette (2014) France
Crevettes Pailletées, Les (2019) France
Crew, The (1995) USA
Cri Cri el grillito cantor (1963) Mexico
Cri de la chouette, Le (1986) France
Cri de la soie, Le (1996) France, Belgium
Cri du coeur, Le (1974) France
Cri du coeur, Le (1994) Burkina Faso, France
Cri du homard, Le (2012) France, Belgium
Cri du lézard, Le (1990) France, Switzerland
Cri du silence, Le (1997) France
Cri du silence, Le (2008) Belgium
Cri, Le (2006) France, Belgium
Cría cuervos (1976) Spain
Crianças SOS (2000) Portugal
Criature (2024) Italy
Cricket (2016) USA
Cricket in Times Square, The (1973) USA
Cricket Player, The (2002) USA
Cricket, The (1917) USA
Cried Wolf (2018) USA
Cries from Syria (2017) USA, Czech Republic
Cries from the Heart (1994) USA
Cries of the Unborn (2017) USA
Cries Unheard: The Donna Yaklich Story (1994) USA
Crim', La (1999) France
Crime & Punishment (1993) USA
Crime and Punishment (2002) United Kingdom
Crime at Blossoms, The (1933) United Kingdom
Crime dans les Alpilles (2017) France
Crime des innocents, Le (1979) France
Crime des renards, Le (2005) France
Crime et châtiment (1935) France
Crime Fiction (2007) USA
Crime in the Streets (1956) USA
Crime Lui Va Si Bien, Le (2019) France
Crime of Dr. Forbes, The (1936) USA
Crime of Innocence (1985) USA
Crime of Passion (1970) United Kingdom
Crime of the Decade (1984) Australia
Crime School (1938) USA
Crime Story (1986) USA
Crime Strike (1998) USA
Crime Syndicate (1951) USA
Crime Time (2017) France, Brazil
Crime to Remember, A (2013) USA
Crime Wave, The (2009) United Kingdom
Crimen del Capitán Sánchez, El (1985) Spain
Crimes Aaj Kal (2023) India
Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) USA
Crimes and Mister Meanors (2015) USA
Crimes of Passion (1984) USA
Crimes of the Future (2022) Canada, France, Greece, United Kingdom
Crimes of the Heart (2018) USA
Crimewatch File (1988) United Kingdom
Criminal (2005) Argentina
Criminal (2016) USA, United Kingdom
Criminal Behavior (2011) USA
Criminal Behavior (1992) USA
Criminal Confessions (2017) USA
Criminal Minds (2005) USA, Canada
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders (2016) USA
Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior (2011) USA
Criminal, El (2010) Spain
Crimini (2006) Italy
Crimini bianchi (2008) Italy
Crims (2000) Spain
Crimson Defender vs. The Slightly Racist Family (2015) Canada
Crimson Field, The (2014) United Kingdom
Crimson Hour, The (2004) USA
Crimson Man, A (2017) USA
Crimson Peak (2015) USA, Canada
Crimson Petal and the White, The (2011) United Kingdom
Crimson Tide (1995) USA
Crin blanc: Le cheval sauvage (1953) France
Crise, La (1992) Italy, France
Crisis Center (1997) USA
Crisis Counselor (1982) USA
Crisis Point (2020) Australia
Criss Cross (1949) USA
CrissCross (1992) USA
Cristallo di rocca - Una storia di Natale (1999) Italy, Austria
Cristela (2014) USA
Cristian Coto: Báilame (2018) Spain
Cristina (2017) USA
Cristina Guzmán (1968) Spain
Cristo del Océano, El (1971) Spain, Italy
Cristo si è fermato a Eboli (1979) Italy, France
Cristo y Rey (2023) Spain
Critic's Choice (1963) USA
Critical Candle (2018) USA
Critical Choices (1996) USA
Critical Condition (1987) USA
Critical Condition (2020) USA
Critical Hit! (2007) USA
Critters (1986) USA
Critters 2 (1988) USA
Critters 3 (1991) USA
Critters Attack! (2019) USA
Critters, Carnivores and Creatures (2023) USA
Crna Zora (2007) Serbia
Crna Zorica (2012) Serbia, Greece, Cyprus, Poland
Crni biseri (1958) Yugoslavia
Crno-bijeli svijet (2015) Croatia
Cro (1993) USA
Crô em Família (2018) Brazil
Crocodile (2018) USA
Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles (2001) Australia, USA
Crocodile Fury (1988) Hong Kong
Crocodile Tears (2011) USA
Crocodile, Le (2000) Canada, France
Crogiuolo, Il (1971) Italy
Croisade des enfants, La (1988) France
Croisière, La (2011) France
Croix du Fau, La (2002) France
Cromwell (1970) United Kingdom
Crónica de familia (1986) Mexico
Crónica de un desayuno (2000) Mexico
Crónica de un instante (1981) Spain
Crónica de un niño solo (1965) Argentina
Crónicas (2004) Mexico, Ecuador
Crónicas de sábado (2015) USA
Crónicas de un pueblo (1971) Spain
Crónicas urbanas (1991) Spain
Cròniques de la veritat oculta (1997) Spain
Cronos (1993) Mexico
Crooked (2010) USA
Crooked Arrows (2012) USA
Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth About Enron, The (2003) USA
Crooked Hearts (1991) USA
Crooked House (2017) United Kingdom
Crooked Man, The (2016) USA
Crooked Teeth (2013) USA
Crooklyn (1994) USA
Cropsey (2009) USA
Croque la vie (1981) France
Croquette (1927) France
Cross (2011) France
Cross Country Christmas (2020) Canada
Cross Creek (1983) USA
Cross My Heart (1987) USA
Cross My Heart (1946) USA
Cross of Iron (1977) United Kingdom, West Germany
Cross of Lorraine, The (1943) USA
Cross Streets (1934) USA
Cross Threads (2012) USA
Cross to Bear, A (2012) USA
Cross Your Heart (1912) USA
Cross-Roads (1964) United Kingdom
Crossballs: The Debate Show (2004) USA
Crossbow (2007) Australia
Crossbow (1987) France, United Kingdom, USA
Crossbreed, The (2017) USA
Crosscurrent (1971) USA
Crossed Over (2002) Canada
Crossed Trails (1924) USA
Crossfire (2022) United Kingdom
Crossfire (1975) USA
Crossing (2018) USA
Crossing Borders (2024) India
Crossing Delancey (1988) USA
Crossing Jordan (2001) USA
Crossing Lines (2013) France, Germany, USA, Belgium
Crossing Over (2009) USA
Crossing Paths (2019) Australia
Crossing the Enemy: The Identity Crisis (2012) USA
Crossing the Line (2002) USA
Crossing the Lines (2018) USA
Crossing to Freedom (1989) United Kingdom, USA
Crossing Trails (1921) USA
Crossing, The (2018) USA
Crossing, The (2012) USA
Crossing, The (2014) China, USA, Hong Kong
Crossing, The (2013) Canada
Crossings (1986) USA
Crossover (2006) USA
Crossover, The (2023) USA
Crossplot (1969) United Kingdom
Crossroad (2012) USA
Crossroads (2014) Canada
Crossroads (1964) United Kingdom
Crossroads (1955) USA
Crossroads (1992) USA
Crossroads (2017) USA
Crossroads (1942) USA
Crossroads Café (1996) USA
Crossroads: A Story of Forgiveness (2007) USA
Crossroads: Choices and Consequences (2016) USA
Crow (2017) Canada
Crow Road, The (1996) United Kingdom
Crow's Nest (1992) USA
Crow, The (2024) USA, United Kingdom, France, Czech Republic
Crow: City of Angels, The (1996) USA
Crow: Stairway to Heaven, The (1998) Canada
Crowbar (2018) USA
Crowbar Smile (2017) USA
Crowd Roars, The (1938) USA
Crowd, The (1928) USA
Crowded (2008) USA
Crowded Sky, The (1960) USA
Crowhaven Farm (1970) USA
Crowley's Tomb (2015) USA
Crown Court (1972) United Kingdom
Crown for Christmas (2015) USA
Crown Heights (2004) USA
Crown Lake (2019) USA
Crown Prince, The (1988) Canada
Crown Theatre with Gloria Swanson (1952) USA
Crown, The (2016) United Kingdom, USA
Crowned (2013) USA
Crowsnest (2012) Canada
Crucible of Terror (1971) United Kingdom
Crucible, The (1996) USA
Cruel (2008) USA
Cruel & Unusual (2014) Canada
Cruel Perdón (2016) Mexico
Cruella (2021) USA
Crumbs (2006) USA
Crumbs (2021) Canada
Crunch Time (2016) USA
Crusader (1955) USA
Crush (2001) United Kingdom, Germany
Crush (2022) USA
Crush (2010) USA
Crush (2013) USA
Crush (2000) USA
Crush (2015) USA
Crush on You, A (2011) USA
Crush, The (2010) Ireland
Crush, The (1993) USA
Crushed (1924) USA
Crushed (2012) Canada
Crust (2003) Canada
Cruz de Iberia, La (1990) Spain
Crveno, zuto, zeleno... kreni (1998) Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Cry Baby (2014) USA
Cry Baby Lane (2000) USA
Cry Blood, Apache (1970) USA
Cry for Help, A (2020) USA
Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story, A (1989) USA
Cry for Love, A (1980) USA
Cry for the Strangers (1982) USA
Cry from the Mountain (1985) USA
Cry from the Streets, A (1958) United Kingdom
Cry from Within, A (2014) USA
Cry in the Wild, A (1990) USA
Cry in the Wild: The Taking of Peggy Ann (1991) USA
Cry in the Wilderness, A (1974) USA
Cry Macho (2021) USA
Cry of the Butterfly (2014) USA
Cry of the Children, The (1912) USA
Cry of the Hunted (1953) USA
Cry Terror! (1958) USA
Cry Vengeance (1954) USA
Cry Wilderness (1987) USA
Cry Wolf (1968) United Kingdom
Cry Your Eyes Out (2019) Canada
Cry, The (2002) United Kingdom
Cry, The (2007) USA
Cry-Baby (1990) USA
CryBaby (2005) United Kingdom
Crying Booth, The (2002) Canada
Crying Down the Lane (1962) United Kingdom
Crying Ladies (2003) Philippines
Cryo (2002) France
Cryo (2012) Australia
Crypt TV: Kinderfänger (2017)
Cryptic (2009) USA
Crystal (2017) USA
Crystal Ball, The (1943) USA
Crystal Bowersox: Farmer's Daughter (2010) USA
Crystal Cup, The (1927) USA
Crystal Lake (2023)
Crystal Viper: Witch's Mark (2012) Poland
Crystal Wall, The (2007) USA
Crystal's Ball (2018) USA
Crystalstone (1987) Spain, United Kingdom, USA
Csak a szél (2012) Hungary, Germany, France
Csak egy telefon (1970) Hungary
Csak színház és más semmi (2016) Hungary
Család (1982) Hungary
Családi kör (1974) Hungary
Családi kör (1999) Hungary
Csere Rudi (1988) Hungary
Csereszerelem (1994) Hungary
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000) USA, Canada
CSI: Cyber (2015) USA
CSI: Immortality (2015) USA
CSI: Miami (2002) USA
CSI: NY (2004) USA, Canada
CSI: Vegas (2021) USA
Csibi, der Fratz (1934) Austria
CSIC: I Hero (2015) Taiwan
Csicsóka és a Moszkítók (1988) Hungary
Csillagszedö Márió (2009) Hungary
Csutak a mikrofon elött (1977) Hungary
Csutak és a szürke ló (1961) Hungary
Ctin! (2011) France
Ctrl (2009) USA
Ctyri slunce (2012) Czech Republic, Germany
Cu mâinile curate (1972) Romania, West Germany
Cú và chim se se (2007) Vietnam, USA
Cuaderno de Tomy, El (2020) Argentina
Cuadrilátero (2024) Peru
Cuadros en la oscuridad (2017) Argentina, Mexico, Germany
Cuando calienta el sol... vamos a la playa (1982) Italy
Cuando crece la hierba (2022) Spain
Cuando el cuerno suena (1975) Spain
Cuando las cosas suceden (2007) Mexico
Cuando nadie nos mira (2004) Spain
Cuando rompen las olas (2006) Colombia
Cuando vuelvas a mi lado (1999) Spain, France
Cuánto Cuesta Una Sonrisa (2017) Peru
Cuates de la Rosenda, Los (1982) Mexico
Cuatro lunas (2014) Mexico
Cuatro y medya (1981) Philippines
Cuba (2002) Germany
Cuba feliz (2000) France, Cuba
Cuban Rebel Girls (1959) USA
Cubby (2019) USA
Cubbyhouse (2001) Australia
Cubed (2009) USA
Cubs (2006) United Kingdom
Cubs (2016) Iceland
Cucaracha, La (1959) Mexico
Cucciolo (1998) Italy
Cuckoo (2012) United Kingdom
Cuckoo (2015) USA
Cuckoo (2012) Ireland
Cuckoos children (2013) Lithuania
Cucumber (2015) United Kingdom
Cucut (2022) Spain
Cucuy: The Boogeyman (2018) USA
Cudnovate zgode segrta Hlapica (1997) Germany, Croatia
Cudowne dziecko (1987) Poland, Canada
Cuellos Almidonados (2021) Peru
Cuenta atrás (2007) Spain
Cuéntame (2001) Spain
Cuéntame un cuento (2013)
Cuento de Navidad (1999) Mexico
Cuento, El (2019) Spain
Cuentos de hadas para dormir cocodrilos (2002) Mexico
Cuentos eróticos (1980) Spain
Cuentos y leyendas (1968) Spain
Cuernavaca (2017) Mexico
Cuerno de la abundancia, El (2008) Spain, Cuba
Cuernos de mujer (1995) Spain
Cuerpo de élite (2016) Spain
Cuerpo de élite (2018) Spain
Cuerpo, El (2012) Spain
Cuestión de sexo (2007) Spain
Cugina, La (1974) Italy
Cugino e cugino (2011) Italy
Cui hua du jiang tou (1975) Hong Kong, Philippines
Cuidado con lo que deseas (2020) Mexico
Cuilos (2008) Costa Rica, France
Cuisine américaine (1998) France
Cuisine et dépendances (1993) France
Cujo (1983) USA
Cukrárna (2010) Czech Republic
Cukrová bouda (1981) Czechoslovakia
Çukur (2017) Turkey
Cul De Sac, The (2016) New Zealand
Culdesac (2017) USA
Culinary Choral (2014) Australia
Cull, The (2010) United Kingdom
Culling, The (2015) USA
Culpa del alpinista, La (2004) Spain
Culpa del otro, La (2009) Spain
Culpa mía (2023) Spain
Culpability (2015) USA
Culpables (2015) Spain
Culpepper Cattle Co., The (1972) USA
Culprits (2023) United Kingdom
Cult (2013) USA
Cult, The (2010) Canada
Culture Clash (2018) USA
Culture Shock (2014) Australia
Cum Ghosts (2013) USA
Cum mi-am petrecut sfarsitul lumii (2006) Romania, France
Cuma'ya Kalsa (2010) Turkey
Cumple, El (2019) Spain
Cumpleañera (2018) USA
Cumpleaños de Carlos, El (2001) Spain
Cúmplices de um Resgate (2015) Brazil
Cun xiao de hai zi (2014) China
Cuna de valientes (1972) Mexico
Cunaro (2007) Venezuela
Cunetas (2017) Spain
Cunning Little Vixen, The (2003) United Kingdom
Cuore (1984) Italy, France
Cuore (1973) Italy
Cuore (1948) Italy
Cuore di mamma (1969) Italy
Cuore nel pozzo, Il (2005) Italy
Cuori in campo (1998) Italy, Canada
Cuori puri (2017) Italy
Cuori senza frontiere (1950) Italy
Cuori spezzati (1996) Italy
Cuori sul mare (1950) Italy, France
Cup Fever (1965) United Kingdom
Cup of Joe (2005) USA
Cup, The (2011) Australia
Cupcake (2012) USA
Cupcake (2012) USA
Cupcake & Dino: General Services (2018) Canada, Brazil
Cupid (2009) USA
Cupid (1998) USA
Cupid (2015) Canada
Cupid (2012) USA
Cupid (2022) USA
Cupid by Proxy (1918) USA
Cupid Forecloses (1919) USA
Cupid the Conqueror (1911) USA
Cupid's Day Off (1919) USA
Cupid's Lieutenant (1913) USA
Cupid's Proxy (2017) USA
Cura Lorenzo, El (1954) Argentina
Cura Sana (2023) Spain
Curandera (2019) Peru
Curb Check (2018) Denmark
Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000) USA
Curbside (1999) USA
Cure Game, The (2021) USA
Cure, The (1995) USA
Cure, The (2012) USA
Cure, The (2007) USA
Cure, The (2008) USA
Cure, The (2011) USA
Cured, The (2017) Ireland, France
Curfew (2012) USA
Curfew (2019) United Kingdom
Curfew (2008) United Kingdom
Curie Case, The (2018) Bulgaria
Curio (2010) United Kingdom
Curiosity (2019) United Kingdom
Curiosity Kills (2012) Estonia
Curiosity Saved The Cat (2019) USA
Curiosity Shop (1971) USA
Curious Brew, A (2015) USA
Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The (2008) USA
Curious Caterer: Fatal Vows (2023) Canada, USA
Curious George (2006) USA
Curious George (2006) USA
Curious Kitty & Friends, The (2016) Japan
Curley (1947) USA
Curling (2011) France
Curling (2010) Canada
Curly Sue (1991) USA
Curly Top (1935) USA
Curly: The Littlest Puppy (1995) Japan, USA
Curra Veleta (1956) Spain
Current (2017) USA
Current War, The (2017) USA
Current, The (2014) USA
Currents (2010) USA
Curricán (2015) Spain, United Kingdom
Curro Jiménez (1976) Spain
Curse II: The Bite (1989) Italy, Japan
Curse of Cactus Jack (2017) USA
Curse of Chucky (2013) USA
Curse of Clara: A Holiday Tale, The (2015) Canada
Curse of Don Scarducci, The (2016) USA
Curse of Frankenstein, The (1957) United Kingdom
Curse of Humanity, The (1914) USA
Curse of La Llorona, The (2019) USA
Curse of Spring (2021) Japan
Curse of Steptoe, The (2008) United Kingdom
Curse of the Bevakoof, The (2018) USA
Curse of the Cat People, The (1944) USA
Curse of the Golden Orb (2012) USA
Curse of the Necklace, The (2024) USA
Curse of the ShadowBorg (1997) USA
Curse of the Slender Man (2014) USA
Curse of the Un-Kissable Kid, The (2013) USA
Curse of the Werewolf, The (1961) United Kingdom
Curse of the Witching Tree (2015) United Kingdom
Curse of War (2016) USA
Curse the Bang Bang Children (2022) Canada
Curse, The (1987) USA, Italy
Curse, The (2012) Mexico, South Korea, USA
Cursed (2020) USA
Cursed (2021) USA
Cursed (2000) USA
Cursed (2023) Spain
Cursed Man, The (2016) USA
Cursed: Teaser Promo (2020) USA
Curtain Call (1940) USA
Curtain Down (2017) USA
Curve of Forgotten Things, The (2011) USA
Curveball (2015) USA
Custard Boys, The (1979) United Kingdom
Custer (1967) USA
Custer's Last Stand (1936) USA
Custody (2007) USA
Custody (2016) USA
Custody (2010) USA
Custody of the Heart (2000) USA
Customer 152 (2016) USA
Cut (2017)
Cut (2012) USA
Cut (2015) Germany
Cut (2010) United Kingdom
Cut Bank (2014) USA
Cut Her Out (2014) USA
Cut Off (2014) USA
Cut Off: The Cookie Pimps (2015) USA
Cut Paste (2008) Norway
Cut the Cards (1920) USA
Cut Through, The (2015) USA
Cut to the Chase (2016) USA
Cutaway (2000) USA
Cutie Cubies (2017) Russia
Cutlass (2007) USA
Cuts (2005) United Kingdom
Cuts (2005) USA
Cutter's Trail (1970) USA
Cutthroat (2010) USA
Cutthroat Island (1995) USA, France, Italy, Germany
Cutting Horse (2002) USA
Cutting Moments (1997) USA
Cutting Up (1928) USA
CVU Psycho Kid (2005) USA
Cwal (1996) Poland
Cy Whittaker's Ward (1917) USA
Cyanure (2013) Canada, Switzerland
Cyber Seduction (2012) Canada, USA
Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life (2005) USA
Cyberbully (2011) Canada
Cyberchase (2002) Canada, USA
Cyberkidz (1996) Canada, United Kingdom
Cybermania '94: Ultimate Gamers Awards (1994) USA
Cybermutt (2003) Canada, Germany, United Kingdom
Cybersix (1999) Canada, Japan, USA
Cybill (1995) USA
Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow (1993) USA
Cyborg Clone Rambocop 12: This Time It's Personal the Revenge Redux Reloaded to the Limit (2011) USA
Cyborg Cop II (1994) USA
Cyborg Soldier (2008) USA, Canada
Cycle (2016) USA
Cycle of Broken Grace, The (2013) Canada
Cycle Simenon (1989) France
Cycle, The (2008) USA
Cycles (2008) USA
Cyclone (1978) Mexico
Cyclone Fury (1951) USA
Cyclone of the Range (1927) USA
Cyclone of the Saddle (1935) USA
Cygne d'Odense, Le (1996) France
Cyndi Lauper: Sally's Pigeons (1993) USA
Cyndi Lauper: The Goonies 'R' Good Enough (1985) USA
Cyndi Lauper: The Goonies 'R' Good Enough (Part 2) (1985) USA
Cynical Life of Harper Hall, The (2011) USA
Cynicism of Harvey Kay, The (2013) USA
Cynthia (1947) USA
Cyprián a bezhlavý prapradedecek (1997) Czech Republic
Cyprien (2009) France
Cyrano de Bergerac (1990) France
Cyril and Methodius: The Apostles of the Slavs (2013) Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia, Slovenia
Czarne chmury (1973) Poland
Czarne stopy (1987) Poland
Czarny mlyn (2020) Poland
Czarny wawóz (1989) Poland, Czechoslovakia
Czas dojrzewania (1984) Poland
Czas honoru (2008) Poland
Czas honoru. Powstanie (2014) Poland
Czerwone weze (1983) Poland
Czesc Tereska (2001) Poland
Czterdziestolatek, dwadziescia lat pózniej (1993) Poland
Czy jest tu panna na wydaniu (1977) Poland